The BEST episodes written by Mayori Sekijima

Even So, I'll Believe
33 votes

#1 - Even So, I'll Believe

Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God - Season 3 - Episode 3

As Raetsel transfers into Root Academy, Gammon spots Jin behaving rather oddly, uncertain whether or not to believe either Kaito or Ratesel. Later, a Master Brain posing as Jin appears before Kaito, challenging him to a Fool's Puzzle in which he much navigate a sliding puzzle maze within a time limit or else fall to his death. As Kaito comes close to solving it, the fake Jin blows out one of the rooms, preventing him from reaching the exit, as well as tilting the maze. However, Kaito manages to take advantage of risky nature and reach the maze's goal in time.

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34 votes

#2 - Rätsel...

Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God - Season 3 - Episode 1

Whilst exploring a Sage's Puzzle in England with Jin in the hopes of recovering his memory, Kaito stumbles upon an unsolved puzzle, having assumed Jin had already solved all of them. Solving the puzzle with ease, Kaito discovers a brooch with a cat engraved on it, which Jin takes an interest in. Later, they, along with Nonoha and Rook, go to the Fool's Puzzle where Kaito and Rook previously faced off against each other, where they encounter a strange girl named Raetsel, who takes the brooch and runs off with Jin inside the puzzle, activating its traps. Back in Japan, a man named Johan Seigmund Enigma appears before the other Phi Brain children, attaching an explosive puzzle on Cubic's back, stating his intent to annihilate all puzzlers, claiming it to be Jin's desire. After the bomb is disarmed, Enigma leaves whilst his accomplace, Whodunnit, challenges the others to a puzzle. Meanwhile, Kaito's group arrive at a room with many doors, with Raetsel tasking them with finding the correct door before the ceiling collapses, claiming that Jin hated puzzles.

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You Know Nothing
34 votes

#3 - You Know Nothing

Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God - Season 3 - Episode 2

Thanks to Kaito's deductions and Nonoha's memory, their group manages to find the correct exit and escape. Afterwards, Raetsel takes everyone to her personal boat, where she shows them a feed of Gammon's group as they face Whodunnit's puzzle, where they must arrange cubes successfully or else be electrocuted. Working together, they deduce the colors of the cube are a clue to numbers in a magic square puzzle, managing to solve it with a second to spare. Although Raetsel leaves Jin with Kaito and the others, they are left uncertain by how the Master Brains, who target puzzlers for bounty rewards, claim to be contracted by Jin.

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39 votes

#4 - Awakening

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 4

Kanate ahas been taken by The Reckoning of Warden Tsutsuga. Arata goes to search for them and finds them facing off before Tsutsuga in a battle to the death. Tsutsuga says the winner will be declared innocent of his crimes. Outraged, Arata draws his Hayagami on Tsutsuga, but ends up in a tight spot when he's unable to call upon its power...

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Who Killed Poor Alice?
131 votes

#5 - Who Killed Poor Alice?

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 15

After seeing a murdered Alice, Oz is devastated. Because of his shock, Oz's clock hand moves again, and he begins to destroy Cheshire's dimension using B. Rabbit's power. He justifies his actions by saying that it was for Alice and he'd take that fear away from her, even to the point where he says that he would kill Alice, but only says these things because he's in a trance. During that time, Jack sent Gil to help Oz, which he does. Meanwhile, Break is overpowering Cheshire using Mad Hatter. Break takes the truth of the Tragedy of Sabrie and Alice's memories in the form of Cheshire's bell. After Oz realizes he came to Cheshire's dimension to save Alice, he and Gil find her in chains on a staircase contemplating about herself. As Oz climbs the stairs, he tells Alice that it doesn't matter if she's human or a chain, being "Alice" is fine and saves her. Cheshire becomes angry and abandons his human form for a monstrous black form and leads Break to Oz, Alice, and Gil. Cheshire is destroying his dimension for the same reasons that Oz mentioned earlier. Break easily defeats Cheshire, and Alice realizes that Cheshire was once her pet cat. Eques appears to return the group to their world. However, Break and Gil get separated from Oz and Alice and are left in Cheshire's dimension. Eques brings Oz and Alice back to their world, but they interrupt a Pandora meeting with Uncle Oscar involved and Alice is in her B. Rabbit form.

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Where am I ?
133 votes

#6 - Where am I ?

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 6

Oz decides to return to the mansion, where his coming of age ceremony took place. However, upon arrival, the state of the mansion appears deserted and worn down, unlike the rich glorious mansion as Oz remembers. At the same time, memories pertaining to Gil are recollected, including Oz's insistence of his role as master protecting his servant. As Raven scouts the mansion on his own, he's ambushed by Doldam's marionettes. During the fight, it is revealed that Raven is an older Gil and that ten years have passed since the coming of age ceremony. As Doldam once again controls Gil, Oz faces a controlled Gil just like before.

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I Just Get That Feeling
33 votes

#7 - I Just Get That Feeling

Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God - Season 3 - Episode 5

Jin once told Rook that “Puzzles are chains. Puzzles are also mirrors.” Unsure how to interpret those words, Rook jumps on the chance to challenge a Puzzle of Fools that Jin once fought in the hopes of gaining insight into his heart...

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Eating Delicious Things is an Alternate Method for Solving Puzzles
34 votes

#8 - Eating Delicious Things is an Alternate Method for Solving Puzzles

Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God - Season 3 - Episode 4

Whilst Kaito is having a picnic with Jin and Nonoha, Raetsel appears before Kaito, stating that the Fools' Puzzles made Jin suffer, clashing with Kaito's own memories of him. However, Nonoha helps them realise there are some memories of Jin that they both share. Meanwhile, a Master Brain named Dr. Theorem appears before Cubic, who decides to face him in a puzzle to prevent him from reaching Kaito. Cubic is tasked with finding 'the most beautiful number' within 15 minutes before he is engulfed in flames. After Kaito learns of Cubic's predicament, he rushes to his aid and helps him find the solution; the golden ratio. After the battle, however, Jin starts experiencing pains in his head.

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38 votes

#9 - Orochi

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 8

After learning of Kannagi's past, Arata is even more determined to change the world. He practices swordsmanship with Kanate as the party continues toward the Capital. Meanwhile, in modern Japan, Arata meets the friend who betrayed Arata and now feels immense guilt over what he's done.

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38 votes

#10 - Admiration

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 10

Arata and the others have arrived in the domain of Yorunami, one of the Twelve Shinsho. Rather than meeting Yorunami directly, Arata decides to talk to one of his Zokusho first to learn what kind of man he is. The party reaches Suzukura, a city ruled by the Zokusho Hiruko, but are told that they are required to pay a passage tax to enter...

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38 votes

#11 - Demonization

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 9

Kadowaki has appeared in Amawakuni! Arata is confused, but after being bombarded with hateful words by Kadowaki, his emotional state changes. Later, stunned by the presence of Kadowaki and the change in Arata, Kannagi makes a powerful declaration. Arata is still hesitant, so Kannagi tells him...

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41 votes

#12 - Zokusho

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 5

In the modern world, Arata's family knows something is different about Arata, but they continue to try to converse with him despite their confusion. In Amawakuni, Arata is heading toward the Capital. Along the way, he learns of the relationship between the princess of Amawakuni and the Twelve Shinsho. He also encounters some nomads who say that, with the princess gone, the world will fall into chaos...

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39 votes

#13 - Judgement

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 3

Arata and Kotoha are taken to Gatoya, "the ultimate hell," where they are immediately attacked by two boys. A certain rumor has been spreading around regarding Arata, the alleged murderer of the princess.

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40 votes

#14 - Homura

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 7

Still living in Hinohara's place back in the modern world, Arata meets Kadowaki at school and decides to "play" with him. Meanwhile in Amawakuni, Kotoha injures her foot on the way to the Capital and the party is forced to take a break in a ruined village. Alone with Arata, Kotoha works up the courage to make an unexpected move...

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Sword of God
40 votes

#15 - Sword of God

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 2

Accused of being the murderer, Arata is forced to stand trial. On the way he gets a chance to speak with his double.

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42 votes

#16 - Okoro

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 6

Ohika saves Arata after he collapsed during the party's travels. Shortly after, Akachi of the Twelve Shinsho arrives and orders Ohika to become his Zokusho. Ohika refuses as he has sworn his loyalty to Kannagi, but Akachi isn't content with taking no for an answer.

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The Light of Creation
68 votes

#17 - The Light of Creation

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 12

Kadowaki shows up yet again in the midst of Arata's battle with Yorunami. He tells Arata that he became a Sho for the sake of "fighting for submission," but Arata disagrees. The beliefs of Arata and Kadowaki, after crossing two worlds, are about to clash.

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Demon of the Crimson Eye
130 votes

#18 - Demon of the Crimson Eye

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 14

The Cheshire Cat is toying with Oz, who responds by making wisecracks. Oz is pulled through the mirror by Jack, and reunited with Gil. Jack asks Oz to help save Alice, who has been trapped inside a memory. Jack sends Oz by himself (upsetting Gil) into the memory of the Tragedy of Sabrie, where he sees a boy which he believes to be Vincent. Bewildered, he chases the boy and follows him to a tower where he finds Alice, dead. Meanwhile, the Cheshire Cat approaches Break within the mirror to finish him off, only to have the tables turned when Break opens his missing eye to unleash his chain, the Mad Hatter.

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Overlapping Shadows
162 votes

#19 - Overlapping Shadows

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 10

Oz somehow manages to suppress Alice's power, and confronts Phillip's father. Amid memories of his own father's coldness, Oz tells him that being by Phillip's side will be enough even without changing their past tragedies. Their conversation is cut short as Vincent Nightray shoots Grim's contractor and sends him back to the abyss. They return in Vincent's carriage and ride to the Reinsworth manor, where Alice asks Oz why he was so worked up over Phillip's father, and Vincent claims to be a blood relative of Gilbert. Break shows Vincent to the door while discussing a theory that somebody inside Pandora was responsible for allowing Grim to escape. It is clear that Break suspects Vincent.

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The Life of Arata
45 votes

#20 - The Life of Arata

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 1

Arata Hinohara’s school life is terrible and he wishes he could disappear. Arata of Amawakuni must fight for his life after he is wrongfully accused of murder.

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The Ticking Clock's Nightmare
132 votes

#21 - The Ticking Clock's Nightmare

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 5

Break gives Oz, Alice, and Raven their first mission. They are sent to a nearby town in search of an illegal contractor, someone who makes a contract with a chain without the permission of Pandora. While there, Alice goes missing and Raven goes to look for her. Alone, Oz sees a young girl selling flowers. When the trio have dinner, Oz realizes Raven's other personality, which reminds him of Gil (especially the black hair and golden eyes). Raven then informs Oz of why people become illegal contractors - to change the past. As Alice falls asleep, Raven and Oz leave to finish their mission. Meanwhile, Sharon and Break are discussing the mission and how they had kept some information secret. Alice is soon awakened by an attack by a chain, whose contractor turns out to be the girl that was selling flowers. As Raven shoots the chain, the girl's clock seal makes a full rotation. She gets drawn into the Abyss, screaming. Oz tries to save her, but is restrained by Raven, to stop him from being dragged down into the Abyss again. On the ride home, Raven informs them that the only way to stop Oz from being dragged into the Abyss when his clock makes a full rotation is to kill Alice, which initiates an argument between Alice and Raven. The episode ends with a death god laughing inside the Vessalius mansion.

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Fallen Raven
132 votes

#22 - Fallen Raven

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 11

Gilbert tells what is happened in the ten years that passed when Oz disappeared. Break tells him to go spy at the Nightray family, where he also could get information on the chain, Raven, and get Oz back from Abyss. Initially, Gil was hesitant about going with the Nightrays as Vessalius and Nightray households are rivals. In the end, he chooses to go with Break, and met Vincent. Upon their reunion, Gil reveals that he had no memory of Vincent, his younger brother. As he grew, he finally found a way to tame Raven, and ultimately establish a contract with it. This is how Gil gained his nickname "Raven".

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The Lost Child and the Black Rabbit
134 votes

#23 - The Lost Child and the Black Rabbit

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 3

Oz gets pulled down into the Abyss. He explores a bit and discovers the place as like a broken toy box. He also finds out the the place looks the same no matter where he goes. Some dolls attack him before the Black Rabbit arrives and saves him once again. First, he is fearful of the girl, who tells him to call her Alice, but he soon warms up and begins to eat cookies. When asked by Alice why he isn't afraid of her, he simply replies that too many unexpected incidents have happened to him already. He learned that he should remain calm whenever strange things happen in order to stop others from being hurt. She says that Oz is required to make a contract with her in order to leave the Abyss, and he seriously thinks about it, until he's transported away. After a fake Sharon, which is actually a Chain (a monster born in and from the Abyss) misleads him, he finally agrees to form a contract with Alice. They both leave the Abyss and Raven, a mysterious new figure, Sharon and Break, her servant, find him lying on the ground just as they were about to save him.

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Life Force
67 votes

#24 - Life Force

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 11

Arata and his party arrive at the palace, Tamayori, but Yorunami immediately uses his power to capture Kotoha. Arata pursues her and finds Yorunami himself within the palace. He challenges Arata to duel...

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Through the Looking Glass
132 votes

#25 - Through the Looking Glass

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 12

Gil is furious that Oz has lost his hat, and they set out to find it. They were challenged into a duel in order to win the hat back, and Gil finally gets it by using the B-rabbit's power. After a brief reunion with Uncle Oscar, Alice runs away, only to meet Break and they both are caught and sent to the Cheshire Cat's (a chain similar to Alice) residence. There, Alice is trapped within her memories of fear, while Break is drawn into a mirror of his own past. Meanwhile, Oz discovers her missing and goes to consult Sharon. He ponders that Break left Emily in order to lure him to the Cheshire Cat's home. Sharon uses her chain Eques to open the path for Oz and Gil.

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The Denizen of Warped Dreams
131 votes

#26 - The Denizen of Warped Dreams

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 13

Oz and Gilbert arrive in Cheshire's dimension and are attacked by Cheshire, only to be temporarily rescued by Sharon's chain, Eques. As they try to escape from Cheshire, he catches up with them, slashes Gil(who falls off the stair railings) and attacks Oz. Cheshire tells Oz that Alice purposely tore up her memories of her own free will and that this dimension is made by Alice's memories. Cheshire also reveals his duty of protecting Alice's memories so that no one can find them. Gil later regains consciousness in a garden and encounters the man in Alice's memories, whom Gil mistakes for Oz as they both have blond hair and emerald green eyes. The man reveals his name to be Jack Vessalius.

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Call From The Abyss
165 votes

#27 - Call From The Abyss

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 7

Oz manages to shock Raven back to himself, and his gun fires, but at Zwei instead of Oz. Oz follows Raven, who claims that he is no longer the Gilbert Oz once knew, to the place where they found the pocket watch. Oz convinces Gil that he won't let him go even if he's joined the Nightray house (an enemy of Bezarius). Oz goes back for Alice, and on the way to the grave they catch a glimpse of one of Alice's memories, and are drawn into a dream dimension where they are confronted by the Will of the Abyss, who appears in the form of a stuffed rabbit. Gilbert shoots the rabbit and they escape.

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Tempest of Conviction
134 votes

#28 - Tempest of Conviction

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 2

Oz leaves for the ceremony, while Gilbert is possessed by one of the death gods. As Oz makes an oath during the ceremony conducted by his uncle, Oscar, the clock (which was silent for 100 years), suddenly strikes. This brings the strange figures inside the sanctuary, preparing to take Oz away. The possessed Gilbert tries to kill Oz, and succeeds in stabbing him. Meanwhile, the girl from his vision (called Black Rabbit by the death gods) comes and fights them to save Oz from being pulled into the Abyss. Gilbert snaps out of the trance momentarily, sees one of the figures faces, and blocks Oz, who was trying to kill the intruders. Unfortunately, he slashes Gilbert across the chest. Oz is then taken into the Abyss for the sin of existing.

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161 votes

#29 - Malediction

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 9

Oz saves a boy named Phillip, a kid from a noble family that just became poor. A flashback came to Oz when Philip asked about Oz's parents. 10 years ago, young Gilbert was about to ask why Oz's father couldn't talk to him. He responded that Oz is too filthy and unfit to be his son. After three days in the dungeon, Gil apologizes to Oz for interfering in his life, but Oz says it doesn't matter and accepts the fact that his father just hates him. After the flashback, the girl how brought the flowers, named Echo, comes to take Philip as a hostage, whose father is revealed to have become an illegal contractor. Pandora member, Reim (Liam), explains that Grim escaped their grasp unharmed, which is distressing. While Echo chases after Phillip and Oz chases her, Gil and Alice look for a chain that Alice has sensed. Since it is no use for Phillip to be a hostage, Echo goes after the chain. She is injured in the process, but Vincent comes along and holds her back. He tells her to just watch. Gil then releases Alice's powers, but Oz wants to stop her from killing Phillip's father. In his mind, the man from his vision tells him that he can hold her back.

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The Morning Sunlight's Place
165 votes

#30 - The Morning Sunlight's Place

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 4

Oz wakes up to see Raven, Sharon and Break. Upon seeing Raven, Oz calls him Gil. Raven's appearance is similar to those of Gilbert - having black hair, and golden eyes. Break explains to Oz about Pandora(an organization who's objective is to find out anything they can about the Abyss), the residents of Baskerville (their enemies), and their main goal. Alice then possesses Oz and takes Sharon hostage in order to escape, but Break stops her by forcing her from Oz's body. After her release from Oz, Break exclaims that he will have to kill Alice. Oz forbids it, saying that Alice is not an enemy, for it was through her that he escaped the horrible Abyss. But, that it is Break who is an enemy - someone who Oz had only seen once and was now attacking his friend. Break back's down, and blames the attack on Emily, his puppet. Oz's pocket watch then starts to act strangely. Raven comments that the door to the Abyss had opened and a chain escaped. By using Raven's chain's powers, Raven was able to control the B-Rabbit's powers from within Oz. With this power, Alice was could release her full form and defeat the chain. After the door was closed, Alice found out why it had reacted to her. The music lured her to the watch because it contained one of her memory shards. Oz then remembered what a man from another of his visions had told him about Alice.

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Smiling Behind a Mask
71 votes

#31 - Smiling Behind a Mask

11eyes - Season 1 - Episode 4

Kakeru is determined to find his power, but he cannot seem to awaken it. They are taken once more to the Red Night and are attacked by two of the Black Knights. Is this the end for our heroes and what happens to Yukiko when she takes her glasses off?

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Broken Bonds
66 votes

#32 - Broken Bonds

11eyes - Season 1 - Episode 9

Superbia intends to break the bonds of friendship between our heroes. Will she succeed in doing so and what will be the cost?

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Innocent Calm
235 votes

#33 - Innocent Calm

Pandora Hearts - Season 1 - Episode 1

Oz Bezarius (also spelt Vessalius) spends his 15th birthday running away from the maids with his younger sister, Ada and servant, Gilbert. They hide out at Oz's secret spot, where he accidentally falls through the ground leading to a hidden cemetery. There's only one grave there, and a pocket watch is attached to it. As Oz grabs the pocket watch from the tomb, he sees a vision of a homicidal girl before being brought back to reality by Gilbert. While he prepares for his coming of age ceremony, strange figures gather and prepare to carry out their scheme.

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The Last Ritual
13 votes

#34 - The Last Ritual

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 19

The episode begins with Kyoko moping over not being able to 'kill Sho like an angel'. She then calls Moko and gets an idea on how to act properly. She imagines that she will be killing Moko's lover for hurting her. Kyoko calls Ren afterwards and he isn't there so she leaves a voice message but realizes she doesn't want him to know she's acting in Sho's PV, so fails to mention her problem. Meanwhile, Mimori is busy rewatching a part of the promo where Sho kisses her hair. Sho sees Kyoko walking towards him and looks at her. Kyoko's face looks deep in frustration and anger and Sho reaches out to her but Kyoko walks away. They start to shoot the killing scene again and Kyoko acts with such angelic grace, leaving Sho shocked and forgetting to do his part. They film again and one of the workers state that Kyoko and Sho look like a couple this way.

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Twisted Awakening
69 votes

#35 - Twisted Awakening

11eyes - Season 1 - Episode 7

Yuka is missing in the Red Night and the rest try and find her after Takahisa has found one of her items in the nurse's office. Can they find Yuka before it is too late?

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And Then the Door Opens
14 votes

#36 - And Then the Door Opens

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 25

Ren is flashbacking to his conversation with Bo. He's confused about his feelings with Kyoko. His shoot for Dark Moon is coming up and, as always, he's not eating properly. Kyoko is asked to go to his house and feed him and she does. While there, it's uncomfortablly silent so they turn on the TV. The show is about a couple with a 19-year difference and the man is her teacher. A similar situation which sets them both on edge. Later, he drives her home and when she says something, he hides his feelings and realizes it later. Kyoko wishes on her blue Corn stone and wishes for Ren's strength. The next day, they both go to the set and she talks about how far she's come.

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Her Open Wound
15 votes

#37 - Her Open Wound

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 12

The episode started after her job has finished where she saw Ren and remembered what she did on the previous meeting with him (Kyoko gave him a bad gesture) but remembers the sides of Ren she experienced when dressed up as Bo, blushing she didn't notice Ren staring at her from far away, then unexpectedly, Ren gives her a very radiant gentlemanly smile which she ran by the moment she saw it but because of Ren's long legs he caught up to her by just walking. Kyoko panicked and headed for the girls' bathroom, which was the only place Ren wouldn't find her, but upon arriving at the door Ren has caught up to her before she even opened it and questioned why she didn't greet him and many more things, Kyoko cried and apologised which made Ren laugh, the manager saw it and gave a very surprised look. Later on, Ren gave Kyoko a ride back home and even gave her advice for tomorrow's audition on the commercial.

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Sin Like an Angel
12 votes

#38 - Sin Like an Angel

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 18

After Kyoko flicks a packet of salt to Sho who intended to throw away a sweet egg roll because he dislikes sweet stuff, she begins to stress out and regret her actions as she believed she may have revealed her true identity to him. Sho begins to suspect 'Kyoko' is in fact the 'Kyoko Mogami' that he had know since childhood. He recalls an incident sometime ago involving Kyoko staring at a cosmetic item in a store that she liked and had given a name for. He uses this cosmetic that he has picked up and successfully reveals Kyoko's identity by luring her to recall the name that she had once given to this item (a name that only the two of them know). Having revealed her identity, Sho decides not to fire Kyoko from the filming because of his egotistic personality and his desire to see how far Kyoko can 'surprise him'. Kyoko replies that Sho will soon regret that he didn't fire her from the set.

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The Day the World Shattered
12 votes

#39 - The Day the World Shattered

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 22

Kyoko was given some time to think about her character, Mio, thanks to Ren. Ren also gives Kyoko a hint of why Mio would hate Mizuki but she still has a hard time understanding the cruel rich lady that she's playing. While talking with Ren's manager and thinking about the role, she finally discovers her Mio and runs off. (Yashiro tells Kyoko that Ren is in love with her, but Kyoko did not hear as she was busy thinking about the role). When Yashiro tells everyone that she's gone, Ms. Iizuka thinks that Kyoko run away from work and demands that Director Ogata fire Kyoko, but Ren persists in believing in her and persuades the director to wait. When Kyoko comes back she arrived with her own short hair colored black. When Ren calls her, she seems to be reading the Dark Moon script and ignores him.

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The Battle Girls
14 votes

#40 - The Battle Girls

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 13

Unable to buy her way in, Erika insists Kyoko and Moko not to have any discussions about the audition (being from the same company, they would have better rapport than others who just met). However, they manage to pass the first test with just one line within the 60-second time frame. In the second test, Kyoko's idea for the act is stolen by Erika (who manage to pull it off first). Kyoko stands horrified, wondering whether they would be able to pass the audition.

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And the Trigger Was Pulled
12 votes

#41 - And the Trigger Was Pulled

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 23

Kyoko's Mio, now progressed, is widely accepted by the entire cast, including Ms. Iizuka. Problems develop, however, when Ren's acting is not up to its usual standard (as predicted by the president in 'Invitation to the Moon') and has to perform numerous takes. It is later discovered that one reason for the difficulties lies in Kyoko's Mio being somewhat intimidating, though Ren vows to make his version of Katsuki outshine the original and become the equal of Kyoko's character.

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The Choice Called Ruin
94 votes

#42 - The Choice Called Ruin

11eyes - Season 1 - Episode 11

Yuka has released Lisolette, the Witch of Babylon. Can they stop her from completing her plan to destroy the world?

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The Permissible Encounter
13 votes

#43 - The Permissible Encounter

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 24

Ren loses the ability to act as Katsuki. Because of this, he had an emotional meltdown. The director asked him to take some time off and find his "Katsuki" that can surpass the original. Meanwhile, Sho is acting surprisingly calm about seeing Kyoko's and Ren's names on Dark Moon's promo poster. But actually, thanks to his imagination, he becomes angry, with jealousy, perhaps?

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Princess Revolution
18 votes

#44 - Princess Revolution

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 7

Kyoko films with Ren and becomes startled and angry with the way he easily manipulates their acting. Ruriko is unhappy with the praise Kyoko's acting generates. Despite the injury to her ankle, and helped by her smooth movements during the tea ceremony, Kyoko is performing well. However, during filming, Kyoko faints from the strain. This causes Ruriko to reflect on her own attitude towards her work. Kyoko receives full points from Ruriko as thanks for showing a strong work ethic. Ren states later that the director had no intention of allowing Kyoko to act, but rather used her to improve Ruriko's attitude. As a sort of compensation, he arranges for Kyoko to have a photoshoot. After the shoot, the director speaks with Kyoko, thanking her. Kyoko, still oblivious to her true role during the competition with Ruriko, tells him that she is glad Ruriko got the part as her own acting with Ren was not satisfactory. Ren and Yashiro pass by and the director asks them to take her back to her room. Yashiro makes a comment that upsets Kyoko to the point where she sinks to the floor in a state of depression. Thinking her faltering is injury related, Ren helps her stand. The next day, Kyoko explains to Ren that her state had been the result of thinking about Sho, and Ren docks her ten points.

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63 votes

#45 - Regeneration

Angel Sanctuary - Season 1 - Episode 3

Setsuna tells Sara about what he has inside. Rosiel kills Sara and Alexil's power appear and destroys everything. Seraphita tells Setsuna about who Setsuna really is and what he has to do to bring Sara back to life.

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61 votes

#46 - Awakening

Angel Sanctuary - Season 1 - Episode 2

Setsuna Mudo's relationship with his sister Sara is made public at school. Alexil's power inside Setsuna is awakened. Being chased by police Setsuna expresses his love for Sara, and they run away with the help of Kira.

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Invitation to the Moon
13 votes

#47 - Invitation to the Moon

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 20

Kyoko's been scouted for an upcoming drama. However upon learning she'd be working with Ren, she was quite nervous but excited as she would be able to see Ren up closed and personal in his "serious" acting mode. Meanwhile, Ren's troubled as the president points out his acting on love is too fake and may be revealed in his upcoming project, as well as Yashiro's badgering of his relationship with Kyoko.

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An Invitation to the Ball
18 votes

#48 - An Invitation to the Ball

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 6

After the shock of being picked up, Kyoko tries to struggle but then has no choice due to her injured ankle. Ren places her on the house because she kept on complaining, and his manager helped bandage Kyoko's ankle and asked if Ren always treated her this way. While answering, she felt an evil presence, which turns out to be Ruriko who had just witnessed Ren carrying Kyoko "like a princess" and was extremely jealous. Ruriko throws tantrums and after being infuriated by the coolness of Ren towards her and the lack of approval by the director for her portrayal of a "lady", she declares that she quits, saying that if he wanted a hard working amateur, he might as well pick Kyoko, who would do anything for points. Instead of being pleaded to stay like by all her previous directors, this one took up her 'suggestion' after Kyoko, enraged by Ruriko's attitude, agrees to the idea. Kyoko quickly proves herself a perfect lady after her training in Sho's family business, and impresses everyone on set. However the next scene requires her to kneel for the tea ceremony, which will inflict more pain on her injured ankle.

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The One Who Deserves to Be
11 votes

#49 - The One Who Deserves to Be

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 21

Kyoko landed a role in Dark Moon, the re-make of Tsukigomori, a drama that was popular 20 years ago, and the actors and the director in the current drama wish to surpass Tsukigomori. Ren is also in the drama as Katsuki (with Kyoko as Mio, though she only accepted the role when Ren declared his being in the drama; she had not wanted to take on the role initially because she wouldn't be a "refined, rich lady"). Kyoko runs into trouble (Ms. Iizuka, who played Mio in Tsukigomori and plays Mio's mother in Dark Moon). She is questioned of her role. However, Kyoko is unable to answer one of the questions and Ms. Iizuka wants to fire her.

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The Secret Stamp Book
14 votes

#50 - The Secret Stamp Book

Skip Beat! - Season 1 - Episode 14

Due to Kyoko's quick thinking for the impromptu but amazing act, Kyoko and Moko were chosen by the company. Erika was so angry at Moko-san for beaten her twice, plotting to using violence so that she will get the part of Moko in the commercial. While Kyoko and Moko were strolling around town together, she found out that Moko didn't have any true friends before and told Moko-san that she will be Moko-san's first true friend. When Erika almost succeeds in her plan, Moko tells her that if she wants to be acknowledged as her rival, she should step out of her comfort zone and get her hands dirty. Kyoko was so happy because it was the same things that Kyoko told her before. When Kyoko was sleeping soundly in the bus, Moko secretly stamped a full 100% in the stamp album for Kyoko.

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