The BEST episodes of Big Brother (US)

Every episode of Big Brother (US) ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Big Brother (US)!

Big Brother follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with dozens of high-definition cameras and microphones recording their every move, 24 hours a day. Each week, the Houseguests will vote someone out of the house. At the end, the last remaining Houseguest will receive the grand prize of $750,000.

Last Updated: 3/26/2025Network: CBSStatus: Continuing
78 votes

#1 - Week 3 Nominations

Season 15 - Episode 8 - Aired 7/14/2013

The new HOH chooses two people for eviction and the house is divided between two big alliances.

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52 votes

#2 - Nomination Ceremony #4

Season 12 - Episode 11 - Aired 8/1/2010

Season 12: Episode 11: Rachel and Kristen Battle it out as the Game Gets Real Andrew’s parting revelation that Kristen and Hayden are in a secret showmance reverberates through the house. On the outside Kristen is acting shocked, but in Diary Room she admits the worst thing she ever could have imagined has come out, and it has come out hard. Hayden is just as shocked -- he was cruising along with his secret alliance the Brigade, plus he had Kristen wrapped around his finger. What does he do now? During the live show, Hayden and Kristen lay into Andrew, telling him that they wouldn’t be that stupid. “Why would I lie?” Andrew asks, remaining calm as Hayden and Kristen keep up their charade. Fellow nominee Kathy is loving it, but not as much as Rachel, who realizes this is a great thing for her and her showmance Brendon. And what’s even better for Rachel’s showmance? Winning Head of Household! “Floaters,” Rachel says, “You better grab a life vest—Kristen!” Rachel then reveals she heard Hayden and Kristen making out last night. Brendon piles on, telling Hayden and Kristen that they are busted. Kristen lashes back, with Hayden backing her up. The insults fly, with Rachel and Kristen calling each other out on their intelligence. From the sidelines Ragan notes that he is not a religious person, but he has been praying for this moment to happen since he entered the house. Britney is also in hog heaven. “The irony that they were in a boxing ring was not lost on me,” Britney says. The attention diverts briefly to Kathy, who hugs Kristen and Hayden as things begin to die down. Rachel is not happy—that kind of behavior shows Kathy is with Kristen and not her. “She is clearly telling me what side she is on,” Rachel says in diary room. Things finally cool off to a point where Brendon can congratulate Rachel. Rachel breaks down, telling Brendon she is so tired of the house coming after them. In the palm bedroom, Enzo, Matt and Lane can

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30 votes

#3 - Live Eviction #6; HoH Competition #7; Nomination Ceremony #7; PoV Comp #7; Veto Ceremony #7; Live Eviction #7

Season 14 - Episode 19 - Aired 8/23/2012

In this very special edition of Big Brother, the double eviction show returns. First, the HouseGuests must choose to evict either Jenn or Mike "Boogie" after Head of Household, Shane, put up Jenn following Frank's pulling himself off the block as the veto winner.After the first live eviction of the evening, the show speeds up and a full week of Big Brother plays out in the final 45 minutes of the episode.

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Power of Veto Competition #8; Veto Ceremony #8
35 votes

#4 - Power of Veto Competition #8; Veto Ceremony #8

Season 14 - Episode 21 - Aired 8/29/2012

After Frank won the Head of Household competition and Ian found a golden veto ball after Frank opened Pandora's Box, Frank put up Dan and Danielle on the block. The two nominees, the HoH and three other HouseGuests must now vie for the Power of Veto. Meanwhile, Dan attempts to influence Ian to use the veto ball to save him if Dan doesn't win the PoV Competition.

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82 votes

#5 - Live Eviction #9; HoH Comp #10

Season 13 - Episode 25 - Aired 9/1/2011

Shelly makes some surprising promises to Rachel and Jordan if they vote to evict Adam.

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72 votes

#6 - Week 5 POV

Season 15 - Episode 15 - Aired 7/31/2013

The Houseguests still have no idea that America is the MVP, and your nominee shocks the house! Also, it's a battle back in time for the veto.

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Episode 9
69 votes

#7 - Episode 9

Season 24 - Episode 9 - Aired 7/27/2022

Will the power of veto save Michael and Brittany from the block? Plus escalating tensions set off a chain of events that will turn the whole game upside down.

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Nomination Ceremony #10
53 votes

#8 - Nomination Ceremony #10

Season 13 - Episode 26 - Aired 9/4/2011

After the HoH competition, it is a no holds barred game play and the new HoH has to decide whether or not to open Pandora's box.

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41 votes

#9 - Week 10 POV

Season 15 - Episode 30 - Aired 9/4/2013

Amanda melts down after being nominated. Plus, who will win the power of veto and will it be used to save Amanda or McCrae?

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Coach's Competition #2; Nomination Ceremony #2
41 votes

#10 - Coach's Competition #2; Nomination Ceremony #2

Season 14 - Episode 5 - Aired 7/22/2012

As the new Head of Household, Frank, settles into his new HoH bedroom, the power in the house begins to shift away from the outgoing HoH, Willie. Meanwhile another Coach's Competition is held followed by the second Nomination Ceremony, where Frank must select two fellow HouseGuests for eviction.

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89 votes

#11 - Eviction #9

Season 16 - Episode 26 - Aired 8/21/2014

Either Cody or Zach will be evicted, and the jurors battle to return to the Big Brother game!

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81 votes

#12 - Week 1 Eviction/Week 2 HOH

Season 15 - Episode 4 - Aired 7/3/2013

It's the first live episode of the season and one of three Houseguests up for eviction will be sent packing.

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Eviction #1; Head of Household Competition #2
37 votes

#13 - Eviction #1; Head of Household Competition #2

Season 14 - Episode 4 - Aired 7/19/2012

The houseguests cast their vote to evict Frank or Kara followed by the HoH competition.

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Episode 19
62 votes

#14 - Episode 19

Season 25 - Episode 19 - Aired 9/14/2023

One of Cirie's top allies exits the game, but will it be who she expects? Plus, the Head of Household is on the line in the iconic Wall Competition and the Houseguests come face-to-face with a legendary meatball.

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29 votes

#15 - Finale

Season 11 - Episode 30 - Aired 9/15/2009

In the first ever 2-hour season finale, one houseguest is crowned the winner and awarded $500,000, and all the houseguests are reunited for the first time. Also, Julie reveals which houseguest America chose as their favorite and awards the lucky juror $25,000.

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95 votes

#16 - Battle of the Block #8, Nominations #9

Season 16 - Episode 24 - Aired 8/17/2014

Tonight Derrick and Frankie each nominate 2 people for eviction and the detonators are forced to resort to drastic measures. Plus, it's a fight for survival in the final Battle of the Block competition of the Summer.

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Episode 9
61 votes

#17 - Episode 9

Season 25 - Episode 9 - Aired 8/23/2023

Who will win the power of veto, and will the plan to blindside Hisam succeed? Plus, Jared and Blue continue to get closer, but will his mom put a stop to it?

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Episode 10
82 votes

#18 - Episode 10

Season 24 - Episode 10 - Aired 7/28/2022

Will it be a double serving of blindsides courtesy of the Leftovers? First the veto meeting, then the live eviction.

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20 votes

#19 - BB3 Ep #27 (Two Hour Special)

Season 3 - Episode 27 - Aired 9/12/2002

After Roddy's departure, Jason says he'll miss him and the way Roddy took care of him like a brother. Danielle is "relieved" that Roddy's gone, since he knew she was coming after him. Amy says she'll miss Roddy, since he was such a big part of her House experience, and Lisa wanted to give him a sympathy vote so he wasn't evicted unanimously. Marcellas, however, says that Roddy "deserved to go" because he wasn't playing the game well. Lisa is upset because just before the last live show Roddy asked her if he was being evicted, and she told him she didn't know. Jason and Danielle both say they were upset with Roddy for referring to the fact that Amy didn't use the Veto Power to save him as she promised she would. Danielle calls it "sad and hurtful" that Roddy held that over Amy's head one last time. Jason reveals that he had talked with Danielle about throwing the last HoH Competition so that Amy or Lisa could win it. Imagine their surprise when Lisa and Amy were eliminated on the first

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49 votes

#20 - Live Eviction #3; HoH Comp #4

Season 12 - Episode 10 - Aired 7/29/2010

Season 12: Episode 10: Emotions Flare after an Explosive Speech as Another Houseguest is Evicted The aftermath from the Veto ceremony is full of confusion and anger. Elimination nominee Andrew’s announcement that he was coming after his supposed allies Rachel and Brendon mystifies Britney, who thinks Rachel’s genuine reaction was totally fabricated for the rest of the HouseGuests’ benefit. Rachel is angry, and wonders why Andrew is jumping on the “get Rachel and Brendon bandwagon.” Andrew’s fellow nominee Kathy sees the speech as an opportunity for her to stay in the house and vows to “fight like there is no tomorrow.” Andrew initially thinks he has made a good move—now that he has expressed animus towards the house “supercouple,” maybe everyone else will vote for him to stay for the week. Head of Household Matt takes Andrew aside and breaks the bad news to him. If the vote had been held the day before, Matt tells him, then Andrew would have been a safe bet to stay. But after Andrew’s speech, he is now the week’s target, because everyone saw it was a naked ploy and nothing else. Andrew is stunned! He quickly realizes the secret plan he and Brendon hatched is blowing up in their faces. Meanwhile, Brendon has his own issues. Rachel is furious about Andrew’s comments, and is even more furious at Brendon for pulling a stunt like this without consulting her. “Who is he in a relationship with,” Rachel fumes in the diary room, “Andrew or me?” Outside Brendon tries to make amends but Rachel is in no mood to forgive. Even when Brendon tells her he loves her, the perennially affectionate Rachel refuses to give her man a kiss! “You better know what you’re doing,” Rachel warns Brendon, who gets the message that this action has major consequences not only in the game but also in his relationship. Working Votes Kathy is taking the ball Andrew inadvertently threw her and is running with it. She tells Ragan that as a canc

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36 votes

#21 - Live Eviction #2; HoH Competition #3

Season 14 - Episode 7 - Aired 7/26/2012

After one of Head of Household, Frank's, nominees, Shane, won the golden power of veto and removed himself from the block, Frank was forced to put up Danielle as the replacement nominee. If Danielle were to be evicted by the HouseGuests, then Coach Dan would go home. If the other nominee, JoJo, were to be evicted, Coach Britney would only have one player left in the game. In the end, the HouseGuests must vote to evict either JoJo or Danielle. Following the second live eviction, the third Head of Household competition is held.

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108 votes

#22 - Power of Veto #11

Season 21 - Episode 34 - Aired 9/11/2019

Who will win the Power of Veto, and will it be used to save either Tommy or Cliff from eviction?

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23 votes

#23 - PoV Comp #2; PoV Ceremony #2

Season 12 - Episode 6 - Aired 7/21/2010

Season 12: Episode 06: A Veto Win Shakes up Rachel’s Nominations ­­Britney is upset that she is on the chopping block, while Monet thinks her nomination is due to Head of Household Rachel’s jealousy of her. Hayden is delighted that his secret alliance, the Brigade, has once again escaped another nomination ceremony unscathed. Rachel feels fine with her nominations, because she knows neither Britney nor Monet has her back in the game. After the ceremony, Rachel’s showmance Brendon hugs the HoH and tells her she did the right thing. Britney and Monet have a cry session in the Have Not bedroom, where they agree this was a personal move and not a strategic move. Monet thinks it is ridiculous that Rachel brought up her winning the $10,000 in the first HoH competition, and notes that she has never said anything bad to Rachel, before calling her a “stupid hooker.” While the Brigade agrees they want the nominations to stay the same, a crying Britney goes up to the HoH suite to make her case. Rachel reveals she wants Monet gone this week, because Rachel sees her as a strong competitor. All of this emotion proves too much for Rachel, who later cries to Brendon about how she doesn’t want people to feel badly. Brendon tells her this is a game, and notes in the Diary Room the two nominees are playing a very good emotional game right now. In the meantime Britney and Monet go from sad to angry when they spend an afternoon calling Rachel every name in the book—behind her back of course! Is there a Telethon for That? Matt has been telling all sorts of HouseGuests his wife has a rare bone disease and needs an expensive operation in order to save her leg. Matt has created this detailed lie based on a disease he learned about on a TV show, and reveals in Diary Room his wife is perfectly healthy. Ragan buys the lie, but another liar in the house knows Matt is scheming. Matt tells “shoe salesman” Andrew about his wife, but of course Andrew, who is

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45 votes

#24 - Week 4 POV

Season 15 - Episode 12 - Aired 7/24/2013

The house guests find out who America voted for as the third nominee for eviction. Plus, they get down and dirty in a fight for the veto.

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97 votes

#25 - Eviction #2, Head of Household #3

Season 16 - Episode 8 - Aired 7/10/2014

Watch the repercussions of the Veto meeting. Plus, who will be evicted tonight?

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