The BEST episodes of Big Brother (US) season 12

Every episode of Big Brother (US) season 12, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Big Brother (US) season 12!

Big Brother follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with dozens of high-definition cameras and microphones recording their every move, 24 hours a day. Each week, the Houseguests will vote someone out of the house. At the end, the last remaining Houseguest will receive the grand prize of $750,000.

Last Updated: 3/1/2025Network: CBSStatus: Continuing
52 votes

#1 - Nomination Ceremony #4

Season 12 - Episode 11 - Aired 8/1/2010

Season 12: Episode 11: Rachel and Kristen Battle it out as the Game Gets Real Andrew’s parting revelation that Kristen and Hayden are in a secret showmance reverberates through the house. On the outside Kristen is acting shocked, but in Diary Room she admits the worst thing she ever could have imagined has come out, and it has come out hard. Hayden is just as shocked -- he was cruising along with his secret alliance the Brigade, plus he had Kristen wrapped around his finger. What does he do now? During the live show, Hayden and Kristen lay into Andrew, telling him that they wouldn’t be that stupid. “Why would I lie?” Andrew asks, remaining calm as Hayden and Kristen keep up their charade. Fellow nominee Kathy is loving it, but not as much as Rachel, who realizes this is a great thing for her and her showmance Brendon. And what’s even better for Rachel’s showmance? Winning Head of Household! “Floaters,” Rachel says, “You better grab a life vest—Kristen!” Rachel then reveals she heard Hayden and Kristen making out last night. Brendon piles on, telling Hayden and Kristen that they are busted. Kristen lashes back, with Hayden backing her up. The insults fly, with Rachel and Kristen calling each other out on their intelligence. From the sidelines Ragan notes that he is not a religious person, but he has been praying for this moment to happen since he entered the house. Britney is also in hog heaven. “The irony that they were in a boxing ring was not lost on me,” Britney says. The attention diverts briefly to Kathy, who hugs Kristen and Hayden as things begin to die down. Rachel is not happy—that kind of behavior shows Kathy is with Kristen and not her. “She is clearly telling me what side she is on,” Rachel says in diary room. Things finally cool off to a point where Brendon can congratulate Rachel. Rachel breaks down, telling Brendon she is so tired of the house coming after them. In the palm bedroom, Enzo, Matt and Lane can

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#2 - Live Eviction #3; HoH Comp #4

Season 12 - Episode 10 - Aired 7/29/2010

Season 12: Episode 10: Emotions Flare after an Explosive Speech as Another Houseguest is Evicted The aftermath from the Veto ceremony is full of confusion and anger. Elimination nominee Andrew’s announcement that he was coming after his supposed allies Rachel and Brendon mystifies Britney, who thinks Rachel’s genuine reaction was totally fabricated for the rest of the HouseGuests’ benefit. Rachel is angry, and wonders why Andrew is jumping on the “get Rachel and Brendon bandwagon.” Andrew’s fellow nominee Kathy sees the speech as an opportunity for her to stay in the house and vows to “fight like there is no tomorrow.” Andrew initially thinks he has made a good move—now that he has expressed animus towards the house “supercouple,” maybe everyone else will vote for him to stay for the week. Head of Household Matt takes Andrew aside and breaks the bad news to him. If the vote had been held the day before, Matt tells him, then Andrew would have been a safe bet to stay. But after Andrew’s speech, he is now the week’s target, because everyone saw it was a naked ploy and nothing else. Andrew is stunned! He quickly realizes the secret plan he and Brendon hatched is blowing up in their faces. Meanwhile, Brendon has his own issues. Rachel is furious about Andrew’s comments, and is even more furious at Brendon for pulling a stunt like this without consulting her. “Who is he in a relationship with,” Rachel fumes in the diary room, “Andrew or me?” Outside Brendon tries to make amends but Rachel is in no mood to forgive. Even when Brendon tells her he loves her, the perennially affectionate Rachel refuses to give her man a kiss! “You better know what you’re doing,” Rachel warns Brendon, who gets the message that this action has major consequences not only in the game but also in his relationship. Working Votes Kathy is taking the ball Andrew inadvertently threw her and is running with it. She tells Ragan that as a canc

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#3 - PoV Comp #2; PoV Ceremony #2

Season 12 - Episode 6 - Aired 7/21/2010

Season 12: Episode 06: A Veto Win Shakes up Rachel’s Nominations ­­Britney is upset that she is on the chopping block, while Monet thinks her nomination is due to Head of Household Rachel’s jealousy of her. Hayden is delighted that his secret alliance, the Brigade, has once again escaped another nomination ceremony unscathed. Rachel feels fine with her nominations, because she knows neither Britney nor Monet has her back in the game. After the ceremony, Rachel’s showmance Brendon hugs the HoH and tells her she did the right thing. Britney and Monet have a cry session in the Have Not bedroom, where they agree this was a personal move and not a strategic move. Monet thinks it is ridiculous that Rachel brought up her winning the $10,000 in the first HoH competition, and notes that she has never said anything bad to Rachel, before calling her a “stupid hooker.” While the Brigade agrees they want the nominations to stay the same, a crying Britney goes up to the HoH suite to make her case. Rachel reveals she wants Monet gone this week, because Rachel sees her as a strong competitor. All of this emotion proves too much for Rachel, who later cries to Brendon about how she doesn’t want people to feel badly. Brendon tells her this is a game, and notes in the Diary Room the two nominees are playing a very good emotional game right now. In the meantime Britney and Monet go from sad to angry when they spend an afternoon calling Rachel every name in the book—behind her back of course! Is there a Telethon for That? Matt has been telling all sorts of HouseGuests his wife has a rare bone disease and needs an expensive operation in order to save her leg. Matt has created this detailed lie based on a disease he learned about on a TV show, and reveals in Diary Room his wife is perfectly healthy. Ragan buys the lie, but another liar in the house knows Matt is scheming. Matt tells “shoe salesman” Andrew about his wife, but of course Andrew, who is

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#4 - Introductions; HoH Comp #1

Season 12 - Episode 1 - Aired 7/8/2010

Season 12: Episode 01: A House Like No Other Meet the New HouseGuests! Every fan knows that the Big Brother HouseGuests show up to the House ready to compete for the coveted $500,000 prize. Well, the classic BIG BROTHER mantra “expect the unexpected” is still very much true. For the first time ever, one of the thirteen HouseGuests will not be playing for the big prize, but acting as a secret Saboteur! Host Julie Chen explains that over the first half of the season, the Saboteur will be wreaking havoc on individual players, rival alliances and even the entire house itself. The Saboteur does have an incentive, however—if he or she makes it five weeks in the House and pulls off all of their assigned sabotages, the Saboteur will walk away with $50,000. Talk about a different kind of season… The House takes on an ultra-modern Miami feel this summer, with Arkansas hotel sales manager Britney, California college professor Ragan, swim coach Brendon and chemistry student-slash-Las Vegas cocktail waitress Rachel kicking off the season by entering their new South Beach-themed home. The second group of HouseGuests to enter features Texas oil rig salesman Lane, Florida bartender Annie, New Jersey insurance adjuster Enzo, Arkansas sheriff Kathy and Miami podiatrist and Orthodox Jew Andrew, who shouts “Mazel Tov” when he bursts into the House. The HouseGuests are all accounted for when Arizona college student Hayden, Philadelphia boutique manager Kristen, certified genius/web designer Matt and Illinois model Monet come rushing through the door. Instead of stopping for some introductory hugs, Monet plows past Kathy to make sure she has a bed of her own—now that’s a woman ready to play the game of Big Brother! Bring out the Bubbly Annie gets the party started by popping open the introductory bottles of champagne, which leads right into the traditional HouseGuest meet and greet. Ragan thinks the tall and handsome Brendon could apply for

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#5 - Finale

Season 12 - Episode 30 - Aired 9/15/2010

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#6 - PoV Comp #7; PoV Ceremony #7

Season 12 - Episode 21 - Aired 8/25/2010

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#7 - Live Eviction #2; HoH Comp #3

Season 12 - Episode 7 - Aired 7/22/2010

Season 12: Episode 07: A Second HouseGuest is Sent Packing ­Monet is reeling from Head of Household Rachel’s very public and definitive announcement that her replacement nominee, Matt, is nothing more than a pawn. Rachel gives Monet a half-hearted “sorry,” but a furious Monet is having none of it. Matt pretends to act shocked and defeated but he can barely contain his elation when he gets a private moment with fellow Brigade alliance member, Lane. He and Lane can’t believe Rachel bought Matt’s offer to be the pawn, and celebrate the fact that the Brigade alliance (which also includes Enzo and Hayden) appears safe yet another week. Britney is devastated that Andrew did not go up on the block. She and her house BFF Monet share a major cry and sulk session in the caba­na room that quickly turns into a discussion about everyone they think is stupid in the house. The majority of their rage is directed at Rachel, with the increasingly angry pair verbally ripping apart Rachel’s intelligence, clothing sense and hair extensions. Ever the schemer, Matt joins them and keeps up his sad sack performance, telling Britney and Monet he wants to get back at Rachel and her showmance Brendon. Matt even goes so far to suggest he is going to avenge them all next week! But the house is not all about strategy. It turns out Hayden and Kristen have been stealthily carrying on a showmance, which Hayden describes as similar to a fourth-grade relationship. Hayden and Kristen are pretty confident their coupling is a house secret, but Andrew would beg to differ. Since he also sleeps in the rust bedroom, Andrew is fully aware of their snuggling and kissing, and thinks it is hilarious the two of them are sneaking around as if no one knows. Rachel, however, is playing the game hard this week. To figure out where Kristen stands, Rachel suggests Britney told her that Kristen was open to keeping Monet for the week. Kristen is shocked, and immediately runs outside and asks

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#8 - Live Eviction #1; HOH Comp #2

Season 12 - Episode 4 - Aired 7/15/2010

Season 12: Episode 04: The First HG is Evicted and the Saboteur is Revealed Annie is none too happy about being nominated, and puts all the blame on Britney. Annie thinks Britney has been telling people she is aligned with Rachel and Brendon, but Britney feels that Annie has lost her mind in a haze of paranoia. Rachel is sad about Annie’s nomination, but is more relieved that she and her house showmance, Brendon, are no longer facing one another on the block. Annie lashes out at Britney, but is soon teary-eyed with Brendon about her nomination. Meanwhile, Enzo and Matt celebrate the Brigade’s apparent dominance over the rest of the unsuspecting house. Rachel is all excited for some romantic time with Brendon in the Cabana Room, but in the middle of a make out session, the sensitive Brendon has to cool things off to talk about how sad he is about Annie’s eviction nomination. Rachel is incredulous and can’t believe that Brendon is getting weepy over Annie when she is also on the block. Talk about a buzz kill! And the Saboteur is… So who is it? The HouseGuests have suggested almost everyone in the house as a possibility, but now the truth is out. The Saboteur walks into the Diary Room, and it is…Annie! “I bet you didn’t see that one coming,” she says, noting that she had a blast all week. Her sabotages went fairly smoothly, but during the blackout, Annie almost got caught by Andrew on the way back from putting a padlock on the storage room door! Her latest Sabotage is her pick from a viewer’s suggestion—can she hide electronic beepers in the bedrooms? She sure can! Andrew hears one of the buzzers in his bedroom while praying, and is subsequently bothered by it all night. Ragan hears a buzz and wonders if the time between the chirps means something. Enzo fumes that the cricket noises in the palm bedroom have him “ready to choke someone.” Annie loves the havoc she is causing: “I’m good,” she says. Annie may be down on

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#9 - PoV Comp #6; PoV Ceremony #6

Season 12 - Episode 18 - Aired 8/18/2010

A surprise guest returns to the house when Pandora's Box is opened once again. Also, the 'ZingBot 3000' enters the house to host a high stakes veto competition.

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#10 - Nomination Ceremony #9

Season 12 - Episode 23 - Aired 8/29/2010

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#11 - Nomination Ceremony #7

Season 12 - Episode 20 - Aired 8/22/2010

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#12 - Live Eviction #6; HoH Comp #7

Season 12 - Episode 19 - Aired 8/19/2010

A shocking revelation, an unexpected eviction and a new Head-of-Household is chosen.

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#13 - PoV Comp #3; PoV Ceremony #3

Season 12 - Episode 9 - Aired 7/28/2010

Season 12: Episode 09: A Veto Win Shakes up the Brigade's Plans Rachel can’t­ believe Head of Household Matt didn’t nominate her or Brendon for elimination, but wonders if this means one of them will be back doored. Nominee Andrew knows he is a pawn but is nervous about how things might turn out, while Kathy feels it doesn’t make sense that she was nominated just because she cast a vote for Matt’s elimination last week. Hayden is disappointed that Matt put up two floaters, because at this stage in the game he believes that their secret alliance, “the Brigade,” should be making bigger power moves. Matt could care less what Hayden thinks—this is his HoH, and he’ll nominate who he chooses. Kathy goes up to the HoH suite with Matt and tells him that she was not gunning for him with her elimination vote last week. Matt says he wishes he knew that before, and tells her he doesn’t care who goes home, so she and Andrew don’t have to worry about him swaying votes. But in the Diary Room Matt reveals something different—he admits that he doesn’t believe a word coming out of Kathy’s mouth. It appears Kathy should be worried. Hayden and his secret showmance Kristen come to Andrew and tell him they are voting to keep him. It turns out Hayden has more than good wishes and a single vote going Andrew’s way; Hayden wants to play and win the Power of Veto competition so he can take Andrew off the block and give Matt the opportunity to back door Brendon. Getting on Andrew’s Nerves Rachel is starting to crowd Andrew in on all sorts of levels. First, she drops peaches in the iced tea, which makes one of the few non-slop items forbidden to this week’s Have Nots, which includes Andrew. He finds her not only selfish, but also a stumbling block in his game. He trusts Brendon, and can’t understand why his biggest ally in the house would be aligned with such a person. It’s time for the Veto Competition player selection. Besides HoH

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#14 - Live Eviction #9; HoH Comp #10

Season 12 - Episode 25 - Aired 9/2/2010

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#15 - Nomination Ceremony #2

Season 12 - Episode 5 - Aired 7/18/2010

Season 12: Episode 05: Rachel and Brendon Rule the House with their Eviction Nominations Enzo is happy to see Annie gone, and notes that she was “hit with a grenade from the Brigade.” Because Annie outed him in her final plea speech, Brendon comes clean about having a Masters degree and the fact that he is starting his PhD. Both Andrew and Ragan are delighted that their respective lies about having advanced degrees are still secrets. As the new Head of Household, Rachel is so excited to get alone time with Brendon in the HoH suite. Brendon is just as excited, but bizarrely the person who jumps and screams the most after Rachel’s win is Andrew. Hayden notes Andrew looked like “a kid at Christmas, or maybe Chanukah,” and warns that if the excitable Andrew is in an alliance with the new HoH he shouldn’t act like it. Britney couldn’t be more irritated by the turn of events, while Enzo tells fellow Brigade member Matt that he’s wondering if they made a mistake sending Annie home over Rachel. Monet and Britney are moping in the palm bedroom when Andrew walks through. Britney confronts him about his excitement over Rachel’s HoH win, and Andrew explains he was being honest, and notes if runner-up Britney had won he’d be a target. Britney grouses and Andrew reminds her that they have always had issues with one another and she shouldn’t pretend otherwise. Rachel’s HoH suite reveal is almost too much for Britney to bear. “I wanted to shoot myself in the face,” Britney notes, pointing out that she had to follow Rachel’s “flopping butt cheeks” all the way up the stairs while feigning interest in the suite reveal. Monet is just as unenthusiastic as Britney, and notes that there is no love lost between her and Rachel either. Outside, after the reveal, Hayden and Lane talk. They feel that Rachel as HoH is pretty much the same as Brendon as HoH. “All Rachel has is a key and pictures,” Hayden warns, noting a nomination for him would

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#16 - Nomination Ceremony #6

Season 12 - Episode 17 - Aired 8/15/2010

Season 12: Episode 17: With Rachel Gone, Brendon Strikes Back With a Vengeance With Rachel evicted, Brendon notes he is now fighting for himself in the Head of Household competition, where the houseguests must untangle a long rope across an equally long grid of an obstacle course. Outgoing HoH Matt is concerned, because his secret Brigade alliance members can’t seem to win competitions without him. As the HoH competition continues, Brendon is a man on a mission, plowing through the obstacle course while shouting out messages like, “This one’s for you, Rach!” Thanks to the rain and mud, Hayden notes the weight of the rope is killing his back. Enzo explains this competition is a “city kid’s nightmare,” while Lane relishes the competition because he gets dirty and untangles rope “on a daily basis.” While Britney and Ragan are worried about a Brendon win, Enzo says that scenario is just fine. It turns out just a few hours before the Thursday live show, he and his fellow Brigade member Hayden cut a deal with Brendon and Rachel! They agreed to work with whatever “Brenchel” member remains in the house. Enzo thinks this is a smart move for him and Hayden, who have been uncomfortably watching as Lane gets closer to Britney, while Matt works his virtual showmance with Ragan. Brendon cruises along, but at one point gets stuck in a tangle of rope. Lane is plowing forward, raising the hopes of Britney, Matt and Ragan. But after some refocusing, Brendon regains his mojo and clocks the competition—with a ring of the buzzer, a completely untangled Brendon is named the new HoH! “Rachel, that one was for you,” Brendon yells before rubbing his win in everyone’s face. He quickly picks Matt, Ragan and Britney as the Have Nots this week. A tearful Britney gets some cheering up from Lane, who tells her he has her back, proof that their big brother-little sister relationship is only strengthening. Later in the Have Not bedroom, Ragan, Britney a

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#17 - PoV Comp #4; PoV Ceremony #4

Season 12 - Episode 12 - Aired 8/4/2010

Season 12: Episode 12: The Power of Veto Holder Faces a Game Changing Decision ­Hayden knows Head of Household Rachel nominated him and his secret showmance Kristen because Rachel thinks they are coming after her and Brendon. Hayden has a newsflash for Rachel—everyone is coming after Rachel and Brendon! Kristen is angry but anticipated the nomination. Her goal now is to stay another week without hurting Hayden in the process. Up in the HoH suite, Brendon tells Rachel she was harsh when she told Hayden and Kristen to “bring it on,” and notes that kind of behavior only makes them bigger targets. When he suggests Rachel apologize to Hayden and Kristen, she first gets mad and then gets teary. After more hemming and hawing, Rachel reluctantly goes down to the rust bedroom and half-heartedly apologizes to Hayden and Kristen. Hayden isn’t all that impressed, but up in the HoH Suite, Brendon is happy Rachel made the effort. But soon Rachel and Brendon are sniping at each other again. “Am I supposed to bake cookies and sing Kumbaya,” Rachel asks, before warning Brendon that if they keep arguing this way, it’s the end of their relationship. Wizard of Pinball It’s time for the Veto competition. In the random draw for players, Rachel picks Britney, Hayden picks Ragan, and Kristen picks Enzo. Hayden is disappointed that he drew a wild card like Ragan, while an unsuspecting Kristen doesn’t realize Enzo has no interest in using the Veto this week, since he wants Kristen to go home, a move that works best for his secret Brigade alliance with Hayden, Lane and Matt. The HouseGuests come outside and find a huge pinball table dominating the back yard. The player who shoots the farthest from the center Veto slot is eliminated, but gets a prize. Host Brendon warns them not to get too attached, because successive players can choose to keep or exchange their gifts. The end of the game leaves everyone left with a series of great and not-so-gre

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#18 - Live Eviction #5; HoH Comp #6

Season 12 - Episode 16 - Aired 8/12/2010

Season 12: Episode 16: This Week's Evicted Houseguest Gets the Dubious Distinction of Being the First Jury Member In response to Brendon’s strongly worded speech at the veto ceremony, Ragan calls him a “neanderthal” for being so aggressive. Britney is just as furious at Brendon, and suggests that he should be the one to leave this week. In the storage room, Brendon tells Rachel that he lashed out at Ragan and Britney as a strategy, so this way he will definitely go home over his “true love.” Brendon admits in diary room that some people may think he’s an idiot for giving up a half-million dollars for a girl, but he’s more than willing to do it for someone he loves. Soon after Rachel and Britney talk in the cabana room. Britney tells Rachel that Brendon hates women, but their friendship is fine. Britney tells Rachel she is worried thatthe “sinking ship” that is Brendon is hurting Rachel’s game, and Rachel starts to cry. Rachel reveals in the diary room that she made a point of getting upset in front of Britney to help solidify Brendon’s plan and make it seem like she had no idea about the attack. Britney goes outside to vent to Enzo, Lane and Hayden about Brendon’s behavior. They listen politely, but when Britney walks off they laugh about their astounding good luck. Everyone in the house is at each other’s throats, but once again, the members of their secret Brigade alliance are totally safe. Upstairs the fourth Brigade member and Head of Household Matt hangs out with his house pal Ragan. Initially the idea was to get Rachel out this week, but after the stunt Brendon pulled, the target may have changed. Will Brendon’s plan work? Later that night Rachel tries to make amends with Ragan, a former friend. Rachel wants to know what happened, but Ragan wants none of it. He calmly yet firmly picks Rachel’s game apart, telling her that they operate on different levels and that she is a “bad sport.” Rachel leaves in tears while

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#19 - PoV Comp #9; PoV Ceremony #9

Season 12 - Episode 24 - Aired 9/1/2010

20 votes

#20 - Final HoH Part 1 (ends); Final HoH Part 2

Season 12 - Episode 28 - Aired 9/9/2010

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#21 - PoV Comp #5; PoV Ceremony #5

Season 12 - Episode 15 - Aired 8/11/2010

Season 12: Episode 15: Jeff and Jordan Return to Host the Veto Competition Head of Household Matt explains he nominated Brendon and Rachel—his two biggest threats—because “they are a virus to the house.” Brendon thinks this was a stupid move by Matt, who is now “Brenchel’s” prime target. Immediately after the nomination, Brendon tries to kiss and cheer up Rachel, but she is nearly inconsolable. Brendon forces her to get up and go out into the kitchen, so that everyone else will feel awkward. Brendon calls Matt a “midget,” and Rachel cuts onions so angrily that a disgusted Kathy wonders if Rachel is going to hurt herself. Britney tries to talk to Rachel in the hopes of cooling off her antics, but Rachel is having none of it. Later that night the HouseGuests go into the back yard to find a practice bowling alley for the upcoming veto competition. Everyone takes turns with the miniature bowling balls and oversized pins, except for Rachel, who gets upset and rushes to her bedroom. Brendon runs after her and tells her that she can do it, but by this point Rachel is finished. “I have nothing left to give,” she cries. Not one to take no for an answer, Brendon threatens to pick her up and carry her back to the practice lane. Rachel admits she has never quit before and makes her way back outside. She starts off slow, but Rachel finds her competitive spirit and focuses on her practice. As everyone else slips off to bed, Rachel and Brendon stay up nearly all practicing. “This is my house,” Rachel charges. “Nobody is going to take me down.” Surprise Guests Matt comes out from the Diary Room and announces it is time to pick players for the veto competition. Besides HoH Matt and the nominees Rachel and Brendon, the other Houseguests randomly chosen to play include Enzo, Kathy and Britney. Ragan also gets the chance to play thanks to the veto play card he chose in a previous competition. But Matt does not select the benched Hayden or La

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#22 - PoV Comp #1; PoV Ceremony #1

Season 12 - Episode 3 - Aired 7/14/2010

Season 12: Episode 03: A Key Veto Win Shakes up the Nominations ­Brendon is not surprised that Hayden nominated him for eviction, but he didn’t expect Rachel would be on the chopping block with him. Rachel sees this as her worst case scenario, while Head of Household Hayden thinks that he and his secret “Brigade” alliance including Enzo, Matt, Lane and himself have had a great first week. Brendon and Rachel console one another as Annie comes in to tell them that they got a raw deal. Annie feels close to the pair, and sees their nomination as bad for her personally and for her game. Secret Brigade alliance members Enzo and Lane both come in to watch the nominees’ reactions, and notice the connection between Rachel, Brendon and Annie. Enzo doesn’t like what he sees, and decides he needs to keep his eye on Annie. Outside after the nomination ceremony, Enzo tells Hayden and Lane that he thinks Annie is aligned with Brendon and Rachel, and that Annie is a strong player they need to watch carefully. If they need a replacement nominee, is she the choice? Being put on the block together has only drawn Brendon and Rachel closer. Brendon almost cries over his nomination, which prompts Rachel to get closer to him. Their first big make out session takes place on the hammock, with most of the house watching and giggling from the kitchen. Hayden can’t believe that they’re making themselves even bigger targets than they already were. After their canoodling, Brendon makes his way up to the HoH suite, where he basically threatens Hayden. “I would be worried about you,” Brendon tells Hayden before he alludes that he is aligned with Annie. “Is this guy nuts?” Hayden wonders. Cinco de May-o It’s time to pick players for the first Veto Competition. Besides the two nominees and the HoH, three additional players must be chosen at random. Drawing names from a bag, Hayden randomly picks his secret ally Enzo while Brendon randomly picks the

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#23 - Nomination Ceremony #3

Season 12 - Episode 8 - Aired 7/25/2010

Season 12: Episode 08: Two More Houseguests Go Up On The Chopping Block The Houseguests are riding the endurance competition wave on their respective surfboards as previous Head of Household Rachel watches. Brendon knows he has to win it to keep himself and Rachel safe for the week, while Enzo and the rest of the secret Brigade alliance are all gunning to win. Perennial outsider Andrew also feels this is a must-win HoH competition for him, so the tension is high. The 7-2 vote for Monet's eviction has Matt wondering who cast the second vote against him. He knows Monet's BFF Britney clearly voted to keep her friend in the house, but he quickly surmises the second vote was Kathy. For her part Kathy knows the HouseGuests see her as a weak player, but she is fine with them thinking that, because it allows her to fly under the radar. Kathy drops first, followed closely by Lane. Kristen falls next, with Hayden right behind her. Hayden reveals he threw the competition, because he feels totally safe this week and doesn’t need the HoH win. In addition, Hayden wants to eat well—the first five players to fall off their boards are the Haves for the week, while the next four players are the Have Nots, with the final player on his or her surfboard the HoH. This leaves only one spot left for the Haves, and Britney decides she wants to make sure she can eat for the week. She quickly falls off her board, leaving Brendon, Enzo, Matt, Andrew and Ragan as the final five players. When Enzo falls, Lane notes that Matt is the last hope of the Brigade. Suddenly, Brendon slips and Rachel is devastated that her man is out of the competition. A slip up by Andrew (who is sporting a pair of very short shorts) leaves Ragan and Matt as the final two players. Ragan asks everyone to go inside so the two of them can talk, but Matt and Ragan can’t agree upon a deal. Ragan, who was bullied as a kid, is proud of himself for lasting so long in a tough competition, but is unable to pull out

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#24 - Nomination Ceremony #1

Season 12 - Episode 2 - Aired 7/11/2010

Season 12: Episode 02: HoH Hayden Chooses a Target for Elimination The HouseGuests are reeling after the Saboteur’s first attack—all of their food is now behind the locked storage room door! The prime suspects are Brendon, who inexplicably got up to get his toothbrush in the darkness, and Andrew, who was supposedly pulling pranks while he wandered around during the blackout. Andrew admits he is relieved he has immunity from nomination for sitting out on the first HoH competition. So have the HouseGuests fingered the Saboteur already? Who Wants to See the HoH Suite? Hayden is stoked to show off his blue and silver-themed Head of Household suite, which he describes as a “slick, contemporary” space. Ragan finds Hayden’s very wholesome family photos (and a lack of shirtless “dude” shots of himself) a good sign that the HoH will make good choices when it comes to nominations. Rachel wants to know what the rope in his HoH basket is for, and Hayden explains when he was younger he learned rodeo skills. “Can you rope the Saboteur?” one HouseGuest asks. Geek Love The first sparks of attraction are literally electric when Brendon and Rachel reveal during a Hammock chat they both have science-related degrees. Rachel finds it very sexy that Brendon is getting his PhD. The feeling is mutual, because Brendon finds smart women interested in science a major turn on. Annie, the third wheel in the hammock, feels awkward. “I felt like I was watching my parents have sex,” she says, noting she was “the cream in the scientific cookie.” While love blossoms the game continues. Up in the HoH Suite, Enzo, Hayden, Matt, Monet and Kathy discuss the Saboteur. Matt notes that even if they are suspicious of Andrew he’s safe for the week. Kathy thinks the Saboteur is a girl, especially a trustworthy one. She suggests Annie might be a possibility but Matt doesn’t think she is the likely choice. Hayden realizes he is back at square one—just whom d

46 votes

#25 - Live Eviction #7; HoH Comp #8; Live Eviction #8

Season 12 - Episode 22 - Aired 8/26/2010

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