The BEST episodes of Fear Factor
Every episode of Fear Factor ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Fear Factor!
"Imagine a world where your greatest fears become reality." In each pulse-racing "Fear Factor" episode, contestants recruited across the country battle in extreme stunts. These stunts are designed to challenge the contestants both physically and mentally. If a player is too afraid to complete or fail a stunt, the player is eliminated. If they succeed, they are one step closer to the grand prize: $50,000.

#1 - Truck to Helicopter; Table Clearing; Under the Semi
Season 4 - Episode 10 - Aired 11/17/2003
Stunt #1: Truck to Helicopter Contestants would start off on the back of a flatbed truck as it drove along a pier. As a helicopter flew by, contestants would have to grab a rope ladder hanging underneath and climb it, releasing 4 flags on the ladder. The two men and the two women to get into the helicopter the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Table Clearing Contestants would be chained to stake in the ground. They would have to use their faces move disgusting items aside on three tables to reveal the combinations to the three locks. The first table had rotten fish parts, the second table had super worms, and the third table had blended cow tongue and pig feet. After getting their locks unlocked, they would have to retrieve a pig's foot with their mouth and drop it into a bucket. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Under the Se

#3 - BK Viewers' Choice Episode
Season 6 - Episode 16 - Aired 8/1/2006
This episode features four co-ed teams selected by the viewers through an online poll sponsored by Burger King. The teams must launch each other over a house and into a mud pit; run through a junkyard guarded by attack dogs; and climb out of a hanging bus before it drops to the ground and explodes. A family is challenged to drink blended maggots and cheese in this week's Home Invasion.
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#4 - Boat to Boat; Worm Wine; Matrix Truck Straddle
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/1/2003
Stunt #1: Boat to Boat As two ultra boats sped down a lake, contestants would have to leap back and forth between the boats and transfer flags from the second boat to the first boat. The two men and the two women to transfer all 6 flags the fastest would advance to the next round, the others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Worm Wine Contestants would have to use their bare feet to stomp on night crawlers in a large vat. When enough worm juice drained in to a glass at the bottom of the vat, they would have to drink the juice. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Matrix Truck Straddle As two semi trucks drove down the road side by side at 40 miles per hour, contestants would have to walk between the two trucks using the one-and-a-half inch ledges on the sides of the trucks. They would have to transfer up to 12 flags from the side of one truck to the side of the other truck. The c

#5 - Teams #2
Season 6 - Episode 7 - Aired 1/24/2006
This episode featured four co-ed pairs competing as teams. Stunt #1 (Helicopter platform transfer) Both team members would have to leap back and forth between two platforms hanging from helicopters, each person transferring up to 10 flags from one platform to the other and then jumping in the water below. The three teams get highest flag total would advance to the next round. The team with the least flags would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Fear Factor Barber Shop) One team member would be seated in a barber chair and their partner would spin them. When the chair stopped, they would have to get whichever haircut their head was pointing to. The options were Mohawk, bald spot, patches, the taco, sideways Mohawk, and bald. Teams would advance to the finals if both members got their designated haircuts. Stunt #3 (Exploding container) As a crane lifted a large container to 200 feet in the air, both team members would have to climb rope ladders hanging from the container. Once they reached the container, they would both have to scale a narrow ledge on the side, collect two Allen wrenches, and climb another ladder to the top. Once on top, they would have to use the wrenches to unscrew hatches and climb down into the container. When they were both inside, they would have to touch two pieces of a livewire together in order to blow themselves out of the container and into the water below. The team to complete this stunt the fastest would be the Fear Factor Champions. Home Invasion Stunt (Stink beetle transfer) Competing in this week’s Home Invasion would be the Kutz family of Memphis, Tennessee. Two family members would have to take turns using their mouths to transfer stink beetles from one bowl to another. If they could transfer all the stink beetles in one minute, they would win a $5,000 Capital One Credit Card.

#6 - Snake Bite
Season 7 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/2/2012
The four new teams of couples assemble: Joel and Andrea, "party people" who met in Vegas; DJ and Brooklyn, a careful 19-year-old number cruncher and an 18-year-old risk taker; Todd and Carole, a married couple out to prove that 50 is a badge of honor; and Roberto and Tanya, a determined power couple. Their first challenge involves getting catapulted off a building onto a rope net, where they must gather 10 flags a piece as quickly as possible while being rained on the entire time. The team with the worst time is eliminated.
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#7 - Heli Water Drag; Cow Eye Juice; Truck to Truck Transfer
Season 4 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/20/2003
Stunt #1: Heli Water Drag Contestants would have to hold on to a tow rope as a helicopter drug them around a lake. As time went on, the helicopter would go faster, reaching a maximum speed of 40 miles per hour. The two men and the two women to hang on the longest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Cow Eye Juice Contestants would have to use their mouths to pick up cow eyeballs and pop them into a glass. Once the glass was filled to a line, they would have to drink the cow eye juice. The three contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the finals. The slowest person would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Truck to Truck Transfer As two giant dump trucks barreled down a dirt road side-by-side, contestants would have to leap back and forth between the two trucks, transferring up to 15 flags. As time went on, the trucks would get farther apart. The contestant to transfer the most flags the fastest before falling or running o

#8 - Four Stunt Episode #2
Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/4/2003
Stunt #1 (Submerged bus) Contestants would have to swim into a submerged bus, rescue up to four crash test dummies, and place them in a raft outside the bus. The two men and the two women to retrieve the most dummies the fastest before quitting would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Cow parts & rotten milk) Contestants would have to use their faces to search a counter covered with dirty dishes for Madagascar hissing cockroaches. After using their mouths to retrieve five roaches and spit them into a box, they would have to drink a glass of lard & blended cow parts and a glass of rotten Fear Factor milk. The contestant to complete this stunt the fastest would win a seven day all-inclusive trip to Brazil where they would stay at Super Clubs' resort Breezes Costa Do Sauipe. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #3 (Cow brain search) As cow spinal fluid rained down on a counter covered with cow brains, contestants would have to use th

#9 - Couples Fear Factor II (7)
Season 5 - Episode 22 - Aired 2/14/2005
This was the final episode in a 7-part series featuring eight couples competing for various cash and prizes, and a grand prize of 1 Million Dollars. Stunt #1 (Bullfrog coffin) The women would be locked in a bamboo cage by two locks in a pit of bullfrogs. The men would have to run across a swamp and retrieve a key from a pit of scorpions, then run back across the swamp and use the key to unlock the first lock. They would then have to run back across the swamp, retrieve the second key from a pit of live rats using only their mouths, run back, and unlock the second lock. Once the woman was free, they would both have to run across the swamp and both of them would have to drink a glass of blended bullfrog and swamp water. The couple to complete this stunt the fastest would win two Jeep Liberty 4X4s. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. The Final Stunt (Helicopter climb and car jump) Wearing flame retarded suits, couples would start out on the back of a speedboat as it raced ac
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#11 - Psycho Fear Factor (2)
Season 6 - Episode 5 - Aired 1/10/2006
This episode was part 2 of 3 in a series featuring six couples staying at the Bates Motel from the movie Psycho and competing on the set where the movie was filmed for a grand prize of $250,000. Stunt #3 (Psycho Shower Rescue) The women would be handcuffed to the showerhead in one of the Bates Motel rooms as blood rained down on them. Outside, the men would have to unscrew an axe from the bottom of an ice chest filled with disgusting slop and use the axe to chop down the door to the room. They would then have to find a key which would be hidden in a vase, a potted plant, a lamp, or a nightstand. Once they had had the key, they would have to chop down the bathroom door and use the key to free their partner from the handcuffs. The couple to complete this stunt fastest would have two options: They could accept a pair of customized bikes from Metropolitan Choppers or be exempt from the next stunt. They would have to give the prize they didn’t choose to another couple. No one would be eliminated in this stunt. Stunt #4 (Street luge flag snag) The men would be lying on a sled being pulled behind a hearse as a semi truck followed behind. The women would be on the back of the hearse and would have to turn a crank to unwind the cable attached to the sled, getting the men closer to the truck. The men would then have to reach up and grab a flag on a pole jutting from the front of the truck. Once they had the flag, the women would have to tow them back in, take the flag, climb over the hearse, and clip the flag to a flagpole on the hood. The couple with the slowest time would be eliminated. Back at the Bates Motel, the remaining couples would be receiving an unpleasant surprise… Home Invasion Stunt (Eat banana slugs) Competing in this Home Invasion would be the Easton family of Queens, New York. Three family members would have one minute to eat four banana slugs between them. If they could do this in the time limit, they would win a $5,000 Ca

#13 - Bobbing in Blood; Tomato Hornworms; Skunk Tunnel (Gross-Out Edition)
Season 3 - Episode 16 - Aired 2/3/2003
This was a special all-gross episode. Stunt #1: Bobbing in Blood Contestants would have to bob for plastic rings in a vat containing over 50 gallons of cow blood. The two men and the two women to retrieve the most rings in 2 minutes would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Tomato Hornworms Contestants would use a blowgun to shoot two darts at a display of tomatoes numbered 0, 3, 4, and 5. The total of the two numbers they hit would be the number of tomato horn worms they would have to eat. They would have 30 seconds per worm. Contestants who finished their tomato horn worms within the time limit would advance to the finals. Stunt #3: Skunk Tunnel Contestants would have to crawl through a pitch-black drainage system containing roadkill skunks. The first pipe led to a wet and slimy culvert connected to several other pipes, but only one pipe besides the entry pipe did not have a dead end. The contestant to bag 3 dead skunks and reach the end

#14 - Reality Stars Fear Factor (1)
Season 6 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/13/2006
Five co-ed teams of reality TV stars begin a six-stunt competition for $150,000. The contestants include Jonny Fairplay & Twila Tanner from Survivor, Jonathan Baker & Victoria Fuller from The Amazing Race, Tana Goertz & Craig Williams from The Apprentice, Carmen Rasmusen & Anthony Fedorov from American Idol, and Mike "The Miz" Mizanin & Trishelle Cannatella from The Real World. In this episode, teams compete in a demolition derby, and then race through a swamp obstacle course that involves entering a tunnel with an alligator. A family is challenged to bob in lard for pig feet in this week's Home Invasion.
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#16 - Water Sack; Beetle Roach & Worm Transfer; Spinning Ledge
Season 4 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/10/2003
Stunt #1: Water Sack Contestants would be handcuffed, zipped up in a clear body bag, and dropped in a tank of water. They would have to use the key attached their wrist to unlock one of the cuffs, unzip the bag, swim to the surface, and grab a flag. The four contestants to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Beetle Roach & Worm Transfer In a head-to-head race, contestants would be hung upside-down over a box of millipedes, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, and night crawlers. They would have 90 seconds to use their mouths to put the millipedes in a container on the right side of the box and the roaches in a container on the left side of the box. The contestant to sort the most bugs in each race would advance to the finals. The loser of each race would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Spinning Ledge Contestants would have to navigate a spinning cross-shaped wall high in the air. They would have of the release a fl

#18 - Boat Jump; Swimming with the Fishes; Flag Snag
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/21/2002
Stunt #1: Boat Jump As two ultra boats raced down a lake at 40 miles per hour, contestants would have to jump the gap between them that was approximately 7 feet wide and land on the second boat. Contestants who jumped from boat to boat successfully would advance to the next round. Stunt #2: Swimming with the Fishes Contestants would have three minutes to swim around in a tank containing 10 tons of dead squid, retrieve 5-pound weights, and hang them on a hook overhead. The contestant to retrieve the least weights would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Flag Snag Contestants would have to shimmy out to the end of horizontal pole jutting from a rooftop 20 stories high. They would have to grab a flag, bring it back to the rooftop, clip the flag on a pole, and raise it. The contestant to complete this stunt the fastest would win the $50,000.
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#20 - Bull Riding; Eat Brains; Zip Line
Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 1/14/2002
Stunt #1: Bull Riding Contestants would each have to ride a 2,000 pound bull. The two men and the two women who stayed on their bulls the longest would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Eat Brains Contestants would have to play a Fear Factor Poker game to determine the amount of cow brain they would have to eat. They would be dealt four cards with possible values of 0, ¼, ½, and ¾. They would have one opportunity to trade in the cards of their choice for new cards. After exchanging their cards, their total would be added up. Everyone who ate their designated amount of cow brain within the time limit (one minute for every ¼ brain) would advance the finals. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #3: Zip Line Contestants would hang from handlebars on a zip line at the top deck of the Queen Mary, approximately 100 feet over the water. As they raced down the zip line at up to 40 miles per hour, they would have to drop into a target zone with n
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