The BEST episodes of Caillou season 2
Every episode of Caillou season 2, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Caillou season 2!
This show is about the life of a young bald boy named Caillou, his family and his friends. It is based on the books by Christine L'Heureux and Helene Despeteaux, which is highly popular in the Quebec area in Canada. There are actually two versions of the show. The first version premiered in late 1997, is only 5 minutes in length, consists of 65 episodes, and is fully animated. The plot line of this version is that a grandmother reads her grandchildren a Caillou book. While this version enjoys success in some countries outside the US, it was never formally aired in the US. The second version, which premiered in late 2000, has the show extended to 30 minutes, and has puppets, music and live action segments thrown in. The animation parts, however, are a mixture of the first version of the show with the "grandma reading to kids" part of the story lopped off and some new stories (however, Season 3 no longer contains animation parts from the first version of the show).

#1 - Caillou's Big Discovery
Season 2 - Episode 60 - Aired 5/8/2001
Caillou explores the dinosaur age when he and Leo find a fish fossil rock in Caillou’s backyard.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - Caillou to the Rescue
Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 9/7/2000
(A42 wip title: "Caillou the Lion Tamer, or Firefighter") Caillou tries to teach Gilbert tricks like a lion tamer, but Gilbert is more interested in chasing butterflies. When a dog on a leash approaches him, he gets scared and races up a tree. Caillou tries to lure him down with his favorite toy mouse, but then notices how high up he is and runs to get his Dad's help. Dad gets a ladder, but it's not tall enough to reach Gilbert. He calls the fire department and when the firefighters get there, Dad recognizes an old friend of his who he played with when he was a kid, Eric. The firefighters set up a ladder and Gilbert is retrieved successfully. Gilbert proceeds to show his gratitude by running off. Caillou is invited for a tour of the firestation and rides in the firetruck. At the firestation, Caillou meets Sparky, their dalmatian, who helps them sniff for fires. Finally, the firestation's alarm sounds and the firefighters have to leave. Back at home, Caillou tells Gilbert that he's saved him and notes that Gilbert should be glad he's a firefighter.
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - All in a Day's Work
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/4/2000
(A42 WIP title: "My Alarm Clock Didn't Go Off") It's morning and Gilbert wakes Caillou up He goes into Mommy and Daddy's room. They wish him good morning. Then, Mommy realizes that their alarm didn't go off. Dad has Caillou go downstairs and feed Gilbert. Mom makes Caillou rush through breakfast and he's not happy about it. In the bathroom, Caillou sees Mom's makeup. He uses it on Rosie, to make her look like Mommy. Mom notices this and Caillou says he wanted Rosie to look like her. Mom scolds him for playing with her makeup. Dad asks Caillou to get dressed so that he and Rosie can go to playgroup, but Caillou doesn't want to . He wants to stay home and play with Daddy. Daddy, however, has to go to work. So Dad goes downstairs and tells Mommy to go ahead on to the playgroup with Rosie. Back upstairs, we learn that Dad's alarm clock definitely isn't going off because he's decided that he can be even later than he is now for work by taking Caillou around the neighborhood to see other people who are working. Caillou meets the mailman, a garbage collector and cops. They also stop at an ATM, where Dad clears up Caillou's misconception that the ATM simply "gives him money." (A common misconception among little children.) He drops Caillou off at his playgroup, where he tells Mrs. Martin about all the stuff he did "at work."
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#4 - Under Sail
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 9/14/2000
Caillou goes to the park with Rosie and his mother. There they see toy boats sailing on the lake. Later, at his grandparents’ house, Caillou finds his grandpa's old boat in their basement. Caillou and Grandpa repaint the boat and then sail it.
Watch Now:Amazon#5 - Caillou's Sea Adventure
Season 2 - Episode 24 - Aired 9/25/2000
Caillou is inside the house, playing with his kite again. He tries to interest Gilbert in it, but Gilbert doesn't care. He goes downstairs to get Mommy because they're supposed to be going to the park, but Mommy opens the door and shows him that it's raining. She says that the forecast is for rain all day. Caillou is upset. He feels that he has nothing to do and doesn't like the suggestion of playing with Rosie. Daddy suggests that Leo could come over. So Caillou calls over to Leo's house, but is simply told that Leo isn't home. Daddy suggests that he use his imagination to find something to do. He finds Roise playing peekaboo, but gets upset because she's playing with something of his. He ends up deciding to let her play with it, though. He's gotten an idea of something he can do. He grabs the tablecloth off the kitchen table and creates his own pirate ship. Rosie comes in and wants to play, but Caillou won't let her. They argue and Mommy ends up taking the tablecloth away. Caillou tries playing a matching card game and Rosie interferes. At first he's mad again, but then he makes her laugh and decides to play with her. So they once again set up the pirate ship and Caillou gets a cardboard tube from Dad to use as a periscope. They pretend that they're trying to escape from Gilbert, who's a shark. Then, Daddy joins in the game and pretends to be a pirate.
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#7 - Off to School
Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 9/18/2000
Caillou is watching out the window because he wants to see the school bus when it comes. Daddy keeps calling him to do things, which annoys him because he might miss the bus. He does get to see it, though and it gets him to wishing that he could go to school. That evening, Sarah comes over with an invitation. Her school is having a little brother/sister day. She doesn't have one, so she wants to invite Caillou to come instead. Caillou's parents agree and the next day, Caillou is off to school. He wants to bring his dinosaur, but his Mommy says he doesn't need it. He'll have so much fun at school that it'll just get forgotten in his backpack. Caillou's Mommy drives Caillou and Sarah to school. There, Caillou thinks the school is very big. Sarah holds his hand as they go in. Caillou gets to see Sarah's classroom briefly, but then they have to go to the gym for assembly. Once there, Caillou wants to play, but Sarah tells him they have to sit and listen. As the principal drones on about "fun-filled, action-packed day," Caillou starts to get antsy. He has to use the bathroom. Later, Caillou and Sarah are back in the classroom, drawing on the blackboard. Normally they couldn't do this, but it's allowed since it's a special day. Then they have recess, during which Sarah comments that she likes school, but wishes they had more time outside. Caillou doesn't understand until the bell rings and Caillou realizes that recess seems very short. Back in class, Caillou enjoys painting. Then later, they have lunch and Caillou and Sarah decide to switch their lunches. On the way home that day, Caillou tells Mommy all about what he did in school and then goes to sleep in the back of the car.
Watch Now:Amazon#8 - Finder's Keepers
Season 2 - Episode 38 - Aired 9/20/2000
(A42 wip title: "Da Plane, Where's Da Plane?") Caillou and Leo are playing, but they both want to play with the same truck. Caillou decides to add his toy airplane to their pretend farm, but he can't find it. He searches all around the house with Leo, finding money, a bracelet that Mom lost and other toys that he lost. Along the way, he's constantly stopped by his parents and told to clean things up. Eventually, he finds his airplane after cleaning up his room. Encouraged, he and Leo decide to try and find Caillou's train that he lost.
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Downhill from Here
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/9/2001
Caillou, his Mommy and Sarah go skiing, and his Daddy and Rosie have hot chocolate.
Watch Now:Amazon#10 - Sunday Brunch
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 9/18/2000
Caillou is excited to get up out of bed because today is Mother's Day and he's got a special gift for his Mom. He goes downstairs and wonders where Mommy is. Daddy explains that he let her sleep in and he's making her breakfast. They take the breakfast up to her and Caillou wishes her a happy birthday. Mommy tells him that it's not her birthday, it's Mother's Day. Caillou wants to give her the present, but Daddy suggests that he give it to her when they go to brunch. Since it's a special day, they're going to brunch (breakfast / lunch) at a restaurant. At the restaurant, Caillou and Rosie press their faces against a fishtank and then are escorted to the table by a waiter who calls them sir/madam. Caillou likes this. At the table, there's no food and Caillou learns that it's a buffet, so you have to go get the food. He's eager to get the food, but learns that you have to take your place in line. He wants to carry his own plate, but when he ends up sneezing and blowing away some of his food onto the floor, Mommy ends up carrying it for him. Caillou loses his appetite, but it perks up when the dessert tray is brought out. He asks if Mommy is going to get a cake with candles and is told that they don't usually do that for Mother's Day. The waiter, however, decides to be accommodating and brings a cake with candles. Caillou helps Mommy blow them out as he wishes her a happy birthday, or rather a happy Mother's Day and he also gives her his gift, one of his toy cars.
Watch Now:Amazon#11 - Star Light, Star Bright
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/19/2000
Caillou's grandma is making her special top potato sald which Caillou says it's "Yummy!" Caillou's family looks up at the beautiful night sky. It reminds his daddy of when he used to look for shooting stars. Caillou really wants to see a shooting star for himself. While Caillou and his daddy look at the moon and several star constallations, Caillou tries being patient to watch a shooting star going by.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#12 - Caillou's Check-Up
Season 2 - Episode 27 - Aired 9/6/2000
Caillou hears some horror story from Leo about his cousin's visit to the dentist, and becomes very afraid when his mom wants to take him to one. But Caillou soon learns that the dentist isn't as scary as he thinks. In fact, he even got some freebies after the visit.
Watch Now:Amazon#17 - Back Seat Driver
Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 9/8/2000
(A42 wip title: "Breakdown in Transit") Daddy is driving Caillou and Rosie to meet up with Mommy at a restaurant. Caillou is playing with a toy car and Rosie insists on playing with it. There's a lot of traffic and they get stuck and then the car breaks down. Dad's "just great" reaction is about passive as can be, although they cut away to Caillou and Rosie, so we don't get to see anymore. They wait for the tow truck to arrive, Dad sitting face forward with a smile on his face, like he's the happiest guy in the world. The tow-truck guy is all friendly and takes them to "Sullivan and Son." He's the son, so it's his Dad that will be fixing the car. Throughout this segment, Daddy is just standing around with black oil smudged on his face, like there's no bathroom at the mechanic's where he can go and get cleaned up. Some other stuff happens, but by this time the length of the segment is bucking way outside of the target audience's attention span (editor's note: at this time, Caillou and Rosie were trying to buy clocolate bars from a vending machine, but kept ending up with one of those health/musli bars instead). They eventually make it to the restaurant, Caillou's toy car is fixed and Daddy gets cleaned up.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#19 - Caillou Plays Baseball
Season 2 - Episode 44 - Aired 9/28/2000
Caillou moves from renovation to recreation when Dad and Sarah teach him to play baseball.
Watch Now:Amazon#20 - House Paint
Season 2 - Episode 35 - Aired 9/28/2000
To prove he’s ready to help Dad paint the porch, Caillou paints Rosie’s dollhouse first – and Gilbert, with paint-dipped paws, does some painting too!
Watch Now:Amazon#21 - Hide and Seek
Season 2 - Episode 46 - Aired 9/26/2000
Rosie and Caillou are happily playing together with toy trucks. It's going well, but then Rosie starts grabbing things such as action figures out of Caillou's toy box. Caillou takes them from her and she cries, so he gives them back to her. He goes downstairs and finds Daddy in the kitchen cooking something. He complains about Rosie taking his toys. Daddy suggests that he share them. He tells Caillou to wait a little while and come back for a special surprise. Caillou is annoyed that Daddy isn't listening to him, so he goes to Mommy, but she also suggests that he play with Mommy. Really annoyed now, Caillou decides that perhaps if he gives Rosie something to do on her own, then he'll be left alone to do what he wants. So he goes upstairs and creates a playfort for her, but she disappears and he gets to thinking she's playing hide-and-seek. He ends up going on a wild-goose-chase all around the house and looking outside too for Rosie, but it's a game he can't win. Rosie isn't hiding in one place, she keeps moving about such that Caillou can't find him. Caillou starts to get worried, so his parents help him out and they eventually manage to track Rosie down to the playfort that Caillou set up for her. Caillou tries to join her inside, but it ends up falling over. Mommy and Daddy decide that they'll play hide and seek with Caillou, but then Daddy remembers his surprise. So they all go downstairs and enjoy the surprise - gingerbread cookies and then they all play hide and seek together, with Mommy, Daddy and Rosie hiding together and Caillou looking for them all.
Watch Now:Amazon#22 - Caillou's Clouds
Season 2 - Episode 47 - Aired 9/25/2000
Mommy, Caillou and Rosie are out at the park having a picnic. Caillou also has another reason to be excited about being at the park - he has a kite that he wants to try out. He tries it, but he can't get it to work. He runs, but it won't fly and he gets to thinking that it's broken. Mommy tells him that it isn't going to fly right now since there really isn't any wind. So they settle down to eat their food and then Mommy pushes Caillou and Rosie on the swings. Caillou watches the clouds in the sky and fantasizes various things, such as a tree, a train and an ice cream cone. He goes to play in the sandbox and then notices that the clouds are beginning to blow away. It's starting to get windy and Mommy reminds him about flying his kite. He goes to get it, but it nearly blows away itself. Caillou saves it and has a great time flying it.
Watch Now:Amazon#23 - Leo's Hamster
Season 2 - Episode 52 - Aired 9/22/2000
Leo has a hamster named Buddy. Caillou thinks that Leo is lucky to have him. Leo's going to be away from home for a while, so Caillou gets to take care of Buddy while Leo is away. Leo shows Caillou how to hold Buddy and reminds him to be gentle. Leo feeds Buddy a carrot and Caillou is surprised to see Buddy appear to eat the entire thing very quickly, but Leo explains that Buddy is actually hiding the carrot in his cheek pouches. The time finally comes for Caillou to take Buddy home. Leo's Mom gives Caillou a list to give to his Daddy. At home, Daddy makes sure that Gilbert stays out of Caillou's room so he can't get to Buddy. They check his food and water and then Daddy suggests that Buddy be left alone for a while because he's sleeping. So Caillou goes off to play with some blocks, but he gets bored and ends up taking Buddy out of his cage, even though Buddy was still sleeping. Buddy scurries all over Caillou and then runs off and into a small crack between one of Caillou's dressers and the wall. Caillou can't reach him and runs off to get Daddy, but when he gets back, Buddy is gone. Daddy and Caillou go on a hunt for him, but first Daddy locks Gilbert up in his cage so he can't go after Buddy. Eventually they hear Mommhy shouting out from the kitchen. They go in there and find her standing on a chair. It turns out that Buddy is underneath the refrigerator. So Caillou gets a carrot and uses that to lure Buddy out. Buddy is returned to his cage for a chance to really get some rest. When Leo arrives back from his trip, Caillou tells him all about what happened and how he used the carrot to lure Buddy out.
Watch Now:Amazon#25 - Mom For a Day
Season 2 - Episode 43 - Aired 9/8/2000
(A42 wip title: "I Can Help Daddy With Rosie") Mom leaves for a business meeting, so Caillou helps Dad with caring for Rosie. For example, she doesn't like cheese on her macaroni and she always has a little water in her apple juice. Caillou helps Dad look after Gilbert too. Rosie bumps her knee on a chair, so Caillou kisses it to make it better. Then the two play house together. Daddy lies Rosie down for a nap. Caillou gets bored and wants to play with her, so he feigns sneezing to wake her up. Daddy reprimands him for it, calling his bluff. At dinner, Rosie won't eat all of her food, so Caillou does the old "open wide for the plane" trick. Daddy gives Rosie a bath and she fusses until Caillou gives her a rubber duck. That night, Rosie cries when Daddy tries to make her go to bed. Caillou explains that Dad needs to read them a story. Dad has Caillou read the story. When Mom gets home, Dad's fell asleep, whereas Caillou and Rosie are wide awake.
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