The BEST episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe
Every episode of Voltron: Defender of the Universe ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe!
From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend. The legend of Voltron: Defender of the Universe! A mighty robot. Loved by good, feared by evil. As Voltron's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. On planet Earth, a galaxy alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of the solar system, they maintained peace throughout the universe. Until a new horrible menace threatened the galaxy. Voltron was needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers. Specially trained and sent by the Alliance to bring back Voltron: Defender of the Universe.

#1 - Breakin' Up is Hard to Doom
Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 11/18/1985
Merla is sitting in her Castle and thinking she can never match the goodness of the Voltron force. Then, Lotor bursts in even though only females are allowed on Merla's planet. He says he's come to thank her for saving him. At first, she doesn't think he's sincere. But soon she's swept up in memories of their engagement and the thought of his little nephews running around all cute, with their pointy ears. Lotor vows to prove his love by helping Voltron. Merla is worried but also annoyed that Cossack is tagging along with Lotor on the mission.
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#2 - Who's Flyin' Blue Lion?
Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/5/1985
Sven returns to fly the Blue Lion one more time for the Voltron Force. This ep opens with spider ships from the rogue galaxy and shark ships as well, plundering and attacking helpless planets. It was finally known that Zarkon was behind the attacks as he'd allied himself with those in the Rogue Galaxy, and Doom claimed many planets for itself.
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#4 - No Muse is Good Muse
Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 11/14/1985
On Doom, Haggar has developed another of her unstoppable robeasts. But this time she tests it on a Voltron clone she built, and shows Merla how the Robeast is able to handle Voltron's best defenses, including his blazing sword. Zarkon is out of the loop on this one, and Merla can't wait to defeat Voltron without him.
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#5 - Princess Joins Up
Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/14/1984
Defeated by the Voltron Force, King Zarkon grows wary of his charges continuous defeat against the mighty robot defender. Haggar suggests that they hold a contest between her robeast monsters to determine one that would go to Arus and battle against the Voltron Force. They hold a battle and one such monster suceeds against the other monsters. Haggar then turns him into a giant robot monster, and sends him with Yurak and his forces to Planet Arus. On Arus, the Voltron Force are seeking help among the citizens of Arus, hoping that they will be brave enough to come out of hiding. Though, the people are still afraid and refuse to come out of hiding. It is then that Yurak attacks Arus, so the Voltron Force launch their lion ships. Quickly they realize that this robeast monster is much stronger and faster than their previous encounter and quickly lose their advantage. While the monster confronts Voltron, Yurak takes the opportunity to attack the Castle of Lions directly. Allura and Coran flee to the underground tomb of her father, there his spirit reveals a secret. Allura presses a button in the crown of his tomb and suddenly, a new and improved castle emerges from the ruins of the old one. Princess Allura comes to the aid of the Voltron Force by taking up one of the gun cannons on the side of the new Castle. There she wards off Yurak's attack with direct hits to his ship, then focuses her attack on the robeast. This gives the Voltron Force their opening to attack the monster and then destroy him.
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#6 - Space Explorers Captured
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/10/1984
The Planet Arus has been under attack by the ruthless King Zarkon for many years. Responding to a call for help, Galaxy Garrison sends a team of five young space explorers, Keith, Lance, Sven, Hunk and Pidge, hoping they could reach the devastated planet, in hopes to offer help. However, they are captured by Yurak before they could land on the beautiful planet. Knowing that they would be used as entertainment for the citizens of Doom in Haggar's Robeast arena, they work out an escape plan, to find a way out of the Doom Castle and a way to get back to Arus. Hunk's brute strength and Pidge's agility, they are able to break out of their meager cell and hijack a Doom Slave ship. Pursued by Doom Robot fighters, the five explorers managed to reach Planet Arus. They then recall a legend of a mighty robot, named Voltron that once stood and fought against the forces of Doom. Though defeated, whe King Zarkon's witch, Haggar disguised herself as a beautiful goddess, then split the giant defender into five lion ships, sending the robot lions crashing to Arus' surface. The five explorers then vow to find a way of learning the secret to Voltron, in hopes to resurrect the mighty robot, and save Arus from the forces of King Zarkon.

#7 - Escape to Another Planet
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/11/1984
After escaping from Planet Doom aboard a stolen slave ship, the five space explorers are chased to Planet Arus by Yurak's forces. Crash landing on the worn torn planet, the five youn men find themselves unwelcomed by the citizens, who are afraid of what will happen to them. The slowly make their away across the desert to the ruined castle, in hopes that they will be able to find the secret to the legend of Voltron. There, they are greeted by Coran, the Castle Magistrate, who relates to them, the story of how Arus was once a beautiful planet within the Diamond Galaxy, and thusly destroyed by King Zarkon's forces. He however, looks over the young Princess Allura, the last survivor of the royal family and daughter to King Alfor, the man who created Voltron. The five space explorers vow to help resurrect the fallen robot defender and to help protect Arus against King Zarkon's forces. With Yurak adamant on finding them, Coran tells them of the locations of each Lion robot, in hopes that they will uncover secret to join them together to form Voltron

#8 - Dinner and a Show
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/21/1985
The people on Pollux are enjoying their hard-earned peace when suddenly! Doom ships appear and out comes a new foe, Cossack the Terrible, to terrorize the peasants. A young boy is sent to warn Sven as Cossock rounds up villagers to take as slaves. Meanwhile, Sven expresses his decision to not re-join the Voltron Force in favor of staying there with Romelle. Bandor then teases Romelle and Sven about being in love. The messenger boy shows up. Sven and Bandor ride off on horseback to confront Cossack while Romelle goes to warn the Voltron Force.
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#9 - With Friends Like You
Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 11/12/1985
Coran is showing the Voltron Force space images of the planet Philos - an oddity in that it's a planet that orbits and acts like a comet. Ineterrupting their space lesson is a skull tank, which lands on Arus with a white flag raised. Though skeptical, the team has to check it out. Alliance guards escort the pilot of the tank out, which is an alien who claims to be from Philos. Lance wants to just lock him up right away, but Allura gives the stranger a chance.
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#10 - The Alliance Strikes Back!
Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 11/15/1985
This one opens at the Castle of Lions, where the team and Coran are discussing the wide revolt going on against Zarkon. Oppressed people are finally rising up and fighting back against Zarkon - and winning! It's pretty sad when Doomies are losing to a bunch of kids or slaves riding silly looking "horse-a-roos". Yikes. The team decides that, even though they're a defensive unit, now is the time to strike Zarkon if only to free his slaves. Zarkon arrives back on Doom and is dismayed that his forces are too busy fighting to welcome their King. Then it goes from bad to worse as the Lions show up and form Voltron. Zarkon decides, after a bunch of his robot fighters are defeated, that he needs to vanquish Voltron himself. However, Lotor has taken his battle ship with the intentions of doing the vanquishing, getting the glory and ultimately, his father's throne. Zarkon's new mission, therefore, is to teach Lotor a lesson. However, Merla tries to talk Lotor out of going as she geniunely doesn't want to see him destroyed. Lotor balks at the show of emotion as she tries to reason with him and leaves anyway. Merla is left confused by the failure of her evil powers and the fact that she's not feeling so evil at all anymore.
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#11 - Doom Girls on the Prowl!
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 11/11/1985
On Arus, a parade is going on complete with floats containing statues of all the important people like a dead king, a princess and an advisor...but no statues of the voltron force save for Keith. This doesn't sit well with the other four guys. Merla sits on Zarkon's throne plotting her next move on Arus. Haggar tries to sneak a mini-spider robeast in to attack Merla but her vulture pet comes to the rescue, giving Haggar a bitter taste of her own medicine. To keep Merla from putting her little robeast in the cosmotron - that contraption that makes stuff disappear - Haggar promises to help Merla defeat Voltron.
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#12 - To Soothe the Savage Robeast
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 11/8/1985
A young Arusian girl thinks back to Zarkon's invasion and how her boyfriend was taken as a slave then. She's missed him dearly ever since. We're shown that the man, Roe, is indeed enslaved on Doom within Zarkon's mines.
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#13 - A Ghost of a Chance
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/7/1985
Nobody on Doom knows exactly where Merla is from, and nobody really listens to Haggar when she insists Merla has mental powers of persuasion. Right on cue, Merla gets inside Zarkon's head, convincing him to put her in charge of conquering Arus. Merla takes Zarkon, Lotor, Cossack and Haggar inside her ship to show them her quarks - charmed quarks even (don't ask). Cossack and Haggar are skeptical that such things exist and Merla dares them to call her bluff by inviting Cossack to step inside one of the contraptions. Cossack is transported to another dimension and brought back, making a believer of Zarkon. Cossack is angry he got duped and both he and Haggar worry about the advantage Merla has over them with her mental abilities. Haggar already knows, for instance, that Merla has been tapping into Allura's dreams and worries about what she may have learned.
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#15 - Take a Robot to Lunch
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/1/1985
This one takes place on Caspia, the most beautiful planet in the Cerulean quadrant. Cossack, Lotor and Haggar traveled out there for a lone robot. One that could lay waste to an army of regular doom robots. Their plan is to use these super robots to conquer Arus.
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#16 - Who Was That Masked Man?
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/30/1985
At the castle on Pollux, Bandor is signalling Sven with some flags. Sven lives in a little cottage across the way, and the flags are to tell him there's been a crash - of a ship with space gremlins. Romelle is preoccupied in the hopes that Sven is okay, and Bandor teases her about it.
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#17 - Voltron Meets Jungle Woman
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 10/28/1985
Opening on Planet Doom, Haggar is fixin' to force some hapless slave to magically meld with a fish to become some manner of hideous cross-breed. Lotor, hopped up on "mean potion", is simply enjoying the show. However, Lotor quickly becomes P.O.'ed when the resulting beast is not Robeast huge and angrily tells Haggar to throw it out.
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#18 - The Traitor
Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/25/1985
As the ep opens, Zarkon berates Haggar for their most recent failures. He blames the witch for making him look foolish, and she has the stones to reply with Thats not hard. Bwahahaha! Score one for the wart queen. She goes on to theorize that they've been losing so badly because the Robeasts have been weak after Voltron laid waste to their old Lazon factory on satellite Nuklon (referring to events in episode 45, One Princess to Another). Haggar reveals she's discovered a planet Zarkon's scouts have overlooked and that it's full of Lazon.
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#19 - The Shell Game
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/24/1985
Zarkon is annoyed at all the happiness on Arus, so in the dead of night, he sends out a Robeast to start destroying Arusian cities. The Castle's alert sirens go off and it isn't long before the VF launch into action. This crab-like Robeast is a real challenge. What's worse is they're hesitant to use Voltron as the monster insists on staying in the city where frightened Arusians could be hurt by the resulting battle. The VF try to lure the Robeast away but he won't budge, and Pidge only succeeds in getting his Lion skewered by the Robeast.
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#21 - War and Peace...and Doom!
Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 11/4/1985
Cossack is all excited about Planet Oran, which has given the Alliance notice that it is pulling out. He tells Zarkon that now is the time to swoop in and take over, given the resources they could use on the planet for their own evil deeds. Cossack explains how the ruling general on Oran, Kruger, has built up such a defense system, he doesn't need the Alliance or Voltron to protect him. Zarkon sends Cossack off to capture the planet for him.
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#22 - Coran's Son Runs Amuck
Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 11/2/1984
Leaving off from the previous episode, Voltron manages to blast off before the robeast could get a good swipe in but they're not out of the woods yet. They're back in the Robeast-cannon pickle but Keith has a plan. Holding the robeast in the way, Keith hopes Lotor shoots them booth. But when the blast hits the robeast, he orders the team to disengage so that it appears Voltron was also blown to pieces. Lotor indeed thinks he's triumphed. Garrett then calls Lotor from the Castle to remind him that he promised to send 10,000 clones to Arus for Garrett to rule. Lotor dismisses Garrett, thinking the clone has worn out his welcome now that he's defeated Voltron.
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#23 - A Ghost and Four Keys
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/12/1984
Angered by Yurak's failures, Zarkon tasks his evil witch Haggar to send a robeast to Planet Arus, in hopes of capturing the five space explorers who escaped him and destroy what was left of any hopes to resurrect Voltron. Haggar sends her best robeast to Arus. On Arus, the newly formed Voltron Force watches helplessly as Yuraks forces attack Arus, while Coran reluctantly keeps the secret of the Lion ships to himself. Pidge decides to head out by himself to see exactly how near Yurak's forces are getting to the castle. Coran then reveals that the only way to activate the slumbering machines, is to locate the 5 mystic keys that can operate them. To Allura's surprise, he tells them that the keys were entombed with her father, the late King Alfor. Together, the members along with the Princess, make their way to the where King Alfor is entombed, and upon etnering the crypt, King Alfor's ghost makes his presence known to them. He shares with them his appreciation that five young strangers are willing to devote their lives to the protection of Arus. Unfortunately, to their dismay, only four keys are found with King Alfor, meaning that Voltron can't be formed, since the key to the Black Lion is missing. Reluctantly, the team take the four lions ships; Blue, Red, Yellow and Green , hoping to thwart the forces of Yurak. They are able to take out the many robot fighter ships and troops, but when Haggar's robeast finally lands on the planet, they soon realize that they are not prepared to handle a fight of this magnitude. Coran and the Princess watch in horror, as their new friends were easily defeated by the meanacing robeast.
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#24 - The Stolen Lion
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 9/26/1984
The Princess is undergoing rigorous training in her Lion, fighting with Lance's Lion as if it's a real battle after taking a hard hit from one of his assaults, the Blue Lion plummets toward earth in a tail spin. She is saved, not by any of the VF rushing to aid her in their Lions, but by the tractor beams from a ship piloted by a mysterious stranger.
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