The BEST episodes directed by Hollingsworth Morse

Village of Fire
1 votes

#1 - Village of Fire

Tarzan (1966) - Season 1 - Episode 11

Tarzan races to recover a serum stolen by a native chief. The drug is the only hope for the fever-wracked Jai, who has been bitten by a jaguar and is near death.

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Dana Hall
5 votes

#2 - Dana Hall

Adam-12 - Season 7 - Episode 22

A female office named Dana Hall feels she isn't being given enough worthy work and decides to prove herself to Reed and Malloy.

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Log 033: It All Happened So Fast
55 votes

#3 - Log 033: It All Happened So Fast

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 17

It's been a long night of patrol for Malloy and Reed. Just as the two tired officers are headed to the station to turn in for the night, shots are fired at the patrol car. In the blink of an eye, Reed kills whom he believes was the gunman. Back at the station, Reed undergoes a night of intensive questioning from the captain and lieutenant, as part of the superior officers' investigation into the incident. Much like the Dragnet episode, "The Shooting Board", this episode highlights how seriously the LAPD takes all officer-involved shootings. It also takes pains to show the difficulty most officers have when forced to take a life in the line of duty for the first time.

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Elegy for a Hangman
14 votes

#4 - Elegy for a Hangman

Bonanza - Season 4 - Episode 17

A stranger, Bob Jolly, arrives in Virginia City to accuse a drunken Judge Harry Whitaker of sending his innocent father, Carl, to the gallows. Adam defends the judge's honor because of his long friendship with the Cartwrights. After Adam talks with Jolly, he begins to believe his story. Upon further investigation, Adam discovers that Senator Cal Prince and Hobie Klinderman as well as the judge might have had a lot to gain from Carl Jolly's murder. In an attempt to learn what really happened, Adam organizes an informal meeting in the saloon.

The Odd Couple
3 votes

#5 - The Odd Couple

Shazam! - Season 2 - Episode 7

Dan is too proud to accept help from Captain Marvel when his airplane runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Dan learns that everybody needs help once in a while when a fierce forest fire breaks out, and Captain Marvel needs help from Isis in order to put it out. Moral: There are a lot of things we can do by ourselves, but it's kind of foolish and maybe even dangerous to try to do something when we don't know how.

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The Man from Spain
9 votes

#6 - The Man from Spain

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 27

Another problem looms for Zorro when an arrogant stranger arrives in the pueblo and demands the help of Don Alejandro. Felipe Basilio has been sent by the Spanish government to sell bonds to the local citizens in order to help finance the Spanish war effort, but he gets off to a bad start by interrupting Sergeant Garcia's birthday party and throwing his pinata into the trash. Basilio also angers the townspeople by telling them they must buy the bonds, and a Capitan Mendoza arrives to enforce his order. The newcomers try to force Alejandro to persuade the peons, but they must resort to force when sales lag due to the unreasonable levies they have placed on their victims. One such person is the innkeeper, of whom they demand 250 pesos. Basilio is attracted to Moneta, the daughter of a wealthy landowner, and the two visitors temporarily delay their demands. Garcia draws Basilio's wrath by sneaking into the tavern to recover his pinata, and the visitor decides to make his strength known by placing the sergeant in the town stocks. Zorro avenges this humiliation by forcing Basilio to free Garcia, and then places him in the stocks instead.

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Zorro Takes a Dare
10 votes

#7 - Zorro Takes a Dare

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 30

Humiliated by Zorro, Basilio gets his revenge by arresting Sergeant Garcia and hoisting him in the air in the public square outside the cuartel. A large sign dares Zorro to rescue Garcia, but Diego knows Basilio will have hidden lancers throughout the area. When night arrives, so does Zorro, using Bernardo to help create a diversion that draws the soldiers out of town. Bernardo lures Basilio out of his office by offering to take him to Zorro, but the waiting outlaw instead uses his rope to hang the politician upside down in the square. The lancers return to free Basilio and he rides to the de la Vega hacienda to arrest Bernardo. Basilio accidentally discovers one of the house's secret passages. As he begins to explore, he surprises Diego and knocks him unconscious. Having finally solved the mystery of Zorro, Basilio celebrates by donning the black costume and mask, then steps outside on the balcony to savor the moment. Capitan Mendoza, who is waiting outside on guard duty, sees the figure of the infamous outlaw and shoots Zorro dead. Much to his surprise, he discovers he has killed Basilio, thus unwittingly protecting Zorro's secret identity.

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Treasure of Hazzard
36 votes

#8 - Treasure of Hazzard

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 2 - Episode 16

The Dukes help a history professor find a Civil War strongbox buried in Hazzard County that contains a regimental payroll. But Boss Hogg and a couple of thugs are after it too.

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The Gulf Between
35 votes

#9 - The Gulf Between

Flipper - Season 1 - Episode 4

Bud isn't happy with the new woman in his father's life. Feeling alone in the world, Bud stays out in the ocean too late and winds up lost in an underwater cave at high tide.

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100 votes

#10 - Brushfire

Emergency! - Season 1 - Episode 4

Station 51 is called up to fight an out-of-control brushfire. An elderly woman breaks her ankle, a man is injured by a horse stampede, a looter is injured in a motorcycle accident, a boy breaks his arm and loses his dog, and a firefighter is trapped and injured under a fallen tree. The out-of-control brushfire also threatens the house of a pregnant woman in labor, who cannot be moved.

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By-Line, Daisy Duke
32 votes

#11 - By-Line, Daisy Duke

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 3 - Episode 18

Boss Hogg hires a group of thieves that are stealing tractors from various farms in Hazzard County. While Daisy moonlights as a reporter at the Hazzard Gazette, Boss frames Bo and Luke for the thieves and sets it up so that Daisy's snapshot of the thieves are Bo and Luke. Dottie West performs at the Boar's Nest.

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A Baby for the Dukes
26 votes

#12 - A Baby for the Dukes

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 6 - Episode 2

The Dukes have a new visitor, A baby whom her mother hides in the General Lee while she is being pursued by he father-in-law's henchmen who are trying to get the baby back to her legal guardian - paternal grandfather - who hates "country bumpkins." Meanwhile, due to a cut in the county budget, Rosco and Enos have to ride around on horses.

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Log 011: It's Just a Little Dent, Isn't It?
96 votes

#13 - Log 011: It's Just a Little Dent, Isn't It?

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 3

Officers Malloy and Reed are involved in a high speed chase, a murder case and a family dispute as they work the P.M. watch. Reed worries all evening that the small dent in the fender he caused while backing the car up for fuel might lead to termination, since he is still on probation.

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The Legacy
34 votes

#14 - The Legacy

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 3 - Episode 13

A recently widowed old flame of Jesse's returns to Hazzard to claim an old debt owing to her late husband by Boss Hogg, but he refuses it. So she finds a legacy that the Dukes find in a mine under their property containing 9 full barrels of shine.

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Witness for the Persecution
48 votes

#15 - Witness for the Persecution

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 2 - Episode 9

Boss Hogg is an important goverment witness against one of the biggest racketeers in the south. But the racketeer has posted hitmen out to prevent Boss' testimony so Jesse offers the FBI to shelter him until the time comes for him to testify.

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The Captain Regrets
12 votes

#16 - The Captain Regrets

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 34

Capitan Arrellanos refuses to help the Rebatos any longer in their attempts to kill the governor. Instead, he chooses another plan designed to make him the head of the government. He asks the governor's daughter to declare her father too ill to continue in office. Furious at this request, Leonar refuses to cooperate. She then tells her father of the aide's plot. The governor tells Arrellanos he is to be replaced, so the soldier decides to accept the rebels' offer of help. A Rebato agent provides a drugged bottle of wine to eliminate the governor's guards, so when Sergeant Garcia and Corporal Reyes accept the kind offer of a drink from the capitan, they are soon unconscious. Seeing that the governor is once again unprotected, Diego switches to his secret identity as Zorro to foil Arrellano's plot. The capitan and two assassins creep into the governor's room, but Zorro is ready. Arrellanos manages to escape by threatening to kill Garcia but he is stopped by Bernardo, who drops a large flower pot on the fleeing traitor. The governor doesn't believe his aide is guilty and thus his life remains in danger.

Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke
24 votes

#17 - Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 5 - Episode 19

Bo and Luke return to Hazzard after great season at the NASCAR Circuit and they won but they wanted to come home - which is ok since Coy and Vance have to leave Hazzard to take care of a sick relative. Meanwhile, Boss plans to foreclose on Cooter's garage - after Cooter owes a balloon mortgage payment - so he can put up a new shopping center.

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The Stool Parrot
6 votes

#18 - The Stool Parrot

McHale's Navy - Season 3 - Episode 16

Binghamton’s “No-Fraternization” policy forces McHale and the boys to find a secret location for a big party they’ve planned with the Nurses. But Gruber’s pet parrot spills the beans to Binghamton.

The Brothers
3 votes

#19 - The Brothers

Shazam! - Season 1 - Episode 2

Chad is a blind boy who is being overly-protected by his older brother, Danny. Chad feels so useless that he decides to run away, and when his brother goes after him, Danny gets bit by a rattlesnake. Chad gains self-confidence after he is able to make it back to Billy and Mentor for help and lead them back to Danny. Moral: Everyone needs a helping hand. People with problems or handicaps can get along almost as well as any of us. All they need is a chance to gain self-confidence.

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Suspect Number One
6 votes

#20 - Suspect Number One

Adam-12 - Season 7 - Episode 5

A strange request from an ex-con is delivered to Malloy: the former prisoner wants to go back to prison and will do whatever he has to do to get there.

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Nothin' But the Truth
26 votes

#21 - Nothin' But the Truth

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 4 - Episode 19

Boss has a casino running in Hazzard County while a state gambling investigator is under way. So he frames the Dukes for possession of illegal gambling devices real good. But when he is accidentally injected with truth serum, he runs off at the mouth nothing but the truth - and gets himself into so much trouble.

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Uncle Boss
33 votes

#22 - Uncle Boss

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 3 - Episode 7

Boss Hogg unleashes his "secret weapon" against the Dukes: his college-educated nephew Hughie Hogg comes to Hazzard with some dirty tricks and schemes to frame Bo and Luke into prison. The episode contains an extensive demonstration of the then-new video cassette recording technology (which will be at the heart of Hughie's scheme to video-record the Dukes confronting Boss at the bank) ... which seems to be just the thing to finally put Bo and Luke away for good, but just be careful not to get the tape too close to Cooter's giant magnet.

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An Affair of Honor
9 votes

#23 - An Affair of Honor

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 31

Pedro Avila, recently arrived in the pueblo, earns a meager living by betting other men that he can beat them in a sword fight. He tries to talk Diego into betting, but Diego refuse, as Diego knows he must keep his skill a secret. This gives Avila and his friend Tony Pineda an idea about how to get rich. They plan to force Diego into a duel, then allow the frightened man to buy his way out of the situation. They begin their plan by mistreating Don Alejandro, and Diego comes to his father's assistance. Avila promptly challenges him to a duel as planned. Afraid that his friend will be killed, Sergeant Garcia kidnaps Diego and leaves him tied up in a deserted shed. As a result, Diego is unable to defend the family's honor and Don Alejandro decides to take his place. Garcia is aghast at this turn of events, for he knows that Don Alejandro cannot hope to defeat the much younger man. He rushes back to the shed, frees Diego and tells him of his father's determination to best Avila. Diego switches to his Zorro garb and rides to the field of honor, where Avila has begun to win the contest. The mismatched duel ends when Zorro defeats Avila and warns him never to return.

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Days of Shine and Roses
73 votes

#24 - Days of Shine and Roses

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 2 - Episode 1

After seeing an old film of when Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse were in the Ridge runners Association running moonshine, An argument of who was the better moonshiner around causes Boss and Jesse to declare a grudge race to determine who is the best. Boss Hogg however, doesn't believe in fair play and must win no matter what.

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Masquerade for Murder
11 votes

#25 - Masquerade for Murder

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 35

Capitan Arrellanos continues his attempts to rule California by hiring Carmelo, a recent arrival to the pueblo, to kill the governor. Diego and Bernardo overhear the plan but don't act at once, hoping instead to learn who the other conspirators are. The governor has begun to recover and spends his time sitting outside on the patio, which prompts Don Alejandro to give a party to celebrate his better health. An unexpected danger arises when Arrellanos convinces Leonar to make the party a masquerade ball, for the capitan plans to sneak Carmelo into the party in a disguise. At the party, Diego sees that his father and someone else are both dressed as medieval executioners. He suspects the other man may be Carmelo, for this costume would enable him to come near the governor. Another costumed figure enters the ball, for Zorro slips in, determined to follow the executioners. One of them moves behind the governor and raises his axe, spurring Zorro into frantic action to stop the murder. The hooded figure escapes into the crowd, as does Zorro.

The Late J.D. Hogg
34 votes

#26 - The Late J.D. Hogg

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 3 - Episode 6

Boss manages to foreclose on the Duke farm fair and square, no thanks to his idiot deputy cousin Cletus, and also has them arrested fair and square on a federal charge. But he gets news from his physician that he only has two weeks to live and the only way to save him from the devil is to perform good deeds until it's time.

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Out of Focus
5 votes

#27 - Out of Focus

Shazam! - Season 3 - Episode 6

When two thieves think a young filmmaker named Jim may have caught their theft on film, they attempt to take his film from him. Jim does not want to turn the film over to the police, hoping to enter his film in a film festival and win. Captain Marvel and Isis team up to help Jim understand that winning at any cost is wrong.

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The Legend of Zorro
8 votes

#28 - The Legend of Zorro

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 19

Estevan still hopes to marry the wealthy Margarita but he knows that Zorro will continue to oppose him. Don Alejandro suggests that if Estevan were to settle down and begin farming, Zorro would realize that his intentions are honorable. He gives the visitor a small plot of land and wishes him well in his endeavor. The thought of working the land proves too much for Estevan and he announces he is moving back to Spain. His real plan, though, is quite different. He convinces Margarita to leave town with him and they head for the mission to be married, but their trip is interrupted by Zorro, who rides off in the carriage with Margarita. Estevan eventually follows them, but when he reaches the carriage, Zorro is gone. Margarita informs her suitor that she has just learned she can only inherit her father's fortune if she marries a California resident. She then suggests Estevan accept Alejandro's offer and become a farmer. Estevan realizes that his dreams of an easy and prosperous life will not come true in Los Angeles, so he tells Margarita he must return to Spain to fight in a war.

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10 votes

#29 - Manhunt

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 26

Don Carlos Fernandez decides to draw Joe Crane into the open by laying claim to the mountain man's furs and burro. Diego tries to end the feud by offering to buy the goods, but Fernandez refuses. Only Crane's death will satisfy him now. When Crane hears that Fernandez has his furs, he reacts predictably and goes to the man's hacienda to fight for his possessions. Fernandez is ready and his men are concealed throughout the grounds, waiting to attack Crane on his orders. Just as he is about to give the command to kill Crane, Fernandez is surprised by the arrival of Zorro, who has suspected a trap. Zorro blocks a cowardly shot at Crane, who then knocks Fernandez unconscious. Hernando sets Lobo after the mountain man, but Crane gives a long whistle to the attacking animal. Surprisingly, Lobo reacts by stopping his charge, then wags his tail as he approaches Crane. The episode ends as Crane heads back into the mountains, his furs safely aboard his burro, and Lobo happily following behind him.

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Return of the Ridge Raiders
34 votes

#30 - Return of the Ridge Raiders

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 2 - Episode 20

The Ridge Raiders reunite to stop Boss Hogg from embezzling the money for the senior-citizens center to build a "Play Pen" girlie-joint by using bombs on his stills, properties etc. But Jesse tries to convince them to fight it the legal way.

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Flight from Memory
4 votes

#31 - Flight from Memory

The Virginian - Season 9 - Episode 19

Colonel MacKenzie finds a woman unconscious on a remote mountain trail on the way to visit his hermit friend Muley. He takes her to Muley's cabin and they wait for her to recover as no help is available. She wakes up but is slow to communicate and recover her memory. At the same time another visitor arrives with a lame horse asking to stay until his horse can travel again. As the woman recovers she is attracted to the Colonel in a romantic manner, thinking he is someone she knows, but remembers no details.

Finders Keepers
10 votes

#32 - Finders Keepers

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 39

Celesta Villagrana and her servant, Montez, are on their way to Los Angeles when a hooded robber stops them and steals her jewelry. The thief knocks the travelers to the ground then departs, leaving Celesta lying there unconscious. Bernardo rides by and sees a piece of jewelry glinting in the sunlight. He stops to pick it up but Celesta awakens and mistakes him for a thief. She screams, and Sergeant Garcia arrives in time to hear her accuse Bernardo, which leaves him no choice but to arrest the mute servant. The case appears to be a strong one and is further strengthened when Montez picks Bernardo out of a line-up. Diego is sure he saw a secret signal passed between Montez and a Señor Lopez who is watching the procedures, which has let Montez know whom to accuse. Hoping to clear his friend, Zorro confronts the two men as they talk that night in the tavern. He accuses them of being the real thieves, but they deny the charges. Zorro then uses his sword to slash open Lopez's coat and the jewelry falls to the ground, thus proving Bernardo's innocence.

Duke of Duke
43 votes

#33 - Duke of Duke

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 2 - Episode 13

Gaylord Duke, the Dukes' cousin from London, England comes to Hazzard to claim a property that was willed to him, but the property has back taxes owed on it, which Boss Hogg is planning to buy for nothing at an auction.

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The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style
24 votes

#34 - The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 4 - Episode 15

Boss is excited about the Mickey Gilley charity concert at Hazzard Square. Not because of the music, but because of profit. He is working with record pirates who are making illegal recordings of the concert. However, when confronted by the FBI, they getaway in the General Lee framing Bo and Luke.

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46 votes

#35 - Truant

Adam-12 - Season 4 - Episode 7

Truancy is on the rise in the district and Reed has a plan to pick up truants on the street, which was approved after a garage break-in by two truants. Results show a drop in crimes committed by truants, in one case two truants were stopped by the police and were implicated in a burglary, and one of the two truants involved in the garage break-in is brought in on another incident. Other incidents include arresting two heroin smugglers who hid the stash in their car's gas tank, which leaked some of the contraband after the car stalled, and stop car thieves from stripping the parts to build a dune buggy.

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Log 122: The Thief Who Stole Christmas
54 votes

#36 - Log 122: The Thief Who Stole Christmas

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 13

On Christmas eve Reed and Malloy make rounds distributing police department donation packages to needy families, and pull many heartstrings.

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Log 101: Someone Stole My Lawn
55 votes

#37 - Log 101: Someone Stole My Lawn

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 9

Reed gets Malloy to agree to an early dinner when his wife puts him on a low-cal diet. However, one after another event prevents them from going code 7 all night long. Events include the theft of a man's sod, stolen credit cards, and a suspected car theft.

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The Hound of the Sierras
10 votes

#38 - The Hound of the Sierras

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 25

Thought to be hiding safely in the hills, fugitive Joe Crane instead has sneaked back into the pueblo hoping to recover his hunting rifle and the load of furs he gathered during the trapping season. He also wants to see Carlotta, the barmaid who accidentally started the fight between him and Don Carlos Fernandez. Determined to kill Crane, Fernandez and his servant Hernando are using a bloodhound named Lobo to track down the mountain man. They take the dog to the pueblo, intending to use Crane's rifle to give the dog his scent, but Diego realizes their plan and makes sure the dog picks up his scent instead. The searchers are amazed when Lobo leads them to Diego, but they find Crane's hat and Lobo picks up his scent. Crane is a wily opponent. He captures the dog in one of his traps, then takes on Fernandez and Hernando. He's helped by Zorro, who dislikes Fernandez, and once again he escapes. Before he goes, however, he steals another kiss from Carlotta, which further infuriates Fernandez.

Log 012: He Was Trying to Kill Me
48 votes

#39 - Log 012: He Was Trying to Kill Me

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 23

A "child-left-alone" call turns up a horrifying case of child neglect. A 6-year-old girl is left home with her baby brother and both parents are unable to provide for their children.

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Routine Patrol
8 votes

#40 - Routine Patrol

Adam-12 - Season 6 - Episode 19

Patrol begins with a drunk woman threatening a group of bar patrons with a gun, investigate the death of a mentally-impaired man which looks suspicious, and a group of carjackers who capture a cache of guns and go on a robbery spree.

Something Worth Dying For (1)
8 votes

#41 - Something Worth Dying For (1)

Adam-12 - Season 7 - Episode 23

When Reed is discouraged by the futility of his job, he volunteers to work on narcotics assignments for a month.

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Log 111: Snake in the Trunk
54 votes

#42 - Log 111: Snake in the Trunk

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 11

Officers Reed and Malloy have to break apart a couple of feuding neighbors, attempt to find a stolen car with a boa constrictor in the trunk, and effect a rescue of two people from a house on fire.

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Exposing the Tyrant
10 votes

#43 - Exposing the Tyrant

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 29

Even with his stolen gold gone, Basilio plans to remain in Los Angeles as a wealthy man. He decides to do so in a way that will let him exert a hold over Moneta Esperon, the attractive daughter of a wealthy landowner. Basilio tells Garcia that Spanish law forbids citizens to possess items made in countries that are at war with Spain. Those that do will forfeit their entire households to those who inform on the lawbreakers. Garcia is soon convinced that this would allow him to become a don himself, and thus leave the harsh life of the army behind. He is tricked into taking Basilio to Don Esperon's home, where he identifies several items as being from England, France and Italy. The sergeant begins to regret his actions, but Basilio tells him he will be hanged for treason unless he cooperates. Zorro makes life miserable for Garcia by promising to carve a "Z" in his hide if he goes along with the plan. During the trial Garcia decides to speak up for Don Esperon, much to the viceroy's dismay. Zorro provides another surprise when he bursts into the courtroom and takes Basilio prisoner. He then uses his sword to cut away parts of his prisoner's clothing, proving that the items came from enemy countries. Zorro then demands that Basilio pronounce sentence on Esperon and the cornered criminal has no choice but to declare him innocent.

Log 102: We Can't Just Walk Away from It
47 votes

#44 - Log 102: We Can't Just Walk Away from It

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 21

A teenager is threatening to commit suicide and Malloy and Reed try to talk the troubled youth out of it.

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Log 062: Grand Theft Horse?
54 votes

#45 - Log 062: Grand Theft Horse?

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 16

Reed and Malloy assist park rangers in catching a horse thief, a homesick Texan who was high on drugs at the time. The officers then chase two gunmen in a high speed pursuit.

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Rockabye Baby
3 votes

#46 - Rockabye Baby

The Fall Guy - Season 4 - Episode 19

Colt trails a bail-jumping girl singer accused of murder. Cameos: The Four Tops, the Temptations, LaToya Jackson.

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Log 172: Boy, The Things You Do for the Job
44 votes

#47 - Log 172: Boy, The Things You Do for the Job

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 24

Malloy writes a young woman a traffic ticket and then is bombarded with attention and affection, all of which he doesn't want.

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Big Daddy
18 votes

#48 - Big Daddy

The Dukes of Hazzard - Season 5 - Episode 6

Boss frames Coy and Vance by putting a hot license plate on the General Lee. But Boss calls off the chase when he is told that his daddy is coming to Hazzard who is supposedly a Good Samaritan - but his driver robs them.

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Log 131: Reed, the Dicks Have Their Job and We Have Ours
65 votes

#49 - Log 131: Reed, the Dicks Have Their Job and We Have Ours

Adam-12 - Season 1 - Episode 4

Officers Malloy and Reed assist a young mother whose baby is threatened by a deranged man and they help a woman being harassed by a spiteful neighbor.

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The Gay Caballero
9 votes

#50 - The Gay Caballero

Zorro (1957) - Season 2 - Episode 16

Diego's uncle, Estevan de la Cruz, arrives in Los Angeles for an unannounced visit and surprises the de la Vegas when he tells them he plans to be their house guest. Furthermore, he expects them to give a lavish party to welcome him. All of this angers Don Alejandro, but to head off a family dispute, Diego convinces his father that Estevan will leave soon. His good intent proves to be a problem for Diego when Estevan later offers to sell several jewels to his friends. Estevan claims to have bought them in Spain, but Diego realizes the gems are fakes and that if sold, could bring shame on his family name. To prevent this, he tells Bernardo to steal the fakes, only to find they're already missing. Zorro captures the thieves and keeps the fake jewels so Estevan cannot swindle his friends. The thieves are turned over to Sergeant Garcia and Diego thinks the matter is settled, but Estevan has decided there is money to be made in Los Angeles and announces that he plans to extend his stay.

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