The BEST episodes written by Lew Schneider

#1 - Finale
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 9 - Episode 16
Ray fears getting his adenoids removed, but Debra convinces him to go through with the surgery. At the hospital, while Marie is in the bathroom, the nurse says that Ray isn't waking up from the anesthesia and everyone fears he may die. Fortunately, thirty seconds later, the doctor comes out and says he's just fine. Everyone agrees not to tell Ray or Marie about it; however, Frank ends up telling Marie who rushes over to smother Ray with kisses. Ray finds out about it and begins acting weird as if he thinks he really is going to die. After a couple minutes, he gets out of it. The show closes with the entire family sitting around the table eating and arguing, just like the Barones always have in the past nine years.
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#2 - A Change of Heart/Pants
The New Adventures of Old Christine - Season 4 - Episode 18
Christine and Richard help Marly and Lindsay through labor, bring back memories of Ritchie's birth which, in turn, brings back feelings for one another.
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#3 - Snakes on a Date
The New Adventures of Old Christine - Season 4 - Episode 4
Christine has been burning the candle at both ends -- working hard and trying to be a good mom. Ritchie decides he wants to join the reptile club at school and tells Christine all she needs to do is get the permission slip in on time. When Christine realizes that she's forgotten yet again, she asks the Reptile Guy (Jeffrey Tambor) to make an exception. He says the only way he'll consider is if Christine will go on a date with him. As creepy as he is, Christine is determined not to let Ritchie down, and so she complies.
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#4 - Can't Let that Slide
Men of a Certain Age - Season 2 - Episode 10
Joe's relationship with Manfro becomes increasingly complicated, while Owen installs surveillance cameras in the dealership to monitor the workers, and Terry has a horrible date.
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#5 - The Great Escape
Men of a Certain Age - Season 2 - Episode 7
Joe decides to spend time with his former bookie; Terry and Erin take a new step in their relationship; Owen receives an offer from a rival dealership.
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#6 - Robert Moves Back
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 3 - Episode 25
When Robert and Amy get caught alone by some of Robert's fellow apartment tenants, they are desperate to find someplace, any place, where they can have some time to themselves. Ray comes to the rescue, at Debra's urging, by allowing Robert to move into their basement for a while. But, when caught again, by someone even more intimidating - Marie - the couple is mortified.
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#7 - The Skit
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 6 - Episode 17
Thinking it would be hilarious to show the partygoers a typical day in the life of Frank and Marie, Ray and Debra do a dead-on impersonation of the two that brings down the house at the party. But, when Frank and Marie turn the tables and do a "Ray and Debra" imitation, Ray and Debra don't find it funny at all.
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#8 - Father Knows Least
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 2 - Episode 2
Ray gets to use the "active technique" he and Debra learned in parenting class on his parents when their stubbornness goes too far. Ray doesn't realize how much he's mastered the technique learned in class until he uses his skills first on his parents and then on Ally, both with surprising results.
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#9 - The Car
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 1 - Episode 15
Debra, already annoyed at getting stuck driving the old car Ray bought from his parents, really gets upset when she discovers that it was his old "make-out-mobile." Debra had been unable to understand why Ray wanted so desperately to buy his parents' old car, until Robert mistakenly blurts out that it's the car in which Ray first "got lucky" as a teenager with his girlfriend. Imagining what might have happened in the car during its earlier life, Debra decides not to drive it again.
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#10 - You Gonna do that the Rest of Your Life?
Men of a Certain Age - Season 1 - Episode 8
Joe’s bookie finds out Joe used to be a professional golfer and decides to use him to hustle a couple of guys. Owen’s family becomes concerned over his increasing weight. And Terry gets a new apartment, but the apartment manager job that comes with it is a bit much to handle.
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#11 - The Adventures of Hackidu
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 4 - Episode 17
Ray screws up a "Hackidu" trade for his daughter, Ally, by giving away a "Scramisaur" card that ends up being worth a lot of money. Ray thinks he's being the perfect father by taking an interest in Ally's "Hackidu" hobby and advising her on a card swap. But when he inadvertently gives away her favorite card, he has to pay for his mistake – he just didn't realize how much.
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#12 - Boob Job
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 4 - Episode 1
Debra is upset when she sees Ray's giddy reaction to her friend's recently acquired "new and improved" breasts. Anxious to find out whether or not Ray is content with her body as it is or if he would prefer it if she, too, made some minor enhancements to the upper region, Debra decides to conduct a little experiment to determine just how truly satisfied Ray is with her current physique.
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#13 - Captain Nemo
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 1 - Episode 11
When Ray's "free" time goes to coaching his basketball team in preparation for the Pizza League championships, he is reminded by Debra that their kids are growing up fast and he's missing precious time with them. When Robert is forced out as captain of Nemo's basketball team, Ray gets the title and the opportunity to lead his team to victory. Meanwhile, Frank and Marie are upset with Ray for de-throning Robert as captain, and feeling guilty Ray begs Robert to re-join the team.
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#14 - The Bigger Person (2)
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 6 - Episode 23
The feud continues when Ray realizes that he can use the feud to get Debra to do almost anything for him, dragging Frank into doing it with Marie. Things are going as planned, but Robert is sickened by their carelessness. The pressure gets to Robert and he tells both Debra and Marie that Ray and Frank are "exploiting the situation" in order to bring them back together. But, all it creates is more mayhem.
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#15 - Stefania Arrives
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 5 - Episode 17
Robert gets a surprise visit from Stefania, the woman with whom he fell head over heels in love when the Barones vacationed in Italy. Robert's excitement over having his beloved, and stunningly gorgeous, Stefania so close quickly gives way to annoyance when he is witness to a few of her idiosyncrasies. After spending some quality time with the Italian beauty, sans gelato and gondolas, Robert has to rethink his feelings for her. Meanwhile, Stefania's father, who has accompanied her to America, has his own change of heart with respect to his feelings for Robert.
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#16 - The Wallpaper
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 5 - Episode 3
Ray finally tells Frank and Marie how he feels about their constant intrusiveness after Marie accidentally drives the car through the front of his house.

#17 - Angry Sex
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 9 - Episode 3
When Debra and Marie have a big fight, Ray is struck with worry when he thinks Debra's anger will cause her to forget about their sex that night. But, it is the opposite when that anger causes a more intense night with sex. Ray really begins to enjoy it and realizes that the angrier Debra gets at Marie, the better sex they have. When Marie comes over to apologize, Ray makes up a chain of lies to both Marie and Debra so it doesn't ruin his plans.
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#18 - The Sitter
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 3 - Episode 3
Debra decides to hire a babysitter so she hires Lisa. Lisa is highly recommended and is very popular with the kids she baby-sits. When Marie finds out that she wasn't asked to baby-sit she feels insulted and Debra feels left out when the kids prefer Lisa to her. So Debra lets Lisa go and asks Marie to baby-sit. Marie however can't handle the energy the kids have and trips over a toy and hurts herself. So Ray tries to get Lisa to come back but she's already found another job at the Parkers.

#19 - The Christmas Picture
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 4 - Episode 11
Ray decides to get his parents a family portrait for Christmas and they love the idea, until Debra's parents show up to be in it too.

#20 - Meeting the Parents
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 7 - Episode 17
Amy's mom and dad finally meet the Barone Family. Amy's folks show up unexpectedly at their daughter's house on a Sunday morning. They want to talk Amy out of marrying Robert and take her home to Pennsylvania with them. First, they are stunned to see Robert there. Then Frank and Marie arrive. It doesn't take long for the two sets of parents to disliking each other.
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#21 - Look Don't Touch
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 1 - Episode 5
Nemo's niece, Angelina, takes employment at Nemo's as a waitress. When Angelina catches Ray's eye, he has a lot of explaining to do to his wife Debra, especially when Angelina calls him at home. Ray accidentally leaves his wallet at Nemo's, and Angelina calls him at home to let him know she found it. But, because he feels guilty about his innocent attraction, Ray denies ever knowing her. When the situation is blown out of proportion by the Barone family, Debra decides to visit Nemo's to see what all the fuss is about.

#22 - Humm Vac
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 5 - Episode 18
Ray purchases a new state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner from an attractive door to door saleswoman and it ignites a housekeeping war between Marie and Debra. Debra is as taken with the new vacuum as Ray once she witnesses all of the wonderful things it can do. That is, until she learns why the saleswoman showed up at their door in the first place. Determined to prove to Marie that she's is just as good at "keeping house," Debra attempts to use the new vacuum to find some dirt, any dirt, in Marie's home. Of course, the results are disastrous

#23 - A Vote for Debra
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 6 - Episode 20
Debra decides to run for school president but Ray isn't sure he can handle the twins by himself during all those meetings so he votes against her. She loses and finds out that he voted against her so they get into an argument but her mouth is quickly shut when she reveals that she denied knowing him because he was embarrassing her.

#24 - It's Supposed to Be Fun
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 6 - Episode 8
While the Barones watch their sons play, Ray finds that Geoffery is having trouble getting the hang of the game. As Geoffery skips down the court and does pirouettes at the free throw line, Ray is mortified. He then learns the hard way that his son's lack of ability shouldn't interfere with either of them enjoying the game.

#25 - The Garage Sale
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 2 - Episode 23
As the entire family prepares for "Honest Frank's Yard of Bargains," Ray is surprised to see Debra unloading their cribs and baby clothing for the sale and even more surprised to hear that she just assumed they were finished having children. As usual, their private business becomes a family matter, and Marie reminds Debra that, "You want to plant your seedlings before...winter comes and everything freezes over." Eventually, their disagreement leads to a sentimental journey down the lane of messy memories past. While collecting the kids' baby clothes and old furniture for a garage sale at his parents' house, Ray gets to thinking about having another child, but that's not something Debra has given much thought to.
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#26 - Wingmom
The Goldbergs (2013) - Season 3 - Episode 9
Inspired by “Top Gun,” Barry decides to join ROTC. Convinced it will help discipline him, Murray orders the Captain to prevent Barry from quitting when the going gets tough, prompting Beverly to join Barry, too! Meanwhile, Adam helps Pops get his swag back with a special librarian.
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#27 - Confronting the Attacker
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 4 - Episode 23
After losing his nerve on the job during his first day back from medical leave, Robert quits the police force. No one realized how much of an effect the "bull incident" had on Robert's mental state – and his ability to confront fear and the unexpected. Now, back on the job only one day, he finds himself too scared to handle a minor altercation so, rather than face his fears, he decides to change his career to something "safer and more solitary" – telemarketing. However, he rejoins the force after confronting the bull that gored him.

#28 - Family Takes Care of Beverly
The Goldbergs (2013) - Season 2 - Episode 5
When Pops accidentally starts a fire in his apartment during a Halloween party, he’s evicted and Beverly invites him to move into the Goldbergs’ home. Pops’ wild lifestyle is soon too much for the family to handle and they decide to look into other options. Meanwhile, Barry stops Erica from eating Pop Rocks candy with soda, since according to urban legend, the combination would kill her. Since he “saves” her, Barry wants something in return from Erica.
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#29 - The Surprise Party
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 8 - Episode 8
After Debra's mother suggests throwing Debra an "old-fashioned English Tea Party," Ray reluctantly agrees after she promises to do all the work. When Debra realizes Ray is planning something for her birthday, she suggests he change the theme to a Chinese banquet. Unfortunately, Lois has already started planning the tea party and now Ray must find a way to convince her to change her plans.

#30 - Stop Arguing and Start Thanking
The Goldbergs (2013) - Season 1 - Episode 9
When Murray's brother, Marvin, visits, there is a surprise in store.
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#31 - T-Ball
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 2 - Episode 20
Debra brings an "unapproved snack" to Ally's T-ball game and Ray doesn't stand up for her – prominently displaying his fear of being disliked. Debra had no idea that pretzels were not on the "approved snack list" in the orientation packet for Ally's team. And, as a mom juggling three children under the age of 7, she doesn't have time to cater – and really doesn't care. But when Raymond won't take her side against the uptight team parents, she loses her cool and points out that he's just afraid of making enemies. But enemies he makes – at the very next game.
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#32 - Be Nice
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 3 - Episode 23
When Ray and Debra realize they're nicer to strangers than to each other they vow to change their ways.

#33 - Grandpa Steals
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 7 - Episode 12
Boisterous Frank learns a difficult lesson in humility from his granddaughter, Ally. During a trip to the supermarket with Ray and Ally, Frank starts nibbling on some trail mix, completely ignoring the nearby "no sampling" sign. He's soon confronted by a testy manager, and a heated argument ensues. Watching it all unfold is Ally, who becomes frightened by Frank's ranting. When the trio returns home, Ray speaks to his father about his behavior. While Ray's comments initially fall on deaf ears, Frank later realizes he needs to talk to Ally... but now he's scared because he's never had a real conversation with her.
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#34 - The Annoying Kid
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 7 - Episode 8
Ray and Debra are excited to have finally met a couple, Neil and Lauren, who are just like them. However, Ray starts having mixed feelings when their annoying 8 year-old son, Spencer, wreaks havoc around the Barone household.
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#35 - White Like Me
The New Adventures of Old Christine - Season 4 - Episode 3
Barb's profile in a business journal brings in new clientele.
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#36 - The Faux Pas
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 9 - Episode 11
Ray accidentally insults the twins' new friend and the faux pas quickly spirals out of contral when he repeats it to the boy's dad.
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#37 - Debra at the Lodge
Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 8 - Episode 11
When Debra accepts a position at Frank's lodge to help plan a member recruitment party, Ray begins to resent how much time she is spending away from home.