The BEST episodes written by Michael Reaves

The Wrong Stuff
2 votes

#1 - The Wrong Stuff

The Littles - Season 3 - Episode 4

The Littles find themselves accidentally sent into orbit on the space shuttle and Dinky is forced to return a computer chip he took as a souvenir to keep the shuttle from burning up on re-entry.

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Monster Wars (3)
32 votes

#2 - Monster Wars (3)

Godzilla: The Series - Season 1 - Episode 14

As the aliens and their monster allies attack Earth, H.E.A.T. escapes captivity. They battle to defeat the alien onslaught and free the monsters from their control to help humanity fight back and save the planet from conquest.

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36 votes

#3 - Leviathan

Godzilla: The Series - Season 1 - Episode 8

Nick and H.E.A.T. go deep beneath the sea in order to investigate the mysterious disappearance of noted scientist Dr. Alexander Preloran and his own research team, and there H.E.A.T. discovers a hidden spacecraft belonging to a race of advanced, hostile non-humanoid aliens that hope to conquer the Earth with the help of a pet giant monster.

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Return of Tambelon (3)
28 votes

#4 - Return of Tambelon (3)

My Little Pony 'n Friends - Season 1 - Episode 28

With Megan captured, Danny takes the lead and suggests they find a way to destroy Grogar's magic. Forget-Me-Not remembers that the bell he wears around his neck glowed when he used his magic in Tambelon. Everyone decides that the bell is his power source and they can take it from him if they can make him leave the city. They manage to do this with the help of Danny's tape recorder and one of Masquerade's disguises, but Grogar is too strong for them and madanges to capture a few more ponies while the others run away. Megan and the prisoners try to find another way out, but there are no hidden passages in their new cell that lead to the city streets. They mention the bell again, which Paradise thinks could have been an important part of the legend of Tambelon but isn't quite sure of. Elsewhere, Danny and the others capture a Troggle who was deserting and wants to lead them to their friends before Grogar banishes them to the Realm of Mists that night. They decide to trust him and let him lead them into the city, but they are all ambushed by Grogar and Bray and sent to prison with the others.

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Return of Tambelon (4)
28 votes

#5 - Return of Tambelon (4)

My Little Pony 'n Friends - Season 1 - Episode 29

Everybody's captured now, including the Moochick and the baby ponies, so Grogar starts the spell that will send Tambelon and the ponies into the Realm of Mists. He then orders the Troggles to celebrate the victory, threatening to banish them with the ponies if they don't. He also imprisons the Troggle who tried to help the ponies escape. The ponies now know he was telling the truth and agree to give him and his oppressed people a place to live in Ponyland if they escape. Forget-Me-Not finds a crack in the ceiling where there is fresh air coming through. Fizzy and Buttons manage to use their magic and some disgusting prison food to make the crack big enough to fly through. Megan, North Star, and Forget-Me-Not find Bray and take his keys so they can unlock the cell. The ponies run out into the streets during the celebration and tell the Troggles they can stop pretending and come with them to freedom. Bray tells Grogar that everyone is running away - with minutes to go before the banishing spell goes into effect, Grogar goes outside and pins them down with his magic. Something Spike says reminds Paradise that Grogar's power souce will be destroyed if the old bell in the passage is rung. Forget-Me-Not tricks Grogar into opening the gates just as Megan and North Star ring the bell. Everyone except Grogar and Bray makes it out of the city just before it vanishes. The next day the ponies discuss how Grogar won't be able to make a new bell for centuries without the help of the Troggles, who are now ready to live a life of freedom in Ponyland.

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Return of Tambelon (2)
29 votes

#6 - Return of Tambelon (2)

My Little Pony 'n Friends - Season 1 - Episode 27

After sending the baby ponies to the Moochick for protection, Megan gathers together everyone who managed to escape the attack. They try various methods of rescuing their friends that all wind up failing. Eventually, Megan and Lofty decide to fly into Tambelon to see if they can locate the prisoners. Meanwhile, Buttons has used her magic to loosen a large stone out of the wall of the ponies' cell. Magic Star, Galaxy, and Heartthrob travel through a passageway that leads to a dusty old bell. Galaxy senses great power coming from it, but instead of dwelling on the bell the trio of ponies keep looking for a way out. They manage to reach the surface and find Megan and Lofty, who tell them to go get the others so that they can head for the gate. Unfortunately, the ponies run into a patrol of Troggles, who send out an alert about their escape. Everyone makes it to the gates and are about to push them open when Grogar appears and uses his magic to recapture them all. Forget-Me-Not, who followed Megan and Lofty, sees the whole thing and flys back to camp to tell the others that Megan has been captured as well.

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Splinter No More
130 votes

#7 - Splinter No More

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 9

Sensing Master Splinter's despair at his new life as a rat, the Turtles agree to use the small amount of mutagen that they have left to concoct a formula that will revert Splinter back into Yoshi. The experiment is a success and Yoshi decides to take a stroll, as a human, through the city. Meanwhile, April is reporting Public Service Announcements from the local library when spies Rocksteady and Bebop. She immediately contacts the Turtles who head straight for the library where they encounter Shredder. It seems that Shredder has stumbled onto a spell that will enable him to open a portal to any dimension he chooses.The Turtles find a reference to a temple in an old subway terminal somewhere under the city.

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Flame Street
4 votes

#8 - Flame Street

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future - Season 1 - Episode 11

Power enters the cyberweb of Tech City through a direct neural link, looking for information Dread's forces may have left there. But Dread becomes aware of the attempt and hijacks the connection, leaving Power trapped while Dread attempts to tap his mind for information.

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The Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn
67 votes

#9 - The Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 3 - Episode 1

Eric and Bobby retrieve a box for Dungeon Master. Despite the fact that they were under strict orders not to open it, Eric gets curious. Just as he pulls the pin from the lock, Dungeon Master appears and warns Eric to place the pin back in place before it's too late. But Eric is taken by surprise when a force blows the top of the box off and releases He Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken. He is Venger's master, pure evil, and a powerful entity. The Realm is covered in darkness and a whirlwind envelopes the land. Dungeon Master then instructs the kids to flee on foot, and he joins them. When Eric demands to know why he should follow any further, Dungeon Master simply informs him: We are running, Cavalier, for our very lives.

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Child of the Stargazer
64 votes

#10 - Child of the Stargazer

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 2 - Episode 8

The kids stumble upon a young man, sick from exhaustion and hunger. His name is Kosar and he has escaped imprisonment by a demon called Queen Seris. She wanted Kosar out of the way so she can remain in rule, fearing the 1000 year-old ancient prophecy that must be fulfilled by a 'child of the stargazer.' The legend states: And on the night of star fall, the child of the stargazer shall come from a faraway land to stand in the Temple of Light. The demon shall be vanished and the child shall journey home. After an attack to take back Kosar, the kids start their journey to the Temple of Light. But when Kosar is taken back by magical means, Diana is taken back with him. Once there, they have to fulfill the prophecy until the others catch up with them.

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And Study War No More
3 votes

#11 - And Study War No More

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future - Season 1 - Episode 8

Investigating reports of unusual power readings, Power finds "Haven" - a hidden underground paradise built upon a geothermal research station. But it all seems to good to be true, and as Pilot and Tank look around, the facade starts to crack...

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The Quest of the Princess Ponies (4)
3 votes

#12 - The Quest of the Princess Ponies (4)

My Little Pony 'n Friends - Season 2 - Episode 4

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The Dragon's Graveyard
67 votes

#13 - The Dragon's Graveyard

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 2 - Episode 7

After another attempt at getting home is foiled by Venger, the frustration is too much for the kids. They decide to take the fight to Venger and finish things once and for all. Their idea: Tiamat - Venger's mortal enemy. When they disregard Dungeon Master's next mission to embark on their own, he advises against it and then indicates where they can find Tiamat. A place called the Dragon's Graveyard, where old dragons go to die. The kids then start their journey to the graveyard, but not without the presence of Venger in the midsts.

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Day of the Dungeon Master
63 votes

#14 - Day of the Dungeon Master

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 2 - Episode 5

After an attack by a swarm of wasps, the Dungeon Master greets the kids. Eric expresses that Dungeon Master's presence is always convient for him and his power is going to waste. The Dungeon Master then explains that his job requires him to give his attention to many places that need him and that his job is never an easy one. When Eric states that if he were dungeon master it would be the easiest job in the world, the Dungeon Master takes him up on his offer. For one whole day, Eric is the Dungeon Master. His last instructions are to head to Dark Haven to seek the Golden Grimoir, which holds the key to everything they seek. When everyone starts to think Eric being the dungeon master is a bad idea, Eric promises to get everyone home once he figures out the powers of being dungeon master. Soon Venger finds out about Eric being dungeon master and begins searching for his chance to aquire the power of Dungeon Master.

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I Am the Night
563 votes

#15 - I Am the Night

Batman: The Animated Series - Season 1 - Episode 34

On the anniversary of the death of Bruce's parents, Batman accompanies Leslie Thompkins to Crime Alley to place roses on the spot where they were gunned down. Meanwhile, Commissioner Gordon is on stakeout to arrest James "The Jazzman" Peake during a drug smuggling ring. Batman had promised to be there, but arrives late to find a gun battle going on. He helps defeat the gangsters and arrest the Jazzman, but at a high cost—Gordon is severely wounded. The incident traumatizes Batman, and he decides to give up crime-fighting, despite the Jazzman escaping prison to carry out his personal vendetta against Gordon (who had sent him to prison six years before).

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Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp
21 votes

#16 - Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 3 - Episode 30

While Raphael is reliving the past, via the Turtles' photo album, their Frog friends in the Florida Swamps (Napolean Bonafrog, Genghis Frog, and Rasputin) are being terrorized by a mutant alligator known as Leatherhead, who makes them his slaves. They decide to call the Turtles for help. Meanwhile, Krang's scanner picks up Leatherhead's activities and he sends Shredder, Rocksteady and Bebop to the same Florida Swamp to retrieve the mutant alligator and use him to help defeat the Turtles. But no sooner do the Turtles and April arrive when they are captured by Leatherhead. The Frogs turn the tables and help the Turtles capture Leatherhead. Shredder and company arrive in the Florida Swamp and stumble upon the Turtles and April, the Frogs and Leatherhead. They decide to track them for awhile before charging in and attacking. Sure enough he finds his golden opportunity when he rescues Leatherhead from the quicksand that the Turtles, the Frogs, and Leatherhead have fallen into.

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3 votes

#17 - Marauder

Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 18

As the squad tries to locate a brain bug on Tesca Nemerosa from underwater, Rico is trapped when his Marauder suit runs out of power.

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City at the Edge of Midnight
95 votes

#18 - City at the Edge of Midnight

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 2 - Episode 3

Back in the real world, a boy named Jimmy is pulled under his bed and vanishes. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the kids are lost. The Dungeon Master tells them they have to find the City at the Edge of Midnight, where children from this world and the theirs are being held prisoner. They then find an oasis, that's inhabited by a clan of monsters. When the monsters have them surrounded, a traveller by the name of Ramuud comes and saves them. He then leads them away from the cursed oasis to his own encampment. Ramuud then explains that long ago his daughter, Aisha, was kidnapped by the Nightwalker and is being held prisoner at the City at the Edge of Midnight. Wanting to return the favor of saving them from the monsters, the kids offer their help, but Ramuud tells them that it's not nessary. But when Bobby is kidnapped that night, they're forced to enter the City at the Edge of Midnight to fight the dreaded Nightwalker.

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Awakening (2)
439 votes

#19 - Awakening (2)

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 2

Goliath returns to the castle to find all but a handful of his clan destroyed, and the humans abducted. The gargoyles defeat the Vikings and rescue the captives, but a tragic misunderstanding leaves them cursed to remain stone statues day and night... until a rich 20th century businessman takes an interest in them.

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Egon's Ghost
46 votes

#20 - Egon's Ghost

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 2 - Episode 11

When Egon is accidentally zapped by one of his own inventions on a bust, he becomes, for all intents and purposes, a ghost. Can the Ghostbusters build a replacement before Egon fades into oblivion?

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The Mean Machines
151 votes

#21 - The Mean Machines

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 4

After the batteries died in the alien crystal converger, Donatello, using spared circuits from the space ship, builds a tracking device to help locate the second fragment of the Eye of Zarnov. On the streets, the tracking device picks up the signal and leads the Turtles to a branch of a bank where a hold-up has just occurred.

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The Time Lost
95 votes

#22 - The Time Lost

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 3 - Episode 2

Venger's got a new idea for eliminating his annoying young enemies, and pulls both a futuristic plane and a WWII Nazi fighter pilot into the Realm using his Crystal of Chronos. Venger intends to send Josef Mueller, the pilot, back to Earth to win the war for Germany, but after meeting the kids, Josef has other plans.

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Captain Steel Saves the Day
71 votes

#23 - Captain Steel Saves the Day

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 2 - Episode 4

Through paranormal means, Ray's favorite comic book character, Captain Steel, comes to life, and crosses paths with the Ghostbusters. When the evil Doctor Destructo also comes to life, a hero team-up may be the only way to save the world.

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Awakening (5)
293 votes

#24 - Awakening (5)

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 5

The Gargoyles attack the data storage facilities, and when they return successful, Xanatos decides they've outlived their usefulness.

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The Collect Call of Cathulhu
41 votes

#25 - The Collect Call of Cathulhu

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 2 - Episode 32

When the Necronomicon is stolen from the public library, the Ghostbusters find themselves fighting creatures in the sewers, chasing down cults, and researching comic books to help them in their mission.

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The Quest of the Princess Ponies (2)
2 votes

#26 - The Quest of the Princess Ponies (2)

My Little Pony 'n Friends - Season 2 - Episode 2

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Shroud of Death
436 votes

#27 - Shroud of Death

The Flash - Season 1 - Episode 8

A judge is killed, the killer sends the victim a part of a medal before he dies. When a former DA is killed, Barry finds a connection. Garfield was the arresting officer on the case, when his girlfriend/fiancée is shot, Garfield takes it personally. Flash must stop him before he crosses the line. Tina gets a job offer that would send her to California.

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Return of Tambelon (1)
58 votes

#28 - Return of Tambelon (1)

My Little Pony 'n Friends - Season 1 - Episode 26

During a game of hide and seek, Baby Ribbon cheats by winking out. But the others get worried when she doesn't wink back in the second time she does this. Ribbon winks out in order to find her and winds up in a strange fog-filled city where she is chased by shadowy creatures. Worried about their friends, the ponies rush to Megan, who tells them to spread the word to the other unicorns not to wink out. Only Buttons gets the message in time - during a search mission, she's forced to wink out to avoid being crushed by an avalanche, and she disappears too. That night, Megan has a dream in which Ribbon says the word Tambelon as an imposing ram closes in on them. Paradise remembers that it's the name of a lost city that last appeared 500 years ago. Its ruler Grogar tried to conquer Ponyland, but was somehow banished to the Realm of Mists. Paradise correctly guesses that Tambelon is slowly reappearing in Ponyland and that the unicorns got caught inside. In the morning, everyone is about to form more search parties when a storm hits and Tambelon reappears. The castle gates go down and the Troggles, led by Grogar's right-hand donkey Bray, invade Dream Valley and capture most of the ponies, Grundles, and Bushwoolies. Grogar is pleased with his conquest and vows that soon he'll rule all of Ponyland.

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Feat of Clay (2)
844 votes

#29 - Feat of Clay (2)

Batman: The Animated Series - Season 1 - Episode 5

Bruce Wayne is released from prison on bail. Hagen, as it turns out, survived the murder attempt on him, but at a high cost: the formula entered his body and soaked every single one of his cells, mutating him into a shape-shifting mutant. With his newfound powers, Hagen, now calling himself Clayface, decides to take his revenge on Daggett and his men. Can Batman bring Daggett to justice and stop Clayface before innocent people are hurt?

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Awakening (3)
378 votes

#30 - Awakening (3)

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 3

Not satisfied with Xanatos's explanation, detective Maza decides to take a look around the castle by herself. Xanatos wants the Gargoyles help in retrieving the stolen data.

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Awakening (1)
561 votes

#31 - Awakening (1)

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 1

In 994, a band of Vikings attack castle Wyvern in Scotland, but are driven back by the gargoyles protecting it. While retreating, they vow revenge... and someone in the castle may just want to help them with that.

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Return of the Technodrome
119 votes

#32 - Return of the Technodrome

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 13

Krang, sick of Shredder's constant failings, makes a shocking resolve to return the Technodrome to Earth. Krang sends Shredder an energy-converter from Dimension X and instructs the villain to take over the hydroelectric station at Niagara Falls.

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Teenagers from Dimension X
121 votes

#33 - Teenagers from Dimension X

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 11

While cruising around Dimension X, the Nutrinos decide to 'buzz' the Technodrome. However, when they fly by, they notice that a cargo bay door is open and can't resist the temptation. Inside, they tap into a transmission between Krang and Shredder on Earth. Through this transmission, the Nutrinos learn of Krang/Shredder's latest plan to destroy the Turtles. The Nutrinos decide that they can't sit idly by and watch, so they open their own portal and arrive on Earth to warn the Turtles.

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Beneath These Streets
137 votes

#34 - Beneath These Streets

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 3 - Episode 1

The Turtles learn the cost of slacking off when Splinter is badly hurt during a confrontation with Shredder.

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Invasion of the Punk Frogs
141 votes

#35 - Invasion of the Punk Frogs

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 8

Shredder's latest scheme is to acquire more mutagen and create more mutants but, due to an ion storm in Dimension X interfering with the dimensional portal, Krang is forced to transport the mutagen canister 'blind-folded', it lands in a Florida swamp rather than the Big Apple. Shredder heads south to recover the canister and discovers four mutant frogs. He realizes their potential and makes plans to return to New York City with them.

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The Treasure of Tardos
127 votes

#36 - The Treasure of Tardos

Dungeons & Dragons - Season 2 - Episode 2

Dungeon Master sends the Young Ones to the walled city of Tardos Keep to save Queen Solinara and her people from Venger's besigement. But the evil wizard has a wicked surprise for the kids--Demodragon, a two-headed fire and ice spitting monster capable of trashing the entire Realm. Will they learn what the fabled treasure of Tardos Keep is before the out-of-control Demodragon destroys their chance to get home?

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Victor the Happy Ghost
41 votes

#37 - Victor the Happy Ghost

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 2 - Episode 24

The Ghostbusters trap a small and harmless-looking ghost at a museum, but feel guilty. Back in the firehouse he is accidentally released and they decide not to place him in the Containment Unit. But to adopt him as a pet. But Slimer soon discovers a darker side to the new tenant.

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Awakening (4)
309 votes

#38 - Awakening (4)

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 4

Elisa and Goliath are ambushed in the park by a group of commandos. They try to escape, but dawn comes and Goliath turns to stone, leaving Elisa having to lead the pursuers away alone. Upon Goliath's return to the castle, Xanatos reunites him with and old 'friend'. The Gargoyles accept to help Xanatos retrieve his stolen disks from Cyberbiotics.

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Janine's Day Off
84 votes

#39 - Janine's Day Off

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 2 - Episode 1

Janine talks Egon into visiting her family for dinner, Prompting the Ghostbusters to hire a temporary secretary who on this very day of employment must contend with imps, ghosts, a powerful demon, and Peter's advances!

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Enter: The Fly
136 votes

#40 - Enter: The Fly

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 7

Shredder attempts to use the world trade center in an experiment, but the failure of Baxter's essential new device, plus the interference of those heroes in a half shell, prevent the villain's plot from succeeding. Frustrated at Baxter's latest failure, Shredder contacts Krang in Dimension X and demands that Rocksteady and Bebop be sent to aid him. Krang informs shredder that an exchange must be made to enable the portal to open properly, Shredder has the perfect candidate to take Rocksteady and Bepop's place: BAXTER! So, with a quick gesture (literally, Shredder actually throws Baxter into the portal), the transfer is made, and Shredder gets his old henchmen back. Baxter's fate, sadly, is not so pleasant, Krang immediately orders his execution, and he is sent to the disintegration chamber. A tiny Fly is his sole company inside the chamber as the device is activated. But fate has other ideas for the scientist.

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Deadly Force
252 votes

#41 - Deadly Force

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 8

Broadway accidentally shoots Elisa with her gun. Wrecked by regret, he takes her to the hospital and then goes off on his own to take his frustration out on an criminal he can find. When the others hear, they assume it was the work of a gangster Elisa was investigating, and set out to take him down - permanently.

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A Bullet for Bullock
349 votes

#42 - A Bullet for Bullock

Batman: The Animated Series - Season 4 - Episode 4

Batman helps Detective Harvey Bullock who appears to be the target of someone's revenge.

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The Thrill of the Hunt
216 votes

#43 - The Thrill of the Hunt

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 6

Lexington makes contact with his TV heroes - The Pack - in hopes of finding allies. But for his surprise he finds that they are far from heroic in real life...

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Turtles on Trial
151 votes

#44 - Turtles on Trial

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 3 - Episode 2

Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael are enjoying an episode of professional wrestling when Michaelangelo enters the room and turns the channel to 'ON TRIAL' hosted by Clayton Kellerman, a Morton Downey-like rabble rouser who suggests that a clear and present danger is lurking in the sewers: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles are aghast and can't understand why people would hate them. April has her make-up department make human masks so the Turtles could move more freely in the streets. Meanwhile, Shredder is sweating from the heat, as Krang "chews him out" for his failure to retrieve the necessary components to repair the refrigeration units. Shredder has had enough and suggests that Krang go up on the Earth's surface and get what he needs and eliminate the Turtles himself. Krang considers this a good idea.

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Hunter's Moon (3)
67 votes

#45 - Hunter's Moon (3)

Gargoyles - Season 2 - Episode 52

The gargoyles survive the blast, but the clocktower is destroyed. Now they have nothing left but vengeance. Meanwhile, Demona makes the last preparations for conclusion of a centuries old plan...

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The Boogieman Cometh
106 votes

#46 - The Boogieman Cometh

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 1 - Episode 6

Two children turn up at the firehouse claiming that the Boogieman is living in their closet, leading the skeptical Ghostbusters on a mission to bedroom closets throughout New York, and finally into the twisted world of the Boogieman himself.

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The Edge
217 votes

#47 - The Edge

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 10

Xanatos donates jewel of his - the Eye of Odin - to the city's museum. Then he has one of his robot gargoyles steal it back, framing Goliath.

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The Old Switcheroo
134 votes

#48 - The Old Switcheroo

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 3 - Episode 6

Mr. Thompson orders April into his office to assign her a news story. It seems that the nightwatchman at Cybertech Laboratories spotted "some weird character hanging around" -- Mr. Thompson is convinced that he must be a friend of 'April's Turtles'. She assures him that he is not and heads off to Cybertech Lab with mini-cam in hand. Meanwhile, down in the Turtles' Lair, Donatello is displaying his new Super Pizza Maker. The other Turtles are impressed with its ability to make pizza in a matter of seconds, but when it is switched into high gear -- the machine overloads and explodes, causing loose parts to scatter across the room. One of these 'loose screws' hits Leonardo, causing "just a bruise". Suddenly, April contacts them from Cybertech Labs, via the Turtle Com, to inform them that Shredder, Rocksteady and Bebop are up to no good. While she waits for the Turtles to arrive (including Splinter, who is concerned about Leonardo's injury,) April begins to videotape Shredder and his goon.

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The Boogeyman Is Back
19 votes

#49 - The Boogeyman Is Back

The Real Ghostbusters - Season 3 - Episode 4

After a near-death experience atop the World Trade Center towers, Egon's fear inadvertently releases the Boogieman from his dimensional prison. The Ghostbusters follow him to a hideously converted amusement park, where he traps them with their own fear, leaving Slimer and the Junior Ghostbusters to save the day.

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Her Brother's Keeper
207 votes

#50 - Her Brother's Keeper

Gargoyles - Season 1 - Episode 12

Xanatos offers Elisa's brother a job as pilot and bodyguard, and he certainly gets his moneys worth when Jackal and Hyena are ordered to assassinate him.

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