The BEST episodes written by Toshiki Inoue

#1 - Galaxy Angel A: Angel Hotchpotch Taste Test
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 12
The military is holding a Miss Female Soldier competition and all the Angels participate. As the judges are first convinced by Milfeulle's cooking, the other Angels all try to woo the judges with their expertise, each in turn undermining the others and resulting a deduction for Milfeulle. The judges finally take the Angels outside to complete their assessment. Each Angel continues to compete with each other until a new mission is called. They decide to take the judges with them on a mission to show them the true face of the Angel Brigade. During the mission, the Angels end up finding a female soldier capable of doing all of their expertise and hobby perfectly. She has rifles, pastry, and even an attractive body.
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#2 - Galaxy Angel A: A String of Handmade Noodles with No Connection
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 18
The Angels are found to be dangling from the edge of a cliff, a single breath away from plummeting to their deaths. In typical Angel fashion, they soon turn to blaming each other for getting them into this predicament by recounting the events from earlier in the day. Earlier in the day, the Angel Brigade were at a picnic enjoy a new food from Milfeulle. However, due to their clumsiness, the food bounced off the edge of the cliff. Each Angel tries to catch it, making them fall over and leading to the current situation. The blame game becomes worse, eventually leading to a fight between the Angels. Milfeulle finally stops the fight, but gets too excited over the song the Angels were singing, reverting to them dangling.
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#3 - The Truth
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 34
Reiji wakes up and realizes he's trapped. Kouhei tells Reiji to take the oppurtunity and fight him now. When Kouhei misses an attack, Reiji realizes he's blind. Kouhei begs Reiji to finish him off, or RI-ON will do it for sure. Kouhei tells Reiji about his past, and how if they met earlier, they might have been friends. Reiji offers to help Kouhei, and Kouhei agrees to join them. The two work together and break free. They then defeat the dragon. Kouhei takes off and tells Reiji he should save his friends. Reiji says Kouhei used him, but Kouhei said he didn't actually and he meant everything he said. However, he must complete his mission now that his eyesight is back. Reiji goes to help the others, while Kouhei and Hideaki steal Shinryu. Hikaru says he'll have to kill Daisuke to save him, but Maiko begs him not to. Reiji shows up and frees Daisuke, but not before promising the dragon to not release Shinryu. Kouhei tries to make a break for it, but Rockaku tries to stop him. Mahiru shows up and doesn't do what Kouhei asks. Kouhei attacks him, but Rockaku protects him. Kouhei attacks again, but Kyoji and Sayaka stop the attack. Kyoji makes Kouhei reveal that he killed Mahiru's brother. Mahiru now knows the truth and prepares to attack.
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#4 - Galaxy Angel A: Original Angel Parfait with the Works
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 2
After Volcott convinced the Angels to reunite, Milfeulle wins the lottery and splits the winnings. However, the Twin Stars vacuum their money all up when capturing a lost technology that broke loose. The Angels break the vacuum to take back the money, freeing the lost technology as well. After an argument with the Twin Stars, the Angels disband again. As Volcott is forced to retire once more, the lost technology destroys the ceremony and the city. The Angels reunite again with heavy incentives and try to work with the Twin Stars to capture the lost technology. However, Kokomo and Malibu taunt Forte and Ranpha, resulting in them attacking the Twin Stars instead and placing the Angel Brigade on the wanted list.
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#5 - Galaxy Angel A: Special Appetizer without Main Dish
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 4
Kokomo does not like being treated as a child despite being one. Using the fact that they work and train hard compared to Angel Brigade, Kokomo feels that they deserve more respect. Kokomo finally has it when he is forced to eat a nutrious lunch and storms out the door. Maribu tries to help clam him down after an altercation with Commander Mary, but is interrupted by an attack from a lost technology that divides to fill up space. The Twin Stars try to contain the chaos under control to gain the respect of their commander, but fails after the Angel Brigade shows up and teleports everything including Malibu and Kokomo to the neighboring planet and receives praise for saving the day.
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#6 - Shinryu
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 37
Reiji awakes and finds that he's in his room. When he goes to school, Daisuke and and Maiko both seem to have forgotten anything. In truth, they're pretending they forgot because they don't want to face Shinryu. Reiji finally convinces them to face Shinryu one more time, and with the help of L, S, Meguru, and Ichiro, prepare for the final showdown.
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#7 - Galaxy Angel Z: A Never Before Seen Mystery Carpaccino
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 18
The Angels are provided with new uniforms from HQ which seem to give them new superhuman powers. Soon though, their new abilities begin to take a toll on their friendship.
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#8 - D-Zone
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 35
Reiji and the others must stop Kouhei and Hideaki from returning to Earth, but fail in doing so. Rockaku and Mahiru manage to follow them back to Earth, leaving the others behind. Meanwhile, Kouhei's father, Souzi, finally has the Dragonite and is ready to release Shinryu, having Hideaki do it from D-Zone. Kouhei travels to D-Zone to prove his strength and steals it from Hideaki. Kouhei then figures out what Hideaki really is. Souzi shows up and Hideaki runs over to him, happy to meet him. Kouhei explains that Hideaki is a computer program created to keep an eye on Kouhei. Hideaki can't believe it, that is until Souzi deleted him. Kouhei then decides that it's time to release Shinryu and does so. Can Reiji and the others stop him when they're trapped in Rikyu?
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Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 29
A young boy named Hideaki appears in Rikyu, claiming his machine malfunctioned. Kouhei appears to see what the fuss is about, and is defeated by Hideaki single handed. Reiji and the others try to get him to join them, but Ichiro doesn't trust him, and neither does Chibi. He falls in love with Meguru, and when ichiro tells her he shouldn't be trusted, he runs away. They find him holding up a dam to protect a city and they all work together to stop the water. It appears they now trust Hideaki and Meguru tells him their plan. Hideaki then leaves with Meguru and heads towards Kouhei and Mahiru.
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#10 - Galaxy Angel AA: Final Dish REBECCA (Part 2)
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 52
After discovering that Rebecca may not be real, Forte, Ranpha and Mint are ambushed on the satellite. Meanwhile, Milfeulle is attacked by the prison guard who stood watch over Rebecca for years. Once Vanilla disarms him, he confesses that Rebecca is real and that she led a very sad and lonely existence. After fighting for some time, Forte realizes that Rebecca is actually the incarnation of the hatred the people of Transbaal felt after their world had been set aflame. Vanilla and Milfeulle learn that the archetype for Rebecca was a young female soldier who knew the people needed a scapegoat and offered herself to be one. They locate the scapegoat's prison (a grave) and take the casket to the Satellite. The scapegoat is awakened and cries out to Rebecca. Rebecca is shocked to see her true form and even more so when she is embraced by her. Overwhelmed with grief, Rebecca relents and vanishes. The scapegoat is returned to her prison for the remainder of her sentence. As the Angels leave they pray that the world is a better place when the scapegoat's sentence is over and she is free once more.
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#11 - Galaxy Angel AA: Prohibited String-pulling Fermented Beans
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 50
At the request of Mint, Ranpha and Milfeulle are sent to a planet in which customs and protocol are held above all else. The king of the planet has a dangly hair much like a pullstring and Milfeulle can not help but point it out. Despite death glares from the court royals, they are invited to dinner where their will to suppress the urge to pull the king's hair is pushed to its limit. Ranpha and Milfeulle then sneaks into king's bedroom and pull the string, causing the king to act differently and explode. Ranpha and Milfeulle turn into kings and Mint, the former victim, escapes. Kokomo and Maribu arrive next and begin to feel the urge to pull the king's hair as they greet, repeating the cycle.
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#12 - Galaxy Angel A: Fortuitous Family Set
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 22
One of the richest men in the country announces that, due to her helping him in a pinch not knowing he was wealthy, he would like Ranpha to become his adopted daughter. Ranpha quickly takes advantage of the situation, first spending money to upgrade her unit and her Emblem Frame. Then, Ranpha promotes herself to leader and bosses the other Angels around. When a mission is assigned, Ranpha orders the other Angels and Volcott to do the mission for her. Making poor decisions, the Angels get caught and fail the mission. The richest men then announces that they made a mistake in identifying the person, leaving Ranpha alone. However, the tribe that kidnapped the Angels quickly adopts Ranpha, becoming the princess of the tribe.
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#13 - Return
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 36
While Reiji and the others try make it back to Earth, Kouhei battles his own father for control of Shinryu.
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#14 - Galaxy Angel AA: Acting Angel Seafood Soup
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 32
Ranpha's niece and her friend are visiting the Angel headquarters and Ranpha is nervous. She may have told a white lie about her position in the Brigade. The other Angels decide to play along, but it is soon apparent that being the Commander wasn't the only lie Ranpha told.
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#15 - Galaxy Angel Z: Forbidden Meuniere; Alluring Grated Yam Topping
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 16
The Angel Brigade's mission this time is to protect the "Mock Sunfish", an endangered species. This animal turns out to be the main ingredient used to make a beauty product guaranteed to keep one's skin looking eternally youthful. Realizing this, Forte, Ranpha, and Mint decide to capture one. Milfuelle, however, disagrees, saying the mock sunfish should be protected. On the planet's surface, Milfeulle happens upon a mock sunfish, which the other Angels try to hunt. She runs into many traps and gets sunburned. The other Angels kill the sunfish and start their feast. Milfeulle apologizes to the sunfish about failing to protect him, causing the dead sunfish to disappear and give Milfeulle beauty skin.
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#16 - Galaxy Angel A: Ultra Hot Kid's Meal
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 14
The Twin Star team leaves a lost technology at the closed reception desk in a hurry to get ice cream. Passing by, Ranpha finds it and, mistaking it for a box of uirou, brings it to a meeting. When the Angels are all turned into children, Kokomo and Maribu must try to fix the situation before either of the two commanders discovers their blunder. As Kokomo and Maribu try to round up all the children and find a fix on their own, the children, especially Forte, play pranks on them and hide from being caught. The children are very clever, easily defeating Kokomo and Maribu. When they enter the conference room, the find out that the two commanders have turned into children as well. The two commanders both engage in play fights.
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#17 - Galaxy Angel AA: Top Imitation Goose
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 30
After the results come back from the spaceship license renewal test, it is discovered that Milfeulle has failed her exam. In order to help her pass the retake, Commander Volcott calls in a special coach: Lieutenant "The Rattlesnake" Kensit, a hardened soldier and rogue. He and Milfeulle embark on a journey to the depths of society that will reveal the power within. Milfeulle does see any signs of him training her as he simply hacks into the computer to make her a pass. In the end, Milfeulle bakes a cake for him for his Birthday celebration. Meanwhile, Commander Volcott finds out that Milfeulle failed her exam only because her name was missing, making Milfeulle an auto fail.
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#18 - Galaxy Angel A: Angel Banana Discount
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 10
The Angel Brigade decides to take on a private contractor for an employer for five times their military pay. They eagerly accept the seemingly menial tasks they are assigned, but are shocked to discover that with five times the pay comes at least five times the work. As the work becomes too grueling, Forte quits her task. In the end, the manager evaluates their overall result and finds that each Angel has caused additional damage with Milfeulle using her money to buy counterfeits, Vanilla luring a snow eel home, Mint dumping trash in her backyard, and Forte bring a plant to life. Ranpha appears to have done her task successfully until the pirate fleet shows up and attacks the manager. The Angel Bridge quickly leaves.
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#19 - Galaxy Angel Z: Love and Doubt Fried Cabbage Cake
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 14
Normad is kidnapped by a stranger who finds him cute and valuable. Vanilla demands him back, but the stranger refuses. As Vanilla relentlessly chases the kidnapper, Normad believes that the stoic, green-haired Angel actually cares for him. Can Vanilla rescue Normad? How deep are her feelings for him, actually?
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#20 - Galaxy Angel A: Continuously Pushed Sweet Red Bean Soup
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 26
The Angel Brigade bring back a lost technology that resembles a button. Despite their will power, they end up pushing the unmarked button to see what it does. As Milfeulle is desperate to see what the button does, Forte stops her, saying that it is their duty to protect the lost technology from being activated. Milfeulle presses it and receives a cooking pan. Normad also presses the button and receives a rug for Vanilla. Vanilla receives a prayer from god. Forte, Ranpha and Mint begin to realize the amazement, it seems as if they will receive whatever their greatest desire is. Forte, Ranpha, and Mint become greedy and try to fight for the button to receive their desires. However, there is a price.
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Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 30
Hideaki is working for RI-ON, and he now knows where the shrine is. Kouhei tells her to lead them there, but she refuses. When Ichiro arrives, Hideaki wants to prve his strength to Meguru and defeats him. Everyone else shows up and a huge battle ensues. Meguru is determined not to help Kouhei and jumps off of Kouhei's dragon, attempting to commit suicide. Ichiro saves her and Hideaki is furious, he wants Meguru back! However, with help from Agent L, Ichiro's life is spared by affecting Hideaki from Earth. Something strange goes on with him, and the president of RI-ON orders them to head to the shrine. As they leave, Reiji and the others wonder how they can possibly win, and are determined to reach the shrine before Kouhei, Mahiru, and Hideaki.
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#22 - Galaxy Angel A: Slippery Pasta
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 8
Mint is assigned to find the papers in the storage locker. While rummaging inside, Mint discovers an adorable duck mask. However, the mask is a lost technology and dissolves all her hair when she activates it. While looking up the information, Normad finds out, prompting Mint to go along with Normad. As the other Angels try to question about her coverup mask (a paper bag), she digresses and wards their off. Mint and Normad locate all the masks in the storage locker, hoping to find out that restores her hair. As she tests out each mask, the other Angels become impatient and demand explanations for Mint's delay. As they approach the storage locker, they find that Mint's face has nothing on.
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#23 - Rival
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 32
The group must deal with the four dragons, and Kouhei tries to sneak into the shrine. He fails, and everyone must fight the dragons. However, Reiji is having trouble getting a chance to help Sun Wols (now known as Mr. Taiyou which is his original Japanese name) blast the dragon. Unexpected help in the form of Hikaru shows up. With Hikaru's advice, Reiji finally masters SinnSaber's power. Hikaru explains to Reiji that he was always alone, and he wants to fight Reiji so badly because it's the only way Hikaru can find out what makes Reiji seem like himself, when he has friends. Reiji agrees to challenge Hikaru, but only if he helps them in the final fight. Hikaru agrees and the true fight begins.
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#24 - Galaxy Angel A: Wandering Cat Food
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 20
Mint has lost her cat and Milfeulle has lost her wallet. Ranpha, using her new book on hypnosis, tries to help Milfeulle remember where she last had her billfold. Mint quickly realizes that the book was not on hypnosis but on summoning the dead. Now the spirit of her cat has taken over Milfeulle's body must to the delight of Mint and the fright of everyone else.
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#25 - Galaxy Angel A: Glitter Clunk Mixed Juice
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 24
Ranpha sets up the Angels for a mass date so she can home in on a handsome air force pilot. As the others date their dates, they decide to play the "King Game" where one person can order anyone else to do something. Events quickly go awry.
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#26 - Galaxy Angel AA: Fish Jerky Over a Thousand Nights
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 46
Vanilla returns from vacation with an uncountable number of boxes containing fish jerky. While everyone else is pleased, Kokomo refuses to eat any. Vanilla is determined that he try some and tracks him to a wild west town to make sure he does. The owner of a restaurant initially tries to shut Vanilla away, but Vanilla floods the entire town with fish jerky, causing mass hysteria throughout the town. The owner changes his stance and forces Kokomo to eat fish jerky, prompting him to escape. The chase lasts for many years until Vanilla gets frozen and everyone becomes old. Everyone else, while old, still enjoys fish jerky, but Kokomo continues to run when he accidentally unfreezes Vanilla.
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#27 - Galaxy Angel AA: Baum-kuhen to Worry Over
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 28
Mint and Ranpha are stuck for the night on a planet. To pass the time, Mint eats some snacks Ranpha found earlier. In the morning she finds that the nuts she ate have turned her into a tree kami. Even though the locals now worship her as a deity, being a kami has drawbacks. Mint is unable to move, thus being unable to return home. Ranpha leaves Mint behind and returns home alone. As Mint thinks and sleeps, time passes by very quickly, resulting in many years passing by. The other Angels have made many attempts to wake up Mint, but have failed. As time moves on, Mint starts to see the world change through centuries. Finally, the other Angels, now in heaven, free Mint from Earth, turning her back into a seed.
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#28 - Galaxy Angel Z: Steel Jambalaya
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 12
Forte is haunted by memories of a lost technology battle droid that she and Commander Volcott encountered long ago on a mission that killed most of their team and nearly killed her as well. When another droid is discovered, she and Volcott are sent to face it and their past.
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#29 - Galaxy Angel AA: Assort Rock Candy Delivery
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 40
Forte is charged, with Maribu, to transport a terrible prisoner to another facility. The inmate is so dangerous, having destroyed a planet, that he is encased in stone. While driving the truck carrying the boulder, Forte begins to imagine the kind of dashing rogue that would be so dangerous and begins to let her curiosity get the better of her, much to Maribu's distress. Forte's curiosity causes the boulder to break more, leaving nothing but a black ball. She hears warnings and threats from the inmate. In the end, Forte drops the ball and began to torture it, trying to get him to show his power.
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#30 - Galaxy Angel Z: Served to Taste Revenge Lunch
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 10
Their soap opera's reception broken, the Angels send Vanilla out into space to repair the antenna. During the excursion, she is struck by lightning and killed. Normad, enraged, seeks revenge for his lost love on the remaining Angels at all costs. He transforms into a huge monster and strangles all of the other Angels forcing them to beg for mercy. As the Angels get tortured, they began to start speaking good words at him. Normad stops when Milfeulle points out Vanilla still moving. She appear to be dead because the space suit she was wearing became unresponsive after the lightning. Normad frees the other Angels and ridcules them for their personality with respect to Vanilla, causing the Angels to attack him.
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#31 - D-Break!
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 38
It's the final battle against Shinryu, and even with his new allies, Reiji can't defeat Kouhei. It's time for Chibi to prove his worth as a hero. However, a return home forces Reiji to leave his friend behind...forever!
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#32 - Galaxy Angel AA: Galatic Rose Tea
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 38
Ranpha, returning from a mission, encounters a reckless spacecraft which almost crashes into her. She pursues the pilot of the ship to tell her off, but when the other vessel comes under attack by aliens Ranpha decides to aid the obstinate captain. As Ranpha enters the spacecraft to find the captain, she is told many times to leave. She finds the cockpit and realizes that there is nobody on board except a hologram. The captain tells Ranpha that she is already dead and the spacecraft is destined to die. Ranpha accepts the fate and leaves.
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#33 - Galaxy Angel AA: Broken-up Hot Spring Rice Cracker
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 34
On the Angels' day off, Milfeulle wants everyone to spend the day having fun at the onsen. Everyone else, though, has their own idea of fun and they all go their separate ways. Ranpha finds men, Forte finds weapons, Mint finds something worth discovering, and Vanilla rock climbs. Depressed, Milfeulle tries to find ways of amusing herself without her friends, wishing all the while that they would come back. As Milfeulle almost runs out of hope, Vanilla accidentally uncovers a hidden hot springs, spilling water out and washing her and the other Angels back down to Milfeulle. Milfeulle enjoys the rest of the day off while the other Angels have been knocked out by the water.
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#34 - Galaxy Angel A: Mustached Beef Rib Rice Bowl with Rich Sauce
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 16
While carrying a box of lost technology, Commander Volcott and Forte stumble causing it to release its contents. The next morning they discover that they have changed genders. Forte is initially unhappy with the gender change and gets criticize for the respect of women, but gets used to it. While they are more than comfortable with their new identities, Ranpha develops new and confusing feelings for her teammate. As Ranpha's desire for love explodes, Ranpha falls in love with Forte. Forte tries to escape only to find Ranpha lurking everywhere. When Ranpha marries Forte, Forte crashes the wedding by using the box and changing everyone's gender, including Ranpha.
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#35 - Galaxy Angel AA: Jiggly Pudding
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 36
After meeting a strange fortune teller in the city, the Angels are disappearing one by one, just as predicted. Only Mint, as the last one remaining, can help find and bring them back home.
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#36 - Galaxy Angel AA: Sub-zero Hot Hot Dog
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 42
Milfeulle is charged with bringing a soldier home from duty. He is long over-due back at base and the planet he was deployed to has long been abandoned and is close to exploding. Milfeulle quickly realizes that the soldier is suffering from PTSD which is causing him to refuse to leave with her.
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#37 - Galaxy Angel A: Hug Hug Fish Pot
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 6
The Angels are dispatched to a planet where all the inhabitants, both flora and fauna, repay kindness with hugs. As Forte and Milfeulle both experience such hugs, Forte becomes freightened by it and tries to get Milfeulle to leave with her. However, Milfeulle sees more trouble and wants to help. Forte devises a clever plan to help out where they can while not getting hugged by wearing masks and disguising as other members on the Angel Base. Eventually, everyone including the Twin Stars and the commanders, gets hugged. With all of the troubles fixed, Forte and Milfeulle pull out something looking like a lost technology and leaves. Upon their departure, the entire planet hugs Forte and Milfeulle for pulling the thorn out.
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#38 - Galaxy Angel AA: Starchild Sausage
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 48
Kokomo and Maribu miss their mother and seek out Normad who has technology that will let them see on a screen the vague memories they have of her. The only image they get is of a woman with a star shaped birthmark on her neck. When Normad reveals that the image is from the future, that the brothers were sent into the past, and their mother could be among them on base, they go in search of the star. As they check the necks of each Angel, they find the star on Vanilla and begin to treat Vanilla as if it was their mother. As Kokomo and Maribu become too protective are start to fight, Commander Mary and another person with the star tells them to stop. Meanwhile, Vanilla takes the star off, revealing it to be fake.
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#39 - Labyrinth of Darkness
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 33
Daisuke appears to have defeated the dragon he was fighting. However, he becomes possessed in the process and traps his friends in a dark sphere. He explains that they are all evil on the inside, and want Shinryu's power for themselves. He then pits them against their dark side. Meanwhile, Hikaru and Rockaku must deal with a dragon while Reiji and Chibi restore their energy. Thanks to Maiko, everyone defeats their darker side. But, now they must defeat their own friend. Reiji and Chibi are finally ready, and they encounter Kouhei. A dragon interferes with their fight and traps them both in an ice prison.
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#40 - Memory
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 28
Meguru struggles to remember where the shrine is located, but can't remember a thing. They decide to go looking for the shrine, in hopes of jogging her memory. Sayaka convinces Kouhei to let her go find information on the location. She confronts Meguru and asks for information, but Kouhei shows up to try and kidnap her. While the group fights, Sayaka blows her cover by seeking out Reiji and asking him to help. When the reinforcements arrive, Kouhei is forced to retreat. Meguru finally remembers the location of the shrine.
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#41 - SinnSaber
Dragon Drive - Season 1 - Episode 23
Reiji and Hikaru face off once again, but their battle is interupted by SinnSaber. Now the two rivals must work together to defeat this powerful dragon. But even their combined strength is not enought to defeat him. They are saved by an old man that warned Reiji earlier about SinnSaber. In return for the good deed, Hikaru and Reiji agree to save the old man's daughter from some bandits. In the process, they encounter SinnSaber once again. Reiji and Hikaru attack together, but Hikaru can't stand the power and backs off. Chibi and SinnSaber have one final clash and both are engulfed in a huge explosion. Reiji emerges as the victor with one new ultimate weapon.
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#42 - Galaxy Angel AA: An Offering That you Must Not Eat
Galaxy Angel - Season 3 - Episode 44
Normad beings feeling like he's being taken advantage of. He is offered a chance at a new life with a new body by a mad scientist. Soon he is seeking revenge on the Angel Brigade for their past sins.
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#43 - Galaxy Angel Z: Deep Fog Sorbet
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 6
Mint and Vanilla carry out a very important mission in which they must protect a bag in their possession. They arrive on a planet draped in mysterious fog. The planet's inhabitants take a suspicious interest in their luggage. As Mint tries to keep the bag away and run, she find inhabitants and the police everywhere, trying to take the bag. Mint and Vanilla finally gets quartered at the junkyard with TV screens pointing at their bag. Vanilla takes the bag and opens it, revealing a flash that goes back to the time when Mint and Vanilla were still traveling in their Emblem Frames. Mint thought it was a dream until she and Vanilla began to enter deep fog and land on the same planet seen earlier.
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#44 - Galaxy Angel Z: Wedding Cake Combiner Special
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 8
The Angels have been chosen to pilot a new weapons platform resembling a voltron which requires all five pilots to be fully trusting of one another. Ranpha, however, has accepted the proposal from the man of her dreams and has quit the Angels. When a dangerous enemy approaches, the troupe must find a replacement for Ranpha or convince her to give up happiness for the sake of saving the world. The Angels try Volcott and Normad to represent Ranpha, but the transformation of the voltron fails. Meanwhile, Ranpha began to miss the Angels and cancels the wedding to go back to the Angels. With all Angels reunited, the transformation still failed, making Volcott reveal a backup that made the transformation unnecessary.
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#45 - Pot-au-Feu of Lost Things
Galaxy Angel - Season 1 - Episode 15
Vanilla allegedly loses a valuable item that she was carrying with her at all times. As a result, she has fasted for two weeks and hasn't eaten a bite since then. Unless the mysterious item can be found, Vanilla won't break her fast and will die of starvation. Ranpha uses her fortune-telling skills to uncover this mysterious item, while Milfeulle attempts to find it. Milfeulle brings back rare and valuable treasures, but Vanilla discards them. Suddenly, she picks up something from the trash scooped up by the janitor. Note: This episode features a parody of the German film Run Lola Run when Milfeulle runs down the hallway avoiding dogs and bullies.
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#46 - The Great Kidnapping Scheme
Galaxy Angel - Season 1 - Episode 13
Mint and Ranpha were kidnapped during a mission. The kidnappers demand a large ransom in return. Unable to pay off the ransom, Forte and Milfeulle devise a plan to get the money by faking another kidnapping incident with Colonel Volcott. The military, in return, fakes another kidnapping to collect the money needed for ransom. As the cycle continues, it gets traced back to the original kidnappers. The original kidnappers increase the amount of ransom demanded from Forte and Milfeulle. Forte passes the increased amount of ransom along to the military, resulting in an endless cycle of ransom demands that skyrocket into the night.
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#47 - Fallen Angel's Dark Universe Tea Rice
Galaxy Angel - Season 1 - Episode 25
The Angels are filing their expense reports when the Commander informs them that the Milfeulle who has been with them all this time is a fake. The Commander has her arrested and shows the official profile of Milfeulle with an old and wrinkled face. The other Angels believe this was a mistake and try to free the imprisoned Milfeulle. As they successfully get Milfeulle free, another Milfeulle shows up. Vanilla does a DNA analysis and finds out she is the real Milfeulle. Milfeulle also explains that she had measles on the day of photo, resulting in such photo. The other angels realized they let the fake Milfeulle escape. The fake Milfeulle thanks them for freeing her and informs that there are other Angel imposters around.
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#48 - Special Survival Combo
Galaxy Angel - Season 1 - Episode 20
The military plane that Mint and Forte were travelling in crashes, stranding them in a deserted island. Mint and Forte team up with the island's sole resident Max to find ways to call for help. Max tries to use his radar antenna, but it emits a strong magnetic wave, causing more planes to crash, angering Forte as he is responsible for all the crashes. Forte and Mint try to rewire the radar antenna, but the antenna still does not function correctly. As Forte finds many weapons in Max's house, Mint restores the radar antenna and crashes more planes, hoping to catch attention. She also crashes the Angel Base as well. In the end, Max was startling Forte, hoping to get a beating from her.
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#49 - Downtown Soulfood Oden
Galaxy Angel - Season 1 - Episode 14
Forte befriends a juvenile delinquent girl named Milly who was the daughter of a crime boss. She tries to cheat out of paying for food before Forte sees her gun and notes something strange about Milly. As Forte witnesses another crime Milly is committing, Forte steals the gun away from Milly and withholds the gun until Milly listens to her. Milly leads Forte to her house and talks to her about her. As Forte hears the story and looks at Milly's gun. she begins to relate Milly's story to similar events that occurred in her childhood. At the end, Forte gives her encouragement to change her lifestyle and returns the gun to her. Milly, now inspired, thanks Forte. Note: In this episode, Forte is the sole Angel to appear.
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#50 - Galaxy Angel Z: Surprise Dim Sum
Galaxy Angel - Season 2 - Episode 4
While baking, Milfeulle finds some sweet chestnuts and decides to include them in her cake. The rest of the Angels return after learning that the chestnuts they just brought back from a mission are a lost technology. Milfuelle is discovered to have eaten them already and grown to sizable proportions. The troupe tries desperately to shrink her back to a manageable size before Commander Volcott finds out. As they try many methods to help out Milfeulle, Milfeulle declines and causes earthquakes. The Angels are then treated to the chestnut cake, growing them to sizable proportions as well. Volcott finds out, but Mint found a solution in which to simply enlarge the base and everyone else.
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