The BEST episodes of My Little Pony 'n Friends
Every episode of My Little Pony 'n Friends ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of My Little Pony 'n Friends!
Ponyland is a mystical land, home to all kinds of magical creatures. The Little Ponies make their home in Paradise Estate, living a peaceful life filled with song and games. However, not all the creatures of Ponyland are so peaceful, and the Ponies often find themselves having to fight for survival against witches, trolls, goblins and all the other beasts that would love to see the Little Ponies destroyed, enslaved or otherwise harmed.

#1 - Somnambula (2)
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 9/22/1987
The ponies prepare a surprise Welcome Home party for the Big Brother ponies, but the surprise they give them isn't at all what they intended!

#3 - Return of Tambelon (3)
Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 10/22/1986
With Megan captured, Danny takes the lead and suggests they find a way to destroy Grogar's magic. Forget-Me-Not remembers that the bell he wears around his neck glowed when he used his magic in Tambelon. Everyone decides that the bell is his power source and they can take it from him if they can make him leave the city. They manage to do this with the help of Danny's tape recorder and one of Masquerade's disguises, but Grogar is too strong for them and madanges to capture a few more ponies while the others run away. Megan and the prisoners try to find another way out, but there are no hidden passages in their new cell that lead to the city streets. They mention the bell again, which Paradise thinks could have been an important part of the legend of Tambelon but isn't quite sure of. Elsewhere, Danny and the others capture a Troggle who was deserting and wants to lead them to their friends before Grogar banishes them to the Realm of Mists that night. They decide to trust him and let him lead them into the city, but they are all ambushed by Grogar and Bray and sent to prison with the others.

#4 - Return of Tambelon (4)
Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 10/23/1986
Everybody's captured now, including the Moochick and the baby ponies, so Grogar starts the spell that will send Tambelon and the ponies into the Realm of Mists. He then orders the Troggles to celebrate the victory, threatening to banish them with the ponies if they don't. He also imprisons the Troggle who tried to help the ponies escape. The ponies now know he was telling the truth and agree to give him and his oppressed people a place to live in Ponyland if they escape. Forget-Me-Not finds a crack in the ceiling where there is fresh air coming through. Fizzy and Buttons manage to use their magic and some disgusting prison food to make the crack big enough to fly through. Megan, North Star, and Forget-Me-Not find Bray and take his keys so they can unlock the cell. The ponies run out into the streets during the celebration and tell the Troggles they can stop pretending and come with them to freedom. Bray tells Grogar that everyone is running away - with minutes to go before the banishing spell goes into effect, Grogar goes outside and pins them down with his magic. Something Spike says reminds Paradise that Grogar's power souce will be destroyed if the old bell in the passage is rung. Forget-Me-Not tricks Grogar into opening the gates just as Megan and North Star ring the bell. Everyone except Grogar and Bray makes it out of the city just before it vanishes. The next day the ponies discuss how Grogar won't be able to make a new bell for centuries without the help of the Troggles, who are now ready to live a life of freedom in Ponyland.

#5 - Return of Tambelon (2)
Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 10/21/1986
After sending the baby ponies to the Moochick for protection, Megan gathers together everyone who managed to escape the attack. They try various methods of rescuing their friends that all wind up failing. Eventually, Megan and Lofty decide to fly into Tambelon to see if they can locate the prisoners. Meanwhile, Buttons has used her magic to loosen a large stone out of the wall of the ponies' cell. Magic Star, Galaxy, and Heartthrob travel through a passageway that leads to a dusty old bell. Galaxy senses great power coming from it, but instead of dwelling on the bell the trio of ponies keep looking for a way out. They manage to reach the surface and find Megan and Lofty, who tell them to go get the others so that they can head for the gate. Unfortunately, the ponies run into a patrol of Troggles, who send out an alert about their escape. Everyone makes it to the gates and are about to push them open when Grogar appears and uses his magic to recapture them all. Forget-Me-Not, who followed Megan and Lofty, sees the whole thing and flys back to camp to tell the others that Megan has been captured as well.

#6 - The Quest of the Princess Ponies (4)
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/10/1987

#7 - Rescue at Midnight Castle (1)
Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 11/20/1986
Tirek captures some of the little ponies to use as demons to pull his Chariot of Darkness at midnight. The rest of the ponies panic, fearing that they will be next. Firefly goes off for help and finds Megan, a girl who lives at a stable at the other end of the rainbow. Megan agrees to go to Pony Land with Firefly, but will they be able to rescue the little ponies in time?

#8 - The Quest of the Princess Ponies (2)
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/8/1987

#9 - Spike's Search
Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/11/1987
When Spike discovers that he can now breathe fire, he searches for other dragons who can teach him to control it. When he finds some, he learns more than he bargained for.

#10 - Escape from Catrina (1)
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 9/24/1987
The Little Ponies prepare for a "Welcome Back" party for their human friend, Megan. Meanwhile, little furballs called Bushwoolies are the slaves of a feline witch named Catrina and are watched over by a shape-shifting lizard named Rep. When the Bushwoolies escape, Catrina abducts Baby Moondancer and the Rainbow of Light to force the ponies to be her new slaves.

#11 - Return of Tambelon (1)
Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 10/20/1986
During a game of hide and seek, Baby Ribbon cheats by winking out. But the others get worried when she doesn't wink back in the second time she does this. Ribbon winks out in order to find her and winds up in a strange fog-filled city where she is chased by shadowy creatures. Worried about their friends, the ponies rush to Megan, who tells them to spread the word to the other unicorns not to wink out. Only Buttons gets the message in time - during a search mission, she's forced to wink out to avoid being crushed by an avalanche, and she disappears too. That night, Megan has a dream in which Ribbon says the word Tambelon as an imposing ram closes in on them. Paradise remembers that it's the name of a lost city that last appeared 500 years ago. Its ruler Grogar tried to conquer Ponyland, but was somehow banished to the Realm of Mists. Paradise correctly guesses that Tambelon is slowly reappearing in Ponyland and that the unicorns got caught inside. In the morning, everyone is about to form more search parties when a storm hits and Tambelon reappears. The castle gates go down and the Troggles, led by Grogar's right-hand donkey Bray, invade Dream Valley and capture most of the ponies, Grundles, and Bushwoolies. Grogar is pleased with his conquest and vows that soon he'll rule all of Ponyland.

#12 - The End of Flutter Valley (3)
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/17/1986
The Bumbles steal the Sunstone and take it back to Bumbleland, where it promptly melts the snow and grows hundreds of flowers. The Flutter Ponies are captured and put in a honeycomb prison. After trying to use their wings to blow the prison apart, Queen Bumble orders honey to be thrown into the prison to immobolize their wings. Meanwhile, the other Ponies are trapped on a rope bridge with the Furbobs and the Stonebacks are eating the ropes at both ends of the bridge. The bridge breaks and they all manage to land safely, except Baby Cuddles, who broke her leg. They decide to take her to Furbobia to mend her leg.
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#13 - Rescue at Midnight Castle (2)
Season 1 - Episode 50 - Aired 11/21/1986

#14 - Escape from Catrina (2)
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 9/25/1987

#15 - The End of Flutter Valley (2)
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/16/1986
The witches from the Volcano of Gloom have devised a way to steal the Flutter Ponies' Sunstone. Without the Sunstone, Flutter Valley will wither and die! The witches have enlisted the help of Queen Bumble and the bees from Bumleland, who also hate the Flutter Ponies, to steal the Sunstone and take it to Bumbleland where it will help flowers grow so they have all the nectar they need. The witches in turn will get Flutter Valley, which will be dark and gloomy without the heat of the Sunstone.
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#16 - The Glass Princess (4)
Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 10/9/1986
Shady and Molly reveal themselves to their friends; Shady then devises a plan to make a fake cloak out of shed Bushwoolie hair so that they can exchange it for Porcina's cloak and reverse the spell. Everything goes fine until the switch has to be made: the lights go out, the cloaks get mixed up, and Megan is forced to guess which one is real when the Raptorians arrive. Porcina tries to turn the intruders into glass but cannot bring herself to cast the spell – these beings are more real to her that the poor souls she transformed through her mirror. Her hesitation causes the Raptorians to turn on her and steal her cloak so that they can cast the spell themselves. But it turns out Megan took the right cloak after all. This brings about a tug-of-war that tears the cloak, releases its magic, and turns the Raptorians into glass. Princess Porcina repents her old ways and restores Ponyland and the Little Ponies before moving in with the Bushwoolies as their new hair groomer.
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#17 - The Glass Princess (1)
Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 10/6/1986
Dream Valley is full of activity as the Little Ponies train for the Pony Olympics. What the ponies don't know is that three Raptorians are flying overhead in search of magical material to repair Princess Porcina's cloak. The Raptorians think their search is over when they discover that the ponies are magical creatures. Meanwhile, Shady confides in Molly that she feels like everyone can do something special except her.
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#23 - The Glass Princess (2)
Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/7/1986
The Bushwoolies spy the Raptorians taking Lickety-Split, Gusty, and Heart Throb to the Black Mountains and rush to Paradise Estate to tell the others. Megan takes Magic Star, Paradise, and North Star to rescue them, letting the Bushwoolies lead the way. None of them notices Shady and Molly secretly following as backup rescuers. While the rescue is taking place, Lickety-Split, Gusty, and Heart Throb learn what will happen to Ponyland once Porcina's cloak is repaired.
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#24 - The End of Flutter Valley (4)
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/18/1986
Morning Glory manages to escape the Honeycomb Prison, but her wings still have honey on them, and she can't fly fast enough to escape Queen Bumbles' swarm. She is recaptured and guarded by Sting in her own cage on the other side of Bumbleland. Meanwhile, the Ponies finally make it to Furbobia and the Furbobs fix Baby Cuddles' leg. The Ponies decide that to repay the Furbobs for their kindness that they will help them fight the Stonebacks. The Ponies realize that they will need more help and head back to Flutter Valley to ask the Flutter Ponies to help them fight the Stonebacks. The Sunstone starts to overheat Bumbleland, but no one seems to notice...
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