The BEST episodes directed by Andrew D. Weyman

#1 - In Her Dreams
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 10
Through a series of dreams, Nicole has a chance to see what life would have been like if her mother had married either Michael or Joey.
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#2 - Pilot
Rita Rocks - Season 1 - Episode 1
After Rita gets passed up for a promotion at work, she starts to question who she is and starts a garage band to capture the spirit of her younger days.
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Coupling (US) - Season 1 - Episode 4
Steve and Susan worry about the future of their relationship when they lie to each other, and he lets her pick up a check. Meanwhile, Patrick attempts to find a car that he looks cool in. And Jane feels her new stalker isn't putting in enough effort.
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Coupling (US) - Season 1 - Episode 3
When Jane's aunt dies, she expects Steve to go to the funeral. As her boyfriend. But if he's going, then Susan is going. And if Susan is going, then Patrick is going. And if Patrick is going, then Sally is going. And if they're all going, then Jeff might as well be going, too, since he was the only one besides Jane who actually knew her. Meanwhile, Jeff fears he'll blurt out something he shouldn't during a forthcoming interview for a promotion.
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#5 - Story with a Twist
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 6
When 14 year old Nicole comes home with liquor on her breath, the Dads employ their own brand of shock therapy: a vivid and frightening demonstration of the dangers of alcohol abuse.
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#7 - Pre-Posal
Men at Work - Season 3 - Episode 1
Neal is going to propose to Amy, but first he has to get her father’s blessing – and it’s not going to be easy. Milo joins Gibbs on his yearly "samurai cleanse." Tyler finds his first gray hair and is convinced that the end is close… or at least closer.
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#8 - Clowntime Is Over
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 13
After Bingo the clown doesn't turn up to Lucy's party, Louie is forced to become "Mr Pizza Box Man" to the enjoyment of all the children. Other families start contracting his services
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#10 - My Fair Joey
My Two Dads - Season 1 - Episode 20
Joey enlists Michael to coach him on the finer points of etiquette when he meets a debutante dream girl.
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#12 - Flowers for Kim
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 6
After an argument with Kim, Louie calls his wife a cunt, leading to an abrupt end to what was supposed to be a sex-filled weekend.
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Coupling (US) - Season 1 - Episode 2
Steve is nervous about his potential first time with Susan after she offers to cook for him, wondering what exactly that means. Meanwhile, Sally's interest in Patrick is on the rise when Susan informs her that he has a big penis -- and she expects Jeff to find out just how big. And Jane has a new male date... who is too busy scoping out his own male dates.
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#14 - Gigo-Milo
Men at Work - Season 3 - Episode 5
Milo meets a book publisher, but it's not his writing she's interested in. Neal hires an intern and Myron enlists Tyler and Gibbs to make him look cool on social media.
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#18 - You Love Me, Right?
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 15
Michael's uncle shows up and he's not exactly pleased to see him. It seems he has a habit of making promises that he doesn't keep. And he's making some to Nicole.
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#19 - Cybill Does Diary
Cybill - Season 3 - Episode 6
After discovering Cybill's picture on an X-rated video, Cybill and Maryann decide to produce an erotic video intended for women. But when Cybill borrows Zoey's laptop to write the script and tries to e-mail it to a producer, she accidentally sends Zoey's European diary instead - and the producer loves the story of how Zoey lost her virginity.
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#20 - Together We Stand
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 11
Michael is excited and Joey apprehensive as they begin their jobs together at a new financial magazine, but emotions mix when they meet their boss, Karen, an attractive and assertive woman.
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#21 - Dirty Dating
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 8
Nicole rebels when Joey ignores her objections to his dating a hot but condescending woman. Her revenge? She goes out with every fathers nightmare someone named Chopper.
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#22 - Bingo
Roseanne - Season 4 - Episode 13
It is Crystal's choice to choose where the gals' night out will be. Crystal chooses bingo and they all hate it. After Roseanne wins $50 playing bingo, she gets hooked on it. Becky and Darlene baby-sit Little Ed, but when Dan comes home its D.J. and Dan that end up taking care of the baby. Roseanne and Crystal get into a fight, but at the end they make up and Roseanne learn that Crystal is pregnant again.
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#27 - Discipline
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 7
Lucy (who has previously been largely ignored) develops obnoxious behavior. Kim and Louie are at odds as to how to handle it.
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#28 - Kim's O
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 2
Louie is shocked when Kim demands an encore performance in the bedroom. Meanwhile, Walter is surprised by Ellen's latest hobby.
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#29 - Control
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 5
Louie is none too thrilled when Kim imposes a strict diet plan because she is worried about his health since he is overweight and out of shape.
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#30 - Pal Zoey
Cybill - Season 2 - Episode 22
Cybill is disconcerted but delighted when a heartbroken Zoey decides she wants to be best friends; but Rachel storms off when Cybill and Kevin agree to sit in on a marriage counselling session, only to discover that Kevin slept with Rachel's therapist. Meanwhile, Maryann tries to make Ira jealous by flirting with Cybill's Arkansas cousin Lyle, who is obsessed with getting onto The Price is Right.
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#31 - Long Weekend
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 4
Kim is upset that her 4th of July plans are ruined all because Louie decided to make a horrible impulse purchase with the money she was going to throw the bash with.
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#33 - Blast from the Past
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 1
Zach, a boy whom Nicole knew moves to New York and comes to see her. And Cory is not comfortable with her being with him.
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#35 - A Mugging Story
Lucky Louie - Season 1 - Episode 3
Kim ends up encountering a mugger and she runs to Louie for defense.
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#38 - Buffalo Gals
Cybill - Season 3 - Episode 10
Maryann goes home to Buffalo N.Y. for an uneasy reunion with her parents, and to attend a 25-year reunion of her high-school classmates - who treated her like dirt. Maryann learns that her son - who she believed was traveling with Greenpeace - is actually living with her parents. When Maryann consequently opts to forgo the reunion to spend time with him, Cybill goes to the reunion as Maryann in order to claim sweet revenge on the classmates. Meantime, Cybill is also spearheading efforts to make Thanksgiving dinner plans. Zoey gets to try on her hideous bridesmaid's dress, and. as revenge, tricks Rachel into having to wear the outfit as well.
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#40 - Bringing Home the Bacon
Cybill - Season 3 - Episode 1
On the barnyard set of her new show (a parody of Babe), Cybill rescues a pig that was fired and doomed to the frying pan; then tries to keep an independent Zoey from flying the coop after she visits the greener pastures of Paris. Meanwhile, Maryann dresses as Little Bo Peep to entice a sheepish Ira.
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#42 - Still in School
Still Standing - Season 1 - Episode 3
Bill and Judy attend their twentieth high school reunion, and soon they begin acting like teenagers again. Bill meets his old hot dog eating competitor and challenges him to see who can eat more pancakes at the reunion breakfast, while Judy is shocked to see that the most popular girl at school has become a successful architect and has a ""perfect life."" In order to make Judy happy, Bill makes up a lie about the woman's husband having an affair, and Judy spreads it all around the reunion. Now Bill has to make an effort and correct the lie, but only makes it worse – as the rumor spreads, the guy goes from a cheater to gay man. Meanwhile, Linda scores a date with an ex-boyfriend, but she can't get over his disliking of The Beatles.
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#44 - An Old Flame With a New Wick
Two and a Half Men - Season 1 - Episode 18
Charlie is stunned to learn his ex-girlfriend is now a man (Chris O'Donnell).
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#45 - Cybill, Get Your Gun
Cybill - Season 3 - Episode 5
After Cybill's house is burgled, she decides to fight back by taking a course in self-defense, installing an obnoxious house alarm, and acquiring a handgun. Meanwhile, the newly-available Ira finds that he has misrepresented himself when he meets a woman at one of Jeff's favorite hangouts - an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Maryann becomes a suspect in the abrupt disappearance of Dr. Dick.
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#46 - See Dad Play Coach
See Dad Run - Season 1 - Episode 3
David tries to rein in his aggressive coaching style while working with Joe’s baseball team. Meanwhile, Emily uses her parents as subjects in an experiment for a school assignment.
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#47 - The Hamburger Postulate
The Big Bang Theory - Season 1 - Episode 5
Fearing he's wasting his time on Penny, Leonard ends up making a connection with colleague Leslie Winkle.
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#48 - Fight Club
Accidentally on Purpose - Season 1 - Episode 6
Zack attempts to surprise Billie by installing a low-flow toilet, but instead they have their first argument as a couple.
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#50 - Fallen Idol
My Two Dads - Season 2 - Episode 5
A visit from her rock and roll idol Malcolm O'Dell leaves Nicole star-struck until the musician loses his music making ability.
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