The BEST episodes of Blue Water High
Every episode of Blue Water High ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Blue Water High!
Seven 15 year-old surfers have been selected from around Australia and overseas to take part in an intensive 12 month residential school program at Blue Water High. At the beachside school they join other pupils in a normal year's academic work as well as receiving special coaching in surfing. At the end of the year, two of the seven will qualify to surf the pro-circuit and win a three-year sponsorship contract. The series is a race into the finals for the wild card, a race to get through the year, and a race to grow up. The seven teens, forced to live, study and train together at the same time become best friends and greatest competitors.

#1 - Right Dance - Wrong Partner
Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 9/14/2005
Edge assumes Bec will be his partner for the school formal. Bec, sick of being taken for granted, invites Heath to be her partner instead. Chasing some big waves just before the dance, Edge takes Heath's jet ski without asking and damages it accidentally. It all comes to a head when Heath sees his dented jet ski. The night ends in a fistfight on the dance floor, and Bec is left wondering just what she saw in Edge.
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#2 - Winning isn't Everything
Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 9/7/2005
Edge alienates the boys with his 'win at all costs' attitude at a triathlon event, by not helping Matt when he falls off his bike. To teach him a lesson, Heath doesn't bother to pick up a race marker when it falls over, and Edge takes the wrong path, getting completely lost in the National Park
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#3 - Perri Lies Low
Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 8/31/2005
Perri's diabetes is revealed when she collapses into a coma. Deb's forced to tell Solar Blue, who are nervous about sponsoring a surfer with a potentially life-threatening condition. Matt campaigns on Perri's behalf, and she's allowed to stay. The only obstacle left — convincing Perri that diabetes won't stop her from being a champion.
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#5 - It's Hard To Be Normal
Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 8/24/2005
After pushing herself to the limit with a hardcore training regime, Anna decides its time to be a normal teenager. The others are busy making a video presentation to win sponsorship for some new boards. On a date with Bec's brother Joe, Anna loses track of time. She misses the deadline for the video, and almost ruins her friends' chances for sponsorship.
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#6 - Brothers and Sisters
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 6/29/2005
Bec's friendship with her brother Joe has suffered since she made it into the Academy. When she catches him stealing surfboards, the team pressures her to call the police but she knows this could destroy their relationship.
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#7 - Timing Is Everything
Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 7/13/2005
Perri's parents have cut off her credit card. When a rival sponsor offers her a modelling contract, she thinks about leaving Solar Blue Academy. The modelling contract falls through at the last minute so Perri's back to square one.
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#8 - Episode 3.05
Season 3 - Episode 5 - Aired 5/1/2008
For Bridget, winning is everything and 110% is the least you can give. The Solar Blue team begins their first week of school at Blue Water High and for Bridget everything must be just right. Even after Bec's warning that the other students may give them a hard time, the kids all feel positive — but not for long. As Charley, Adam and Guy find their nominated lockers, they meet Mick and Jimmy, the class 'heavies'. A turf war starts over locker positions but the Solar Blue boys refuse to be intimidated. Charley manages to infuriate the thugs even more when he has the nerve to correct their poor grammar. It looks like a tense year ahead for all of them. Meanwhile, Bridget is more than happy to have been allocated a group assignment with and two other classmates. By lunchtime, she has already organised a group meeting and is enthusiastically allocating tasks to the other girls. Back at Solar Blue, the other kids begin to wonder if Bridget is deliberately trying to 'out do' them. Garry also starts to worry, after telling her that her board turns are fine, Bridget automatically thinks that they can be better and goes out for more practice. She's also getting up earlier than everyone to do extra laps in the pool. Back at the school lockers, Charley, Adam and Guy are still having problems with Mick and Jimmy. Their lockers have now been bashed in with a hammer — and it's pretty obvious who's to blame. Mick and Jimmy see this as the perfect way to get rid of the Solar Blue kids, but when the boys embrace their newly-sculpted lockers and refuse to move, the bullies are left defeated. While the boys have resolved their problems, Bridget's continue to get worse. Her assignment-group fail to show up at their next meeting and she overhears Gina saying that she is "up herself" and that she "has no life". Bridget is devastated.
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#9 - Episode 3.07
Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 5/15/2008
For Cassie, school is fine, training's good and her surfing is always getting better. Everything is travelling along smoothly — at least, it was. Suddenly Cassie's balance goes all out of whack. Concentrating at school becomes impossible, she starts to fall behind in training and the wipeouts come to visit as a regular occurrence. This lapse in concentration can only be blamed on one person — Adam. Cassie's infatuation with him hits new heights. When 'Birdwatchers Quarterly' arrives for him in the post, Cassie assumes this strange hobby is all part of Adam's personality. In the hope that sharing this interest will bring them closer together, Cassie hits the internet in search of information about the elusive 'Lewin's Rail'. Not picking up that Adam hasn't the slightest interest in bird-watching, Cassie continues to read and research about the birds, dropping hints to Adam along the way. He clearly doesn't catch on, as Cassie's hobby turns into an obsession. Cassie, with all good intentions, plans a surprise bird-watching picnic for Adam. Loren is horrified and tries to talk her out of it but Cassie can't be swayed. Thinking that Cassie is missing her family, Adam accepts her invitation but is disappointed to be skipping the spectacular waves on offer at Blue Water Beach. Adam is bored stiff at the bird-watching picnic but is doing his best to be polite. While Cassie assumes his quiet behaviour is because he thinks she doesn't know what she's talking about, her obsession to find the Lewin's Rail becomes a little manic. She finally spots what could be the bird, orders Adam to get the camera, and then clambers over the rocks for a better sighting. Suddenly Cassie slips and falls into the water, hitting her head.
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#10 - And The Winner Is...
Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 11/2/2005
It's what everyone's been working for — the final competition for a wildcard into the World Championship Tour. Bec and Edge move out to focus on winning, Heath confronts the reality of his exam results and everyone surfs brilliantly!

#11 - Big Wave Fears
Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 9/21/2005
Bec is invited to a big wave competition in Tahiti, but she's nervous about surfing heavy waves, and at the same time trying to get Edge out of her head. The other girls suspect Bec has been chosen because she knows the competition organisers and give her the cold shoulder. When Edge points this out during a massive fight with Bec, she takes a risk surfing in huge swell and ends up in hospital.
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#12 - Sharks In The Mind
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 7/6/2005
A shark scare brings everyone's greatest fear to the surface. Matt's seemingly unshakeable, until his father Ewan unexpectedly arrives. Matt has his own plans for the future but his fear of disloyalty to his father affects his surfing.
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#13 - Out Of Control
Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 7/20/2005
Matt and Edge are vying for top position on the Academy scoreboard and their friendly competition quickly gets out of control. Egged on by Heath, and the arrival of a pretty new girl, they challenge each other to a dangerous surfing stunt. When the stunt almost kills Bec's little brother Ben, Matt and Edge realise there's a difference between acceptable risk and irresponsible behaviour.
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#14 - Episode 2.19
Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 11/1/2006
Living with the Solar Blue team members is beginning to grate on Mike - he's used to being an only child and is craving his own space. All hell breaks loose when Mike deliberately knocks down a house of cards that has been painstakingly erected by Corey. In an attempt to bring the group back together Simmo organises a bonding weekend at an outdoor adventure park. While competing in a triathlon in pairs Corey and Mike are forced to work together - it's a disaster.

#15 - Episode 3.26
Season 3 - Episode 26 - Aired 9/25/2008
It's finals day, and after a whole year of training at Solar Blue, the kids are pumped. It's now time to show everyone what they're made of. But when Angus makes a surprise visit to the Academy, his news throws the whole event into turmoil. Solar Blue is to be closed with immediate effect and there's no money for a wild card or a year's worth of sponsorship. Bec, Garry and the kids are devastated. Everything that they have been working towards has been taken away and there is nothing they can do. Simmo returns as a surprise judge and refuses to accept the news. After convincing a local surf company to supply the team with both the wild cards and the sponsorship money needed for a year on the circuit, the event is saved and the surf off begins. The competition is tight. Simmo congratulates the kids, telling them that it's the best Solar Blue finals he has ever seen. Now, there's only one remaining issue to finalise - which girl and which boy will win the wild cards?
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#16 - Episode 3.24
Season 3 - Episode 24 - Aired 9/11/2008
Guy decides that in order to stand a chance of winning the finals he needs to become much more competitive in his outlook and approach. As a result he turns everything he does into a form of competition. Whether it's bed-making, sandwich-making or getting to school first - nothing is too trivial to be excluded from Guy's competitive embrace. Charley and Adam soon catch on and instinctively rise to the challenge that Guy's thrown down. The effect means that daily life becomes a non-stop race - and the girls are singularly unimpressed. Things come to a head when the boys are asked to sell cookies for charity. It's the perfect opportunity for them to compete and they jump at the chance to outdo each other. But the results are a disaster and the local main street degenerates into a melee of competing boys and arguing customers that quickly leads to trouble. Deciding that things have gone too far, Garry puts his foot down. He signs them all up for a team event at a weekend surf carnival where the boys will have to work together instead of in competition with each other.
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#17 - Episode 3.18
Season 3 - Episode 18 - Aired 7/31/2008
When Adam and Cassie embark on a relaxing day-trip to the nature park, they spot Charley with a mystery girl. Back at Solar Blue, he's evasive about his movements, and for the next week or so, he continually makes up excuses about his whereabouts. Cassie immediately jumps to the conclusion that Charley is cheating on Loren. Her suspicions are confirmed when Adam and Guy spot him with the same mystery girl at a café. Cassie finally snaps and accuses Charley of lying to them all and cheating on Loren. Shocked and upset, Charley storms off. After meeting Loren on the beach, explanations are in order. Back at the house, Charley confesses what has really been happening. Ellie, the mystery girl, is actually his sister. She's run away from school and Charley's been trying to help her. The kids are embarrassed at the lack of trust and respect they've shown Charley. They realise that even when all the evidence suggests otherwise — a friend is a friend — and that's pretty much all that matters.
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#18 - Episode 3.15
Season 3 - Episode 15 - Aired 7/10/2008
Loren and Charley's relationship hits new heights when a picnic at the beach sees their friendship blossom into romance. The problem, however, is that they become so infatuated with each other that they begin to neglect their house mates. Although the other kids aren't upset about Charley and Loren's relationship, they soon become used to them not being around. Loren senses a change in their attitude and wonders why they're not being included in group activities. When Adam calls a house meeting to discuss concerns about Bec and Garry's growing absences, Charley and Loren appear to be excluded. To top it off, when Loren finds Cassie asleep in her bed — she takes it as a sure sign that Cassie and Bridget's friendship has grown closer at the expense of their relationships with her. Suddenly, Loren's new, perfect life is found wanting. Aware that they have drifted away from their friends, Loren and Charley apologise to their house mates for cutting themselves off. Asking if they can rejoin the group, they're welcomed back with open arms. Having isolated herself from the people she cares for the most, Loren realises that having a boyfriend is great but you need to hold onto your friends as well.
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#19 - Episode 3.12
Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/19/2008
Ever since Bridget was a kid, her dreams and fantasies have always included a 'Prince Charming'. When comparing herself to the other kids in the house however, she begins to wonder if Guy is that special person. From what she can see, Loren and Charley are definitely together, and Adam and Cassie too, but it doesn't quite feel right with Guy. Her uncertainty escalates when her classmate, Patrick, asks her to the movies on the same night as the Solar Blue team are going bowling. Her confusion is further heightened when she becomes jealous of Guy talking to another girl. Losing her focus completely, she badly wipes out in the surf and decides that she has to confront him about her confused feelings.
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#20 - Episode 3.11
Season 3 - Episode 11 - Aired 6/12/2008
Fly pays a visit to the Solar Blue Academy. Charley is depressed and broods over his 'bad luck'. Before catching glandular fever he had everything to look forward to. Now one, simple, little kiss later he's unable to train and unable to remain at Solar Blue. Disheartened, he figures that even if he is able to return in a month or so, he'll never catch up with the fitness levels of the others. So he decides to resign from the academy for good. Loren is devastated by Charley's news and urges him to reconsider. But it's to no avail, Charley has made up his mind and that's it. As luck would have it though, Fly drops in to Solar Blue on her way to Perth. Loren seizes the opportunity and asks her to visit Charley to see if she can convince him to return. Fly can't promise she'll succeed but she does agree to talk to him. Soon after, Charley and Fly meet and he quite bluntly tells her that nothing she can say will convince him to return to Solar Blue. To Charley's great surprise, Fly announces that she has no intention of saying anything. On the contrary, she's going to take him for a picnic. Charley reluctantly allows himself to be dragged along — only to discover (like many others have before him) that it's very easy to underestimate the diminutive Fly. As it happens, the picnic presents him with an experience that will turn his life around completely.
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#21 - Episode 3.06
Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 5/8/2008
Guy loves life and life loves Guy. He hasn't got a worry in the world, can always see an upside to everything and luck is usually on his side. However, Guy's luck is about to change — in a big way. In return for some maths coaching, Guy invites Bridget out to pizza and a movie on the weekend. When Bridget sees what he's intending to wear, she's appalled and offers to take him shopping. After choosing a shirt together, Bridget heads off to another store, leaving Guy behind to pay the bill. Guy asks another customer if she knows where the cashier is. To his surprise — she's rude and dismissive and doesn't help him at all. Stunned by the girl's attitude, Guy pays for his shirt and leaves. Just as he's out the door, he remembers his bag and runs back in to get it. Leaving the store a second time is not nearly as easy. The shop owner stops him and demands to search his bag. Baffled, he opens it only to be shocked by its contents — it's filled with the shop's jewellery! Guy's suddenly in serious trouble for shoplifting. News gets back to Solar Blue that Guy has been arrested. They can't believe that Guy would steal anything from anyone — let alone jewellery from a surf shop. To cheer him up, Bridget prints out a photo of their celebrations at the café from the day before. As Guy looks closely at the picture, he recognises the rude girl from the store in the background and is convinced he was set up.
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#22 - Episode 3.02
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/10/2008
As the kids settle into the Solar Blue house, decisions have to be made. They start out simply — like choosing which bed to sleep in — but soon become a little more complex. Bec assigns the group the task of picking their own surf coach but faced with two completely opposite candidates, Charlie will have to convince the rest that the best candidate is not the obvious choice at first glance.
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#23 - Tough Choices
Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 10/12/2005
Heath persuades Anna to sneak down the coast with him for a kiteboarding competition. Anna wins the comp and is faced with a dilemma. She's also won entry into the Junior team — should she give up surfing and return to her first love?

#25 - Episode 2.17
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/18/2006
Fly and Simmo are surprised when Edge returns to Solar Blue. They discover things haven't been going too well on the circuit for Edge and he's developing a bad name. Eric, Corey and Mike are eager to surf against Edge in a local comp, but he does a disappearing act when it comes to the final. When Edge is finally tracked down he makes the shocking announcement that he's quitting the circuit.