The BEST episodes directed by Billy Rueben

#1 - Team Spirit
Power Rangers - Season 18 - Episode 16
While the Rangers, minus Emily are decorating for Emily's birthday, a Nighlok, who steals spirits, is attacking. The Nighlock, easily takes down Mike, Antonio, Mia, Jayden, Kevin, and Emily. The Nighlok then takes Emily's spirit, putting her in a sleep. The Nighlok tells the rangers they have twenty-four hours to defeat him, or Emily and the other people, who he stole spirits from will be asleep forever. The Nighlok tells then he is leaving and never returning. While back in the Shiba house, Emily wakes up and tells the other rangers she is sorry for letting him get her and she feels empty. Jayden tells her something, before she goes back to sleep. Mike goes crazy and goes back where they fought the Nighlok. Decker tells the ranger the only way to get to the Netherworld is to betray their human life and become nighloks. Just as they are going to give themselves up, Antonio appears saying he knows how to save Emily and everyone else. The rangers use thier symbol power to activate the Claw Zord, and summon the Nighlok. The Nighlok can't use his special power, Body Swam, for Antonio marked him. Antonio uses the Claw Zord, with the help of the Battle Wing to defeat the Nighlok and return the spirits. Later the rangers celebrate Emily's birthday, as well as the Claw Zord's.