The BEST episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe season 1
Every episode of Voltron: Defender of the Universe season 1, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe season 1!
From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legend. The legend of Voltron: Defender of the Universe! A mighty robot. Loved by good, feared by evil. As Voltron's legend grew, peace settled across the galaxy. On planet Earth, a galaxy alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of the solar system, they maintained peace throughout the universe. Until a new horrible menace threatened the galaxy. Voltron was needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers. Specially trained and sent by the Alliance to bring back Voltron: Defender of the Universe.

#2 - Princess Joins Up
Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/14/1984
Defeated by the Voltron Force, King Zarkon grows wary of his charges continuous defeat against the mighty robot defender. Haggar suggests that they hold a contest between her robeast monsters to determine one that would go to Arus and battle against the Voltron Force. They hold a battle and one such monster suceeds against the other monsters. Haggar then turns him into a giant robot monster, and sends him with Yurak and his forces to Planet Arus. On Arus, the Voltron Force are seeking help among the citizens of Arus, hoping that they will be brave enough to come out of hiding. Though, the people are still afraid and refuse to come out of hiding. It is then that Yurak attacks Arus, so the Voltron Force launch their lion ships. Quickly they realize that this robeast monster is much stronger and faster than their previous encounter and quickly lose their advantage. While the monster confronts Voltron, Yurak takes the opportunity to attack the Castle of Lions directly. Allura and Coran flee to the underground tomb of her father, there his spirit reveals a secret. Allura presses a button in the crown of his tomb and suddenly, a new and improved castle emerges from the ruins of the old one. Princess Allura comes to the aid of the Voltron Force by taking up one of the gun cannons on the side of the new Castle. There she wards off Yurak's attack with direct hits to his ship, then focuses her attack on the robeast. This gives the Voltron Force their opening to attack the monster and then destroy him.
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#3 - Space Explorers Captured
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/10/1984
The Planet Arus has been under attack by the ruthless King Zarkon for many years. Responding to a call for help, Galaxy Garrison sends a team of five young space explorers, Keith, Lance, Sven, Hunk and Pidge, hoping they could reach the devastated planet, in hopes to offer help. However, they are captured by Yurak before they could land on the beautiful planet. Knowing that they would be used as entertainment for the citizens of Doom in Haggar's Robeast arena, they work out an escape plan, to find a way out of the Doom Castle and a way to get back to Arus. Hunk's brute strength and Pidge's agility, they are able to break out of their meager cell and hijack a Doom Slave ship. Pursued by Doom Robot fighters, the five explorers managed to reach Planet Arus. They then recall a legend of a mighty robot, named Voltron that once stood and fought against the forces of Doom. Though defeated, whe King Zarkon's witch, Haggar disguised herself as a beautiful goddess, then split the giant defender into five lion ships, sending the robot lions crashing to Arus' surface. The five explorers then vow to find a way of learning the secret to Voltron, in hopes to resurrect the mighty robot, and save Arus from the forces of King Zarkon.

#4 - Escape to Another Planet
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/11/1984
After escaping from Planet Doom aboard a stolen slave ship, the five space explorers are chased to Planet Arus by Yurak's forces. Crash landing on the worn torn planet, the five youn men find themselves unwelcomed by the citizens, who are afraid of what will happen to them. The slowly make their away across the desert to the ruined castle, in hopes that they will be able to find the secret to the legend of Voltron. There, they are greeted by Coran, the Castle Magistrate, who relates to them, the story of how Arus was once a beautiful planet within the Diamond Galaxy, and thusly destroyed by King Zarkon's forces. He however, looks over the young Princess Allura, the last survivor of the royal family and daughter to King Alfor, the man who created Voltron. The five space explorers vow to help resurrect the fallen robot defender and to help protect Arus against King Zarkon's forces. With Yurak adamant on finding them, Coran tells them of the locations of each Lion robot, in hopes that they will uncover secret to join them together to form Voltron

#6 - Coran's Son Runs Amuck
Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 11/2/1984
Leaving off from the previous episode, Voltron manages to blast off before the robeast could get a good swipe in but they're not out of the woods yet. They're back in the Robeast-cannon pickle but Keith has a plan. Holding the robeast in the way, Keith hopes Lotor shoots them booth. But when the blast hits the robeast, he orders the team to disengage so that it appears Voltron was also blown to pieces. Lotor indeed thinks he's triumphed. Garrett then calls Lotor from the Castle to remind him that he promised to send 10,000 clones to Arus for Garrett to rule. Lotor dismisses Garrett, thinking the clone has worn out his welcome now that he's defeated Voltron.
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#7 - A Ghost and Four Keys
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/12/1984
Angered by Yurak's failures, Zarkon tasks his evil witch Haggar to send a robeast to Planet Arus, in hopes of capturing the five space explorers who escaped him and destroy what was left of any hopes to resurrect Voltron. Haggar sends her best robeast to Arus. On Arus, the newly formed Voltron Force watches helplessly as Yuraks forces attack Arus, while Coran reluctantly keeps the secret of the Lion ships to himself. Pidge decides to head out by himself to see exactly how near Yurak's forces are getting to the castle. Coran then reveals that the only way to activate the slumbering machines, is to locate the 5 mystic keys that can operate them. To Allura's surprise, he tells them that the keys were entombed with her father, the late King Alfor. Together, the members along with the Princess, make their way to the where King Alfor is entombed, and upon etnering the crypt, King Alfor's ghost makes his presence known to them. He shares with them his appreciation that five young strangers are willing to devote their lives to the protection of Arus. Unfortunately, to their dismay, only four keys are found with King Alfor, meaning that Voltron can't be formed, since the key to the Black Lion is missing. Reluctantly, the team take the four lions ships; Blue, Red, Yellow and Green , hoping to thwart the forces of Yurak. They are able to take out the many robot fighter ships and troops, but when Haggar's robeast finally lands on the planet, they soon realize that they are not prepared to handle a fight of this magnitude. Coran and the Princess watch in horror, as their new friends were easily defeated by the meanacing robeast.
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#8 - The Stolen Lion
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 9/26/1984
The Princess is undergoing rigorous training in her Lion, fighting with Lance's Lion as if it's a real battle after taking a hard hit from one of his assaults, the Blue Lion plummets toward earth in a tail spin. She is saved, not by any of the VF rushing to aid her in their Lions, but by the tractor beams from a ship piloted by a mysterious stranger.
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#10 - Lotor, the King
Season 1 - Episode 51 - Aired 11/26/1984
This one picks up where the last one left off, with Voltron flying toward Doom and Lotor preparing to launch his father who is a most unwilling robeast pilot. Lotor is pumping up the morale of his troops, while Romelle and her forces are ready to lend Voltron a hand. She and Sven are prepared to take out Haggar's laboratory, while Lotor has sent out his minions to try to stop her
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#11 - The Right Arm of Voltron
Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 9/17/1984
With the new Castle of Lions and the return of Voltron, the citizens of Arus come out of their hiding places, comfortable to know that Voltron will protect them from the evil forces of King Zarkon. Princess Allura vows that the Voltron Force will protect her people and planet. In celebration of their new found freedom, she proposes a banquet. King Zarkon is not pleased that Planet Arus is slowly slipping away from his grasp. Haggar proposes a new plan, that in order to weaken Voltron, they need to do away with one of the Voltron Force members. Without all five of them, they would be unable to form the mighty robot. King Zarkon agrees, and the Witch Haggar goes to Arus, with one of her deadly robeasts. On Arus, the Voltron Force go with Princess Allura to pass out food to many of the destroyed villages, hoping they can bring more of the citizens out from hiding. Witch Haggar watches them closely, then tasks her Blue Cat to lure one of the members into her trap. Pidge is alerted by Cheezer that the Blue Cat is nearby. Lance and Sven then chase after the cat, where Lance falls into the Witch Haggar's trap. Sven rescues Lance from the trap, and battles Haggar alone. Unfortunately, Haggar's magic is enough to overcome Sven's abilities and he is then blindsided by her robeast monster, injuring him. Keith and Lance arrive too late, only to find Sven badly hurt. Keith suggest that they send him to Planet Ebb, where he can rest and recover from the attack. Now, one member short, the Voltron Force must deal with Haggar's monster without Voltron. They lure the giant beast to the edge of a cliff, overlooking a lava stream. Lance suggests that they attack the monster and force it into the firey stream. Lance volunteers to attack the robeast head on, since his Lion is homed in the lava pit that surrounds the Castle of Lions. Their plan works! They are able to defeat the robeast without Voltron and celebrate their victory. However, they do know that without Sven and
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#12 - The Invisible Robeast
Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 10/26/1984
The gist of this one is implied pretty well by the title - Zarkon and Co. send an invisible Robeast to Arus to take care of the Voltron Force. Coming back in a carriage after a day of picking fruit, Allura, Nanny, Lance and Pidge and some space mice are caught offguard when the invisible Robeast attacks. It overturns their carriage into a nearby lake - luckily, all are able to escape a watery fate. But before Allura can climb out of the lake, the Robeast picks her up and carries her away. After a few well placed laser blasts from Pidge's pistol, the Robeast drops Allura. However, it's not done with them. Hiding near a bluff, they're shocked to find a bolder the Robeast threw barreling toward them. Fortunately, the others at the Castle caught an inkling of what was going on and so the boulder harmlessly ends its journey on the back of Black Lion.
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#15 - The Witch Gets a Facelift
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 10/12/1984
Haggar ventures to Arus once more, another diabolical plot brewing under that burlap-looking cowl of hers. Next thing we know, a strange bird lands inside a room in the Castle where the boys on the Voltron Force are hanging out. With a whistle, Pidge charms the critter into perching on his shoulder. Then, Nanny is seen chasing after Allura as she rushes to the control room. Her hurry was to get the news the bird was carrying - which was that her Aunt Orla was coming to visit.
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#16 - The Missing Key
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/13/1984
Zarkon is angered that both Yurak and Haggar have failed in their attempts to bring back the escaped space explorers from Planet Arus. Haggar reassures Zarkon, that her robeast will be able to destroy the Voltron Force before they are able to find the missing key to the Black Lion. Pidge, slowly makes his way back to the Castle of Lions, where Coran and Princess Allura are worried that the five young men have just risked their lives in a failed attempt to bring back the legendary defender. On his return, Pidge makes his way back to the control room where Coran delivers the bad news. However, hope returns when Keith, Hunk, Lance and Sven recover from their ordeal and return to the castle. Still, the key to the Black Lion is still missing, so they make one last attempt to find it. Upon returning to King Alfor's tomb, they discover that there was a small mouse hole in the stone coffin. Pidge suggests that they capture the space mice he ran into earlier, in hopes of discovering the location of the missing key. They capture the four mice, and decide to question them about the whereabouts of the key they took. Allura however, interrupts them, asking them to let her friends go, revealing that the mice were the only creatures that gave her comfort in her years of being alone. On their suggestion, Allura questions her friends and learn that they took the key because they thought it was pretty. Making a deal, they release the mice, and they return with the key to the Black Lion. Just in time, the Voltron Force then launch to confront Haggar's robeast. The robeast puts up a great fight, and prevents them from forming Voltron, but on their second attempt, they are able to break free from the robeast attack and form the legendary defender. By forming the Blazing Sword, they are able to destroy the robeast.
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#20 - Return of Coran's Son
Season 1 - Episode 48 - Aired 11/1/1984
The team are out practicing in the Lions and decide to race back to the Castle. As they go, Blue Lion flies over a mysterious stranger and just as she does so, her Lion goes haywire and she crashes. Depsite the fact that she called in her distress, the boys are clueless until they get back to the Castle and get chewed out by Coran and Nanny. Luckily, they heard her call and have tracked her to the surface of a moon. They witness the stranger help Princess out of her Lion, and quickly take a ship to go rescue her. Pidge seems to think the stranger is an OK guy, but Lance once again has his suspicions. The stranger is ready to humbly exit the scene but the team as well as Coran and Nanny want to thank him and know his name.
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#21 - Final Victory
Season 1 - Episode 52 - Aired 11/27/1984
The last episode in season one finds the Lions trying to penetrate Castle Dooms defenses with a little help from Romelle's crew of rebels on the ground. Coran also decides it's time to lend a hand, so he flies the Castle of Lions to Doom to level the playing field.
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#22 - Zarkon Becomes a Robeast
Season 1 - Episode 50 - Aired 11/23/1984
Lotor is still smarting over his defeat in the last episode, marveling at how such a perfect plan went so wrong (though in the flashback, Lotor got a lot of the details of the last two episodes entirely wrong). Then, armed Doomites show up to arrest the Prince on Zarkon's orders and he's brought before his father. Zarkon orders him, like all that fail in battle, to be punished by going to prison. Haggar, however, is worried that the planets Lotor had conquered would revolt if their conquerer was imprisoned. Instead, she suggests Zarkon invite them to Lotor's court martial so that they would pledge allegiance to Zarkon. So Lotor is locked up pending his court martial.
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#23 - The Sand People
Season 1 - Episode 42 - Aired 11/5/1984
After being alerted to more Doomite mischief, the Voltron Force fly their Lions to a distant sand planet to prevent its friendly creature inhabitants from becoming unwilling pawns in Haggar's plan to make hundreds of them into Robeasts.
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#24 - Pidge's Home Planet
Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 10/25/1984
Pidge's home planet of Balto is being barraged with nuclear missiles as Coran and Nanny are putting the pressure on Allura to get married. The Voltron Force (minus Allura) goes to Balto despite Coran's attempts to place them under house arrest in a last desperate attempt to save the planet.
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#25 - The Little Prince
Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 10/23/1984
After a brief recap of the previous episode, this one picks right up where it left off. Lotor has a fleet hitting Arus hard since he knows Voltron's not around to stop it. Meanwhile, Galaxy Garrison is angry Bandor left their main power supply unguarded and want him to return. But he just can't bring himself to leave the comet and Voltron.
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