The WORST episodes of Soul Eater
Every episode of Soul Eater ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Soul Eater!
At the Death Weapon Meister Academy, humans known as Meisters study. Each Meister have their own partner, which is a weapon capable of taking on a human form. The story follows three of these Meisters and their Weapon. They are Maka Alban and her weapon Soul Eater, Black Star and his weapon Tsubaki, and Death the Kid and his weapons Patricia and Elizabeth Thompson. They attend school, do homework, fight evil souls, and most important, they try to help their weapons reach Death Scythe status, in which they are eligible for use by the leader of all the Meisters and Weapons, Death(The Grim Reaper) himself.

#1 - Legend of the Holy Sword 3 – The Academy Gang Leader's Tale?
Season 1 - Episode 32 - Aired 11/10/2008
A Shibusen student named Hiro who is often taken advantage of by other students has discovered Excalibur’s book and envisions himself as a hero, so he goes and retrieves the legendary sword. When Black*Star arrives at school the next day, he finds Hiro beating up on other students, and with Hiro is Excalibur. Excalibur is still his long-winded and annoying self, but Hiro can actually tolerate him and his list of 1000 things. Black*Star, however, cannot, and soon feels the urge to kill Excalibur. Both Kid and another student named Kilik want to participate as well, but none of their attacks hit, and Hiro and Excalibur defeat all three with a single move. As a result of all this, Hiro finally feels respected, and he has no trouble following Excalibur’s list of 1000 things that he has to do, such as participating in a daily 5 hour recitation and always praising Excalibur.

#2 - Legend of the Holy Sword 2 – Wanna Go Drinking, Gambling, and Playing?
Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 7/28/2008
Armed with the legend of Excalibur, Ox Ford visits the cave where the sword sits and easily pulls it out of the ground. Excalibur turns out not to be what Ox expects though, as the sword hardly lets Ox speak and is more concerned about telling his own story. Ox is eager to hear Excalibur’s heroic tale, but Excalibur goes off on many tangents pertaining to coffee in the morning, his family, dancing in an opera house, incorrectly solving a mystery with Sherlock Holmes and Watson, adventures with King Arthur, and the love of his life. Excalibur also sings about himself at length before finally formally choosing Ox, however, by this point, Ox has had enough and puts Excalibur back into the ground.

#3 - Legend of the Holy Sword – Kid and Black☆Star's Great Adventure?
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 6/2/2008
After continuous failures to collect any soul at all, Sid orders Black Star to clean up the school's library as punishment. There, he meets Kid, and both learn about Excalibur, a weapon whose powers are said to be legendary. The duo decides to search for Excalibur himself, but when they find him, they cannot stand his unbearable personality. Meanwhile, Death Scythe tries to cheer Maka up, who is still worried about Soul, and explains to her the origin of the demon weapon Ragnarök. However, he still hides from her the truth about Soul's condition.

#4 - Crona's Escape – Show Me Your Smile, Please?
Season 1 - Episode 39 - Aired 1/5/2009
Crona is visited by Eruka again, telling Crona to return to Medusa. Meanwhile, Arachne visits Asura alone in the mountains to ask for an alliance against Shibusen. Death Scythe brings Soul and Maka to Crona's room, showing them that Crona is gone, which causes Maka to look everywhere for Crona. Crona is outside of Shibusen walking in the desert sand and falls into a hole and sits there. Back at Arachnophobia, Asura has allied with Arachne. Maka and Soul find Crona in the hole and Crona cries, confessing about putting Medusa's snake in Marie's tea. Shinigami discusses with Death Scythe and Maka about Crona's betrayal when Sid suddenly announces that Medusa has come to Shibusen to surrender.

#5 - The Detective's First Case – Kid Exposes the DWMA's Secret?
Season 1 - Episode 37 - Aired 12/15/2008
Arachne is convinced that "Brew" is defunct, when it is actually functional and in Medusa's hands. Meanwhile at Shibusen, everyone assigned on the "Brew" mission is depressed about their defeat against Arachnophobia, except Kid, who ponders about Eibon and Shinigami's association with him. He even confronts Stein and interrogates him about what "Brew" is and why Shinigami sought to possess it. Maka questions her ability of using 'Demon Hunter' while fighting Mosquito and talks to Shinigami about it. Determined to use 'Demon Hunter' again, Maka and Soul make an attempt, but they fail to do so. At the end of the day, a man named Joe Buttataki arrives at Death City at Shinigami's request.

#6 - Mosquito's Storm! Ten Minutes to Fight in the World of the Past?
Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 12/1/2008
Ox, Kilik, and Kim continue fighting the Arachnophobia forces, but since they’re approaching the 20-minute mark that Stein had set earlier, Kim sets out to give the signal for retreat. Ox and Kilik work together to cover her, and Kim successfully gets away from the battle. Mifune meanwhile has walked into a trap set by Nygus and Sid, and Sid tries to hold Mifune in place while a giant pillar comes swinging down towards him. Mifune forces Sid to let go by stabbing him in the shoulder, but it’s too late and Mifune gets smacked by the pillar. Although injured, Sid then charges Mifune and stabs him in the arm. Mifune counters by digging his hand into the wound he inflicted on Sid moments ago. Neither are able to bring the other down, and since Mifune doesn’t care to negotiate, the two get ready to start another round of fighting. They never do so however because Kim and Jackie draw the retreat signal in the sky, and so Sid leaves the fight.

#7 - Charge Baba Yaga's Castle! Things Are Kind of Gloomy?
Season 1 - Episode 42 - Aired 1/26/2009
Maka is confused due to the decisions recently taken by Shibusen, which is preparing for a huge battle against Arachnophobia, to defeat it along with the kishin and destroying the six madness amplifiers. Marie and Crona are the only ones who can deal with Medusa without breaking the deal with Shinigami. Maka, along with Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki, go to Baba Yaga's castle when Arachne gives the order of attack. Justin starts a fight against Giricco. Maka finally decides to abandon the battlefield to go to help Crona, leaving the fighting to Black Star. Meanwhile, Kid is on the way to retrieve the latest demonic tool.

#8 - Resonance Link – Play the Melody of the Souls?
Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 11/17/2008
Though Stein is having more flashes of madness, he tells Shinigami-sama not to worry about his health. Shinigami-sama has summoned him today to talk about how Arachnophobia has discovered the location of one of Eibon’s tools called BREW. Shinigami-sama foresees a big battle and urges Stein to get the students trained up to handle it. Stein thus takes the class out to practice, but before the lesson begins, Black*Star does some private training where he attempts to understand the other existence inside of Tsubaki. This leads him to an encounter with a giant beast who asks him about seeking power, and Black*Star answers that it’s so that he can surpass God. The beast, however, sees Black*Star more as an ogre. After waking back up from this vision, Black*Star joins Maka and Kid to practice their team soul resonance. Explaining the situation to them, a very serious Stein warns them that if they don’t pass, then they’ll be removed from his class.

#9 - Black-blooded Terror – There's a Weapon inside Crona?
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 5/19/2008
Soul and Maka arrive in Italy to dispose of another evil human. After the job is completed, Maka senses a strong energy coming from inside a church and the duo decide to investigate it. There, they meet Chrona, an evil weapon meister and Ragnarök, the mysterious sword which emanates from Chrona's body. During their fight, Maka figures that she cannot cut down Chrona as Chrona's blood has the property of turning solid, and to complicate matters, Chrona's attacks cannot be blocked as they can hurt Soul even in his scythe form. Soul urges Maka to continue fighting, but she is afraid of hurting her partner, and in the end, he receives a severe blow while trying to protect her.

#10 - The Last Magic Tool – Mission Impossible for Unarmed Kid?
Season 1 - Episode 43 - Aired 2/2/2009
The battle against Shibusen and Arachnophobia continues. Kid, Liz and Patti arrive at their destination, a town called Sekikan, whose inhabitants had disappeared mysteriously twenty years before. For the sake of his partners, Kid decides to enter the village alone. Once in, he easily finds the demonic tool, but is attacked by a strange clown. Maka realizes she must feel the soul of one of the people that she is looking for to find them. Kid is chased by the clown, who is soon joined by another one just like him. Due to the symmetrical attacks of the clowns, Kid is unable to respond until Patty and Liz arrive to help and successfully defeat them. Shortly after the battle, a mysterious person communicates with Kid, questioning Shibusen's right to use the demonic tools. Justin, Black Star, Kilik, Ox and Kim are still battling.

#11 - The Soul Eating Black Dragon – Scaredy-cat Liz and Her Merry Friends?
Season 1 - Episode 15 - Aired 7/14/2008
Death the Kid, Liz, and Patty have arrived at a recently attacked coastal town and find that half the place is completely gone, as if consumed. When they discover a large ship in the fog, Kid thinks that this is the Black Dragon and observes that the vessel is named the Nidhogg. Once they eventually get on, they find no one around. Kid manages to find the room containing all of the human souls that had been gathered, but before he can do anything, the captain attacks and orders the ship to swallow Liz up. Liz finds herself alone in the bowels of the ship and decides to find her way back to Kid and Patty, in the process trying to talk through her fears with memories of her past. She reaches them eventually, but before Kid can engage the ship's captain, Ragnarok, with Chrona there as well, summons all of the human souls above deck.

#12 - Asura's Temptation – The Big Man's Uncontainable Irritation?
Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 12/22/2008
Once he arrives at Shibusen, Joe Buttataki begins his project by using the demon tools that are in Shinigami's possession. Meanwhile, Black Star's confidence begins to waver due to his recent defeats. When Tsubaki tells that Nygus asked her to stop using the dark blade mode, Black Star decides to challenge Kid in a duel, and during which loses control. Kid finally wins the battle and shortly after Black Star starts training again. Arachne finds the hideout of Asura.

#13 - Drying Happiness! Whose Tears Sparkle in the Moonlight?
Season 1 - Episode 31 - Aired 11/3/2008
Everyone has been nice to Crona since she came to Shibusen, and this is especially apparent during a party one night. Kid is supportive of Crona proceeding at her own pace, and Black*Star promises to beat up anyone who bullies her. Since Crona isn’t sure why everyone is being so kind, Maka explains that it’s natural since they’re all friends. These warm feelings stay with Crona until she leaves the party to go home, and that’s when Medusa appears. Despite Medusa’s small body and seemingly gentle nature, Crona is deathly afraid of the witch. Medusa claims that she came to see Crona and was very worried, but what she wants Crona to do now is to spy for her in Shibusen and to find a secret vault. Crona doesn’t want to betray her new friends and new home, but Medusa uses her status as Crona’s mother to coerce Crona to do it.

#14 - The Eve Party Nightmare – And so the Curtain Rises?
Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 8/4/2008
Since no one knows of what Sid discovered, all the students and faculty are attending a party celebrating the founding of Shibusen. Meanwhile, Medusa is communicating telepathically with Eruka when a seemingly drunk Stein interrupts her thoughts. Stein wants to dance with her, but once they start, he becomes more serious and asks her if she knows what happened to Sid. Medusa realizes that she has been found out by his words and tries to tempt Stein with a kiss, however, they are stopped by the sudden appearance of Sid that, even injured, warns everyone to get out of there quickly. Stein is concerned about Sid long enough for Medusa to escape from the party. Free charges, but Sid is able to use his last bit of strength to use a special burial technique that causes the main characters to fall through the floor, escaping the trap.

#15 - Medusa's Revival! A Spider and Snake's Fateful Reunion?
Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 10/20/2008
When a stray dog finds a snake amidst some garbage, the snake enters the dog. When a little girl named Rachel then finds the dog, the snake enters Rachel. Rachel’s mother notices her daughter acting strange all evening, and that night, she wakes up to find Rachel at her bedside staring at her with an evil eye. This causes Rachel’s mother to scream and wake up Rachel’s father, but Rachel is now crying on their bed, talking about some scary snake in a nightmare. The father lets Rachel sleep with them, and the next morning, she appears back to normal. When a spider suddenly appears in the kitchen though, Rachel crushes it with her hand and comments on how Arachne already noticed.

#16 - The Death Scythes Convene – Stop Dad's Staff Reassignment!?
Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 9/22/2008
Despite all eight Death Scythes having been called, only three other than Spirit (aka. Maka’s father) have shown up at Shibusen: Justin, Marie, and Azusa. Marie in particular doesn’t want to be there and would rather get married and retire. The more practical of the two, Azusa convinces Marie not to marry a toilet. Stein meanwhile finds Spirit polishing a candle holder in order to try to score some points with Shinigami-sama because he thinks that he’s going to get demoted and transferred away after what happened with the Kishin’s revival. The four Death Scythes plus Stein eventually meet with Shinigami-sama to talk about Ashura, and Shinigami-sama explains that they don’t need to worry about Ashura’s movements so much as how to deal with his wavelength of madness. This wavelength stirs the madness that sleeps at the bottom of every person’s soul, and it’s contagious.

#17 - I Am the Star! The Big Man Is Showing Up Here?
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/14/2008
Meister Black Star and his weapon/partner Tsubaki attempt to go after Al Capone and his comrades to collect their own 99 souls but fail. Black Star and Tsubaki then learn that Al Capone plans to capture a witch named Angela and go after him once more, only to find Capone and his allies already defeated by Angela's powerful bodyguard. When Black Star decides to challenge the bodyguard, who will come out on top?

#18 - Courage That Beats Out Fear – Maka Albarn's Great Resolution?
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/23/2008
Soul reveals to Medusa that since his battle with Ragnarok, he has continuous nightmares featuring an imp-like creature and Maka. Medusa tells him not to worry, but deduces that it could be linked to Soul's body being infected by Ragnarok's blood. Meanwhile, Stein gives Black Star a cup with a mysterious liquid as part of his training to cope with Tsubaki's new abilities, but when Maka asks him to have a special training too, he states that there is still something she is missing, and must realize what it is first. Elsewhere in the city, Medusa gets cornered by Eruka Frog and Mizune, two other witches who suspect of her intentions, and decided that she is too dangerous to live. However, Medusa reveals to them that she previously had implanted magic snakes in their bodies and easily kills Mizune. Eruka manages to escape after Maka and her friends appear to investigate.

#19 - Twirl 'Round and 'Round – A New World in Which the Doc Dances?
Season 1 - Episode 41 - Aired 1/19/2009
Stein struggles with the decision whether or not of return to home. Meanwhile, Joe Buttataki discovers a secret page in the book of Eibon, which shows it takes one last demonic tool to operate "Brew". Crona and Marie decide to search for Medusa and bring back Stein. Maka and the others, even with doubt about Shibusen, remain firm in fighting and defeating the kishin. Finally, the path that Stein is walking leads him to Medusa.

#20 - Warrior or Slaughterer? Showdown: Mifune vs. Black☆Star?
Season 1 - Episode 46 - Aired 2/23/2009
As Mifune fights with Black Star, he counts how his father was strong, but chose the wrong path and he was forced to kill him, and he asks his opponent if he's going to choose the path of the warrior or the path of a demon. Meanwhile it is revealed that the key to operate Brew is the soul of Eibon itself, who happens to be one of eight warriors of Shinigami, and who his willing to cooperate to deal with Asura. Arachne decides to leave her organization behind by putting into operation several weapons that the Baba Yaga's castle had prepared. Returning to the battle, Black Star refuses even to listen to Mifune, who, seeing no possibility of change for his opponent decides to finish it in one fell swoop, killing Black Star. Eibon finally put Brew function to work: make real the most desperate desire of one's heart.

#21 - Resonance of the Soul – Will Soul Eater Become a Death Scythe?
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 4/7/2008
Maka Albarn and Soul Eater, a Meister/Weapon pair, has defeated 99 bad souls, and they now need to defeat a witch in order to evolve Soul Eater into a Death Scythe. They seek out a witch named Blair, but there is something strange about her...

#22 - The Exciting and Embarrassing Trial Enrollment! The DWMA New Lifestyle Support Fair Is Open?
Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 9/29/2008
Since Sid has no luck talking to Chrona, Maka and Marie bring Chrona out of her room to show her around the school. Chrona, however, doesn’t think that she’d do well here, so Maka suggests composing some poetry. Unfortunately, Chrona’s poetry turns out to be so dark though that it depresses everyone who reads it. Chrona then joins Maka in on an extracurricular lesson to a golem making village where an old golem has suddenly gone berserk. When Shinigami-sama learns out about this, he finds it alarming because golems are programmed only to protect, and he suspects that it might have something to do with the wavelength of madness. He tells Sid to contact Stein about this because he’s curious about Stein’s opinion about the matter. At around this time, Stein is off thinking about Chrona when he gets visions of Medusa telling him that he’s been infected with madness.

#23 - 800 Years of Bloodlust – Advent of the Heretic Witch?
Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 10/6/2008
Stein’s research leads him to the theory that a certain heretic’s soul is inside the old golem. In the process, he finds a report about an incident in the Czech Republic where half a million people saw mysterious illusions that looked like spiders, and this causes him to conclude that the heretic scattered her body 800 years ago and left her soul in the golem. This heretic was the witch Arachne, and realizing makes Stein want to go help Maka and the others, but Shinigami-sama urges patience. Arachne is the mother of magic weapons, but creating one required the sacrifice of a witch’s soul. 800 years ago, she had been pursued by Shinigami-sama and had escaped into the old golem’s chamber. Back in the present, Maka and Crona are having a hard time dealing with Giriko and the golem, and Maka finds herself unable to move her body after getting sprayed with a special silk. Spiders then appear all around them and combine to form Arachne’s body.

#24 - Unleash the Seven's Resonance Link! A Recital of Destruction and Creation?
Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 12/8/2008
While everything else is going on, Justin and Giriko are having a private battle in the snow. After getting a little beat up, Giriko decides to run and distracts Justin with snow copies of himself. Meanwhile, the Mizune sisters report their success back to Eruka outside the magnetic field. Inside the field, the demon inside Soul is urging him to start playing the piano, and when Soul finally does, everyone can immediately feel the effects. The resonance link allows Maka, Black*Star, and Kid unprecedented coordination, and Mosquito barely has time to defend himself. Soul then directs each of the three to use their strongest attacks in succession, and Black*Star and Kid cause Mosquito to lose his arms. When it’s finally Maka’s turn, she transforms Soul into a form that surpasses the Majou Gari (lit. witch hunter): the Majin Gari (lit. demon hunter). This easily slices through Mosquito, but unfortunately, Mosquito detaches his head and escapes before the rest of his body explodes.

#25 - The Seal Shrine – The Immortal Man's Tricks?
Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 9/1/2008
With Chrona still bawling, Maka is reluctant to leave her alone until Ragnarok appears and starts bullying her. Chrona gets Ragnarok to stop by punching him, but this only causes Ragnarok to turn his bullying back on Chrona. Since Chrona is handling Ragnarok, Maka and Soul are content with going on ahead. Much further down the tunnel, Kid is close enough to the Kishin that he can now feel its soul wavelength, and it nearly overwhelms him at first. He’s okay though and explains to Liz and Patty how his father had sealed Ashura in a bag made of Ashura’s own skin. Shinigami-sama had extracted all of Ashura’s blood before doing that, so Ashura’s body is starved for blood.