The BEST episodes of Ghostwriter (1992) season 2

Every episode of Ghostwriter (1992) season 2, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Ghostwriter (1992) season 2!

Ghostwriter was the story of a group of New York City kids, brought together by the spiritual being known as "Ghostwriter". The kids work together, with Ghostwriter's help, to solve the mysteries they encounter. The series featured a cast of widely different ethnic groups, and focused on the concept of "making reading fun."

Last Updated: 2/1/2025Network: PBSStatus: Ended
Lost In Brooklyn, Part 3
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#1 - Lost In Brooklyn, Part 3

Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 12/12/1993

Malenga finds one of the paintings and realizes that Safria is in New York. Jamal runs into his best friend Rob. Rob arrives at Lenni's house but he has some terrible news. His mom just got a new job in Australia and he just returned to get ready to go. Malenga contacts the team. Malenga and Tina arrive at the hotel. Tina prays for Safria to be all right.

Directors: Susan Dansby
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What's Up With Alex?, Part 4
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#2 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 4

Season 2 - Episode 28 - Aired 5/1/1994

The ""mysterious stranger"" turns out to be a drug dealer that Kevin had to pay back. Alex talks to Mr. Oliver about Kevin's drug problem. Meanwhile, the team tricks Spencer into telling them that the Dragons player in the video was Kevin. Jamal, Alex, & Jeffrey finish their school project. Then, Ghostwriter gives clues that Kevin has been selling the stolen items to pay back his drug dealer and is planning on selling his grandfather's prized trophy. Alex goes to the basketball court to try and help him. Later, Alex's father entertains the thought of Alex getting his own room.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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What's Up With Alex?, Part 3
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#3 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 3

Season 2 - Episode 27 - Aired 4/24/1994

When Alex gets to Kevin's house, Kevin is having a party and offers Alex another joint. Alex turns him down and leaves. When Alex gets home, he is greeted by his parents, who found the joint, and they ground him. Jamal and Jeffrey talk to a drug counciler about their school project. Jamal discovers that Arnie's mother used to date Big Ralph, so Arnie knew he could get a deal on the stolen items. The team finds out that the kid in the video is wearing a Dragons' jacket, and suspect it's Spencer. Alex goes to a Dragons game, but Kevin doesn't show up. Alex quits the team when he realizes Kevin's drug use is causing him to slack off in school and on the court. After the game, he goes to Lenni's house instead of going home late, and the team encourages him to write an apology letter to his parents. Jamal and Jeffrey learn to work together on their project and invite Alex to work with them. Later, Alex finds Kevin carrying his TV down the street, and then getting attacked by a mys

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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What's Up With Alex?, Part 2
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#4 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 2

Season 2 - Episode 26 - Aired 4/17/1994

Lenni finds out Spencer has something to do with how Delilah knew where to get her tape recorder. Tina and Hector go on a stakeout by taping Big Ralph. They find out that a kid is involved, but they don't know who it is. Big Ralph gets arrested in the meantime. Also, another student, Jason, had a gold bracelet stolen from his locker. A boy named Arnie is also acting suspicious about the fact he has Maria's camera. In the meantime, Alex is playing at a Dragons game. After their victory, Kevin wants to celebrate by smoking pot, which Alex doesn't want to do. Alex turns him down. Kevin doesn't show up for school the next day, so Alex is now behind on a project he's supposed to do with Kevin. Kevin offers Alex pot again, but accidently leaves a joint behind, which Gaby finds. Gaby writes Alex a heartfelt letter about why he shouldn't smoke marijuana, which he takes with him on his way to Kevin's house.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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What's Up With Alex?, Part 1
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#5 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 25 - Aired 4/10/1994

Jamal is happy when Casey goes back home. Tina finds her school ID in a trash can and realizes the last place she had it was in her jacket - in her locker. Jamal and Tina find out that her locker was broke into and her expensive sheepskin jacket has been stolen. Other thefts occur at Hurston. The team (and Ghostwriter) learn that Maria's camera was stolen, and Delilah's tape recorder as well. With Ghostwriter's help, they discover that a fence named Big Ralph is selling the stolen items and on their stakeout, they see Delilah buying her tape recorder back. Hector goes to look at the stuff but Ralph catches him. Meanwhile, Alex is chosen to be an alternate on the Dragon's basketball team but ends up taking Victor's place when Victor gets mad at the captain (Kevin) and quits. Alex hangs out with his teammates, Kevin and Spencer, and ends up coming home late and getting in trouble with his father.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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Don't Stop The Music, Part 4
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#6 - Don't Stop The Music, Part 4

Season 2 - Episode 24 - Aired 2/13/1994

Lenni's music video is finished. Also, Jamal gets a letter informed that he has been accepted in the high school he wanted to get into. Sonia takes it to MTV but on the way there she is mugged and the tape is stolen. Lenni sends Ghostwriter to where the tape might be. Lenni realizes that David is the saboteur and he and Marlon are in cahoots. The team sends David a phony letter from Marlon telling him to meet at an empty parking lot. David is arrested and the tape is saved. At the party Lenni's music video is played.

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Don't Stop The Music, Part 3
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#7 - Don't Stop The Music, Part 3

Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 2/6/1994

Casey is accused of being the saboteur. Lenni continues to get gifts from Marlon. Lenni asks Marlon if he even knows David but he claims that he doesn't. Lenni suspects that he and David are lying. Hector learns that Avatar is the one leaving the anonymous notes for Jade. Gaby and Tina learn that Casey isn't the saboteur after all. A spotlight falls and nearly kills Lenni and another note is attached but this one is different from the others left by Avatar.

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Don't Stop The Music, Part 2
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#8 - Don't Stop The Music, Part 2

Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 1/30/1994

As the team starts rehearsing for Lenni's video, strange things start happening. The lights go out, someone puts glue where their feet are going to be put and a wireboard short circuits. The team realizes that whoever is behind the sabotage must be working on the video. Leif isn't upset with the glue. Sonia wants to use the accidents for publicity. Ghostwriter reads a letter to David from Marlon Campbell, the same guy who tried to bribe Lenni to work for him. But, David says that he doesn't know Marlon. Casey Austin, Jamal's cousin, sneaks into the studio to spy on Jamal. Jamal and Gaby read an article that years ago Leif and Jade used to be lovers. Leif was in show business with a few hits but when he dropped Jade broke up with him and he hasn't forgiven her. They hear a noise and thinks it's Leif running away scared, so they decide to surround him but instead find Casey.

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Don't Stop The Music, Part 1
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#9 - Don't Stop The Music, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 21 - Aired 1/23/1994

Lenni, Max and Sally are all watching Lenni's video from the Star Jam episode Building Bridges. Just then, they get a call from Smash Records. Jade Morgan is inspired by the video and wants Lenni to star her in a music video. Lenni has writer's block so she writes a song about self-confidence. Jade is inspired by the song and decides to allow the team to be in the video.

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Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 4
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#10 - Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 4

Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 1/16/1994

The team challenges Max Mouse to a game of ghost while Ghostwriter heads through cyberspace to finally catch it. Ghostwriter gets the phone number of Max Mouse, and they learn who she is: Janice. She said she did all of the things because she wanted attention.

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Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 3
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#11 - Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 3

Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 1/10/1994

Jamal suspects that Janice lied about having her own computer. The team challenges Max Mouse to some online games and creates their own screen name and get the phone numbers of their suspects. Then they learn Calvin had another screename: Red Parrot, so they take him off the list. Hector gets some tutoring from Alex on how to face up to a bully. Just then Lenni and Jamal's names and phone numbers appear on the police suspect list.

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Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 2
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#12 - Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 2

Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 1/3/1993

Max Mouse continues to wreak havoc in Hurston. Jamal Lenni, and a lot of other kids grades get changed, false alarms go off and a child is nearly killed in a fire because the fire department is responding to a false alarm. Ms. Kelly has had enough. The kids have never seen her so upset. Then there's a new message on the computer but this one looks serious. The team's three suspects are Calvin, Erica and Janice.

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Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 1
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#13 - Who Is Max Mouse?, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 12/26/1993

Jamal is writing an essay for a high school he wants to get into. Just then, Ghostwriter appears with a warning. Suddenly he is kicked out of the computer. A weird message appears from someone or something called Max Mouse. At the auditorium, the computer teacher informs everyone that a hacker is loose. He warns the students not to use any disks. Strange things start happening: the sports page advertisments for basketball tryouts is changed, and Jasmine is arrested because she is suspected of using stolen credit cards. While Tina was trashing in the computer lab, she finds strange words on a sheet of paper with a wad of gum on it, along with Janice Hall's computer quiz, which was very hard, and she had gotten an A on that quiz. [Why would it be in the trash? --minnymouse35] Then Ghostwriter informs the team that Lenni could be in trouble with the police, and they learn that the words Tina found on the sheet are passwords to get into the school computer.

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Lost In Brooklyn, Part 4
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#14 - Lost In Brooklyn, Part 4

Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 12/19/1993

Safria is accidentally locked in the hotel's storage closet. Luckily, Ghostwriter reads the stuff and informs the team where she is. Safria is rescued by Malenga. Hector agrees to join the team and take Rob's place and Rob says farewell to the team.

Directors: Susan Dansby
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Am I Blue?, Part 1
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#15 - Am I Blue?, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/12/1993

Gaby is excited when she learns that her heroine, Galaxy Girl, is making a special show at Hurston. She wants to buy a Galaxy Girl costume to wear at the assembly but she doesn't have enough money, so she borrows some money from her parents cashier planing to return the costume and get a refund. At the show something goes wrong and the model spaceship is stolen. She can't return the costume because it was on sale. Gaby is heart broken when she doesn't get to meet Galaxy Girl. She becomes more worried when the team leaves to confront Calvin but is even more scared when she finds the space ship model in her toy chest.

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Lost In Brooklyn, Part 2
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#16 - Lost In Brooklyn, Part 2

Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 12/5/1993

Safria and Tina go on a city search for Malenga. Meanwhile, Alex is tutoring a young student named Hector. Safria has a fight with her father and storms off.

Directors: Susan Dansby
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Lost In Brooklyn, Part 1
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#17 - Lost In Brooklyn, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/28/1993

An African exchange student arrives in Hurston and Tina befriends her. Safria explains to Tina that years ago her brother wanted to become an artist. Her father disapproved, they had a fight and Malenga accidentally hit him. Ever since that day Safria's father hasn't forgiven him and won't allow his name to be mentioned. Safria tells Tina that Malenga has been writing anonymous letters to her. She and Tina decide to go on a city search for Malenga.

Directors: Susan Dansby
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Just In Time, Part 4
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#18 - Just In Time, Part 4

Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/24/1993

Catherine gets the message from Ghostwriter and goes to tell Frank but she finds Lucy instead. Catherine and Ghostwriter plead with Lucy to help and she agrees. The team meets up with adult Catherine and she tells them how she and Frank caught the real culprit.

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Just In Time, Part 3
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#19 - Just In Time, Part 3

Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/17/1993

Frank and Catherine learn that the brush salesman might have been a con artist. Jamal's dad is getting sick. The team learns that Frank and Catherine helped catch the thief years ago but history will change if they don't send the information soon.

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Just In Time, Part 2
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#20 - Just In Time, Part 2

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 11/7/1993

The Team sends Frank and Catherine some information. They list suspects Ms. O'Boyle the housekeeper and Lucy since they hate Frank. They also learn that two other people were in the house: a brush salesman and the coal man.

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Just In Time, Part 1
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#21 - Just In Time, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/31/1993

Ghostwriter travels back in time to the 1920's before the Ghostwriter team existed. There he learns of a young boy named Frank who's living with a foster family named the Camilans. Frank is accused of stealing a priceless tea set. Nobody believes Frank except his best friend Catherine.

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Get The Message, Part 4
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#22 - Get The Message, Part 4

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/24/1993

With the team reunited and Ghostwriter back. the team puts a phony ad in the paper to catch the art thief.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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Get The Message, Part 3
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#23 - Get The Message, Part 3

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 10/17/1993

Jamal and Rob realize that the only way to stop the feud is to try to get the team to remember how much Ghostwriter means to them. They all get letters from each other but later learn it was a practical joke and get angry. Jamal and Rob give the team the letter. They realize how mad they were and that they were thinking only of themselves. They realize that someone is trying to set them up. Rob figures out that it's probably Calvin who was eavesdropping on them.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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Get The Message, Part 2
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#24 - Get The Message, Part 2

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 10/10/1993

Jamal goes straight to the art gallery that Ghostwriter read on one of the shirts of the two men that ran in front of the camera. He learns that one of their paintings was stolen. The security guard chased the thief and it was the same place where the accident occurred. The team's feuding causes Ghostwriter to begin fading away.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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Get The Message, Part 1
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#25 - Get The Message, Part 1

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/3/1993

Tina is videotaping Max setting up his instruments when he is nearly killed in a car accident caused by Mr. Fernandez. Fernandez says that he swerved to avoid hitting someone that ran in front of his car, but Max thinks he did it deliberately. Lenni begins accuse Fernandez of being a reckless driver and Alex angrily begins stalking Lenni. Gaby breaks up her friendship with Tina when Tina writes an unpleasant story in the paper.

Directors: Maureen Thorp
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