The BEST episodes of Dragon Drive

Every episode of Dragon Drive ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Dragon Drive!

Oozora Reiji isn't a lazy boy, he's just terribly unmotivated; all the clubs and activities he's joined don't interest him for long. That is, of course, until his best friend Yukino takes him to a underground arcade where an unbelievable virtual reality game is played - Dragon Drive - in which players fight each other with virtual dragons. Reiji ends up throwing all he's got into training a dragon so rare that the Dragon Drive staff are baffled. But soon Reiji learns that Dragon Drive isn't all it seems, and he might be the only one who can save an entire world from evil.

Last Updated: 6/24/2024Network: TV TokyoStatus: Ended
1 votes

#1 - Memory

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 1/9/2003

Meguru struggles to remember where the shrine is located, but can't remember a thing. They decide to go looking for the shrine, in hopes of jogging her memory. Sayaka convinces Kouhei to let her go find information on the location. She confronts Meguru and asks for information, but Kouhei shows up to try and kidnap her. While the group fights, Sayaka blows her cover by seeking out Reiji and asking him to help. When the reinforcements arrive, Kouhei is forced to retreat. Meguru finally remembers the location of the shrine.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#2 - SinnSaber

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 12/5/2002

Reiji and Hikaru face off once again, but their battle is interupted by SinnSaber. Now the two rivals must work together to defeat this powerful dragon. But even their combined strength is not enought to defeat him. They are saved by an old man that warned Reiji earlier about SinnSaber. In return for the good deed, Hikaru and Reiji agree to save the old man's daughter from some bandits. In the process, they encounter SinnSaber once again. Reiji and Hikaru attack together, but Hikaru can't stand the power and backs off. Chibi and SinnSaber have one final clash and both are engulfed in a huge explosion. Reiji emerges as the victor with one new ultimate weapon.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
1 votes

#3 - D-Break!

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 3/27/2003

It's the final battle against Shinryu, and even with his new allies, Reiji can't defeat Kouhei. It's time for Chibi to prove his worth as a hero. However, a return home forces Reiji to leave his friend behind...forever!

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
1 votes

#4 - Shinryu

Season 1 - Episode 37 - Aired 3/20/2003

Reiji awakes and finds that he's in his room. When he goes to school, Daisuke and and Maiko both seem to have forgotten anything. In truth, they're pretending they forgot because they don't want to face Shinryu. Reiji finally convinces them to face Shinryu one more time, and with the help of L, S, Meguru, and Ichiro, prepare for the final showdown.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
1 votes

#5 - Return

Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 3/13/2003

While Reiji and the others try make it back to Earth, Kouhei battles his own father for control of Shinryu.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#6 - D-Zone

Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 2/27/2003

Reiji and the others must stop Kouhei and Hideaki from returning to Earth, but fail in doing so. Rockaku and Mahiru manage to follow them back to Earth, leaving the others behind. Meanwhile, Kouhei's father, Souzi, finally has the Dragonite and is ready to release Shinryu, having Hideaki do it from D-Zone. Kouhei travels to D-Zone to prove his strength and steals it from Hideaki. Kouhei then figures out what Hideaki really is. Souzi shows up and Hideaki runs over to him, happy to meet him. Kouhei explains that Hideaki is a computer program created to keep an eye on Kouhei. Hideaki can't believe it, that is until Souzi deleted him. Kouhei then decides that it's time to release Shinryu and does so. Can Reiji and the others stop him when they're trapped in Rikyu?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
The Truth
1 votes

#7 - The Truth

Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 2/20/2003

Reiji wakes up and realizes he's trapped. Kouhei tells Reiji to take the oppurtunity and fight him now. When Kouhei misses an attack, Reiji realizes he's blind. Kouhei begs Reiji to finish him off, or RI-ON will do it for sure. Kouhei tells Reiji about his past, and how if they met earlier, they might have been friends. Reiji offers to help Kouhei, and Kouhei agrees to join them. The two work together and break free. They then defeat the dragon. Kouhei takes off and tells Reiji he should save his friends. Reiji says Kouhei used him, but Kouhei said he didn't actually and he meant everything he said. However, he must complete his mission now that his eyesight is back. Reiji goes to help the others, while Kouhei and Hideaki steal Shinryu. Hikaru says he'll have to kill Daisuke to save him, but Maiko begs him not to. Reiji shows up and frees Daisuke, but not before promising the dragon to not release Shinryu. Kouhei tries to make a break for it, but Rockaku tries to stop him. Mahiru shows up and doesn't do what Kouhei asks. Kouhei attacks him, but Rockaku protects him. Kouhei attacks again, but Kyoji and Sayaka stop the attack. Kyoji makes Kouhei reveal that he killed Mahiru's brother. Mahiru now knows the truth and prepares to attack.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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Labyrinth of Darkness
1 votes

#8 - Labyrinth of Darkness

Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 2/13/2003

Daisuke appears to have defeated the dragon he was fighting. However, he becomes possessed in the process and traps his friends in a dark sphere. He explains that they are all evil on the inside, and want Shinryu's power for themselves. He then pits them against their dark side. Meanwhile, Hikaru and Rockaku must deal with a dragon while Reiji and Chibi restore their energy. Thanks to Maiko, everyone defeats their darker side. But, now they must defeat their own friend. Reiji and Chibi are finally ready, and they encounter Kouhei. A dragon interferes with their fight and traps them both in an ice prison.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#9 - Rival

Season 1 - Episode 32 - Aired 2/6/2003

The group must deal with the four dragons, and Kouhei tries to sneak into the shrine. He fails, and everyone must fight the dragons. However, Reiji is having trouble getting a chance to help Sun Wols (now known as Mr. Taiyou which is his original Japanese name) blast the dragon. Unexpected help in the form of Hikaru shows up. With Hikaru's advice, Reiji finally masters SinnSaber's power. Hikaru explains to Reiji that he was always alone, and he wants to fight Reiji so badly because it's the only way Hikaru can find out what makes Reiji seem like himself, when he has friends. Reiji agrees to challenge Hikaru, but only if he helps them in the final fight. Hikaru agrees and the true fight begins.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#10 - Betrayal

Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 1/23/2003

Hideaki is working for RI-ON, and he now knows where the shrine is. Kouhei tells her to lead them there, but she refuses. When Ichiro arrives, Hideaki wants to prve his strength to Meguru and defeats him. Everyone else shows up and a huge battle ensues. Meguru is determined not to help Kouhei and jumps off of Kouhei's dragon, attempting to commit suicide. Ichiro saves her and Hideaki is furious, he wants Meguru back! However, with help from Agent L, Ichiro's life is spared by affecting Hideaki from Earth. Something strange goes on with him, and the president of RI-ON orders them to head to the shrine. As they leave, Reiji and the others wonder how they can possibly win, and are determined to reach the shrine before Kouhei, Mahiru, and Hideaki.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#11 - The Boy

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 1/16/2003

A young boy named Hideaki appears in Rikyu, claiming his machine malfunctioned. Kouhei appears to see what the fuss is about, and is defeated by Hideaki single handed. Reiji and the others try to get him to join them, but Ichiro doesn't trust him, and neither does Chibi. He falls in love with Meguru, and when ichiro tells her he shouldn't be trusted, he runs away. They find him holding up a dam to protect a city and they all work together to stop the water. It appears they now trust Hideaki and Meguru tells him their plan. Hideaki then leaves with Meguru and heads towards Kouhei and Mahiru.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#12 - The Four Sacred Dragons

Season 1 - Episode 31 - Aired 1/30/2003

The group struggles to find the shrine, and Kouhei watches from the sidelines. They soon discover the location of the shrine, thanks to Kouhei secretly helping them, and they try to get through. However, in the process they awaken four of the most powerful dragons who ever walked the face of the planet.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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Eternal Life
1 votes

#13 - Eternal Life

Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 1/2/2003

Reiji and Sun must think up a plan to save their dragons, as well as all of the others from the madam. After sneaking inside, they discover that the madam's name is Bloody Mary, and she used to be a Dragonic Heaven champion. However, her dragon died protecting her, and she decided she never wanted to let another dragon ever die again. Now that the dragons can live eternally, she wants to do the same and asks Reiji to join her. Reiji and Sun try to convince her she is wrong, and all of the dragons break free. Reiji and Sun allow their dragons to get beat up to relieve the dragons of their anger. Mary realizes her mistake and tells them a clue to finding the Shrine of the Four Dragons.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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Shadow of a Friend
1 votes

#14 - Shadow of a Friend

Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 12/26/2002

Everyone decides to go off and find the shrine before Kouhei, while Daisuke and Maiko stay behind. Reiji and Sun Wols decide to tell about themselves, while Kyoji searches for Sayaka and Ichiro searches for his own path. Reiji and Sun meet up with some guys who are capturing dragons, and are taken to where their madam lives. They ask her for the location of the shrine, but she refuses to tell them. She then shows them her "Dragon Paradise", where she catches dragons alive and keeps them as trophies, trapped forever in a crystal shell where they live forever. Reiji tries to free them, but Chibi is captured and frozen as well. Meanwhile, Sayaka has gained Kouhei's trust, but not the warrior's. So, she decides to fight Kyoji to earn it. It doesn't take longer fer to to be outmatched, so Kouhei and the warrior help her out. But, Rockaku shows up and draws the warrior's attention. The warrior reveals himself to be Mahiru, Rockaku's friend's little brother, and he wants revenge for his brother's death. Rockaku and Yako promised to become the best together and die together, but Rockaku's still alive. Mahiru thinks Rockaku betrayed his brother and attacks, but Kyoji helps out. Kouhei, Mahiru, and Sayaka decide to leave and move to the next stage of their plan. However, Chibi is still trapped...How can Reiji save his best friend?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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A Mysterious Warrior
1 votes

#15 - A Mysterious Warrior

Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 12/19/2002

The mysterious warrior in shades decides to team up with Kouhei, hoping he'll take out the others while he goes after Rockaku. Reiji and Chibi try to train, but they are too strong for everyone else to help much. However, something isn't quite right with Chibi. Kouhei and the warrior arrive at Reiji's location, but Rockaku isn't anywhere to be seen. Maiko refuses to tell, and the warrior must fight them all to prove his strength to Kouhei. Reiji decides to take him on by himself, and appears to have the advantage. But, Reiji has trouble hitting his opponent. Chibi begins to lose power and Kouhei finally understands that the warrior is strong enough to be his partner. Reiji is told that Chibi doesn't have the stamina to use the power of SinnSaber too many times, and needs to work on improving that. Meanwhile, Sayaka Towa decides to team up with Kouhei and the warrior.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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The Price of Power
1 votes

#16 - The Price of Power

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 12/12/2002

Chibi may have received the power of SinnSaber, but the power is too much for Chibi to handle. As a result, Chibi goes out of control and Reiji is warned that if he doesn't find a mineral that surpresses the power, Chibi will die. Hikaru carries Reiji to the location and tells Reiji he wants Chibi to get better so he can defeat him and get even greater power. Hikaru takes his leave, and Reiji finds the mineral. Meanwhile, Kouhei Toki has returned to Rikyu, and is attacking the shrines of priests to learn the location of the Shrine of the 4 Dragons. Daisuke tries to hold Houhei off while Maiko goes to get the others. Also, Rockaku is attacked by a mysterious warrior in shades for no reason. Reiji has gotten the mineral, but Chibi refuses to accept any help. Reiji risks his life to save Chibi, and manages to do so. After resting, they go off to find the others. All of the others get ready to attack Kouhei, but Reiji shows up and reveals his new power. Kouhei flees, and is happy that he now has an opponent worth fighting.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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#17 - Runaway

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 11/28/2002

Kouhei's brother explains Kouhei's past, and tries to get him to change his ways. However, Kouhei wants nothing more than to please his father, and he will do anything to do so. He agrees to try his brother's simulation game, and easily wins. He leaves his brother and gets ready to depart to Rikyu. Meanwhile Reiji continues to go after SinnSaber, and ignores a warning not to go. Along the way, he once again encounters Hikar, who found a man unconcious. The man wakes up and runs away in fear. Hikaru asks if Reiji really wants to fight SinnSaber and says he wants to fight him so he can tick Reiji off. Hikaru asks for a battle against Reiji, with the winner facing off against SinnSaber.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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To the Legendary Mountain
1 votes

#18 - To the Legendary Mountain

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 11/21/2002

Hikaru pursues Reiji as he trains, but Reiji eventually gives Hikaru the slip. Meanwhile, Ichiro tries to convince Meguru to return to Earth, but she refuses. They begin to question if Ichiro really plans to help, and Ichiro tries to find a way to get them to trust him. Sun Wols shows up to assist them, but gets angry when he sees Ichiro. He doesn't trust Ichiro, because he was on a team with Kouhei Toki. Ichiro proposes a battle to prove his loyalty, and Sun eagerly accepts. The two fight with what seems to be equal strenth, but Meguru begs them to stop. Sun targets Meguru with his attack, and Ichiro saves her. Sun agrees that Ichiro can now be fully trusted. Also, Reiji is getting closer to his detination.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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Rites of Passage
1 votes

#19 - Rites of Passage

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 11/14/2002

Ichiro appears to offer his services to Maiko, Daisuke, and Rockaku, but wishes to speak with Meguru first. Ichiro remembers his past, and begs Meguru to come back to Earth for her sister Agent L. Meanwhile, Reiji goes off on a journey with Chibi to defeat a legendary dragon named SinnSaber, and get more power. He soon gets stuck in a swamp while a dragon attacks him. A mysterious lad appears to help, but doesn't stand a chance. At the last second, Hikaru shows up and defeats the dragon, but destroys a sacred shrine in the process. Reiji and Hikaru are soon arrested, and the lad explains the situation. When he learns about Reiji's plan, the lad decides to go and ask that they be set free, but soon discovers the truth about his master and the dragon that has been attacking the village. He busts Reiji and Hikaru out, and then all three must defeat the dragon to prove their trust. Hikaru watches from the sidelines as Chibi is too hungry to transform, and Reiji and the lad struggle to survive. He then decides to help, only to find that Reiji had a plan that defeats the dragon and gets the lad a spot on the defence force. The lad's master is expossed for the fraud he is, and Reiji takes his leave. But, Hikaru joins him.

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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The End of Revenge
1 votes

#20 - The End of Revenge

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/24/2002

The tournament may be over, but that won't stop Rockaku from taking revenge on Kouhei. As Kouhei tries to escape from Rikyu with the Dragonite, everyone tries to stop him. When Kouhei proves to be too powerful for Rockaku to handle, somebody will have to pay the ultimate price to protect him!

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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1 votes

#21 - Rebirth

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 11/7/2002

Chibi has fallen ill, and is slowly dying. To stop this, Reiji goes on a journey to find a special herb that may save Chibi's life. Also, RI-ON decides to come back to Rikyu to carry out their plans and revive Shinryu. To prepare for Kouhei's return, Daisuke, Rockaku, and Maiko decide to seek out a warrior that may aid them in their fight. They soon discover a guy named Chihiro, who is the warrior, and see he has no dragon. They later find his dragon, but it is locked up. Chihiro explains that his dragon went crazy and betrayed him. Kanper soon does the same, but it turns out he was trying to protect Daisuke. Chihiro finally realizes his mistake, and is soon saved by his friend. Meanwhile, Reiji returns with the herb, but finds that Chibi won't wake up...Chibi has died. Is this truly the end of Chibi?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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The Catch
1 votes

#22 - The Catch

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 10/17/2002

Mukai confronts the one who kidnapped his mother in the first place, and he wants revenge for his mother's death. In order to save him, Reiji and the others give up their chance to win the Dragonic Heaven. Will their decision allow Kouhei to steal the Dragonite?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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The Fight Begins
1 votes

#23 - The Fight Begins

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 8/22/2002

Rockaku takes Reiji and Daisuke to the tournament location. When they arrive, Chibi falls into a river and is found by two mysterious twins. Reiji goes looking for Chibi, and ends up finding him with the twins. The twins have tied him to a rope and is forcing him to dance on a ball in the middle of the ocean. Reiji is furious and demands Chibi back, but the twins refuse because they found him and say they own him. Plus, he is much more entertaining than their previous dragon. The twins' escort appears and tells him that she'll pay him a bunch of money if he lets them keep it. Reiji refuses the money and the twins are shocked about how ungreedy he is. They call forth this giant fish to eat Chibi and their previous lame old dragon. Can Reiji save Chibi and the other dragon?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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The Anger's End
1 votes

#24 - The Anger's End

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 8/29/2002

Reiji, Daisuke, and Rockaku have only a few hours to get a special stone to qualify for the tournament. Rockaku decides to take a nap and tells them that this will prove whether they should be able to be on his team or not. Reiji and Daisuke find a bunch of stones huddled together, but it turns out to be a trap set by the two twins from before. They use their dragons to ambush Reiji and Daisuke. Daisuke orders Reiji to stay out of the fight so he can prove his strength. Daisuke is severely overpowered, but refuses to give up. Touched by his determination, the sister of the twins gives Daisuke an orb and tells him that he deserves it because she wants to see somebody like him make it to the next rounds so they can defeat him. But, it is all a trick and Daisuke is attacked by both dragons and defeated. Reiji gets very angry at the twins for tricking Daisuke like that and begins to go into a rage. Chibi's body begins to turn black and seems to have become more powerful. What is happening to Chibi?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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Proof of Trust
1 votes

#25 - Proof of Trust

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 9/5/2002

Chibi's body has turned black and seems even more powerful than before. Reiji fights the twins' dragons and appears to be easily winning. However, Reiji is so blinded by rage that it doesn't last long and the twins soon make their comeback. A dark figure appears behind them and the twins' dragons get even more power. Reiji takes a beating and the twins' escort appears. She tells Reiji the truth about the twins and the fact that they are possessed by an evil dragon named Darks. She begs Reiji to help and Reiji agrees to save them. Chibi returns to normal and Reiji explains that rage is not how to unlock Chibi's true potential. Chibi returns his form to Senkoh Coola and Reiji fights the two dragons again. The twins regain control of their bodies long enough to explain that it's too late for them and want Reiji to kill them so they can be free. Will Reiji be willing to kill them?

Directors: Toshifumi Kawase
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