The BEST episodes written by Amit Bhaumik

#1 - Reinforcements from the Future (2)
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 25
The five Time Force Rangers are finally reunited in the year 2002, and gain a most unexpected ally in the form of their former enemies, Ransik & Nadira. What dark secret of his past concerning the Mut-Orgs is the key to stopping the monsters? It'll take all twelve Rangers to stop the Orgs from spreading pollution by destroying a power plant!
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#2 - Forever Red
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 34
When the surviving forces of the Machine Empire gather on the moon in an effort to excavate Serpentera, veteran Ranger Tommy assembles the Red Rangers of every previous team, and the current, to assist in stopping them.
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#3 - Reinforcements from the Future (1)
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 24
The arrival of three Mutant/Org hybrids from the year 3001 crosses the paths of the Wild Force Rangers with Wes & Eric, who must contact their Time Force Ranger teammates for assistance.

#4 - Party Monsters
Power Rangers - Season 18 - Episode 21
Halloween is every Nighlok's favorite day of the year so the creepiest creatures from the Netherworld are clamoring to get into the scariest party ever and trade war stories about their battles with the Samurai Power Rangers.
#5 - Christmas Together, Friends Forever
Power Rangers - Season 18 - Episode 22
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Shiba House, the teens reflect on their first year together as a team and as friends, followed by an unexpected lesson about the true spirit of the holidays.