The WORST episodes of Speed Racer
Every episode of Speed Racer ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Speed Racer!
Speed Racer is an eighteen year old race car driver, and is one of the youngest in the international racing circuit. Speed is motivated by the disappearance of his older brother to become the greatest driver in the world. Driving the car his father built for him, the Mach 5, He just may have what it takes to become the best. In addition to his masterful driving skills, Speed is a martial artist with a strong sense of justice and frequently finds himself battling terrorists, corrupt racers and criminals who want to win the races and hurt innocent people for their own crooked and twisted reasons.

#2 - Motorcycle Apaches
Season 1 - Episode 46 - Aired 2/23/1968
In the American West, a convoy of trucks is crossing the desert. A group of motorcycles scream down the mountainside and attack the convoy. Meanwhile, Speed wins the Southwest Grand Prix. One of Speed's fans is admiring the Mach Five when Speed walks into the garage. He says that he wanted to be a professional racer himself but didn't make it. He doesn't give his name. That evening, Speed and the gang are dining with Mr. Skyhigh from the Office of Space Development. Later, in a ghost town Skyhigh is trying to enlist Speed's help to protect the construction of an international space development base. The crews and equipment are being attacked by motorcycle Apaches. The Mach Five is needed to transport a shipment of uraniumtane, an element that will give nuclear missiles an explosive power greater than an H-bomb. Sparky, Trixie, Spritle and Chim Chim show up ready to help Speed. After Spritle is told he can't go along with Speed, he decides to play cowboys in the ghost town. Spritle enco
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#3 - The Car in the Sky
Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 3/1/1968
Speed and his family are on the way to the Grand Prix (which is the key race for the World Racing Championship) and their plane is forced down on to an island by a storm. On the island they find out: that the both the plane's and Mach Five's radios have been smashed; every other passenger is in a hurry to get where they are going; there are no plants on the island, and that the island is a likely a forgotten top secret base used during a war. Since the island is uncharted Speed has no idea where to send the homing robot nor if the oxygen would last long enough to get help. Speed learns that one of the other passengers has brought advertizing balloons. Using hydrogen from the base Speed turns the Mach Five into a dirigible, then they draw lots to see which three people will go to get help. After the drawing, Trixie gives her lot to a girl whose mother is dieing, and the rich man buys a lot from one of the other winners. Spritle and Chim Chim stow away and force Speed to throw everything
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#6 - Car with a Brain
Season 1 - Episode 47 - Aired 2/23/1968
Dr. McFife creates a car that can think for itself which he orders to terrorize the countryside of Burrup County al la Frankenstein's monster. After the car has withstood everything thrown at it Dr. McFife reveals that the car also has a bomb that will go off in the center of town. Adding to the problem the Car kidnaps a little girl. Using knowledge gained earlier Speed (with help from Chim Chim and Spritle) rescues the little girl and destroys the car.
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#7 - The Car Destroyer
Season 1 - Episode 41 - Aired 2/2/1968
A man uses small cars which allow him to control real cars that he then melts down and uses to build a forest complete with robotic animals. He is destroying cars because his son was crippled by a hit and run driver, but it is reveled that his son can really walk and was kept in the wheelchair by his father.
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#8 - Race the Laser Tank
Season 1 - Episode 44 - Aired 2/16/1968
Leaving a race Speed has just won Speed and Trixie are shot at by Omar's men. Arriving in Hawaii Spittle and Chim Chim get involved in an another attack by Omar's men. Speed figures out that he and Trixie were not the real targets the first time but they were given something in Hawaii that has made them targets. Speed examines the lay given to him by a girl and discovers some microfilm. Taking it to the library he finds out that the film are the plans for a new laser gun and is saved by the Kana from more of Omar's men. Kana is captured by Omar's men and taken to an island on which they are building the laser gun. Spittle and Chim Chim are captured. They all escape when Omar tries to test the gun on them. They then have to escape a laser tank Speed Racer disables the tank with the homing robot. The tank and island then blow up. Trixie says that they still have time to make Speed's next race.
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#9 - The Supersonic Car
Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 1/12/1968
Vavoom Motor Co. is trying to build a supersonic car, which Speed is testing. Agents from Forthebird Motor Co. sabotage the car, and blame Speed for the accident. They demand a new test driver, but Speed enters their driving tests, and proves again that he is the best driver. Agents from Forthebird Motors put a bomb on the finish line to destroy the car, but Spritle overhears them, and warns Speed.
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#10 - Gang of Assassins (2)
Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 1/5/1968
Speed figgers that the statues must be under some sort of remote control. Then, the statues fire pistols at him. When the smoke clears, Speed is okay, but then the assassins drop in. Speed fends off their attack, but he's met by Gat Gunsel, the leader of the local division of assassins. The organization is world-wide. Speed is ordered to walk to a statue. Behind the statue is a secret entrance to the assassins' headquarters. In a cell, the diplomats from the sightseeing boat are locked up. Speed watches the assassins demonstrate their skills. One shoots the pips out of a five of spades. Others walk through a fire; another cracks a rock with a karate chop; and another walks on the ceiling. Then the assassins show off their driving skills. The cars they drive are specialized weapons. Speed is taken to the leader of the entire assassin organization, Professor Anarchy. Speed is offered a job with the gang. Speed refuses. Professor Anarchy is going to let Speed be his 2,708th kill, a great
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#11 - The Race Against Time (2)
Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 12/22/1967
Speed saves Trixie in time, but are made slaves and ordered to dig up the treasure. While escaping, Speed is captured and driven into the Nile in the Mach 5. He survives and returns with the police to rescue Trixie and battle a giant stone robot. As Splint Femur tries to escape with the gold on a plane. Speed and Calcia, who regain her memories, stowaway on the plane to stop Splint Femur.
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#13 - The Dangerous Witness
Season 1 - Episode 43 - Aired 2/9/1968
Speed, Trixie, Spritle and Chim Chim are flying to Hong Kong for the Hong Kong International Race. Speed notices a woman passenger acting mysteriously as she plays with her compact. The compact is actually a sophisticated weapon which fires a poisoned dart at a another passenger sitting further back in the plane. As Speed tries to question the woman, she collapses because she has been hit with a similar poisoned dart. We see the stewardess in the back of the plane with an evil smirk. Chim Chim hands Speed an invitation to one of Hong Kong's floating restaurants. The invitation fell out of the woman's purse. Speed is accosted by a group of reporters as he gets off the plane, but they split immediately when Princess Petal's plane lands. She is a mysterious princess from the Kingdom of Blossombow in the Middle East. Speed puts his foot in it when he admires the princess for her elegance. An assassin has her sights on the princess, but she is restrained by the stewardess who cautions her t
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#14 - Gang of Assassins (1)
Season 1 - Episode 32 - Aired 1/5/1968
Early morning, somewhere in Japan, a group of black three-wheeled cars approach a pagoda, which is called the Cupola Castle. Using some very sophisticated equipment, some very nimble men in black gain entry. They plant a miniature bomb in a suit of armor. During the Fujiyama Grand Prix, Racer X is gaining on Speed, who has the lead in the 30th lap. Unknown to Speed, Racer X is his older brother Rex who ran away from home years ago. Racer X comments that Speed's even better than the last time he raced against him. The Mach Five just edges out the Shooting Star to win the race. Pops says that he wishes Rex could hear about Speed's victory. Rex does know because he's standing nearby disguised as Racer X. Speed and Trixie are off to do some sightseeing. Spritle wants to go, but Pops promises to buy him a pound of candied kumquats to leave the kids alone. Speed turns on the radio as he's cruising. First the sports news which details Speed's victory in the Fujiyama Grand Prix. Notice the ord
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#15 - Crash in the Jungle (1)
Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 1/19/1968
The episode opens in Africa with the scene of a lion chasing a leopard. As the two fight, a huge gorilla enters. Broken shackles dangle from the gorilla's wrists. Speed is flying to Africa. Professor Robert Carnivoré is sitting next to Speed on the plane. He relates the story of a huge monster that lives near the mountain they're flying over. Speed will be participating in the Trans-Africa Grand Prix, a race which crosses the continent of Africa. He checked out the course and is on his way to Nairobi where the race will start. The pilot and co-pilot point weapons at the professor and Speed. They are exiles from the nation of Bangdabongo. Carnivoré is also an ex-pat from Bangdabongo. The men need the professor's help to liberate their country which was taken over 20 years before. The men and the professor get parachutes to jump out safely. Speed is tied up. As the plane plummets earthward, Speed snaps the ropes. He dons a parachute and jumps out at the last moment. Down on the ground, S
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#17 - The Secret Invaders (1)
Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 1/26/1968
Speed is in the exotic and mysterious city of Ambrosia, high in the Mystic Mountains on Lake Ripplelapps. It is the start of the Mystic Grand Prix. Piston Powers holds the pole position. Racer X is also in the race. Prince Snowier and Princess Gracious preside over the race, and Princess Gracious will signal the start. A sniper has the princess in his sights. A reflection from one of the cars in the race distracts the sniper and he misses. He runs and Speed chases him in his supercharged formula one. The two wrestle on the roof of a building. Speed prevails and the gunman falls to his doom. A secret meeting is being held in one of the suites on a train leaving Ambrosia. One of the men has the mirror that was used to distract the sniper. Among those suspected of using the mirror are Bearcat Stutz of the country of Pong Ping and Tailgate Jones of South Bosawania. The three most likely candidates are Rusty Muffle, Tailgate Crumple and Speed Racer. Avalonia is the next stop, where the haza
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#19 - The Snake Track
Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 12/29/1967
Speed is training for the Super Car Race on the Snack Track which is a new course that has seven curves. After a day of training Speed meets Rock Force who outmaneuvers some gangsters by driving his car on two wheels. While talking to Rock Force Speed notices that the car has a special automatic transmition. After the gangsters wreck his car Mr. Force comes to Pops Racer to have it fixed. Speed and Mr. Force get into a fight and Mr. Force reveals that he cannot use his right arm and wears a metal brace on it. Mr. Force tells how he accepted money to throw a race but won it anyhow. The gangsters then crippled his right arm to prevent him from racing and have now wrecked his car. While Pops fixes the car Speed challenges him to drive the Mach Five with its manual transmition to help 'wake up' his right arm. The next day Mr. Force wins the Snake Track race but the gangsters come forward and reveal that he cannot use his right arm. Mr. Force proceeds to punch out the gangsters and Speed gr
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#20 - The Terrifying Gambler
Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 12/15/1967
A criminal hijacks the Mach Five during the Monte Carlo Rally. Speed later identifies the man, who is a famous gambler, Mr. Fastbucks, but can't prove it. When he confronts Mr. Fastbucks, Speed is told his master plan: Mr. Fastbucks has bought up coal and train companies and by blowing up the world's gas supplies, he will become fabulously rich. Instead it is Mr. Fastbucks who gets blown up.
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#21 - The Race Against Time (1)
Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 12/22/1967
In Egypt, Speed Racer meets a scientist named Digger O. Bone who asks him with his dying breath to take care of his daughter Calcia. Unfortunately for Speed, Calcia has hit her head and thinks she is Cleopatra. Under the evil influence of Splint Femur, Calcia has kidnapped Trixie, threatening her with death. Speed must pass a series of tests, including a gladiator fight with lions and guards and retrieving a statue from the top of a pyramid while racing the clock to save Trixie.
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#22 - The Secret Invaders (2)
Season 1 - Episode 39 - Aired 1/26/1968
Speed is recuperating in a room at the National Hospital. The President is also in the hospital in room 1. Of course, Speed is in room 5. Rudolph Elegantor is there to pay his compliments on behalf of Vice President Duper, who looks a little like Hitler without a mustache. Speed is invited to the Vice President's home. Racer X also pays a visit, but when he hears of the invitation to Duper's home, he changes. Could he be a secret agent? Speed visits the Vice President, who lives underground. Speed is locked in a room to wait for the Vice President. Speed is escorted to see the Vice President, but on the way, a gun is pulled on him. Speed wrestles the gun away, but his advantage is short-lived. He gets hit over the head. The Mach Five leaves with someone disguised as Speed. Racer X arrives at Duper's home and is told Speed left. He takes off in search of his long-lost brother. Meanwhile, Speed is really in the trunk of the Mach Five, still unconscious. He's put in the car and the Mach F
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#23 - The Royal Racer (2)
Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 12/8/1967
Spritle and Chim Chim land in the river below. The palace guards stand high above calling for Prince Jam. Minister Offendem convinces the king to have Pops and company arrested for building a defective racing car. With Prince Jam unaccounted for, the king agrees that Prince Sugarin will be the successor to the throne. Offendem hardly disguises his pleasure. Pops and Trixie have been arrested. As they are being led away, Offendem asks about Speed. The guards say that he got away before he could be arrested. Back at the river, Chim Chim revives Spritle by pouring water on his face. Speed is up in a tree draped over a branch. Spritle tries to wake him by honking the Mach Five's horn and Chim Chim jumps on the branch. Speed falls to the ground. Spritle admits to Speed that he's not the prince. Speed realizes that the real prince is locked up in the hotel room. The prince is out on the streets trying to get some food. No one will believe his royal lineage, however. When he claims to be the
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#25 - Junk Car Grand Prix
Season 1 - Episode 48 - Aired 3/1/1968
A rich man named Baron von Vondervon is giving a race for 17 year old girls in memory of his daughter (Ivonna) who disappeared 5 years ago; the winner of the race will be treated as his daughter. A greedy man named Mr. Free Load elists the aid of a driver named Lolly. After trying to past himself as a woman during the race Mr. Free Load discovers that one the other drivers is Ivonna and proply kidnaps her. After Speed saves Ivonna, Trixie and her finish the race with Trixie first and Ivonna second. The Baron recognizes Ivonna as his daughter but she does not want to leave her family at the orphanage. So the Baron gives half his fortune to Ivonna, the other half to the orphanage and invites the children of the orphanage to live on his estate.
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