The BEST episodes of Game Theory season 4

Every episode of Game Theory season 4, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Game Theory season 4!

They say that knowledge is power. And Nintendo encourages you to “play with power.” So shouldn’t you be playing…with knowledge? Every week (usually Tuesdays), we separate the fact from the fiction in some of your favorite video games. Learn off-the-wall info while we look in-depth at the designer’s decisions for old, new, and forgotten gems. It’s Mythbusters for gamers!

Last Updated: 3/12/2025Network: YouTubeStatus: Continuing
3 votes

#1 - Yes, PewDiePie. YouTube IS Broken

Season 4 - Episode 27 - Aired 12/22/2014

This past November, PewDiePie released a video expressing his concerns that subscribers weren't seeing his latest uploads. In his words, the YouTube Sub Box was broken. And he's not the only one. Hundreds of creators, large and small, have expressed concerns about their subscribers not seeing their latest uploads. And they're not entirely wrong. Here's my theory on WHY this happens.

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#2 - Flappy Bird, PewDiePie, and Pasta Sauce

Season 4 - Episode 7 - Aired 4/18/2014

For two episodes, we looked at what gamers DON'T want. But what DO gamers want? Flappy Bird, PewDiePie, Goat Simulator and all the rest have the answer. And what that ultimately means for the Wii U, Nintendo, and the YouTube ecosystem will shock you.

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#3 - Candy Crush, Designed to ADDICT

Season 4 - Episode 16 - Aired 7/31/2014

Mobile gaming is EVERYWHERE. Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, Total Conquest, Dungeon Gems, and while other games sit on the shelves collecting dust, we're spending our time swiping at tiles. WHY? Why are we so addicted to these games? The truth involves brain chemistry in a way you would NEVER expect!

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#4 - World of Warcraft will SAVE the Economy

Season 4 - Episode 17 - Aired 8/20/2014

We've talked before about how incredibly addictive World of Warcraft is. But one thing we haven't mentioned is how the game is secretly training the some of the greatest economic thinkers in history. Business school? MBA? Forget that! Play a couple hundred hours of WoW and you'll be able to solve some of the world's most difficult financial issues. This video explains how!

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#5 - DEATH by Hacking (Watch Dogs pt. 2)

Season 4 - Episode 21 - Aired 10/10/2014

It's October, and that means SCARY theories. And what can be scarier than hackers taking over your life then killing you...without you having any idea what's going on. Last time we showed that hackers can control your car, your money, and your identity with no problems. This time we go bigger, controlling your body, bombs, and nationwide industries. Let's cut to the chase: We're DOOMED.

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#6 - FNAF 2, Gaming's Scariest Story SOLVED!

Season 4 - Episode 26 - Aired 12/9/2014

THIS GAME IS SO COMPLICATED! You asked for it and so we dug deep into the convoluted lore of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria to answer ALL the questions the game leaves out there. Is it a prequel or sequel? What's the actual timeline? And who IS the Golden Freddy Killer? We're spending another Five Nights at Freddy's, so prepare to be scared.

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Season 4 - Episode 28 - Aired 12/28/2014

I've gotten TONS of requests from fans of the show asking for a look behind the scenes of a typical episode of Game Theory. So here it is, the curtain is pulled back and we show you the THRILLING process behind making an upload of the series. From the meticulous process of choosing a video topic to the grueling edit process, we show you the ins and outs of what it takes to produce a typical theory! And be sure to stay until the end so you can be included in an upcoming episode! With the help of my partners at Skype via their Qik app, I'm gathering videos submitted by Loyal Theorists to choose one of 2015's first episodes and then using the videos you submit throughout the episode! So this is your chance to theorize along with me! I can't wait to see what you guys produce! In full disclosure, this video was sponsored by Skype. But, as always, rest assured that we're promoting a service that we already use anyway. Skype is THE go-to communication service for most YouTubers, especially gamers, so partnering with them to do a cool video like this and host a fan-submission service that enables us to feature you guys in an upcoming episode is SUPER exciting. Anyway, rest assured that when I do videos on this channel, sponsored or no, at the end of the day they are on topics that interest ME as a creator and not some corporate entity. I won't do a video unless I A) control what I get to say, B) am personally interested in the subject, and C) think you will enjoy the final product! Just so you know how I approach these sorts of things :)

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#8 - Watch Dogs Warning! YOU'RE NOT SAFE! (pt. 1)

Season 4 - Episode 14 - Aired 7/2/2014

Watch Dogs, or Watch_Dogs should I say, puts you in control of the coolest phone ever, able to hack into the world around you, spy into the lives of others, and generally be an Internet ninja. But how real is this game? Those hacks couldn't possibly happen in real life, right? Right?? The truth about Watch Dogs hacks may be one of the scariest and most real threats we've yet tackled on Game Theory!

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#9 - How Deadly is Super Mario's Bullet Bill?

Season 4 - Episode 9 - Aired 5/17/2014

Mario's Bullet Bill SAYS he's a bullet. But how deadly is this classic Super Mario villain? Using physics and history, we unlock the secrets behind this perilous projectile. Is Bullet Bill really a bullet? Or is he just a poseur?

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#10 - Five Nights at Freddy's SCARIEST Monster is You!

Season 4 - Episode 22 - Aired 10/23/2014

Another SCARY THEORY for Halloween! This time, by your popular request, FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S. 2014's hottest survival horror game seems simple at first. But once you start looking past the murderous animatronics, the true story behind Five Nights at Freddy's may be more sinister than you ever expected!

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#11 - Batman + Superman + COW = ???

Season 4 - Episode 24 - Aired 11/18/2014

I just got done playing Lego Batman 3, and there are SO MANY CHARACTERS to unlock. Seriously, like 150. And while a lot of the comic book characters I recognized -- Joker, Lex Luthor, Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns -- there was a WHOLE lot more that I didn't, like a half-Superman, half-Batman hybrid, and a robotic Superman, and a Batman COW! So I'm digging deep into comic lore to shed some light on these lesser-known characters, and what I've found is that the characters you DON'T know are WAY cooler than the ones that you DO!

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#12 - What ARE Minecraft Creepers?!?

Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/15/2014

Minecraft is STILL one of the hottest games out there, and yet the Creeper, the game's mascot, is still a walking mystery. What is this Minecraft menace? Why does the Creeper explode? And why do Creepers always explode around ME? Well, Minecraft Steve, prepare yourself because it's time we figure out the truth of this walking green time bomb!

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#13 - How Rome Dominates Mobile Strategy Games

Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 5/31/2014

I suck at strategy games, and the popularity of mobile RTS games like Clash of Clans with the younger mobile crowd has me feeling a bit insecure. So I'm diving headfirst into swipe strategy to climb the leaderboards. Using the game Total Conquest, I learn that some of gaming's best strategies come from Ancient History...Rome in particular!

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#14 - Are Gamers Killing Video Games?

Season 4 - Episode 6 - Aired 3/30/2014

So people didn't like Virtual Boy and aren't buying the Wii U. Well, in PART 2 of our "What Gamers Want" series, we look at sales data to uncover a shocking secret in the games industry: Gamers DON'T want innovation! Despite all our calls for increased creativity, we just don't buy creative games. And our inconsistency is singlehandedly killing Nintendo.

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#15 - Humans are Pokemon

Season 4 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/22/2014

Pokemon is a game full of bizarre, off-the-wall theories. But one that's generally overlooked is the role of humans in the Pokemon world. Evidence from Pokemon Silver and Gold, Diamond and Pearl, Red and Blue, and even entries in the Pokedex and anime all point to one conclusion: Humans ARE Pokemon. Believe it!

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#16 - Defending Call of Duty Advanced Warfare's Regenerating Health

Season 4 - Episode 23 - Aired 11/4/2014

Call of Duty gets a lot of hate when it comes to its health system. For as "Modern" as its warfare may be, regenerating health just isn't something that's going to be available on the battlefield...or will it? With CoD: Advanced Warfare, you're fighting a war 40 years in the future. Could regenerating health be possible then? And how does it compare to the science of health packs?

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#17 - Is Mortal Kombat's Killer Scream Possible?

Season 4 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/8/2014

Mortal Kombat is full of gruesome ways to die, but they tend to be pretty over-the-top. One fatality in particular, though, stands out as not only possible, but even MORE TERRIFYING in real life. Cover your ears because Mortal Kombat is showing us how to pop a head with the power of sound!

3 votes

#18 - Wii U is the New Virtual Boy

Season 4 - Episode 4 - Aired 3/8/2014

The Virtual Boy has gone down in video game history as one of the worst systems of all time. This tremendous flop has been a dark mark in Nintendo's history, and yet, history has just repeated itself. The Wii U has made all the mistakes of the Virtual Boy. Had Nintendo remembered its own history, its current financial troubles could have been avoided.

2 votes

#19 - Are Video Games Anti-LGBT?

Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 5/5/2014

Final Fantasy VII's cross dressing scene is one of the most memorable in gaming. But as I was analyzing it, I noticed a disturbing trend in how LGBT lifestyle is portrayed not just in this scene, but across gaming as a whole. So what does FFVII's drag scene teach us about the cross dressing community and about the gaming industry as a whole?

2 votes

#20 - BEWARE Link's Hookshot in Legend of Zelda!

Season 4 - Episode 25 - Aired 11/25/2014

Link's hookshot from the Legend of Zelda is one of the coolest items in all of gaming. Who WOULDN'T want to fire a grappling hook at any object and instantly get reeled back in. It's AWESOME and is definitely my favorite item from any video game ever. But is it really as awesome as we all think? Is the hookshot in Link's pack of items truly the deadliest thing in the whole Legend of Zelda franchise?

2 votes

#21 - Why Call of Duty Ghosts Should Terrify You

Season 4 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/15/2014

Call of Duty Ghosts is far from realistic. And yet, CoD Ghosts' version of reality should absolutely terrify you. And even worse, it's closer to becoming a reality than you might think. Love it or hate it, Call of Duty Ghosts certainly can predict the way we're all going to die.

2 votes

#22 - Is Comic-Con REALLY Worth the Wait? (SDCC 2014)

Season 4 - Episode 15 - Aired 7/20/2014

It's fan convention season! And that means waiting in line to meet some of you favorite celebrities. But have you ever really stopped to consider just how many hours get wasted in those panel lines? Perhaps none are worse than San Diego Comic Con, whose lines have become notorious in the convention space. So is there a way to HACK Comic Con? Obey the rules, but spend the least amount of time possible waiting for he big panel you want to see. Let's find out!

2 votes

#23 - Rosalina UNMASKED pt. 2 (Super Mario Galaxy)

Season 4 - Episode 19 - Aired 9/11/2014

So based on genetics and in-game lore, it seems like Rosalina's parents MAY be Peach and Mario. But Rosalina's mother is dead, and Peach doesn't seem to be. Not to mention Rosalina and Peach look to be the exact same age. So what's the deal? Are they actually related? The answer is YES. Super Mario Galaxy explains how...even if it is a little difficult to decipher.

2 votes

#24 - Which Link Rules them All? (Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors)

Season 4 - Episode 20 - Aired 9/28/2014

With the release of Hyrule Warriors, I got to thinking...clearly not all Legendary Heroes are created equally. So across all the various reincarnations of Link in the Legend of Zelda series, which Link would be the best, the one to rule them all? We analyze their strength, smarts, stealth, experience, and equipment to find out which Link is the best Link!

3 votes

#25 - How Real Can Video Games Get?

Season 4 - Episode 10 - Aired 5/24/2014

Gamers want to be completely immersed in a video game, right? But just how immersed can that experience get? What is the limiting factor right now holding video game players back from having a completely real experience? Surprisingly, the answer might be the device you play the game on...not the console, but the TELEVISION!