The BEST episodes written by Carlos Ramos

Big Al's Big Secret
27 votes

#1 - Big Al's Big Secret

Time Squad - Season 1 - Episode 16

Time Squad goes to 1945 to prove that Albert Einstein is a math genius and not a car salesman.

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Used Ink
11 votes

#2 - Used Ink

Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 15

Dexter creates an ink in which lets him command them to do whatever he wants them to do. Although when Mandark gets a hold of it, Dexter is the one being the slave.

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Father Knows Least
13 votes

#3 - Father Knows Least

Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 18

Dad gets fired from his job, and has to do the same job Mom does. He realizes it isn't as easy as it looks.

142 votes

#4 - Pixtopia

Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Season 1 - Episode 12

Marco and his friends travel to a dimension of pixies and are forced to work in the Shard Mines.

Dad Man Walking
16 votes

#5 - Dad Man Walking

Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 9

Dexte'rs father begins to sleepwalk, and accidently stumbles into Dexter's Lab

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Orphan Substitute
1 votes

#6 - Orphan Substitute

Time Squad - Season 2 - Episode 22

Tuddrussel has Otto temporarilly left in the 21st century, after a mission to George W. Bush, when he gets spotted by, none other than... SISTER THORNLEY!!! When Tuddrussel and Larry get back, Tuddrussel assumes that Otto had abandoned them and they hold auctions for genious orphins.

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Father Figure of Our Country
1 votes

#7 - Father Figure of Our Country

Time Squad - Season 2 - Episode 18

Tuddrussel is trying to teach Otto a few things, like how to ride a bike, fishing, and catch, but Tuddrussel is not exactly the best person to. The History Instablility Alarm goes off, and the Squad goes back to help George Washington. Otto, of course, gets very excited. Washington and Otto strike up a friendship,... a very good friendship. So good, that Otto might want to stay with him and not go back to the satilite.

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A Thrilla at Attila's
3 votes

#8 - A Thrilla at Attila's

Time Squad - Season 2 - Episode 1

After returning from an exausting mission to Attila's army of huns, Time Squad is having a hard time deciding whose description of their adventure to believe!

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Floral Patton
1 votes

#9 - Floral Patton

Time Squad - Season 2 - Episode 21

General Patton is running a flower shop.

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Cabin Fever
3 votes

#10 - Cabin Fever

Time Squad - Season 2 - Episode 2

When Time Squad wishes the alarm not to go off, their wish comes true and all are doing whatever they want to! But how long can they last without a mission?

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Billy the Baby
1 votes

#11 - Billy the Baby

Time Squad - Season 2 - Episode 17

The Time Squad encounters Billy the Kid, one of the roughest and toughest outlaws in history. But what's this.... he's not rough or tough, and he's not one of the most wanted men? What will the squad do to get him to be what he is supposed to be? Become outlaws themselves?

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See No Evil
0 votes

#12 - See No Evil

My Life as a Teenage Robot - Season 1 - Episode 11

Dr. Wakeman is proud of her newest enhancement for Jenny: multi-functional eyes that can see anything in any view. Jenny likes them until she sees how they look on her. She refuses to use them and fumbles around town without any sight until she finally realizes she needs them to fight an invisible villain.

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