The BEST episodes written by Sarah Phelps

Episode 5
31 votes

#1 - Episode 5

Oliver Twist (2007) - Season 1 - Episode 5

At the moment, wicked Bill Sikes (Tom Hardy) has the boy in his clutches, but nasty Monks (a slyly charming Julian Rhind-Tutt) is also on his trail. Of course, as this is a well-loved and well-read piece of English literature, there's not much mystery as to the outcome. But the pace keeps up nicely and there is still some tension as poor, ill-used little Oliver (William Miller) is bundled from one set of grubby hands to another, while his benefactor Mr Brownlow (Edward Fox) tries to rescue him from a life of crime and penury. There are some unpleasant bits that might alarm younger children, but they can rest assured that all will turn out for the best.

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Episode 2
31 votes

#2 - Episode 2

Oliver Twist (2007) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Oliver (William Miller) has seen his one chance of happiness snatched after he's abducted from his comfortable new home by wicked Bill Sikes (a creepily malevolent turn from Tom Hardy). But it's not just the ragged underworld that has it in for Oliver - the well-dressed and charming Monks (Julian Rhind-Tutt) also has his reasons for wishing the boy harm. We can only hope that Oliver's only friend, Nancy (Sophie Okonedo), will help him in his hour of need.

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Episode 3
31 votes

#3 - Episode 3

Oliver Twist (2007) - Season 1 - Episode 3

Sikes escapes back to London with a badly wounded Oliver, and Nancy nurses him, determined to save his life. Mr Bumble declares his love for Mrs Corney. Rose continues to search for Oliver, but is discovered by Monks, who tells Brownlow of her secret mission

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Episode 6
152 votes

#4 - Episode 6

The Crimson Field - Season 1 - Episode 6

Joan is hauled up on a charge of aiding the enemy and faces a possible lifetime in prison. She is desperate to protect Anton so tries to deflect the questions, even as Purbright arrives to drive them home harder. Meanwhile, the hospital is awash with the news of Joan's treachery and Roland is directly in the firing line, accused of letting the rules slide and bringing the RAMC into disrepute. His position rests on a knife edge as old enemies close in. Kitty's wracked with guilt that she knew about Joan but didn't stop her, and she fears for her own position. She is desperate for someone to trust, but will it be Thomas or Miles that she turns to? Elsewhere, Flora discovers Peter's brother, Jimmy, on one of the wards and happily reunites the siblings, but when it becomes clear that Jimmy is too fragile for war Peter has a difficult decision to make. Rosalie too is feeling conflicted, unsure how to deal with her discovery of Kitty's divorce. Her instinct is to condemn, but the world is changing. Could one patient in particular hold the key to her liberation? Joan's actions send ripples through the hospital. As night falls some rules will be broken and others upheld. As the war machine grinds on, faith, hope and love are put to the test.

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Episode 4
31 votes

#5 - Episode 4

Oliver Twist (2007) - Season 1 - Episode 4

Despite Corney and Bumble's attempts to extort money from him, Monks quickly gets the upper hand and leaves with the necklace, letter and a page of the register recording Oliver's birth. Nancy cares for Oliver, promising that she will get him back to the safety of the Brownlows. Dodger, however, is aware of Nancy's betrayal, putting her in grave danger.

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Episode 1
37 votes

#6 - Episode 1

Oliver Twist (2007) - Season 1 - Episode 1

The moment where Oliver Twist asks for more gruel is right up there with Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" line. You know it's coming, you wait, you get ready because it's on its way and then, bam! it's arrived: "Please sir, I want some more". Newcomer William Miller, as Oliver, wisely plays it straight as he holds out his bowl and blinks his sweet saucer eyes at wicked workhouse boss Mr Bumble (Gregor Fisher) in Sarah Phelps's roistering dramatisation of the Dickens story.

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Episode 5
152 votes

#7 - Episode 5

The Crimson Field - Season 1 - Episode 5

A hostile patient forms a connection with Grace as she recalls her time in India, and Joan risks everything as she awaits a response from her fiancé.

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Episode 4
122 votes

#8 - Episode 4

The Crimson Field - Season 1 - Episode 4

A band of patients known as the Lucky 13 lift spirits in the hospital but one holds a secret which could threaten their safety. The return of a patient spells trouble for Margaret.

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Episode 3
1226 votes

#9 - Episode 3

And Then There Were None - Season 1 - Episode 3

Cut down to half their original number, the guests of Soldier Island are in danger of losing their minds to fear and anxiety.

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Episode 2
1204 votes

#10 - Episode 2

And Then There Were None - Season 1 - Episode 2

As the sun rises and sets on the island and its solitary mansion, the number of guests is whittled down by their invisible enemy – to seven, to six, to five…

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Episode 3
132 votes

#11 - Episode 3

The Crimson Field - Season 1 - Episode 3

Paranoia is rife as the hospital anticipates the court martial of a patient. Thomas's pioneering system brings him into conflict with a senior officer.

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Episode 1
162 votes

#12 - Episode 1

The Crimson Field - Season 1 - Episode 1

Three women leave their old lives behind as they volunteer at a hospital in war-torn France. This is the challenge of their lives.

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Episode 16
123 votes

#13 - Episode 16

Dickensian - Season 1 - Episode 16

Honoria goes into labour in the family home, leaving her feeling stranded and vulnerable with only her older sister Frances there to help - a woman with whom she had been arguing only minutes before. Not knowing the first thing about childbirth, Frances sends a note out with a messenger boy requesting a doctor, but as the minutes pass, emotions run high and the intensity of the situation brings the sisters closer together.

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Episode 2
125 votes

#14 - Episode 2

The Crimson Field - Season 1 - Episode 2

Grace realises that something is up with Kitty as she keeps her distance. A Major wakes up from the verge of death, still badly wounded he also has to find out that his troops have been decimated. The hospital prepares itself for a convoy of new patients.

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Episode 5
206 votes

#15 - Episode 5

Dickensian - Season 1 - Episode 5

Compeyson goes to desperate lengths to make Miss Havisham notice him, and Martha Cratchit's wedding plans are thrown into turmoil by an unexpected knock at the door.

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Episode 2
221 votes

#16 - Episode 2

Great Expectations (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Pip starts his new life as a gentleman in London, quickly acquiring expensive tastes and mounting debts. He falls deeper in love with Estella and escorts her around town. As his twenty-first birthday approaches, Pip waits for his benefactor and their intentions to be revealed.

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Episode 3
223 votes

#17 - Episode 3

Great Expectations (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 3

Pip wants nothing to do with Magwitch and rushes to confront Miss Havisham. At Satis House he learns that Estella may be lost to him. Back in London, Wemmick warns him that the penalty for Magwitch's return from Australia will be hanging. Now Pip must help him escape.

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Episode 4
213 votes

#18 - Episode 4

Dickensian - Season 1 - Episode 4

The Havishams throw a New Year's party. Amelia is delighted to be reunited with her brother Arthur, but is troubled when an unexpected guest joins the celebrations. Meanwhile, Frances Barbary rekindles an old friendship and allows herself to hope that it may develop into something more.

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Episode 1
1382 votes

#19 - Episode 1

And Then There Were None - Season 1 - Episode 1

1939. As civilization teeters on the brink of war, ten strangers are persuaded to retreat from their troubled lives to Soldier Island, an isolated rock off the Devon coast.

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Episode 17
127 votes

#20 - Episode 17

Dickensian - Season 1 - Episode 17

Prior to being taken off the case of Jacob Marley's murder, Inspector Bucket determines to have one last shot at solving the conundrum. Retracing Marley's last steps with Mr Venus, Bucket arrives at a new theory - the killer was neither a criminal nor a thug, but a frightened individual who had been the victim of Marley's punishing debt-collecting tactics. Meanwhile, unaware that Amelia saw him kissing Sally, Compeyson arrives at Satis House and is surprised by the frosty reception he receives from Miss Havisham.

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Episode 7
392 votes

#21 - Episode 7

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 7

Everything comes to a head as Cassie confronts Lexie’s killer and Rob has a breakthrough about Katy’s murder.

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Episode 8
394 votes

#22 - Episode 8

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 8

The finale finds Rob and Cassie forced into a face-to-face reunion. As arrests are made, Rob and Cassie both come to profound realisations.

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The Longest Day
707 votes

#23 - The Longest Day

Being Human - Season 3 - Episode 5

While working at the hospital, George is horrified to discover that Herrick still exists after all, despite the fact that his wolfself disembowelled the vampire in question at the end of Series 1. However, Mitchell is distracted, still brooding about last series's train massacre and his guilt for that event, as well as hoping that Herrick can assist him in averting Lia's prophecy about his death at the hand of an unspecified werewolf. Herrick is ensconced in the attic, masquerading as Nina's "Uncle Billy," and to complicate matters, Wendy, a social worker, turns up to assess their compatability for Herrick's placement at the household

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Episode 4
432 votes

#24 - Episode 4

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 4

As Cassie struggles to make sense of Lexie’s life and death, we delve into her own difficult past. Meanwhile, Rob’s past finally yields some results in the Katy investigation.

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Part 2
264 votes

#25 - Part 2

The Witness for the Prosecution - Season 1 - Episode 2

Romaine, whose testimony was Leonard's one hope to save him from the gallows, has turned on him, leaving Mayhew's case hopeless and Leonard's fatal verdict imminent.

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Episode 5
406 votes

#26 - Episode 5

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 5

Rob makes costly mistakes as Cassie immerses herself in the art of being Lexie.

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Episode 3
475 votes

#27 - Episode 3

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 3

All of Knocknaree mourns as Katy Devlin is laid to rest, while the pressure on Rob and Cassie mounts as there are still no arrests in the case.

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Episode 2
513 votes

#28 - Episode 2

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 2

Despite Rob’s promise to Cassie that they won’t investigate Operation Vestal, they make a dark bargain to keep the secret and carry on working on the cases.

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Episode 1
260 votes

#29 - Episode 1

Great Expectations (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 1

A terrifying encounter on the marshes with an escaped convict and a summons from the mysterious Miss Havisham change orphan Pip's life forever. He dares to believe he might be destined for a future beyond the marshes - a future linked to that of the beautiful Estella.

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Episode 1
604 votes

#30 - Episode 1

Dublin Murders - Season 1 - Episode 1

Reilly and Maddox's working relationship comes under pressure when, in the course of the investigation, elements of their pasts emerge that they would rather forget.

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Episode 3
511 votes

#31 - Episode 3

The ABC Murders - Season 1 - Episode 3

With the ABC killer still on the loose, Hercule realises that only he holds the key to the murders. He faces a race against time to stop the bloodbath.

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Episode 2
540 votes

#32 - Episode 2

The ABC Murders - Season 1 - Episode 2

The ABC killer sends more letters promising to spill blood. Hercule's past, integrity and identity come into question while he fights a rising tide of xenophobia.

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2091 votes

#33 - Justice

Camelot - Season 1 - Episode 5

Arthur creates Camelot's first tribunal of justice which takes shape through a battle of wills, not blood. Aided by Sybil's cunning, Morgan reaches out to the townspeople in her pursuit to take back the throne.

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Episode 1
386 votes

#34 - Episode 1

Ordeal by Innocence - Season 1 - Episode 1

Heiress Rachel Argyll is murdered at her family estate. Eighteen months later, as her widower prepares to marry again, the identity of the murderer is thrown in doubt.

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Part 1
304 votes

#35 - Part 1

The Witness for the Prosecution - Season 1 - Episode 1

When Leonard Vole is accused of murdering society lady Emily French, his solicitor Mayhew clings to the hope that Leonard's wife Romaine will provide the alibi that can save his life.

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Episode 1
581 votes

#36 - Episode 1

The ABC Murders - Season 1 - Episode 1

It's 1933, and an older and greyer Hercule Poirot receives letters threatening murder. When no-one listens to his appeals, the once great detective must take matters into his own hands.

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451 votes

#37 - Moscow

Hooten & the Lady - Season 1 - Episode 6

Lady Alex jets off to Moscow to help Hooten in his search for a lost Faberge egg and confronts her arch enemy from university, who now works for a shadowy black market collector, but they soon become entangled in a sinister criminal underworld.

Episode 3
144 votes

#38 - Episode 3

A Very British Scandal - Season 1 - Episode 3

Battlelines are drawn as the Duke and Duchess of Argyll enter into a bloody separation, all played out in the white-hot glare of a ravenous press.

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Part One
300 votes

#39 - Part One

The Pale Horse - Season 1 - Episode 1

A mysterious list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman. What is the connection to the village of Much Deeping?

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Episode 2
145 votes

#40 - Episode 2

A Very British Scandal - Season 1 - Episode 2

Putting aside gnawing doubts about her marriage, Margaret continues with her plan to secure her claim to Inveraray Castle. But a private photograph has the potential to destroy everything she has ever worked for and fuel the fire of one of the most scandalous divorce trials in British history.

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Episode 3
82 votes

#41 - Episode 3

The Casual Vacancy - Season 1 - Episode 3

With the parish council election imminent, tensions rise in Pagford as each side steps up their campaign. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations? The battle lines are drawn, and the fate of Sweetlove House hangs in the balance.

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Episode 1
152 votes

#42 - Episode 1

A Very British Scandal - Season 1 - Episode 1

Once considered the most beautiful debutante of the 1930s, heiress Margaret Sweeny is in the midst of a divorce when she meets the dashing (and married) Ian Campbell, future Duke of Argyll. What begins as sexual chemistry evolves into something more serious when Margaret begins to fall in love not only with Ian but also with his crumbling ancestral seat, Inveraray. But all is not what it seems in her marriage, and Margaret finds herself hurtling towards a scandal that will not only change her life but the perception of the British establishment forever.

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Episode 2
95 votes

#43 - Episode 2

The Casual Vacancy - Season 1 - Episode 2

The parish council election approaches and Pagford is on tenterhooks awaiting the next post from 'the Ghost of Barry Fairbrother'. Who is the Ghost, and what will they say? Is anyone in the village safe from humiliation? As tensions rise, the finger of suspicion points in many directions.

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Part Two
261 votes

#44 - Part Two

The Pale Horse - Season 1 - Episode 2

Mark fears his life is at risk, and his growing paranoia begins to haunt his dreams. Can he uncover the secret of the witches at the Pale Horse before it’s too late?

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Episode 1
109 votes

#45 - Episode 1

The Casual Vacancy - Season 1 - Episode 1

The village of Pagford is left in shock when a local resident dies suddenly. Pagford is seemingly an English idyll, but what lies behind the pretty facade is a community at war. The empty seat left on the parish council soon becomes the catalyst for the biggest battle the village has yet seen.

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The Silent and the Damned  (Part 1)
124 votes

#46 - The Silent and the Damned (Part 1)

Falcón (UK) - Season 1 - Episode 3

Falcón investigates a number of suicides among Seville's city high-flyers. Doubting the authenticity of the evidence, Falcon finds his life in danger when he discovers the dark secrets and lies that have played a part in the deaths.

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