The BEST episodes directed by Yuuta Takamura

#1 - Three Vessels: Inside the Straw
Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 17
Yuzuki visits a mansion to visit the elderly woman she saw in her vision. However, a much younger woman comes to the door and claims that there is no one in the house who fits the description. Meanwhile, Yamawaro begs to be a doll.
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#2 - Three Vessels: Lost Inari
Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 9
A low-profile girl named Inao Kaede claims to be a fortune-teller. At the sign of her continued success, a female student named Nishino apologizes to Inao for previously making fun of her fortune telling and requests she kill a college student who she claims is stalking her every day.
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#3 - Three Vessels: Twilight Hill
Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 23
Fumio Mizuhara is constantly bullied by Tomohide Matsuda whose little sister is inquiring about the whereabouts of their father. Fumio later discovers the Hell brand on Tomohide's chest and deduces that he has sent his abusive father to Hell.
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#4 - Humans Are Strange
Gingitsune: Messenger Fox of the Gods - Season 1 - Episode 8
After hearing that her father will soon return from a trip overseas, Hiwako needs to pick a fitting birthday present. She asks Yumi and Makoto for advice, and they end up going to a new shopping mall in the area to buy a present.
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#5 - DIO's World, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 47
The fight continues.
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#6 - The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 43
Polnareff starts brandishing his sword toward an unseen enemy with very little success.
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#7 - Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 39
Josuke and the others finally corner Kira. Jotaro also arrives but Kira uses Bites the Dust on a paramedic who came to help and tries to blow away time gain. He tells the woman his true identity, causing Bites the Dust to activate. The final battle in Morioh is finally reaching its end!
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#8 - Sheer Heart Attack, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 24
Koichi manages to survive because Echoes Act 3 made Sheer Heart Attack heavy, but then the murderer, Yoshikage Kira shows up! Feeling intense anger against the murderer, Koichi fights Kira with Act 3, but doesn't stand a chance. Kira is infuriated by the fact that Koichi made a fool of him in public, and lets loose on him, but...
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#9 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 22
Yoshikage Kira was the killer hiding in Morioh and is also a Stand user. Shigechi finds out this secret, so Kira tries to dispose of him, but Shigechi fights back with Harvest. However, because of Kira's Stand, Killer Queen, he suffers a mortal wound and loses. Shigechi manages to get away from Kira and tries to find Josuke so he can tell him about Kira and be fixed by Crazy Diamond.
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#10 - Sword Eater II
Chivalry of a Failed Knight - Season 1 - Episode 7
Ikki’s impending opponent might be the most difficult one yet. He’ll have to rely on his skill and determination to help a friend rediscover their honor.
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#11 - Crazy Diamond Is Unbreakable, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 38
Josuke and Hayato try to force Killer Queen and Stray Cat into close-quarters combat by going into a nearby house. However, air bullets start to show up in the house. Josuke tries to dodge them by throwing around ash from an ashtray so he can see where they are going, but for some reasons, the air bullets keep chasing after Josuke. There's no way that Kira should be able to see them from the outside, so Josuke and Hayato start panicking...
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#12 - Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 36
After blowing up Rohan Kishibe with Killer Queen's third ability, Bites the Dust, Hayato is told by Kira as to what happened and returns to the same morning. He then thinks that the only people who could defeat Kira are people with abilities like Rohan, and tries to tell Rohan about Kira without getting him killed. However, Rohan blows up, even without meeting Hayato. Hayato is distraught, thinking that there's no one else who can defeat Kira when he runs into...
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#13 - The Rising Wind
From the New World - Season 1 - Episode 9
Shun stops coming to school and his friends start looking for him, taking care to not raise any suspicions. Saki and Satoru set for the Pinewood village where Shun lives, just to find the place isolated by the authorities and his house destroyed. Later at night, Saki confronts her parents about what really happened to the village but they refuse to tell her more then they can. Soon after Saki is visited by Maria who reveals to her she and Mamoru learned that several Impure Cats (不浄猫 Fujō Neko?) are being maintained at the school and two were freed to hunt down Shun. Saki flees to warn him just to come across one of the Impure Cats.
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#14 - Crazy Diamond Is Unbreakable, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 37
Hayato's plan to kill Kira with Stray Cat's air bullets failed. Kira realizes that Hayato has repeated the same morning numerous times, and realizes that it's becoming dangerous for Hayato to repeat the same morning any longer, and considers undoing Bites the Dust. Kira truly believed that fate was on his side, and then he showed up...
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#15 - My First Battalion
Saga of Tanya the Evil - Season 1 - Episode 5
Tanya's new battalion is off the ground and running, and it's time for them to do their first mission: fight back a massive invasion by the Dakian Dukedom to the southeast. The enemy army numbers in the hundreds of thousands, but they've brought no air units at all, which makes them easy pickings for Tanya's highly trained force. After wiping out the enemy army, she heads straight for the enemy capital and launches an attack there.
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#16 - Another One Bites the Dust, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 35
After being cornered, Kosaku Kawajiri gets rid of Hayato. Though he made it look like an accident, Rohan and the others have spotted Hayato, and were coming to the Kawajiri household the next day to ask him some questions. At this rate, he's going to be found out and caught... Kawajiri fell into despair when suddenly, Yoshihiro's arrow suddenly stabs him...
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#17 - Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 23
Jotaro and Koichi try to track down the owner of the button and run into the murderer, Yoshikage Kira and his Stand, Killer Queen's bomb, Sheer Heart Attack at Centipede Shoes. Koichi wants to go after Kira, but Jotaro tells him not to. However, Koichi isn't satisfied with Jotaro's decision and decides to act on his own, right when Sheer Heart Attack attacks again..
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#18 - The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 5
Josuke and Koichi defeat Keicho. They go further into the Nijimura house, in order to destroy the bow and arrow to make sure there will be no more victims. However, they end up hearing strange noises in the dark room they happen upon. As soon as Josuke tries to jump into the room, a monster-like hand grabs Koichi's leg...
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#19 - Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 10
Josuke and Okuyasu visit a brand new Italian restaurant in Morioh. Rather than customers choosing items from a menu, the chef, Tonio, decides what the customer will eat after he looks at them. Tonio wants Okuyasu to feel better, and first, offers him water. Okuyasu is moved at how wonderful it tastes. He's actually moved to tears at how delicious the water is, but then starts showing even weirder symptoms...
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#20 - Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 1
April 1999. Jotaro Kujo arrives to Morioh City in search of someone named Higashikata, and ends up running into a young man surrounded by delinquents. Jotaro then finds out that his name is Josuke Higashikata, and was exactly the person he was looking for.
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#21 - D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 34
After a long journey, Jotaro and the others finally reach Cairo. They go to a cafe and ask if anyone knows where DIO's mansion is located by showing the picture around. Then, someone says that they have seen the building before.
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#22 - "Bastet" Mariah, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 31
The encounter with the Stand "Bastet" continues.
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#23 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 21
As Yoshikage walked through the town at lunchtime, declined the offer to eat lunch with his female coworkers, and heads to a bakery to buy lunch. While enjoying his lunch outdoors, Shigechi walks by and accidentally takes Kira's sandwich bag by mistake, thinking it was his own. Realizing this, Kira quickly goes after Shigechi, because the contents of that bag definitely did not contain a sandwich...
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#24 - Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 17
Koichi and Rohan discover a bizarre sight. Before them lies an alley that's not listed on any map. They decide to go down the alley and find only empty houses that are also not listed on the map. While wandering they realize that no matter which way they turn, they keep ending back where they started. Rohan believes that they're under a Stand's attack, but...
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#25 - Pearls Fleeing from a Bracelet
Chihayafuru - Season 1 - Episode 15
The match inevitably ends with Shinobu's victory, who goes on to win the Class A tournament, but the cards Chihaya managed to take from Shinobu leave a lasting impression on her. After becoming determined to improve her skill, Chihaya goes to watch Taichi in the Class B finals, but his fatigue leads to his loss. After reflecting on their losses and returning home, the team decide to work on building their stamina, whilst Arata and Shinobu prepare for the next time they meet Chihaya.
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#26 - Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 15
Koichi suddenly arrives at Rohan's house. Koichi carefully goes inside and finds Rohan drawing manga at an incredible speed. Apparently he can't stop himself from drawing after reading about Koichi's experiences. Rohan attempts to tear another page from Koichi by using Heaven's Door, when someone unexpected shows up at his door...
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#27 - The First Sacrifice
The Seven Deadly Sins - Season 1 - Episode 17
Hendriksen and some of his guards welcome Arthur and his companion, a short person covered with a cloak. Meanwhile King finds a way to transport Diane and him to the city of Liones.
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#28 - I Became a Pampered Child
Non Non Biyori - Season 2 - Episode 11
One morning during winter break, Ichijo Hotaru and Koshigaya Komari are on a walk when they run into Fujimiya Konomi on her way back from practice. Komari takes great interest in Konomi's cellphone.
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#29 - Judgement, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 21
While on an island on the edge of the Red Sea where Muhammad Avdol's father is said to live, Polnareff uncovers a magic lamp and its genie Cameo offers him three wishes, although all is not as it seems.
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#30 - Laying a Deeper Trap!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 17
Lisa Lisa explains to JoJo and Caesar how the creator of the Stone Mask, Kars, is seeking a perfectly cut Red Stone of Aja known as the Super Aja to power the Stone Mask and become the ultimate life form.
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#31 - Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 12
In order to defeat Red Hot Chili Pepper, who intends on killing Joseph Joestar, Josuke and the others head to the harbor. Jotaro believes that Red Hot Chili Pepper will try to get to Joseph's boat with something that requires a battery, so he leaves Josuke and Koichi at the harbor, telling them to attack the user if he shows himself. As Josuke is dealing with his conflicting feelings towards Joseph, the very confident user of Red Hot Chili Pepper shows himself.
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#32 - July 15th (Thursday), Part 4
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 34
At his wit's end with Cheap Trick, Rohan calls Koichi over to his house and asks him for help. Rohan does everything in his power not to show Koichi the Stand that's on his back, which just makes Koichi believe that he's just playing a trick on him, and Koichi leaves. Enraged by Cheap Trick, Rohan decides to finally leave his house and head for the Morioh Grand Hotel. However, the danger of having someone see his back is almost too much for him to bear...
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#33 - Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 2
Josuke spots the terrible and violent villain Angelo's Stand, and tells Jotaro about that incident. Jotaro figures it's a Stand that can somehow enter people, so he warns Josuke to not eat or drink anything until he can get to him. Right when he's told that, Josuke witnesses the Stand go into his mother, and then does the unthinkable.
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#34 - The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 4
In order to save Koichi, Josuke goes further into the Nijimura household. Suddenly, he's attacked from many tiny beams of light. Josuke manages to dodge the attack, but it hits Okuyasu right in the face. Josuke tells Okuyasu that he'll heal his wounds if he tells him what the identity of his brother's Stand is. Okuyasu says he has no itention of telling him, and Josuke does something surprising...
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#35 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls In Love, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 9
Koichi can't handle living in captivity any longer and tries to plan his escape. While talking to Yukako, Koichi finds out that there's a payphone nearby, and has Echoes go find it. He tries to contact Josuke and Okuyasu, but Yukako already figured out what he was planning. Koichi loses hope. Yukako then goes to the phone to order some ingredients but then something unexpected happens...

#36 - Witching Hour
11eyes - Season 1 - Episode 8
Yuka has finally awakened her power and she wishes to protect Kakeru by using it but Kakeru does not want her to use her power because he fears that it could harm her. Meanwhile, the Black Knight, Superbia, has a plan to eliminate the "fragments." What is her plan and why is Shiori acting strangely?
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#37 - Curry Rice / Chicken Curry
Restaurant to Another World - Season 1 - Episode 7
A shipwrecked man and an ancient dragon find companionship at Nekoya.
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#38 - The Reason For Her Smile
Brynhildr in the Darkness - Season 1 - Episode 6
The truth behind Kana's forecast of Kotori smiling over Neko's dead body is revealed, and Murakami has a possible lead on extending their pill supply.
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#39 - Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 14
Koichi and Hazamada find out that the famous manga artist, Rohan Kishibe, who draws "Pink Dark Boy," lives in Morioh and they go to his house to get an autograph. Not only did Rohan promise them autographs, but invited them inside to see his work space, and the boys are thrilled. Though Koichi gradually becomes frightened when he sees just how far Rohan will go to achieve reality...

#40 - A Touching Reunion
The Seven Deadly Sins - Season 1 - Episode 7
Meliodas picks the ggroup's next destination to be the rumored location of the King, the Capital of the Dead.
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#41 - Who Will Be the Judge!?
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 2 - Episode 2
Jotaro heads to school and encounters a mysterious transfer student named Noriaki Kakyoin.

#42 - Pork Soup / Croquettes
Restaurant to Another World - Season 1 - Episode 12
The half-elf mercenary Alexander visits Nekoya, and the beginning of the connection between the two worlds comes to light.
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#43 - The Nijimura Brothers, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 3
Angelo's Stand ability was brought forth by the mysterious bow and arrow, and apparently they're also connected to Dio. After defeating Angelo, Jotaro thought that the danger had left the city, and tries to find the whereabouts of the bow and arrow. A few days later, Koichi is walking home with Josuke, and they pass a house that should be empty...

#44 - Let's Go Hunting!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 16
Josuke suddenly gets invited to go hunting by Jotaro. The purpose of this hunting trip was to hunt down the rat that gained Stand abilities after Akira Otoishi shot it with the bow and arrow. As they trace the rat to a drainage canal, they see a clump of fourteen rat corpses fused together. They realize it's probably the work of the rat that they're after and follow it to a farm, and...

#45 - Highway Star, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 28
Rohan has a feeling that Josuke is cheating at cee-lo, and cuts off his own pinky. If he is unable to figure out Josuke's trick in the next round, he says he will pay him 2 million yen to have him use Crazy Diamond to fix his finger. But if Rohan does figure it out, he says he'll take Josuke's pinky instead. He even calls Tamami to act as a mediator, having him use his Stand ability so Josuke can't play fairly the next round, either.

#46 - July 15th (Thursday), Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 33
Rohan ends up looking at Masazo Kinoto's back, and becomes possessed by the Stand Cheap Trick. Because any attack on Cheap Trick would just come back to Rohan, he can't attack it, which puts him into a dilemma. Meanwhile, Josuke and Fungami are looking for Koichi when are approached by a young man who has a Stand who can trap anyone inside pieces of paper. He pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket, which happens to have something hidden inside...

#47 - Proof She's Alive
Brynhildr in the Darkness - Season 1 - Episode 10
Taking Nanami to the observatory, Kogorō, who is there, asks him to find a way to remove the beacon on Nanami's harness. As Neko talks about how important friends are and painful it is to lose them. Before Kogorō can do anything, the beacon activates and Nanami melts to her death. She erased their memories of her, except Ryōta and Kogorō, to relief grieve. Ryōta cries then, Nanami appears beside him saying that she inserted her consciousness within his memory. Sometime later, studying for test finals next week, the club members decide whether continue going to school or not since they only have three weeks' worth of pills left. Ryōta reminds them how they wanted to live as high school students. He motivates them for a trip to the beach. In the evening, listening to Neko singing he comforts her. He notice Neko doesn't remember the time she went to karaoke with friends. Fearing that she will forget about him, Ryōta embraces her. After the finals, seeing the test scores: Neko 1st, Ryōta 2nd, and Kazumi 3rd. They then head for the beach as promise. Thinking of what they been through so far are happy with their lives for now. Elsewhere, Chisato took the initiative to release a Valkyria: an S-rank witch. In order to detect #1107, he has team of A-rank witches to monitor her but underestimate her, who had already killed them.
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#48 - Yukako Yamagishi Falls In Love, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 8
Koichi is asked out by another student in his grade named Yukako Yamagishi. At first, he couldn't hide his joy from being asked out, but quickly has second thoughts when she suddenly loses her temper with him. The next day, she knitted him a sweater, made him lunch, and did other things for him that makes Koichi start to wonder about her. Yukako's obssession worsens, and she does the unthinkable.

#49 - Atom Heart Father
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 25
Josuke and the others head to the house that Yoshikage Kira used to live to try to find some clues on him. Kira had very few unique characteristics, but Jotaro comes to the conclusion that he hid all of his potential on purpose so he wouldn't stand out. They also find jars of nail clippings as well as their data in the room. Josuke is rather creeped out by this. Suddenly, the hear the Polaroid camera on the desk suddenly take a picture...

#50 - Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 11
Red Hot Chili Pepper shows himself in front of Josuke. He seems to be more powerful than Jotaro, and is able to travel anywhere where electricity flows. Jotaro summons Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi and tells them that a certain someone is heading toward Morioh...