The WORST episodes of Great Greek Myths

Every episode of Great Greek Myths ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Great Greek Myths!

Made from an original animation and selected iconographies throughout the history of art, this series of twenty episodes tells the Greek myths. A creation all in images, which highlights the fascinating destinies of the gods, heroes, and great figures of mythology.

Last Updated: 8/29/2024Network: ArteStatus: Ended
Achilles' Revenge
4 votes

#1 - Achilles' Revenge

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/6/2019

Thetis asks Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths to forge new armour and weapons for her son Achilles. At dawn, she hands them to him, knowing that they will lead to his death.

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The Apple of Discord
6 votes

#2 - The Apple of Discord

Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/15/2019

A golden apple inscribed 'for the fairest' is sent to a feast at Olympus. Unable to decide between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, Zeus decides to let a mortal choose.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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Patroclus and the Myrmidons
4 votes

#3 - Patroclus and the Myrmidons

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 10/6/2019

Saved by Apollo, Hector goes back on the attack and leads the Trojans as far as the Greeks' ships. Patroclus, a childhood friend of Achilles, rushes to him and implores him to re-join the battle.

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Trojan Horse
3 votes

#4 - Trojan Horse

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 10/13/2019

The Trojans are surprised to discover that the Greeks have suddenly left the shores of Troy, leaving only a wooden horse. Inside the horse, Greek warriors remain silent and still.

Directors: Camille Dalbéra
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Vanquish or Die
3 votes

#5 - Vanquish or Die

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/13/2019

The River Scamander and its banks are set alight by fireballs sent by the god Hephaestus. The river god spares Achilles, who immediately goes back on the rampage. The gods are shocked by his rage.

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Hera's Plan
3 votes

#6 - Hera's Plan

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 9/29/2019

Odysseus and Ajax try to convince Achilles to return to combat, but the Greek warrior rejects their appeals. On the battlefield, Agamemnon, Diomedes and even Odysseus are injured one after the other.

Directors: Camille Dalbéra
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The Cyclops' Curse
2 votes

#7 - The Cyclops' Curse

Season 3 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/14/2021

Odysseus and his companions are trapped in the Cyclops' cave. But he is a man with a plan. He carves out a stake and, after having drunk Polyphemus under the table, drives it into his one eye.

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The Sword and the Scales
4 votes

#8 - The Sword and the Scales

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/29/2019

The chaos that reigns between Greeks and Trojans has now spread to Mount Olympus. Back on the battlefield, the Trojans have driven back the Greeks, and decide to build a long wall.

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Medea—Murderous Love
3 votes

#9 - Medea—Murderous Love

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 11/12/2016

On his quest to find the Golden Fleece, Jason asked the cruel King of Colchis and his daughter Medea, a powerful sorceress, for help. Medea fell in love with Jason, helped him to find the precious Fleece, and fled with him.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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Dedalus and Icarus—A Shattered Dream
3 votes

#10 - Dedalus and Icarus—A Shattered Dream

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 11/26/2016

Dedalus, a prominent Greek inventor, settled in Crete among King Minos' court. Queen Pasiphaë, who had an all-consuming passion for a white bull, called upon his services. Dedalus found a way to allow Pasiphaë to mate with the bull, and Minos locked Daedalus and his son, Icarus, away for their betrayal. Dedalus found a way to escape - but his method put his own son's life in peril.

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Psyche—Beauty and the Beast
3 votes

#11 - Psyche—Beauty and the Beast

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/5/2016

In this myth, many versions of which have been passed down through the ages, Psyche is the Beauty. Concerned that his daughter did not have a suitor, Psyche's father consulted Pythia, who announced grave news: Psyche's father must leave her on a hilltop, from where a monster would come take her away.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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Heracles—The Man Who Became a God
3 votes

#12 - Heracles—The Man Who Became a God

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 11/26/2016

We all know about Heracles' unequalled strength, and the twelve labors he had to carry out, but we know a great deal less about the way in which his life was turned upside down by a series of terrible curses.

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Zeus and the Conquest of Power
22 votes

#13 - Zeus and the Conquest of Power

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/1/2016

To earn the title of Master of Olympus, Zeus took many important steps, and overcame many challenges. His story is one of an incredible conquest of power, dating back to time immemorial, when the world began. Born from Chaos, Gaia - Mother Earth - mated with Uranus, the sky.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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Zeus in Love
17 votes

#14 - Zeus in Love

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/1/2016

His first wife was Metis. His second, who was known as his wife on Olympus, was the jealous Hera. But there was also Themis, the goddess of Justice, with whom he produced the Hours, the Fates and the Mnemosyne - meaning "memory" - who gave birth to nine Muses. In order to achieve his aims, Zeus metamorphosed. He was an expert at changing shape and form.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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The Blood of the Goddess
4 votes

#15 - The Blood of the Goddess

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/22/2019

Agamemnon has seen it in a dream: Troy will be taken today. Helen's husband Menelaus recognizes Paris, the man who took his wife. The two men decide to face each other in a duel.

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The Wrath of Achilles
4 votes

#16 - The Wrath of Achilles

Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/22/2019

Ten years have passed since the Greek forces arrived in Troy, but King Priam's city has still not fallen. The king's eldest son, Hector, reproaches his brother Paris for causing this war with no end.

Directors: Gaëtan Chabanol
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Time for Sacrifice
4 votes

#17 - Time for Sacrifice

Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/15/2019

All of the Greek kings and their armies have responded to Agamemnon's call... All except two, that is: Odysseus, and Achilles.

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Oedipus—The Riddle Solver
4 votes

#18 - Oedipus—The Riddle Solver

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 12/3/2016

No mortal endured more terrible a tragedy than Oedipus. He was the son of King Laius, King of Thebes. The Gods forbade him to have offspring, and decreed that if Laius gave birth to a son, that son would kill him. Laius removed Oedipus from Thebes, and he grew up far away from the city, without knowing his true identity or the curse that weighed upon on him.

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Theseus—The Ravages of Oversight
4 votes

#19 - Theseus—The Ravages of Oversight

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 11/19/2016

Theseus was the fruit of dual paternity: Aegeus King of Athens slept with Aethra when she had just been raped by Poseidon, God of the Sea. Theseus, who grew into a strong, brave young man, therefore had a double lineage - both divine and royal. But Theseus' great courage did not stop him from neglecting his duties. Carried along by his victory, he committed a few irreversible oversights.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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Athena—Armed Wisdom
10 votes

#20 - Athena—Armed Wisdom

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/15/2016

The Goddess of War Athena was the wisest, most level headed and rational deity. She was born out of Zeus' skull, wearing a helmet and holding a spear. She was the protector of heroes, the State, and mankind, to whom she passed on many inventions.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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Orpheus—A Hymn of Impossible Love
5 votes

#21 - Orpheus—A Hymn of Impossible Love

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/12/2016

On certain evenings, the constellation of Lyra is visible in the skies. Following Orpheus' death, Zeus placed the constellation in the sky, as a tribute to the greatest poet and musician in Greek mythology. Watched over by the muses from birth, Orpheus' talent enchanted nature, both trees and animals alike. A brave young man, Orpheus left on board the Argo, to conquer the Golden Fleece.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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The King's Scar
2 votes

#22 - The King's Scar

Season 3 - Episode 9 - Aired 3/7/2021

The Suitors, informed by Melantho - one of Penelope's servants - learned that the queen had fooled them. They locked her up in the gynaeceum. Meanwhile, Odysseus meets Athena who tells him that he is indeed in Ithaca.

Directors: Gaëtan Chabanol
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Circe, The Witch-Goddess
2 votes

#23 - Circe, The Witch-Goddess

Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 2/14/2021

In Ithaca, Queen Penelope endures the presence of Suitors who covet her hand, and the throne of her husband Odysseus - who disappeared more than 10 years ago.

Directors: Sylvain Bergère
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The Man Who Defied the Gods
2 votes

#24 - The Man Who Defied the Gods

Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/7/2021

10 years earlier, as the Greek warriors had just razed Troy. Devastated by this "war for nothing" which has caused so many deaths, Odysseus is indignant against the gods, guilty of having let this carnage happen. He wishes for nothing more than to return to his kingdom, the island of Ithaca.

Directors: Camille Dalbéra
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Antigone—The Woman Who Said No
3 votes

#25 - Antigone—The Woman Who Said No

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 12/3/2016

Antigone was one of Oedipus' four children. She had two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, as well as a sister, Ismene. One day, her sister informed her that her two brothers, who were heirs to the throne of Thebes, were fighting each other for power. They had agreed to take power alternately, but when the time came for Eteocles to hand his crown over to Polynices, he refused. An war ensued.

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