The BEST episodes of Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!

Every episode of Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away! ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!!

Camera follow teams of High Court Enforcement Agents, dealing with the execution of High Court Writs.

Last Updated: 6/25/2024Network: Channel 5Status: Ended
18 votes

#1 - Episode 23

Season 5 - Episode 23 - Aired 11/8/2017

The debt collectors take action to serve a writ issued for the organiser of a music festival.

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21 votes

#2 - Episode 20

Season 5 - Episode 20 - Aired 10/4/2017

Max and Steve attempt to calm and situation where a debtor loses his temper. Matt and Garry attempt to help an accountant who is asset rich but cash poor.

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7 votes

#3 - Episode 16

Season 5 - Episode 16 - Aired 9/6/2017

Sheriffs try to recover almost £2400 from a company director for unpaid invoices in Manchester, while agents in Kent chase nearly £4000 owed by a couple for unpaid rent.

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7 votes

#4 - Episode 12

Season 5 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/7/2017

Matt and Garry incur the wrath of a man whose former girlfriend wants to recover the money he owes her, and a taxi company tries to hide its debts.

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3 votes

#5 - Episode 31

Season 5 - Episode 31 - Aired 1/3/2018

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20 votes

#6 - Episode 24

Season 5 - Episode 24 - Aired 11/15/2017

Gareth and Mitch are in north Devon with a writ to recover more than £8,000 owed by a dissatisfied customer to a supplier of windows and doors. In Nottingham, Stewart and Vic are on an eviction that will test their patience to the limits, with a landlord who wants his property back after months of rent arrears and alleged anti-social behaviour.

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31 votes

#7 - Episode 20

Season 4 - Episode 20 - Aired 11/2/2016

Paul and Ben attend the eviction of a mother and daughter from their flat, but discover their door has been reinforced with irresistible steel, which the locksmith is unable to drill through. Brian and Del call upon an East London garage to reclaim £7,000 to a dissatisfied customer, but find the business – and the customer's vehicle – in a state of disrepair. Paul and Steve attend an eviction where they find the occupants have been subletting from the tenant, not the landlord, but come up against a language barrier. Brian and Del call upon a woman who has acted as guarantor on her sister's tenancy agreement, but with her sister now £10,000 in arrears, is forced to take responsibility for the debt.

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6 votes

#8 - Episode 4

Season 5 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/12/2017

The High Court Enforcement Agents hear a call to arms, get tangled in a family's convoluted web and Paul takes a blow from some shop shutters.

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6 votes

#9 - Episode 7

Season 5 - Episode 7 - Aired 5/3/2017

A car parts dealer throws a spanner in the works after Stewart and Elmor strike a deal, the cops are called to help evict a tenant in East London, and Paul and Ben barge their way into a flat to discover some very vulnerable tenants.

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23 votes

#10 - Episode 11

Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 8/31/2016

Del and Dael attempt to reclaim £3,500 owed by a man to a van rental business, but on arrival at the property, find themselves in the middle of a bitter dispute between father and son, which leads to death threats. Paul and Steve evict a former actor from his £1,200 a month one-room bedsit following an end-of-tenancy agreement, but are shocked by the quality of his living conditions. Brian and Del attend the King William Hotel in London to reclaim £6,500 owed to a supplier, but are forced to start removing goods when the owner claims he cannot pay. Paul and Steve attend a property repossession in Tottenham, but are caught in the middle of a dispute between tenant and landlord.

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15 votes

#11 - Episode 19

Season 5 - Episode 19 - Aired 9/27/2017

Matt and Garry face a threatening situation when they try to recover some unpaid nursery fees, a young driver's failure to pay some parking fines cause a family ructions.

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31 votes

#12 - Episode 14

Season 4 - Episode 14 - Aired 9/21/2016

Del and Dael attempt to reclaim £3,000 owed by an Indian takeaway to a meat supplier, but become embroiled in a game of cat and mouse as the debtor refuses to reveal his identity. Paul and Steve undertake the eviction of a former businesswoman who owes more than £14,000 in rent arrears, who refuses to accept the situation she has found herself in. Del and Dael visit a man who owes £3,800 to a dissatisfied customer whom he sold a car to, but find he has very few assets to seize. When they come across a pair of vehicles, they are shocked to discover that both are worthless. Paul and Steve evict a young woman and her boyfriend who have a history of mental health problems.

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24 votes

#13 - Episode 15

Season 4 - Episode 15 - Aired 9/28/2016

Stewart and Vic attempt to reclaim £5,000 owed by a customer to a garage for repair work on a damaged van, but the debtor immediately becomes aggressive and calls upon a local Anti-Bailiff protest group to come and confront the agents. Del and Dael attempt to reclaim nearly £7,000 owed by a man to his ex-girlfriend. When they threaten to remove the debtor's girlfriend's possessions, the situation becomes heated. Stewart and Vic attempt to reclaim £6,500 owed by a garage in consultancy fees, but the debtor refuses to take responsibility for the writ. Del and Dael visit a woman who owes £3,700 in solicitor's fees, but are forced to take a risky gamble to secure payment.

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12 votes

#14 - Episode 15

Season 5 - Episode 15 - Aired 8/30/2017

In Coventry, the sheriffs chase £10,000 owed by a publican to a contractor. The property appears to be empty, but after finding an ingenious method of entry, Matt and Garry are confronted by a surprised and angry landlord. Meanwhile, agents Max and Steve head to central London to try to recover almost £8,000 owed to a firm of accountants

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17 votes

#15 - Episode 22

Season 5 - Episode 22 - Aired 10/18/2017

Agents Max and Steve head to London to try to recover more than £21,000 in unpaid court costs after a car accident. Officers Aron and Cona team up to recover almost £7,000 owed after a debtor failed to repay a loan to her ex-partners.

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48 votes

#16 - Episode 2

Season 4 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/20/2016

Stewart and Elmor attempt to recover a debt of £2,700 owed by the owner of a garage, but find themselves in a stand-off which quickly turns to violence when the debtor tries to ram them off the property using a pick-up truck. Later, they call on a student nurse who owes £750 on a payday loan, who has defaulted on her repayments. Meanwhile, Steve and Ben are forced to evict an elderly couple who are struggling to keep up with the rent on their three-bedroom semi in Isleworth, and later, Paul joins Steve to chase down a £30,000 debt owed by the Lotus F1 racing team to one of their former suppliers.

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28 votes

#17 - Episode 18

Season 4 - Episode 18 - Aired 10/19/2016

Del and Dael attempt to reclaim £1,900 owed by a young mum who has defaulted on a payment plan, but discover she has no assets they could possibly seize to offset the debt. Meanwhile, Gareth and Craig attempt to reclaim £45,000 owed by the director of an online clothing business to a former distributor, but are alarmed when on their second visit to the property, they find a stash of guns. Del and Dael visit an Indian takeaway owner who owes more than £22,000 in legal fees from a previous eviction, but when the debtor refuses to pay, they are forced to call upon Brian and Graham to help remove goods. Gareth and Craig visit a pensioner who owes £3,900 to a firm of solicitors.

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5 votes

#18 - Episode 9

Season 5 - Episode 9 - Aired 5/17/2017

Matt and Gary face an angry mob at a high-performance car dealer. Gary and Cona's straightforward case turns into sensitive when a father's backstory is revealed.

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29 votes

#19 - Episode 8

Season 3 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/18/2015

Agents Stewart McCracken and Elmore Victor head to Liverpool for what they expect to be a routine repossession, but instead face the most challenging eviction of their careers. Behind the front door, they find a critically ill two-year-old child with major heart problems, who is on constant life support and unable to breathe without a ventilator. Meanwhile, Brian O'Shaughnessy and Del Anglin chase £2,000 worth of debt owed by a business based in Kent, and recover £4,000 from a recycling business in Buckinghamshire. Plus, Stewart and Elmore encounter another family in crisis in Birmingham, where a retired couple who acted as guarantor for their daughter's tenancy are liable to pay over £3,000 after she defaulted

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22 votes

#20 - Episode 19

Season 4 - Episode 19 - Aired 10/26/2016

Gareth and Craig pursue the owner of a roofing business who owes £3,000 to a loan company, but on arrival at the property, the occupant denies the debtor lives at the property. Steve and Phil attend an eviction in South London, and find a family living in the back of a disused shop, which has been sub-let by the tenant. Gareth and Craig attend a farmhouse, where the debtor owes £5,700 in unpaid vets bills, but the debtor claims she has been making regular payments to the claimant – a fact which the agents discover is correct. Paul and Steve attempt to reclaim £30,000 owed by a dry cleaning business, but the proprietor claims he is broke, until Paul makes a shocking discovery.

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24 votes

#21 - Episode 17

Season 4 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/12/2016

Stewart and Iain attempt to reclaim £3,500 owed by a builder to a customer for incomplete repair work, but find the debtor has no assets which could possibly offset the debt. Del and Dael head to Essex to recover £2,700 owed to a frozen food company, however the debtor initially refuses to confirm his identity and claims that he is in fact the debtor's brother. Stewart and Iain head to a farm in Wales to recover £2,500 owed to a supplier, but are forced to deal with the debtor's wife. Brian and Del attempt to find a man who has acted as guarantor on his friend's rental agreement, which has racked up more than £10,000 in rent arrears. However, they discover the debtor is on holiday in Nigeria.

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15 votes

#22 - Episode 17

Season 5 - Episode 17 - Aired 9/13/2017

Max and Steve have a writ to recover a disputed debt owed by the owner of a bridal shop, and also face a challenging eviction. Gary and Cona are chasing money owed by a small business, and recovering vet fees.

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43 votes

#23 - Episode 8

Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 5/18/2016

Paul and Steve evict a tenant who owes more than £8,000 in rent arrears, but discover her property has been sub-let and that she has multiple occupants living there. Brian and Alan attempt to reclaim more than £7,000 from a drainage firm who owe money to a former supplier, but discover the debtor has very few assets to offset the debt. Paul and Steve then attend an eviction in North London, where the tenant has been behind on her rent for nearly six years – but to their surprise find a menagerie of electrical goods including TVs, laptops, games consoles and designer clothing. Brian and Del try to reclaim £38,000 owed by a café owner in unpaid rent.

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8 votes

#24 - Episode 14

Season 5 - Episode 14 - Aired 6/21/2017

The High Court Enforcement Agents tackle a surprisingly violent travel agent and a tricky shop owner and a neighbour at war.

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33 votes

#25 - Episode 3

Season 3 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/14/2015

Agents Paul Bohill and Steve Pinner get caught up in a dispute between a landlord and a tenant who refuses to move out, and Brian O'Shaughnessy and Delroy Anglin chase a £17,000 debt. Meanwhile, in Essex, a couple owe their neighbour £11,000, and on the south coast, debt collection from a Turkish restaurant gets complicated when there is confusion about ownership

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