The BEST episodes of Jesse

Every episode of Jesse ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Jesse!

A single mother (Christina Applegate) tries to find love again with her new boyfriend Diego, of whom her father disapproves. She gets help from her two brothers (one voluntarily mute) and two girlfriends at work (her father's bar). Complicating matters is her ex-husband, who walked out on her 7 years before, but is back to try and reinsert himself into the family. The last thing Jesse Warner needs is another man in her life. A single mom in Buffalo who works in her dad's bar, she has her hands full looking after her father, son and two brothers (one a deep thinker who refuses to speak, the other a gadfly who dreams up get-rick-quick schemes). Jesse has no time for romance, that is, until a handsome Chilean moves in next door.

Last Updated: 6/5/2024Network: NBCStatus: Ended
1 votes

#1 - Barko, the Holiest Dog in the World

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/10/1998

Little John is in a school play, Darren is in a commercial and Diego goes to great lengths to try to prove to Jesse that Roy is a jerk but Jesse won't listen.

Directors: Kevin S. Bright
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#2 - The Cheese Ship

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/19/1998

Jesse invites Diego to Thanksgiving dinner, even though her ex will be in attendance.

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#3 - Cecil, the Angry Postman

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 3/4/1999

When Jesse writes a love letter to Diego she never plans to send and little John sends it she tries to retrieve it. But she angered the mailman because he doesn't put the mail in the right mail slots and now to anger her he refuses to give her the letter she wrote to Diego because it's addressed to him not her. She then tries to put her arm in the mail slot and retrieve it but she gets stuck.

Directors: Amanda Bearse
Writer: Greg Rice
1 votes

#4 - The Best Deal Possible

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 1/14/1999

Diego and Jesse pretend to be husband and wife while shopping for a car. Also now that Junior talks, he and Darren try and pick up girls.

Directors: Michael Lembeck
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#5 - Small Time Felon: The Jesse Warner Story, Part II

Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/13/2000

When Jesse's car is stolen she goes looking for a new used car. Linda's mechanic gets her a good deal on an '84 Volvo so she takes it but while out driving it with Diego she notices her old car in an alley. She reports that she found it and when she shows a uniformed officer its location it isn't there anymore. While out driving again though they notice it again at a different location but it gets destroyed.

Directors: Shelley Jensen
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#6 - Driving Miss Jesse

Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/30/1999

Jesse joins a car pool but Little John's red ants infest the car so she gets a ride back with Diego. Linda won't leave Diego's place.

Directors: Kevin S. Bright
Writer: Danny Zuker
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#7 - Everything but the Grill

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/14/1999

Jesse's plans for a little barbecue are shot to hell when more people than are invited show up.

Directors: Adrew Tsao
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#8 - Jesse vs. Kurt

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/21/1999

Kurt starts a rumor that Jesse is a thief. Linda thinks that Diego is in love with her after he accidentally sees her naked.

Directors: Kevin S. Bright
Writer: Mark O'Keefe
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#9 - Jesse's Flat Tire

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/4/1999

Jesse and Diego's relationship is fired up again while trying to change a flat tire on Jesse's car.

Directors: Andrew Tsao
Writer: Mark Wilding
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#10 - A Woman's Prerogative: The Jesse Warner Story

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 12/2/1999

Jesse tries to win Diego back and gather up the nerve to ask him to marry her.

Directors: Shelley Jensen
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#11 - L'Eggo My Diego

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 12/9/1999

Dr. Danny and Carrie go out on a date and Jesse tags along when she finds out that Diego and Irma where once engaged but she left him at the altar.

Directors: Alan Rafkin
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#12 - The Christmas Party

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/16/1999

Jesse has a Christmas party.

Directors: Gary Halvorson
Writer: Nancy Steen
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#13 - Jesse as Nurse, Fills In: Diego Throws Ice at Children

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/23/1999

Jesse revives a squirrel and then it runs rampant; however, when they find it's dead. Diego has a snow fight with Little John and his friends.

Directors: Shelley Jensen
Writer: Dan Sterling
1 votes

#14 - Kurt Slips, Niagara Falls

Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 1/6/2000

Diego gets passed up for a teaching position so Irma takes him to Niagara Falls to cheer him up but scares him off. She tells him she's going to change into something more comfortable but comes out in a wedding dress and proposes to him. That leads Diego to go back to Buffalo and apologize to Jesse for having proposed to her when he came back to Buffalo from California. He now knows how it feels to get asked out of the blue to marry someone. Jesse and Diego get back together but hold off on getting married. Kurt slips a disk in his spine while trying to lift a heavy box at work. At the hospital Jesse gets asked out by the attending doctor but passes on his offer when Diego shows up and wants to get back together. Dr. Danny feels uncomfortable around the attending doctor.

Writer: Mark Wilding
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#15 - The Rock

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/20/2000

Linda doesn't want to go to her high school reunion because she doesn't feel she's accomplished anything since graduating.

Directors: Shelley Jensen
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#16 - Jesse Gives Birth

Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 2/3/2000

Jesse recounts the events leading to the birth of Little John when Diego tells her he wants a big family.

Directors: Gary Halvorson
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#17 - My Boyfriend Went to Chile and All I Got Was This Lousy Moustache

Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 2/10/2000

Diego returns from Chile with a moustache and decides to shave it off when Jesse asks him but changes his mind when Dr. Danny tells him he's whipped. Linda gets a job as a campus security guard and takes her job too seriously.

Directors: Gary Halvorson
1 votes

#18 - Jesse's Coat a Useful Crutch, Diego's Kitchen Not So Much

Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 2/24/2000

Jesse earns a blue jacket at work. She wanted it because nobody believes she works there. Diego accidentally sets his house on fire but thinks it was Linda's fault because of the mess she refuses to clean up in the kitchen.

Directors: Gary Halvorson
Writer: Dan Sterling
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#19 - The Dump

Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 3/2/2000

Diego has the winter blahs and Jesse tries to cheer him up by buying tickets for them to Bermuda but Diego's passport was hidden in his old fridge and that was sent to the dump. They head to the dump to try to find but have no luck so Jesse gives the tickets to Danny and Carrie.

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#20 - Diego's First Sleepover

Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 3/16/2000

Little John accidentally sees Jesse naked when Diego spends the night and Carrie challenges Linda to a boxing match.

Writer: Nancy Steen
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#21 - First Blood

Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 5/25/2000

Kurt tries to teach Jesse to be a phlebotomist, Diego doesn't get his professorship and he has to share his studio with a British guy who's really rude and doesn't respect his space. Diego gets fired for smashing a nude painting of Jesse over Dawson's (the British guy) head.

Directors: Gary Halvorson
Writer: Wil Calhoun
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#22 - My Best Friend's Wedding

Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 5/25/2000

Facing deportation again Diego marries Linda because Jesse didn't want to but then she changes her mind but it's too late.

Writer: Danny Zuker
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#23 - Jesse's New Job

Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/23/1999

Jesse tells Diego she can't marry him. Then we go forward four months and Jesse gets a job as a nurse's aid but quits when she can't handle it. She does however get it back later. Diego returns having quit his job at UCLA because he got his old job back since funding was given for the art department. He surprises Jesse by popping the question again but she still says no.

Directors: Will Halvorson
Writer: Wil Calhoun
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#24 - Goober Up the Nose

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/1/1998

Jesse's movie date with Diego ends up in the emergency room when she gets a piece of candy stuck in her nose.

Writer: Greg Rice
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#25 - Bees Do It, Birds Do It, But Not in a Car

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/8/1998

Jesse's been taking it real slow in her relationship with Diego, but things begin heating up and she may not wish to cool them off.

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