The BEST episodes directed by Bob Spiers

#1 - Breakfast at Czar's
Press Gang - Season 2 - Episode 1
The local leisure complex is being threatened with closure and The Junior Gazette come up with a great campaign to save it, or so they originally thought. The facts are wrong and the team are forced to write another edition of the paper. Much to Lynda's delight as she uses her own initiative to back the council into a corner. Does she succeed in getting the whole story and revealing the true facts.
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#2 - Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 6
Jennifer's Marilyn Monroe and Dawn's Jane Russell spell it out with an outrageous rendition of Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend. Ken and Duane imagine suing the publisher of an "easy" sheet music book; and "Modern Mother and Daughter", the basis for Absolutely Fabulous. Musical guest: Kirsty MacColl performing "Still Life".
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#3 - War Babies
The Goodies - Season 8 - Episode 6
The Goodies are grown-up babies who are sent off to boarding school during the war years, and are asked by Churchill to go behind enemy lines to buy him a box of German cigars.
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#4 - The Silence of the Lambs
French & Saunders - Season 4 - Episode 2
Dawn and Jennifer pay homage to The Silence of the Lambs, and there's a unique appearance by The Mamas and Papas.
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#5 - Menopause
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 4 - Episode 6
After Patsy cracks her wrist and finds out she is has osteoporosis, Saffron sets up a menopause meeting for the pair. Edina's businesses are going under and it seems that everyone is undergoing change. Then Saffron starts having day-dreams about the possible future...
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#6 - Thelma and Louise
French & Saunders - Season 4 - Episode 7
Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders pay comic homage to Thelma and Louise. They are also joined by Royal Ballet star Darcey Bussell.
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#7 - Casting Agency
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 7
Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders round off their series with more comedy sketches and special guest Jane Asher. Dawn and Jennifer start a casting agency but manage to insult all of their clients. Musical guest: Sarah Walker performing "I Should Be So Lucky".
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#8 - Jealous
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 3 - Episode 4
Eddie gets very depressed that she doesn't win the PR Person of the Year Award and almost works herself to death trying to gain revenge. Saffy's psychology lecturer starts giving her some "extra special tuition" and Eddie comes to her daughter's aid for one of the few times in her life.
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#9 - Aliens
French & Saunders - Season 4 - Episode 5
Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders pay comic tribute to Sigourney Weaver in the film Aliens.
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#10 - Death
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 2 - Episode 2
Eddie's father passes away and she is more concerned about how much weight she has put on and Saffy is horrified at her mother's selfishness regarding the death. It soon makes Eddie realize that she is also going to die and she goes out and spends hundreds of thousands of pounds on art that she doesn't want, just so she can leave something behind when she dies.
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#11 - Misery
French & Saunders - Season 4 - Episode 1
Featuring a memorable reenactment of the film 'Misery' and an exclusive performance by Dickens Daughters.
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#12 - Gone with the Wind
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 4
French and Saunders have Gone with the Wind with Jennifer as Scarlett and Dawn as Mammy. Musical guest: Kirsty MacColl performing "Don't Come the Cowboy with Me Sonny Jim!"
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#13 - Donkey
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 4 - Episode 4
Despite having tried every fad diet going, Eddie is still desperate to be thin, and decides to try detox. Spurred on by a Sex And The City-style lunch with her bitchy girlfriends, Eddie embarks on a strict regime of water and red meat and enrolls herself in a grueling military fitness program. Despite Patsy's best efforts, Eddie swears off champagne and begins to shed the pounds. But her nights are plagued with visits from God and the Devil, who have their own agendas. Meanwhile, budding playwright Saffy bumps into a pretentious old school friend, Taylor Johns, who attempts to use her in his bid to further his acting career, and Patsy decides to see what life is like without her trademark Sixties forelock.
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#14 - Fear
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 3 - Episode 5
Patsy moves in to live with Edina when Saffy goes off to college. However it proves to be a turbulent arrangement, especially when they can't find the tin opener. Further trouble errupts when Lulu arrives at Edina's office to terminate her contract and sign with a high-powered American PR agency. Patsy loses her job when her magazine folds, leaving the high-living pair contemplating old age and a crossroads in their lives.
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#15 - Door Handle
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 3 - Episode 1
As the kitchen is being rebuilt after the fire in last series finale, Eddie is hell-bent on searching for the perfect door handle to match her decor, and she and Patsy take a day trip to New York on the concord to track one down.
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#16 - Parallox
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 4 - Episode 1
Patsy has an injection to freeze her wrinkles; Edina is due to make an appearance on the TV show "This Morning With Richard & Judy"; Saffy is looking for a job with New Labour and Mother is finding out the delights of the internet
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#17 - Episode 3
A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Season 4 - Episode 3
Sketches Include: Vox Pops, Guests Introduction, Barman, Interruptus, Little Girl (song), Making Tea, For Some Reason Angry, Don't Be Dirty. The guests order a South Seas Vulvic Wart cocktail.
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#18 - Birth
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 2 - Episode 6
Patsy burns down Eddie's kitchen with her cigarette when she falls asleep. Forced to live out of the sitting room, Eddie and Patsy plan a night out which suits Saffy as she is having a boy around to watch a documentary. Unfortunately for all, Mother accidentally locks them in the sitting room and Eddie tries to open up to her daughter and talk to her about sex and her birth, despite Patsy's comments.
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#19 - Happy New Year
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 3 - Episode 2
While Saffy plans to spend a quiet New Years Eve with her Gran and Justin, Eddie and Patsy prepare to join a huge underground rave party to see in the new year, but things change when word comes of the visit from Patsy's long lost sister Jackie who is notorious for being a 60's party animal. Upon her arrival, Patsy is distressed to learn that her sister (unlike herself) has actually aged in the last 30 years.
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#20 - The Sound of Music
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 1
The hills are alive with the sound of French and Saunders as Dawn and Jennifer parody The Sound of Music. With special guest Jerry Hall. Other sketches include parodies of ABBA and Sonia, and the first appearance of Pear Tree Farm. Musical guest: Kirsty MacColl performing "Fifteen Minutes".
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#21 - The Exorcist
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 3
French and Saunders with guests including Lynn Faulds Wood and Maggie Philbin perform the sketches 'The Exorcist', 'Girl Bikers', and 'Publishers'. Musical guest: Kirsty MacColl performing "Ride".
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#22 - Sex
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 3 - Episode 3
Eddie wants to have a bigger bedroom and debates which of the two walls to knock down; one leading to Saffy's room, the other to Serge's. Eddie and Patsy go into Serge's room to clear it out where Saffy discovers a copy of 'Razzle' amongst his magazines (thankfully not the one that Patsy appeared in!). Despite Saffy's objections about the magazine, Eddie leafs through it and realizes that it has been awhile since she has had sex. Patsy talks her into hiring two male prostitutes on the night that Saffy has a presentation at school, both of which don't go off as smoothly as they would have liked.
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#23 - Hospital
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 2 - Episode 1
Patsy is caught having an affair with a politician and is pushed into the tabloid spotlight which reveals her true age. Eddie stubs her toe and "requires" surgery. Patsy joins her in hospital for moral support - and a facelift.
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#24 - The End
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 3 - Episode 6
After Patsy and Saffy both move away from her, Eddie moves to a commune where she tries to fit in but doesn't have a chance. Patsy's new job is not what she was expecting and Eddie turns up in New York where she meets her on the top of a building in a helicopter before heading back to London. There is also a sneak peek at them in 25 years time.
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#25 - Birthday
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 1 - Episode 5
Eddie is turning 40 and Saffy organizes a quaint family get-together for her involving Mother, Justin (Saffy's father), Justin's lover Oliver, Marshall (Eddie's son Serge's father) and his new wife Bo. However, Eddie has developed a complex about her age and refuses to participate in the celebrations.
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#26 - Monday - Tuesday
Press Gang - Season 1 - Episode 11
School, life, The Junior Gazette it all seems to be going perfect, everythings going the way you want it to. Then something happens and the next day getting out of bed is the worst thing you could have done. Are Lynda, Spike, Kenny, Tiddler caught in some weird surreal dream or is life really like this?!
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#27 - The House of Idiot
French & Saunders - Season 4 - Episode 6
French and Saunders pay their own comic tribute to the serial House of Eliott and there are comic takes on Pan's People, Gladiators and the royal family.
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#28 - Basil the Rat
Fawlty Towers - Season 2 - Episode 6
Basil and the rest of the staff are in deep trouble when the health inspector turns up and delivers an enormous list of problems with the hotel. Things become even worse when Manuel's rat gets loose in the hotel.
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#29 - Morocco
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 2 - Episode 3
Patsy agrees to put a Fashion spread in her magazine of the product Edina is promoting called "POPSPEX", and they both go to Marrakesh for the photo shoot. Saffron wants to go with them to help her university studies but Patsy ends up selling her to white slave traders.
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#30 - Iso Tank
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 1 - Episode 4
Banned from attending Saffron's college open day, Edina sulks in her brand new isolation tank. But she's got a few tricks up her Lacroix sleeves yet.
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#31 - Paris
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 4 - Episode 3
Patsy heads to Paris for a fashion shoot, a chance to relive her modeling days and to spend time with her new best friend, super model Erin O'Connor; with Eddie and Saffy in tow. While Patsy struggles to cope with fresh-faced models, unflattering clothes and the photographer from hell; Eddie tries to bond with her estranged daughter and somehow convinces Saffy to let down her defenses and flash the whole of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
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#32 - France
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 1 - Episode 3
Edina and Patsy go on holiday to France but the luxury they've booked turns out to be the ramshackle cottage. Unable to negotiate the local shops, Edina calls up Saffy for help. Bubble turns up, too, with news that Edina's interior design business has hit problems.
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#33 - Episode 4
A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Season 4 - Episode 4
Sketches include: Good Evening, Guests Introduction, Soccer School, Dalliard: Models, Hugh Interviewing Guests, Be Nice (song), Head Gardener, Gelliant Gutfright("Flowers For Wendy"). The guests order a A Quick One With You, Stephen cocktail.
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#34 - New Best Friend
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 2 - Episode 4
Edina's old friends, Bettina and Max, are coming to stay with her. Eddie remembers them as being notoriously minimalistic who have no need for possessions and she tries to make the house presentable, eventually telling Patsy to leave. Patsy is hurt by this and leaves to find herself a new best friend. Meanwhile, when Bettina and Max arrive they have their baby with them and are loaded with bags and baby stuff, turning Eddie's house into the inside of a laundry basket.
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#35 - Dangerous Liaisons
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 5
Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders develop Dangerous Liaisons with more outrageous parody. With special guest Joan Bakewell. Other parodies include Birds of a Feather, Tanita Tikaram, and The Factory.
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#36 - Episode 7
A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Season 4 - Episode 7
Sketches include: Guests Introduction, Religianto, Consent, Sophisticated Song (song), Fast Monologue, Telephone Alert, Truancy. The guests order a Modern Britain cocktail.
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#37 - Fat
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 1 - Episode 2
Edina needs to get slim quickly as she's expecting a visit from old friend, Penny Casper-Morse, who used to tease her about her weight. She contemplates a regular fitness routine, but then Patsy suggests something much easier... liposuction.
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#38 - The Psychiatrist
Fawlty Towers - Season 2 - Episode 2
Confusion arises when Basil tries to catch a girl in a playboy's room after hours, all the while unnerved by a psychiatrist's presence.
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#39 - Shouldn't I Be Taller?
Press Gang - Season 1 - Episode 12
Lynda's absent from the newsroom, Colin has got his sights on the editors job and plans to run it HIS way. Can Spike convince depressed Lynda to return to The Junior Gazette and save them from going down the toilet?
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#40 - Scoutrageous AKA Scouting Adventures
The Goodies - Season 7 - Episode 3
Tim indoctrinates Bill and Graeme into the Scouts. But they take things to extremes resulting in the movement being declared illegal.
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#41 - Whatever Happened to Baby Dawn?
French & Saunders - Season 3 - Episode 2
Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders pay tribute to the American thriller Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? Other sketches include a parody of Bros and two hapless magazine editors. Musical guests: Kirsty MacColl and Raw Sex performing "Somethin' Stupid".
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#42 - The Kipper and the Corpse
Fawlty Towers - Season 2 - Episode 4
One of the guests has died in his sleep, but Basil thinks it's due to serving him spoiled food.
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#43 - Poor
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 2 - Episode 5
Edina discovers that the alimony payments from her ex-husbands, Justin and Marshall, have stopped. Does this mean she will be very poor? After consulting her accountant and much badgering from Saffy, Edina decides to make some sacrifices in her exuberant lifestyle to better herself, only to make matters worse by ending up in court.
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#44 - Communication Problems
Fawlty Towers - Season 2 - Episode 1
When Mrs. Richards, a demanding woman who is hard of hearing, checks into the hotel, Basil, Sybil and Polly find themselves with a very difficult customer. Meanwhile, Basil bets on a horse that is sure to win, however he must not let Sybil find out.
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#45 - Magazine
Absolutely Fabulous - Season 1 - Episode 6
Patsy actually visits her place of work, a fashion magazine where she is the 'Executive Fashion Director'. She takes on the job of organizing a fashion piece for a morning television show but when all the models drop out and refuse to wear the clothes, Patsy is forced to suck up to Saffy and Mother to get them to appear on the show. Meanwhile, Edina has a date with long-lost boyfriend Hamish.
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#46 - Waldorf Salad
Fawlty Towers - Season 2 - Episode 3
Customer dissatisfaction with the Fawlty Towers dining experience comes to a head when an insistent American comes for a stay.
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#47 - Carnival
Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 6
It is the annual Hammersmith carnival, where the local residents take part in riots, and Richie and Eddie find their flat window to be the best place to watch from. After going looting, Eddie learns Richie has stolen a BBC camera, and they decide to make money recording their own films. They are unaware that the camera contains a dirty video of the Prime Minister.
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#48 - Episode 1
A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Season 4 - Episode 1
Sketches include: Grey and Hopeless, Guest Movements, Theme Vox Pops, Blame the System, The Comedy Charter, Writing Poetry, Smell: The Forgotten Sense?, Gordon's Unintelligible Song, Wrist Changer Commercial, and It's A Soaraway Life. The guests order a Golden Meteorite cocktail.
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#49 - Five Go Mad on Mescalin
The Comic Strip Presents... - Season 2 - Episode 1
Child adventurers Julian, Dick, George, Anne, and their dog Timmy return to the countryside for the holidays, only to learn that Uncle Quentin, the well known scientist and homosexual, has escaped from prison. The children set out to unlock the mysteries of Love Island.
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#50 - Episode 6
A Bit of Fry & Laurie - Season 4 - Episode 6
Sketches include: Stolen Money, Young Tory of the Year, Variety, Gossiping Heads, Death Threat, What I Mind (Misunderstood) (Song), Honda, The Duke of Northampton. The hosts finish off with a Silver Prostate cocktail.
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