The BEST episodes of Doctor Who (2005)
Every episode of Doctor Who (2005) ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Doctor Who (2005)!
The Doctor is an alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who travels through all of time and space in the TARDIS. The Doctor has a long list of friends and companions who have shared journeys along the way. Instead of dying, the Doctor is able to “regenerate” into a new body, taking on a new personality with each regeneration.

#1 - Blink
Season 3 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/9/2007
In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. Only the Doctor can stop them, but he's lost in time.

#2 - Forest of the Dead (2)
Season 4 - Episode 9 - Aired 6/7/2008
As the shadows rise, the Doctor forges an alliance with the mysterious River Song. But can they halt the advance of the Vashta Nerada?

#3 - A Good Man Goes to War
Season 6 - Episode 7 - Aired 6/4/2011
The Doctor assembles an alien army to fight the Battle of Demons Run, and we finally discover who River Song really is...

#4 - Heaven Sent
Season 9 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/28/2015
Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives. One final test. And he must face it alone. Pursued by the fearsome creature known only as the Veil, he must attempt the impossible. If he makes it through, Gallifrey is waiting...

#5 - The Name of the Doctor
Season 7 - Episode 13 - Aired 5/18/2013
The Doctor has a secret he will take to his grave. And it is discovered...

#6 - Silence in the Library (1)
Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 5/31/2008
The Doctor meets River Song for the first time as he and Donna face the Vashta Nerada!

#7 - Vincent and the Doctor
Season 5 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/5/2010
The Doctor and Amy Pond meet Vincent van Gogh... And an ancient, terrifying monster.

#8 - Journey's End (2)
Season 4 - Episode 13 - Aired 7/5/2008
As Davros and the Daleks threaten the universe, the Doctor's companions join forces. But tragedy is waiting for the Time Lord...

#9 - The Angels Take Manhattan
Season 7 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/29/2012
The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them...

#10 - Doomsday (2)
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 7/8/2006
The end of an epic journey, as two mighty armies wage war across the Earth, with the human race caught in the middle. But as an unstoppable terror emerges from beneath Torchwood, the Doctor faces an even greater dilemma - does saving the world mean the death of Rose Tyler?

#11 - The Big Bang (2)
Season 5 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/26/2010
The Stone Dalek closes in on the Doctor, and reality's last hope is a little girl who still believes in stars.

#12 - The Eleventh Hour
Season 5 - Episode 1 - Aired 4/3/2010
The new Doctor has 20 minutes to save the world, and only Amy Pond - the girl who waited - can help him.

#13 - Hell Bent
Season 9 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/5/2015
If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his hearts... how far might the Doctor go? Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself. Who is the Hybrid? And what is the Doctor's confession?

#14 - Turn Left
Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 6/21/2008
What would have happened if the Doctor had died facing the Racnoss? We find a nightmare world as Donna and Rose attempt to stop the approaching Darkness.

#15 - The Stolen Earth (1)
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/28/2008
Rose Tyler, Torchwood, Martha and more... Earth's greatest heroes assemble to fight the New Dalek Empire.

#16 - The Parting of the Ways (2)
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/18/2005
Rose has seen danger and wonders alongside the Doctor, but now their friendship is put to the test as Earth plunges into an epic war. With the human race being slaughtered, the Doctor is forced into terrible action. Will the time-travellers ever be reunited?

#17 - The Pandorica Opens (1)
Season 5 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/19/2010
The Doctor confronts an army of old enemies, and Amy battles a Cyberman. And then the Pandorica opens...

#18 - The Girl in the Fireplace
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 5/6/2006
Madame de Pompadour finds the court at Versailles under attack from sinister clockwork killers. Her only hope of salvation lies with the man who has haunted her dreams since childhood - a mysterious stranger known only as the Doctor.

#19 - World Enough and Time (1)
Season 10 - Episode 11 - Aired 6/24/2017
A huge spaceship trapped in the gravity well of a black hole, teeming with impossible lifeforms, harbours one of the Doctor's most feared enemies... Mondasian Cybermen.

#20 - The Wedding of River Song
Season 6 - Episode 13 - Aired 10/1/2011
All of time and space hangs in the balance, for this is the day the Doctor dies.

#21 - The Doctor Falls (2)
Season 10 - Episode 12 - Aired 7/1/2017
The Doctor makes a final stand against an army of Cybermen to protect a tiny band of humans from destruction.

#22 - Last of the Time Lords (3)
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/30/2007
Earth has been conquered and the Master rules supreme, with the Doctor his prisoner. Can Martha Jones save the world?

#23 - The Time of Angels (1)
Season 5 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/24/2010
The Doctor, River Song and Amy hunt the last of the Weeping Angels through the terrifying Maze of the Dead.

#24 - Asylum of the Daleks
Season 7 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/1/2012
Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission - to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter...

#25 - The Family of Blood (2)
Season 3 - Episode 9 - Aired 6/2/2007
1913, and war comes to England a year in advance, as the terrifying Family hunt for the Doctor.