The BEST episodes of Film Theory season 2015
Every episode of Film Theory season 2015, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Film Theory season 2015!
In each episode of Film Theorists’ main series, Patrick dives into a specific work and sheds light on elements that less careful consumers may have missed. Despite the channel’s title, it isn’t limited to movies; instead, Patrick is taking on all sorts of pop culture franchises, including Game of Thrones and Harry Potter.
#1 - The WALKING DEAD's Silent Killer!
Season 2015 - Episode 23 - Aired 12/9/2015
The Walking Dead may not be the biggest threat to Rick and his posse. In fact, it may be themselves and the way they handle their guns. I'm almost positive that over time Rick and the others have suffered severe hearing damage, which explains why those walkers have such an easy time sneaking up on them. Fear the Walking Dead. But fear hearing loss even more.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - Neo ISN'T The One in The Matrix Trilogy
Season 2015 - Episode 14 - Aired 9/12/2015
Think you know the Matrix? Weren't even born when the first Matrix movie came out? Either way, you probably know this world-is-a-computer-simulation sci-fi series by its slo-mo bullets, screens full of green text, and a whole lot of Keanu Reeves making his "serious face." What you might NOT know about the Matrix is that the main character, Neo, is not actually the savior of the world and acts is actually just a pawn throughout the entire series meant to throw off you and almost everyone else in the movie. But that begs the question: If Neo isn't the ONE, who IS?
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - How to SURVIVE the Hunger Games pt. 1
Season 2015 - Episode 19 - Aired 11/17/2015
It's time. Your name has been drawn. YOU are the next tribute for the Hunger Games. That leaves you with one question: Will YOU SURVIVE? Well, if you watch this Film Theory, the odds actually will be in your favor because you'll be making smart choices that statistically improve your chances of success. So watch on, fellow Theorists, and make sure you're lounging in Victor's Village instead of ending up dead meat in the arena...
Watch Now:Amazon#4 - Fifty Shades of Grey Cult Theory
Season 2015 - Episode 8 - Aired 6/15/2015
Millions of women fell in love with Christian Grey, including the young Anastasia Steele. But was it his charisma that won her over, or deliberate psychological manipulation? Was it his rock hard abs she was attracted to or his cold, calculating psychological abuse? Throughout 50 Shades of Grey, Christian uses a very specific set of steps to brainwash Anastasia into loving him…the same steps that cults use to indoctrinate new members. Film Theory uncovers the dark side of 50 Shades of Grey…
Watch Now:Amazon#5 - The Matrix has NO ESCAPE
Season 2015 - Episode 16 - Aired 10/9/2015
The Red Pill or the Blue Pill? It's one of cinema's most famous choices. But do the differently-colored pills from the Matrix actually do anything...well different? What if the "real world" and Zion are actually constructs of the Machines? Get ready to have your mind blown, Morpheus, because there is no getting out of The Matrix!
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - How to NOT DIE! - Hunger Games pt. 2
Season 2015 - Episode 20 - Aired 11/24/2015
So YOU'VE just avoided death at the cornucopia and snatched a mystery bag on the way out. But YOU still have a long way to go before YOU'RE the sole survivor. So what's next? Well, let's jump back into the research to find how to keep the odds forever in your favor. Because you need to keep your beautiful face from being projected in the night sky.
Watch Now:Amazon#7 - Oscar Hacking pt. 2, How to Win Academy Awards for Best Actor and Actress
Season 2015 - Episode 2 - Aired 6/2/2015
So you want to win an Oscar, huh? An Academy Award. The BIG prize. But you want to be IN FRONT of the camera. You're a STAR! OK. Well, here's what you're going to need to know...We're breaking down the stats behind what it takes to be an Academy Award Best Actor and Best Actress winner, from trends in age, role, to even salary bump. So take heed...and Leo, this one's for you :)
Watch Now:Amazon#8 - Can a Doctor Who Doctor ACTUALLY EXIST? (pt. 1, Biology)
Season 2015 - Episode 4 - Aired 6/2/2015
Grab your Sonic Screwdriver and be on the lookout for Daleks because we're out to see whether a time-hopping Doctor a la Doctor Who would be a physical possibility...or at the very least, whether a human could fit the bill and become a Timelord. There's A LOT to cover, from biology to technology to, you know, TIME HOPPING, so it'll have to be done in chunks. This time, we're taking a crack at Doctor Who's BIOLOGY. The Doctor has an interesting set of characteristics, but could a human match those? The answers will surprise you!
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Harry Potter ISN'T The Chosen One?
Season 2015 - Episode 5 - Aired 6/2/2015
For years, we all believed that Harry Potter was the Chosen One, the one destined to save the wizarding world from Lord Voldemort, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. BUT, have we been duped? Is it possible that our lightning-bolted boy wonder isn't as special as we thought? What is there was ANOTHER Chosen One? What if it all boiled down to a coin flip? Then Harry Potter would just be an average kid. Maybe there's a universe out there where Harry should be THANKING Lord Voldemort...but I'll leave that to you to judge!
Watch Now:Amazon#10 - The Breaking Bad Ending's HIDDEN Truth
Season 2015 - Episode 18 - Aired 11/10/2015
Spoiler alert! Because today I'm forever changing the way that you look at the final scene of one of the greatest television shows of all time - Breaking Bad. The show ended with what a lot of people thought was a cop out. But I'm here to tell you that the ending you thought you saw might not be as clear cut as you think.
Watch Now:Amazon#11 - Disney's FROZEN - Anna and Elsa Are NOT SISTERS?!
Season 2015 - Episode 24 - Aired 12/21/2015
Take a break from building your snowman and sit down with a hot cup of hot cocoa, because I've uncovered the truth behind Frozen's lovable "Sisters." In today's episode, I discuss the real reason Elsa feels so out of place and the origin of her magic powers.
Watch Now:Amazon#12 - Jon Snow is THE KEY to Game of Thrones
Season 2015 - Episode 3 - Aired 6/2/2015
Jon Snow may know nothing, but WE certainly know a lot about him. Eddard Stark's bastard son is clearly one of the main heroes of Game of Thrones, but much of his backstory is shrouded in mystery. Popular fan theories about Game of Thrones have postulated that R + L = J, but what does that mean exactly? Is there the evidence to support it? And most importantly of all, what does that mean to the OVERALL STORY of the Game of Thrones series? How is Jon Snow the KEY to the Song of Ice and Fire?
Watch Now:Amazon#13 - Oscars Hacking pt. 1, How to Win an Academy Award for Best Picture
Season 2015 - Episode 1 - Aired 6/2/2015
So you want to win an Oscar, huh? An Academy Award. The BIG prize. And you want to be BEHIND the camera. You like being the boss, directing people around? OK. Well, here's what you're going to need to know...We're breaking down the stats behind what it takes to win an Academy Award for Best Picture, the most coveted award of the night, even going so far as to tell you the EXACT STORY you need to make! You have everything you need to don't screw it up!
Watch Now:Amazon#14 - Can a Doctor Who Doctor ACTUALLY EXIST? (pt. 2, Time Travel)
Season 2015 - Episode 13 - Aired 8/27/2015
Grab your Sonic Screwdriver and be on the lookout for Daleks because we're out to see whether a time-hopping Doctor a la Doctor Who would be a physical possibility...or at the very least, whether a human could fit the bill and become a Timelord. There's A LOT to cover, from biology to technology to, you know, TIME HOPPING, so it'll have to be done in chunks. This time, we're tackling TIME TRAVEL. Is it feasible in the realm of physics to move FORWARD through time? And how about back? That one takes us into the realm of THE MOST COMPLICATED CONCEPTS we've ever covered on the Theorist channels...
#15 - The Science of Seinfeld's Deadly Envelopes
Season 2015 - Episode 9 - Aired 7/7/2015
Seinfeld...famously, it's the show about NOTHING. And yet, for it being about nothing, there are SO MANY memorable moments throughout the show's nine seasons, from the Soup Nazi to The Contest. And yet, one of the most enduring storylines was the infamous "Death by Envelope," where Seinfeld's best friend George Costanza's fiancee keels over after licking too many envelopes. But could that ACTUALLY happen? With Seinfeld just released on Hulu and Jason Alexander revealing the TRUE reason behind Susan's death on Howard Stern, now seems as good a time as any to examine this sitcom staple!
#16 - Beauty and the Beast's OVERLOOKED Tragedy
Season 2015 - Episode 10 - Aired 7/17/2015
For years, we've always thought that the Beast in Beauty and the Beast was made into a monster so he could learn a lesson about respecting others and loving people for what's on the inside...but we've been wrong the whole time! Dissecting the film's lore, it becomes clear that the Beast isn't the evil prince he was made out to be, but actually just a little boy who was deceived at a time in his life when he was the most vulnerable. Fans of Beauty and the Beast have loved this story for so long...but have overlooked ONE crucial plot detail!
#17 - Is Hitman's Bulletproof Skin POSSIBLE?
Season 2015 - Episode 12 - Aired 8/20/2015
Hitman: Agent 47 is the new movie adaptation of the stealth-and-cover video game...and you all know how much I love movies based on video games! Here we're dissecting some of the movie details, specifically the ultra futuristic armor that John Smith sports to try to take down Agent 47. We'll be looking at the latest in high-tech armor and figuring out whether it's actually possible to create bullet-proof skin. When we came up with the idea for this Film Theory, Fox said they'd like to sponsor us! A big thanks to them for their support in making this video happen and letting us take a sneak peek at the film to make sure we got our facts straight!
#18 - Marvel's Ant-Man Could KILL Us All!
Season 2015 - Episode 15 - Aired 9/22/2015
Marvel's newest addition to its cinematic universe, Ant-Man, hides a disturbing secret in its physics. In saving his loved ones from utter destruction, does Ant-Man actually destroy us all, taking the world as we know it with him? I think we've just uncovered the truth that Ant-Man is in fact Marvel's deadliest hero!
#19 - Fear the Future - Skynet is Coming!
Season 2015 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/29/2015
#20 - What IS the Dragon Ball Z Kamehameha Wave?
Season 2015 - Episode 11 - Aired 7/30/2015
This Dragon Ball Z theory has been one one of the most requested in the history of BOTH the Game Theorists and Film Theorists and now it's finally HERE! the Kamehameha Wave is the most iconic piece of DBZ lore out there and it took some serious science to explain how we could bring this incredible power out of the TV series and into the real world! And finally, a big thanks to ALL the Theorists who requested this one--meeting your challenge on this one was super tough, but it's become one of my favorite in the series!
#21 - Yes, Frankenstein can RAISE THE DEAD!
Season 2015 - Episode 21 - Aired 11/28/2015
For this episode of Film Theory, we partnered with Fox so we could talk about their new Frankenstein movie, Victor Frankenstein. Thanks to Fox for their help with this episode!
#22 - The Game of Thrones Jorah Theory
Season 2015 - Episode 7 - Aired 6/11/2015
The world of Westeros has a problem...and that problem is ice zombies. Whitewalkers! The dead have risen again, creating an army that threatens the safety of the realm. So who will be the hero to save them? Game of Thrones lore has a prophesy of the Prince that was Promised, but who will that Prince be? There are a few good candidates, but today we're looking at the evidence to conclude who the TRUE hero of Westeros will be!
#23 - Are Video Games the FUTURE of Movies?
Season 2015 - Episode 6 - Aired 6/2/2015
So, as we saw on Game Theory (presumably), videos games may be better off just staying video games. No need to transition to the big screen of films. BUT is the reverse true? Is the future of movies in becoming more like video games? And more importantly, where does the distinction exist? When does a movie end and a game begin? Well get ready, because the future of entertainment is unlike ANYTHING we've yet experienced!
#24 - Is Luke EVIL in Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
Season 2015 - Episode 22 - Aired 12/1/2015
In the Star Wars series, Luke Skywalker goes from being a lovable boy-next-door to a happy-go-lucky Padawan learner, to powerful Jedi, to hero of the Republic! No matter what, we can always count on Luke to be the good guy...or CAN we?? Today, we look into Star Wars: The Force Awakens to determine why Luke is missing from all the trailers. Could it be that in The Force Awakens, Luke Skywalker has turned to THE DARK SIDE? All aboard the Star Wars hype train...WOO WOO!