The BEST episodes written by Gabrielle Allan

#1 - Who's Afraid of Boomsday Again?
HouseBroken - Season 2 - Episode 12
It's Boomsday again, and Honey and Chief are sedated by Jill in order to calm their nerves from the booms (AKA fireworks). Chief dreams that he is a suit-wearing crusader in Washington D.C. on a mission to put an end to Big Boom once and for all. Honey dreams that she is a bipedal poodle going on a road trip, leaving destruction in her wake.
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#2 - My Last Day
Scrubs - Season 1 - Episode 24
It's J.D.'s last day as an intern, and soon he will become a resident. Carla and Turk are arguing about dating other people. Elliot finally rebels against being everyone's doormat, and J.D. is just trying to stay out of people's way. Jordan has returned to get a physical and a new patient, Mr. Bober, has been admitted, because he needs his gall bladder removed. He really needs the surgery, but doesn't have the insurance to pay for it. They enlist the help of Dr. Cox, Dr. Wen and Jordan.
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#5 - My Tormented Mentor
Scrubs - Season 3 - Episode 15
Jordan's friends Allison and Maddie come to town to provide moral support for Jordan after her brother's death – however, their constant presence does not provide any relief to Dr. Cox. Meanwhile, Turk tries to impress the new female surgeon, Dr. Miller, but his first encounter serves only to leave him baffled by the opposite sex yet again. Attempting to reinforce the policy on sexual harassment at Sacred Heart, Carla is forced to teach a course where Dr. Kelso is the number-one student.
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#8 - My Friend with Money
Scrubs - Season 6 - Episode 5
Elliot begins enjoying luxuries since she has extra money with her new private practice gig. But eventually, J.D. becomes jealous of her and that forbids him the use of these privileges. Dr. Cox and the Janitor become roommates in one of the hospital suites, while Turk tries to convince Carla that she has postpartum depression and that she needs help.
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#9 - My Bad
Scrubs - Season 1 - Episode 6
Dr. Cox is still facing the threat of suspension, and coincidentally, J.D. is assigned to a special patient: Jordan Sullivan, an important board member. She is very demanding and J.D. ends up sleeping with her after he confronts her. Only he didn't know that she is Dr. Cox's ex-wife, and now the only one who can save J.D.'s mentor from being fired by the evil Dr. Kelso. Meanwhile, Elliot is assigned to take care of a shrink whose jaw has been wired shut, and for whom she ends up becoming a patient. Carla's mom makes a scandal after Turk spends the night at Carla's, and when she breaks her leg, Carla blames Turk for it.
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#10 - My Case Study
Scrubs - Season 2 - Episode 3
When Dr. Kelso challenges the residents by offering a trip to a medical conference in Reno as a reward to the individual, who presents the most interesting case study, J.D. refuses to play along, earning him the respect of Dr. Cox. In the meantime, Turk misses his opportunity to ask for a new laser on the one day of the year, that Dr. Kelso grants favors, so he is forced to find another way to come up with the goods.

#11 - My New Game
Scrubs - Season 4 - Episode 3
Dr. Cox is having issues with Jordan, since Ted revealed that they are still technically married due to some filing problems. J.D. has problems of his own as he can't shake off the tag of Co-Chief Resident the Janitor assigned to him, while Elliot keeps the Chief Resident tag. Elsewhere, Turk begins to doubt his abilities after letting a patient die and isn't helped, when he finds out J.D. has no confidence in him either. Dr. Cox and Molly spar about her involvement in his patients.
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#12 - My Unicorn
Scrubs - Season 4 - Episode 11
J.D. takes matters into his own hands, when searching for a relative for his favorite patient. Meanwhile, Elliot is fed up with coworkers not taking her serious and discovers, that she can get her way by flaunting her femininity with some help from Carla and Jordan.
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#13 - Who's a Bad Girl? (2)
HouseBroken - Season 1 - Episode 11
Honey has a wild night out with Coyote, but in the light of day, she has a change of heart, leading to Chief having an adventure of his own. Soon, both Honey and Chief are in mortal danger, and it's up to the group to save them.
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#14 - My Friend the Doctor
Scrubs - Season 3 - Episode 8
Turk is happy that he finally makes it through a solo surgery without the assistance of an attending surgeon. Dr. Cox dreads the fact that he is getting older. J.D. also makes a discovery as he finds out that many of the hospital staff don't know the Janitor as he does.
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#15 - Who's a Bad Girl? (1)
HouseBroken - Season 1 - Episode 10
Honey is excited to mentor the neighbor's new puppy, but when it’s clear the puppy prefers Chief, Honey is left feeling lonelier than ever. Shel thinks he will finally get to be alone with Darla, but Lindsay has other plans.
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#17 - Who's a Good Girl?
HouseBroken - Season 1 - Episode 1
Honey the poodle is thrown into a dog mid-life crisis after the death of her friend and the sudden appearance of a hot, mysterious coyote in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Shel the tortoise finds love from an unlikely source.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#18 - I Do, I Think I Do
Jesse - Season 1 - Episode 22
Jesse gets a full scholarship for nursing school. Diego faces deportation when his visa runs out. He gets a job at UCLA which is California but Jesse doesn't want him to take it because it's so far away from her but he doesn't have a choice. Jesse goes to talk to him and to her surprise he asks her to marry him. To be continued...
Watch Now:Amazon#20 - Small Time Felon: The Jesse Warner Story, Part II
Jesse - Season 2 - Episode 12
When Jesse's car is stolen she goes looking for a new used car. Linda's mechanic gets her a good deal on an '84 Volvo so she takes it but while out driving it with Diego she notices her old car in an alley. She reports that she found it and when she shows a uniformed officer its location it isn't there anymore. While out driving again though they notice it again at a different location but it gets destroyed.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#21 - The Dump
Jesse - Season 2 - Episode 17
Diego has the winter blahs and Jesse tries to cheer him up by buying tickets for them to Bermuda but Diego's passport was hidden in his old fridge and that was sent to the dump. They head to the dump to try to find but have no luck so Jesse gives the tickets to Danny and Carrie.
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Jesse - Season 1 - Episode 14
Although they have split up, Jesse turns up for a date with Diego that they arranged long before, only to find him about to go out with his new girlfriend. Jesse deals with it by acting it out her fantasies of a forties film noir.
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