The BEST episodes of re:View

Every episode of re:View ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of re:View!

Mike, Jay, Rich, Jack and Josh discuss movies they actually like.

Last Updated: 3/7/2025Network: YouTubeStatus: Continuing
The Friday the 13th Series (Part 1)
1 votes

#1 - The Friday the 13th Series (Part 1)

Season 2023 - Episode 12 - Aired 9/28/2023

Booooo spooky season has begun, which means it's time to scare Mike with the most frightening thing of all: a series of movies that are almost indistinguishable from each other so that he can't keep track of what's going on, what happens in which movie, or why he even started watching them in the first place. Booooooo!

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The Rocketeer
2 votes

#2 - The Rocketeer

Season 2019 - Episode 6 - Aired 3/31/2019

The Rock-a-who?

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The Friday the 13th Series (Part 2)
1 votes

#3 - The Friday the 13th Series (Part 2)

Season 2023 - Episode 14 - Aired 10/28/2023

Happy Halloween! We watched the one where Jason goes to space.

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Top Secret
3 votes

#4 - Top Secret

Season 2019 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/14/2019

Jay and Colin discuss the often overlooked Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker comedy film Top Secret, starring Val Kilmer! Spoilers: the movie is very funny.

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#5 - Hackers

Season 2018 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/5/2018

Jack and Mack talk about Hack...ers. Jack is joined by special guest Macaulay Culkin to talk about this "classic" mid-90s techno-thriller or whatever it is.

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2 votes

#6 - Showgirls

Season 2024 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/28/2024

Hey look! It's that movie everybody hates from that director that everybody loves. It's Showgirls! Now several decades after its release, Showgirls has had many reappraisals over the years but not by these two dim witted slobs. Is Showgirls a misunderstood camp classic or a genuinely terrible movie? Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between. Enjoy the video before YouTube shadowbans it!!!

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The Fly (1986)
1 votes

#7 - The Fly (1986)

Season 2024 - Episode 8 - Aired 8/15/2024

Colin and Jay finally get around to discussing David Cronenberg! Did you know that there is a direct link between Cronenberg's body horror masterpiece The Fly and the Police Academy franchise?? Because there is!!!!

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Breakdown (1997)
2 votes

#8 - Breakdown (1997)

Season 2025 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/8/2025

It's time to revisit forgotten movies from the 90s! Many would probably say that a movie like Breakdown starring Kurt Russell isn't all that forgotten compared to other forgotten 90s movies like Mercury Rising but whatever! It's just an excuse to talk about random crap. Give us a break. A breakdown even.

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Star Trek: Section 31
2 votes

#9 - Star Trek: Section 31

Season 2025 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/28/2025

The ultimate cosmic confusion has set in for these two Graveyard Grandpas™ as they watch the newest “Star Trek” “Movie” Star Trek: Section 31. A flop years in the making costing Paramount Plus hundreds of millions of dollars putting them nearly 900 billion dollars in debt. And also costing them the good will of zillions of fans (except for really really dumb ones) all for one man, Alex Trebek. So when Star Trek Discovery was first made. Michelle Yeoh plays a character called Phillip George. She was Bo Burnham’s Captain on the USS Shengie. Burnham screwed up. Georgie Plagu died. Then in the mirror verse, Shelly Burnham discovered Phillp's Georgous has a clone called Evil lady Empress. The leader of the evil Terran Umpire. That evil character would stick around and play games with yum yum girl, punching baddies and saying cool lines like, "wanna go make that man scream?" then I'm not sure what happened to her character? I think she few into Kurtzman’s space hole and went to the future.

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The Last Starfighter
2 votes

#10 - The Last Starfighter

Season 2024 - Episode 13 - Aired 12/16/2024

Mike, Jay and Rich all suffered from severe head injuries recently so Josh and Tim decided to fill in and talk about the semi-classic 80s video game/Star Wars-inspired film The Last Straighter! The funny thing about the head injuries is that they're all unrelated. It's just a coincidence that Mike, Jay and Rich all received them right around the same time. Happy Holidays!

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Galaxy Quest
1 votes

#11 - Galaxy Quest

Season 2024 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/6/2024

Mike and Jack sit down to talk about the cult classic film “Galaxy Quest” starring Tim Allen and many others. A film that has gained popularity over the years and days since it was released. Mike and Jack come at this film with different perspectives, while both appreciating it as the wonderful magical fun adventure film it is with fantastic visual FX and monsters, Jack sees the film as the memorable movie he grew up with and helped to mold his love for cinema and acting. Mike (being 37 years older than Jack) sees the film as a magical what-could-have-been kind of thing. He smells the studio meddling like a wet fart from afar. The potential for a PG-13 or R rated dry, vulgar comedy was there, but watered down by a spineless studio that wanted to G-rated Tim Allen comedy. Would it have flopped as a more adult film? Would it have been better if they went full kids tale? Don’t ya know no one will ever know! It’s a slippery pig that’s been oiled up with K-Y jelly.

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We Watched Too Many Puppet Master Movies (Part 2)
1 votes

#12 - We Watched Too Many Puppet Master Movies (Part 2)

Season 2024 - Episode 10 - Aired 10/13/2024

In Part 2 of this pointless series, Jay and Jack discuss Puppet Masters 4 and 5, Curse of the Puppet Master, and most importantly Retro Puppet Master (aka the one with Mark from The Room in it). Does the series have any redeeming value at this point? Watch and find out!!!

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We Watched Too Many Puppet Master Movies (Part 1)
1 votes

#13 - We Watched Too Many Puppet Master Movies (Part 1)

Season 2024 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/4/2024

Happy October, everyone! For the Halloween season this year, Jay had the brilliant idea of watching all the Puppet Master movies. It was a bad idea and nobody should ever do it. For this part, Jay and Jack discuss Puppet Masters 1 through 3 (aka the """""good""""" ones) and in part 2 of this re:View series, they will be watching Puppet Masters 4 through 7. And spoilers: by part 3 of this series, they give up on Puppet Master movies and just watch Demonic Toys instead. Booooooo!!!

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The Acolyte
2 votes

#14 - The Acolyte

Season 2024 - Episode 6 - Aired 6/25/2024

In this video, Mike tells Rich Evans to watch The Acolyte. Not because Mike and Rich love a Star Wars™.... I mean, perhaps somewhere deep down in their cold, dead hearts they still do? But Mike asks Rich to watch The Acolyte because Mike knows Rich is one of the most honest, unbiased people he's ever met. Rich will tell it like it is. He’ll never sugar-coat anything. Now, this video is less about The Acolyte and more about the culture war surrounding it. After Ghostbusters 2016, they felt we were all past this as human beings. A movie or show is good or bad based on the quality and nothing else. Mike saw the figurative streets set on fire after the “Lesbian Witch” episode and his curiosity was piqued. What is this? What’s all the fuss? Then there is the now famous "R2D2 is a lesbian" clip. NOW Mike is REALLY interested because he always considered R2D2 to be straight or maybe bi.

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1 votes

#15 - Popeye

Season 2024 - Episode 5 - Aired 6/22/2024

It's the moment you've all been waiting for! No we're not talking about some Star Wars thing or that other new thing with the guy from that show in it! It's Rich and Jay talking about the live action Popeye movie starring Robin Williams. For some reason.

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#16 - Freaked

Season 2020 - Episode 8 - Aired 4/12/2020

Jay and Josh talk about the cult comedy special effects monster extravaganza, Freaked! Directed by Bill S. Preston, Esq.

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Cabin Fever
2 votes

#17 - Cabin Fever

Season 2020 - Episode 7 - Aired 3/28/2020

We live in a nightmare world, so why not talk about Eli Roth?? Mike and Jay discuss Roth's first movie Cabin Fever from 2002 and if it holds up.

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3 votes

#18 - Andor

Season 2024 - Episode 3 - Aired 3/29/2024

Does it happen? Why yes it done! Hello, and welcome to yet another internet™ YouTube™ video about Star War™. My name is Krebs Gorlon official spokesperson for Red Letter Media™. The clowns known as Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasan famously known for having zero association with P. Diddy (formerly Puff Man). Today Mike and Rich decide to finally make a minimal effort to catch up on the world of a Star War. A world they has decided to shrug off years ago after a clone of Emperor Palpatine was used as a desperate attempt to make cheap cash from a brain-dead audience of clowns and sh*theads. Mike and Rich both loathed Rogue One: A Star War Story. Ever more they loathed the love for its' bland characters like Gem Klebstone, Korla Blargbon, Phib McP-Diddy, and especially Cassian And/or. They saw Rogue One as a bad sign. A “remember this” orgy of pointless action scenes and a film awash in Star War c*m. Star Wars porn essentially. Not much to admire about the writing.

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The Dark Backward
2 votes

#19 - The Dark Backward

Season 2024 - Episode 2 - Aired 3/4/2024

Jay and Josh dive into the weird, disgusting, depressing, off-putting world of The Dark Backward, an under-seen dark comedy from 1991 directed by Adam Rifkin and inexplicably starring Judd Nelson and Bill Paxon.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
3 votes

#20 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Season 2022 - Episode 13 - Aired 8/18/2022

Set phasers to "grandpa" as Rich and Jay talk about a stuffy old Western. Or is it????? It's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly... one of the most famous and influential movies ever made, and it was done by some weird Italian guy.

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Predator 2
2 votes

#21 - Predator 2

Season 2024 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/13/2024

Colin is back to talk to Jay about Predator 2, sketchy movie theaters, and giant pants. Predator 2 was not well received when it was released and it flopped. That didn't stop 20th Century Fox from desperately trying to turn this thing into a franchise. Is Predator 2 all that bad? Jay and Colin's reaction may shock you! (or not)

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Demonic Toys (and a lil' more Puppet Master)
3 votes

#22 - Demonic Toys (and a lil' more Puppet Master)

Season 2024 - Episode 11 - Aired 10/31/2024

We gave up on the Puppet Master series. Sorry to disappoint the three of you that were looking forward to our opinions on Puppet Master: Axis of Evil. Instead, we decided to switch focus to the far superior tiny killer dolls movie Demonic Toys! And to segue into that, we also watched the non-canon crossover masterpiece Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys. Happy Halloween! This year, we've given you a rock in your candy bag.

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The Acolyte Season One
4 votes

#23 - The Acolyte Season One

Season 2024 - Episode 7 - Aired 7/23/2024

What is a Star War™? The better question is what has it become? Ages ago it was a film made by a California hippie named Georgie who loved race cars and worried about an authoritarian future taking away his race cars. Now that he is old and lives in an authoritarian future that has taken away his race cars, he sold the evil empire he created to a different evil empire. The modest kid from Modesto just wanted to tell a tale of a farm boy who goes on an adventure with a space wizard to save a princess… and it ended up ruining his life and the lives of so many others. After Star War was a hit, he made Empire Strikes Back. It was so awesome because other people made it for him. Then he was so mad he crashed his golf cart into a lake. For the third film, he hired a former circus clown named Richard whom he could boss around and yell, “Add more midgets!” and thus the original trilogy was borned. Several years and pant sizes later, Georgie made the prequels.

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Event Horizon
0 votes

#24 - Event Horizon

Season 2021 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/12/2021

Jay makes Mike sit down and relive a nightmare from his youth... Event Horizon. LET ME SHOW YOU!!!

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Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
0 votes

#25 - Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone

Season 2021 - Episode 5 - Aired 5/1/2021

Rich and Jay decide to discuss the long-forgotten Star Wars/Mad Max hybrid film Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, starring Molly Ringwald and Michael Ironeside. Eh, why not?

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