The BEST episodes of Macross 7

Every episode of Macross 7 ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Macross 7!

It has been 35 years since Lin Minmei brought peace between the Zentradi and the humans. Basara and his band "Fire Bomber" are a struggling up and coming group on the Macross 7, an intergalactic colony ship traveling through space looking for a new planet to call home. During its flight, an unknown alien race appeared and started laying siege upon the colony. However, its attacks are not conventional - instead of trying to destroy them, they steal what is known as "spiritia," leaving victims in a catatonic state. Basara, yearning to have his music heard, flies into the battle zone in his Valkyrie to spread the message of music.

Last Updated: 6/26/2024Network: MBSStatus: Ended
Men of Burning Passion
35 votes

#1 - Men of Burning Passion

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 3/19/1995

City 7 gets trapped in the magnetic pull of a nearby star. Milia, Basara and Gamilin do their best to save the city, but the gravitational pull is too strong. As City 7 teters on the edge of destruction, Gigil and the Varauta attack in a final attempt to capture the city.

Vampire Soldier
9 votes

#2 - Vampire Soldier

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 11/6/1994

Fire Bomber performs a concert in the city. A new threat has infiltrated the city. All over the city, strange men with masks have been attacking people to steal their Spiritia. The defence force, the Diamond force in particular, protest Basara's constant interferance during battle.

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First Contact
11 votes

#3 - First Contact

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/20/1994

After constant pressure from her daughter, Millia agrees to let Mylene stay in the band. Millia, however makes one consession that Mylene go out on a date with Gamilin. Mylene is aprehensive, but agrees. Meanwhile, Gamilin tries to find out more about Basara and his Valkerie. As Basara and the band wait for their turn to play at the band competition, the fleet is attack yet again by Gigile and the mysterious fighter group.

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Gamlin's Rebellion
9 votes

#4 - Gamlin's Rebellion

Season 1 - Episode 46 - Aired 9/3/1995

Spirit Gal
10 votes

#5 - Spirit Gal

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 11/13/1994

While performing at a gig on another ship in the fleet, Basara encounters a group of girl bike riders lead by a woman named Rex. The Varauta attacks the ship that they are on, and Basara flies into the battle again.

Summer Accident
10 votes

#6 - Summer Accident

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/27/1994

The band heads for the resort ship Riviera for a performance. After their performance and a quick swim, Mylene meets Gamilin for a date. All looks well but Gamilin is called into action when the ship is attacked. Basara and Mylene are trapped during the battle.

The Music Box on the Battlefield
8 votes

#7 - The Music Box on the Battlefield

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 2/5/1995

Mylene tinkers with Basara's Valkyrie, and insists that he teaches her how to fight. Basara insists that there are other ways of doing things instead of fighting. Later, scientists on City 7 make a break through with the Captured Varauta Soldier.

Pretty Devil
8 votes

#8 - Pretty Devil

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 2/12/1995

Against orders from Gepernich, Gigile travels to a frozen world and uses the Spiritia that he gathered to free a strange alien girl named Sivil. hungering for more Spiritia, she flies off to City 7 where she begins to drain Spiritia from it's fighter Pilots.

Ambitious Fourth Planet
8 votes

#9 - Ambitious Fourth Planet

Season 1 - Episode 45 - Aired 8/27/1995

A Voice Reaching Across the Galaxy
9 votes

#10 - A Voice Reaching Across the Galaxy

Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 9/24/1995

The Day Gigil Sang
9 votes

#11 - The Day Gigil Sang

Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 6/11/1995

Fire Bomber plays a massive concert in a packed venue filled with fans. Basara pouted and left before the concert started but at least this time his bandmates know why. Basara will not come back until he finds something. Gamlin is released from his duty as leader of Diamond Force. Grabil and Valgo fight over who gets gets dibs on Sivil’s fresh surplus Spiritia, and everyone is awestruck when Gigil arrives to stop the infighting and he sings with the voice of an angel.

Fold Out
9 votes

#12 - Fold Out

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/15/1995

As the Macross 7 fleet search, City 7 de-folds in orbit of a strange planet. While the Varauta recharge the fold engines to rendezvous with Gepernich's fleet, Millia and Fire Bomber work to figure out a way to retake the city.

Fire Scramble
11 votes

#13 - Fire Scramble

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/30/1994

Mylene and Ray convince Basara that they should ent er the Super Nova Live show for new bands. Tentions rise between Max and Millia when they, as the two leaders of the fleet, get into an argument about the new threat while being interviewed. Macross 7 is attacked yet again, and much to the dismay of the defence forces, Basara flies into the fray to spread his music.

Directors: Amino Tetsurou
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A Girl's Jealousy
8 votes

#14 - A Girl's Jealousy

Season 1 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/29/1995

To help with the moral in City 7 Milia arranges to have a "Valkyrie Carnival" where citizens can see old and new Valkyries and Destroids. Hoping to fortify the military, she also holds try outs where people can test their skills in Valkyrie simulators. Things get out of hand when a Varauta attack spills over into the Carnival.

A Falling Little Devil
8 votes

#15 - A Falling Little Devil

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/19/1995

Ray is trying to figure out what is it about Basara's music that effects the comatose pilots. Meanwhile in space, Gepernich orders Sivil to retrieve City 7. She takes a fleet to attack City 7, but has her own agenda: to find out more about Basara, and why his music effects her the way it does.

Dangerous Kiss
9 votes

#16 - Dangerous Kiss

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 3/12/1995

Fire Bomber is in a studio recording their first album. Unknown to the band, Sivil has possessed Akiko, and tries to seduce Basara. Elsewhere, Max and the captains evaluate the new information gained from their captured Varauta pilot.

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The Nightmarish Invasion
9 votes

#17 - The Nightmarish Invasion

Season 1 - Episode 44 - Aired 8/20/1995

Individual Farewells
9 votes

#18 - Individual Farewells

Season 1 - Episode 43 - Aired 8/13/1995

A Feeling that Reaches Beyond the Stars
9 votes

#19 - A Feeling that Reaches Beyond the Stars

Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 7/23/1995

Sivil of the Forbidden Planet
9 votes

#20 - Sivil of the Forbidden Planet

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 7/9/1995

The Mystery of the Ruins?
9 votes

#21 - The Mystery of the Ruins?

Season 1 - Episode 37 - Aired 7/2/1995

A Night for Just the Two of Us
9 votes

#22 - A Night for Just the Two of Us

Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 6/18/1995

Basara has only just begun the ultimate pout. People are starting to notice that Fire Bomber is missing it's lead singer and guitarist, so Mylene and Gamlin hop into their Valkyries to find him and try to put an end to this PR disaster. During their awkward camping trip in the wilderness, Mylene’s exotic pet Guvava goes missing. Meanwhile Lord Geperuniti begins his plan for a mutually peaceful and sustainable future for everybody.

Betrayal and a Girl's Tears
9 votes

#23 - Betrayal and a Girl's Tears

Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 6/4/1995

Basara is close to figuring out the reason why he sings. He returns to the City 7 Vegetation Plant to fill Sivil with his Song Energy while she is hibernating in her bubble. Gigil also finally has enough Spiritia collected to revive her, and so they will both have their ambitions come to fruition at long last and nothing could possibly go wrong with their plans.

The Formula for a Love Triangle
9 votes

#24 - The Formula for a Love Triangle

Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 5/14/1995

In his typical fashion, Basara is gone and won’t tell anyone where he is or what he is doing. Mylene asks her bodyguard Michael to follow him and get to the bottom of what he is up to. Mylene airs her frustrations to Gamlin who has a surprising admiration for Basara. Gamlin has been inspired by Basara's piloting to practice his QM-69, and despite the physical demands he strives to QM-69 to completion in order to approach Basara's level.

New Sound Weapon
9 votes

#25 - New Sound Weapon

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 4/30/1995

Dr. Chiba shows off some brand new accessories to go with the Sound Force Valkyries and he is really eager to have Sound Force try them. Basara completely spaces out during band practice and then gets grumpy and leaves without telling anyone where he’s going or what he’s doing. Sound Force has to get in their Valkyries and play an important gig without him.