The BEST episodes written by Candido Tirado

#1 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 1
Ghostwriter (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 25
Jamal is happy when Casey goes back home. Tina finds her school ID in a trash can and realizes the last place she had it was in her jacket - in her locker. Jamal and Tina find out that her locker was broke into and her expensive sheepskin jacket has been stolen. Other thefts occur at Hurston. The team (and Ghostwriter) learn that Maria's camera was stolen, and Delilah's tape recorder as well. With Ghostwriter's help, they discover that a fence named Big Ralph is selling the stolen items and on their stakeout, they see Delilah buying her tape recorder back. Hector goes to look at the stuff but Ralph catches him. Meanwhile, Alex is chosen to be an alternate on the Dragon's basketball team but ends up taking Victor's place when Victor gets mad at the captain (Kevin) and quits. Alex hangs out with his teammates, Kevin and Spencer, and ends up coming home late and getting in trouble with his father.
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#2 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 2
Ghostwriter (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 26
Lenni finds out Spencer has something to do with how Delilah knew where to get her tape recorder. Tina and Hector go on a stakeout by taping Big Ralph. They find out that a kid is involved, but they don't know who it is. Big Ralph gets arrested in the meantime. Also, another student, Jason, had a gold bracelet stolen from his locker. A boy named Arnie is also acting suspicious about the fact he has Maria's camera. In the meantime, Alex is playing at a Dragons game. After their victory, Kevin wants to celebrate by smoking pot, which Alex doesn't want to do. Alex turns him down. Kevin doesn't show up for school the next day, so Alex is now behind on a project he's supposed to do with Kevin. Kevin offers Alex pot again, but accidently leaves a joint behind, which Gaby finds. Gaby writes Alex a heartfelt letter about why he shouldn't smoke marijuana, which he takes with him on his way to Kevin's house.
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#3 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 3
Ghostwriter (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 27
When Alex gets to Kevin's house, Kevin is having a party and offers Alex another joint. Alex turns him down and leaves. When Alex gets home, he is greeted by his parents, who found the joint, and they ground him. Jamal and Jeffrey talk to a drug counciler about their school project. Jamal discovers that Arnie's mother used to date Big Ralph, so Arnie knew he could get a deal on the stolen items. The team finds out that the kid in the video is wearing a Dragons' jacket, and suspect it's Spencer. Alex goes to a Dragons game, but Kevin doesn't show up. Alex quits the team when he realizes Kevin's drug use is causing him to slack off in school and on the court. After the game, he goes to Lenni's house instead of going home late, and the team encourages him to write an apology letter to his parents. Jamal and Jeffrey learn to work together on their project and invite Alex to work with them. Later, Alex finds Kevin carrying his TV down the street, and then getting attacked by a mys
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#4 - What's Up With Alex?, Part 4
Ghostwriter (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 28
The ""mysterious stranger"" turns out to be a drug dealer that Kevin had to pay back. Alex talks to Mr. Oliver about Kevin's drug problem. Meanwhile, the team tricks Spencer into telling them that the Dragons player in the video was Kevin. Jamal, Alex, & Jeffrey finish their school project. Then, Ghostwriter gives clues that Kevin has been selling the stolen items to pay back his drug dealer and is planning on selling his grandfather's prized trophy. Alex goes to the basketball court to try and help him. Later, Alex's father entertains the thought of Alex getting his own room.
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