The BEST episodes of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors

Every episode of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors!

"Thundering across the stars to save the universe from the Monster Minds, Jayce searches for his father to unite the magic root and lead his Lightning League to victory over the changing form of Saw Boss. Wheeled Warriors explode into battle - Lightning Strikes!" Audric is a scientist working to create a plant which can grow in any environment and which, he hopes, can help provide food and end starvation. During his experiment a radiation flare causes the plants to mutate into Saw Boss and the Monster Minds. The Monster Minds can transform into vehicles and travel via roots between planets. With Saw Boss as leader, they set out to conquer the galaxy. Audric creates a magic root which can stop them but the two halves of the root are separated during a Monster Minds attack. Audric escapes with one half, the other goes with his son, Jayce. Jayce and the other members of the Lightning League set out to

Last Updated: 6/19/2024Network: Status: Ended
The Vase of Xiang
10 votes

#1 - The Vase of Xiang

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/17/1985

Jayce travels to Xiang in search of a secret message left by his father in a vase. Saw Boss realises what Jayce is looking for and orders all vases destroyed and Jayce must locate the vase before the message is lost forever.

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Steel Against Shadow
10 votes

#2 - Steel Against Shadow

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/18/1985

The Lightning League go in search of the Helmet of Valroth, which could be a powerful weapon against the Monster Minds but the power of the helmet starts to change Jayce.

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Escape from the Garden of Evil
24 votes

#3 - Escape from the Garden of Evil

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/16/1985

When one of Audric's experiments goes wrong, Saw Boss and the Monster Minds are created and set out to conquer the galaxy. Audric creates a magic root which can fight the Monster Minds but it is split into two, one half is taken by Audric, the other by his son, Jayce. The Lightning League seek the help of Herc Stormsailor to escape the planet and locate Audric.

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Deadly Reflections
2 votes

#4 - Deadly Reflections

Season 1 - Episode 42 - Aired 11/12/1985

The Lightning League install a shield around the planet Eldor to protect its inhabitants from the Monster Minds. As they leave the planet Saw Boss lures them into a trap, a portal to a negative universe. Although they escape the trap another version of the Pride of the Skies containing an evil version of the Lightning League comes through the portal and Saw Boss enlists their help in destroying the real Lightning Leaue and the planet Eldor.

A Question of Conscience
2 votes

#5 - A Question of Conscience

Season 1 - Episode 44 - Aired 11/14/1985

Early Warning
2 votes

#6 - Early Warning

Season 1 - Episode 43 - Aired 11/13/1985

Saw Boss learns the Vine Stopper, a weapon created by Audric, could be reversed to speed up the vines' growth and sends troops to capture it. When the Lightning League hear of Saw Boss' plans they race to where Audric has hidden the device to secure it before the Monster Minds can but accidentally trigger a self destruct sequence that threatens to destroy the device and the whole planet.

Swamp Witch
2 votes

#7 - Swamp Witch

Season 1 - Episode 41 - Aired 11/11/1985

Dark Singer
2 votes

#8 - Dark Singer

Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 11/8/1985

What's Going On?
2 votes

#9 - What's Going On?

Season 1 - Episode 39 - Aired 11/7/1985

Appointment at Forever (5)
2 votes

#10 - Appointment at Forever (5)

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 11/6/1985

Heart of Paxtar (4)
2 votes

#11 - Heart of Paxtar (4)

Season 1 - Episode 37 - Aired 11/5/1985

The Spacefighter (3)
2 votes

#12 - The Spacefighter (3)

Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 11/4/1985

The Vines (2)
2 votes

#13 - The Vines (2)

Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 11/1/1985

Doom Flower
2 votes

#14 - Doom Flower

Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 10/25/1985

While investigating convoys of slaves and equipment heading for the Black Nebula, the Lightning League hear rumours that the Monster Minds are building Doom Flower, a space station that will carry them to another universe with more suns and nutrients, allowing them to grow powerful and return unstoppable. Furthermore, Audric has been captured and is working as a slave on the project. Jayce sets out to rescue his father and stop the Monster Minds before they can activate Doom Flower.

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Moon Magic
2 votes

#15 - Moon Magic

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 10/23/1985

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Hook, Line and Sinker
2 votes

#16 - Hook, Line and Sinker

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 10/3/1985

The Monster Minds set a trap for Jayce, offering him Audric in exchange for the root. Audric proves to be just an illusion generated by King Phineas after Saw Boss threatened to destroy his planet. The Lightning League and King Phineas must work together to fight the Monster Minds and save his people.

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The Sleeping Princess
2 votes

#17 - The Sleeping Princess

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 10/10/1985

In search of a message from Audric, Jayce lands on a planet protected by telepathic plants which keep the planet concealed. Saw Boss makes a deal with a wicket wizard who has put a sleeping spell on the princess who controls the plants. Jayce captures the wizard and Gillian forces him to look into a special mirror that reads people's minds. Gillian gets the spell to wake the princess. Her powers are weakened by the dying plants, but Flora helps her telepathically reach the Tree of Life, the plant source. The tree battles the Monster Minds vines along with Jayce. Saw Boss is routed once again.

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Deadly Reunion
2 votes

#18 - Deadly Reunion

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 10/11/1985

By using a lock of Audric's hair, Saw Boss creates a clone which trick Jayce into a trap. Gillian suspects the truth and convinces Jayce to leave the root behind as a precaution. Jayce is captured and a clone of Jayce is sent back for the root. Flora removes "Audric's" gift of a necklace and is once again able to sense plant life. She warns everyone that Jayce is not Jayce and the real Jayce, by using the magic ring, frees himself and arrives in time to help fight off Monster Minds and make good their escape.

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Affair of Honor
2 votes

#19 - Affair of Honor

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 10/24/1985

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Sky Kingdom
2 votes

#20 - Sky Kingdom

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 10/14/1985

Computer calculations give Zartan Omega as the probable location of Audric. This planet is covered with blue light from the red dwarf sun and grows only giant flowers. Upon reaching it, though, they discover Monster Minds have set up a satellite to convert the blue light to red light and evil vines are everywhere slowly killing the planet. Jayce discovers Audric has been there but left at Emira's insistence since it was no longer safe. Gillian rigs up a device to emit electric waves to counter Saw Boss' signals. Oon's metal body is used as a transmitter. Gillian then moves the prism lens on Saw Boss' satellite turning it toward the sun. It overloads and explodes. Gillian leaves his invention with the people so that Saw Boss cannot use another satellite to kill the giant flowers.

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Quest into Shadow
2 votes

#21 - Quest into Shadow

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 10/15/1985

An unconquered planet in the midst of Monster Minds intrigues the Lightning League and they go to investigate. Upon crash landing they discover the energy of the Pride and the vehicles and their own energy is being drained. It is an anti-life planet. They meet the Dark Queen who offers them the alternative of the touch of peace. Fearing this touch, they refuse it, but without it their energy will decrease until they cease to exist. Jayce finally figures out that the touch is not death but life. They are all touched and transported to another dimension. Saw Boss and evil forces cannot survive this magic of the Dark Queen; therefore, their planet remains free of Monster Minds. But the people pay a price for their freedom by having to adapt to an anti-life world.

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Unexpected Trouble
2 votes

#22 - Unexpected Trouble

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 10/16/1985

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Bounty Hunters
2 votes

#23 - Bounty Hunters

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 10/17/1985

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Double Deception
2 votes

#24 - Double Deception

Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 10/18/1985

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Gate World
2 votes

#25 - Gate World

Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 10/21/1985

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