The WORST seasons of The Comic Strip Presents...

Every season of The Comic Strip Presents... ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst seasons of The Comic Strip Presents...!

The Comic Strip Presents... debuted on 2 November 1982, the opening night of Channel 4. The first episode was "Five Go Mad in Dorset", a parody of The Famous Five. It was written by Peter Richardson and Pete Richens, who wrote most of the early episodes. "Five Go Mad..." drew anger from some viewers for the way it mercilessly satirised a children's classic, although the Enid Blyton estate had given permission for the broadcast. A meeting was called to discuss the group's future with Channel 4, after complaints from viewers.

Last Updated: 10/1/2024Network: Channel 4Status: Ended
Season 3
1 votes

#1 - Season 3

First Aired 2/20/1988

Season 2
1 votes

#2 - Season 2

First Aired 11/2/1983

Season 1
2 votes

#3 - Season 1

First Aired 11/2/1982