The BEST episodes directed by Peter Lydon

Episode Two
45 votes

#1 - Episode Two

Teachers - Season 2 - Episode 2

Simon is becoming jealous of J.P., thinking that all the girls are after him. When J.P. suggests that they try another pub, Simon gets angry and regretfully asks Bob down the local pub, leaving everyone else to try a karaoke bar. Kurt can’t seem to get the message across to Carol in a nice way so he asks for Penny’s help. She agrees to pretend to be his girlfriend in order to repel Carol. Later at the karaoke bar, Carol arrives and performs ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ for Kurt, just as Penny decides not to help him after she is informed of Carol’s psychotic tendencies. Carol approaches a terrified Kurt and Jenny decides to put an end to it all. She walks up to Kurt and passionately kisses him, finally breaking Carol’s heart. Kurt is free, but Jenny may not be.

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Episode One
47 votes

#2 - Episode One

Teachers - Season 2 - Episode 1

It’s the first day of term and there are two new teachers; J.P. and Penny. Kurt is hiding from Carol, Susan is falling in love with J.P. and Simon is bored. While contemplating ways to make J.P. notice her, Susan takes advice from Brian and dresses more feminine. However it is all for nothing as she finds out that he is gay. Kurt give Liz chocolate so that she will dump Carol for him. Brian hears that Penny is a lesbian and becomes obsessed with her breasts.

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The Big Four
382 votes

#3 - The Big Four

Agatha Christie's Poirot - Season 13 - Episode 2

As the threat of world war looms large, Poirot seeks the help of friends both old and new when he is pitted against a dangerous group of murderous dissidents.

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Episode 4
107 votes

#4 - Episode 4

Garrow's Law - Tales from the Old Bailey - Season 1 - Episode 4

William Garrow continues to defend the victms of rough justice when he wins the case of a prostitute accused of murdering a client. Garrow and Southouse's association is still strained until a desperate Mary Hamer arrives in Southouse's office, begging for Garrow to defend her husband. Joseph Hamer has been languishing in Newgate Prison without charge for many months after being arrested on suspicion of sedition. Joseph's case is followed closely by the Secretary of State, Viscount Melville, and Sir Arthur Hill, who engineer charges of high treason against him. Lady Sarah admits to a devastated Garrow that they have no future together. After learning of her husband's role in the plot against Joseph Hamer, she intervenes and the trial takes a surprising turn.

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Electric Bill
40 votes

#5 - Electric Bill

Murphy's Law (2001) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Richard Mooney, London's most infamous kidnapper, is brought in, and the race is on for Annie and Murphy to get a confession in time to save the life of his latest victim, Kate Jennings. To crack Mooney’s silence, Murphy is set up as a suspected terrorist and goes under cover into Bellview Prison to befriend him. But when this master plan is unexpectedly threatened by the prison's very own protection racket, time seems to be running out for Kate.

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Strange Mercies
36 votes

#6 - Strange Mercies

Island at War - Season 1 - Episode 4

Eugene La Salle is executed for spying. Philip Dorr witnesses his death, as he is posing as Mr Brotherson and working at his parents house. James Dorr is disgusted with the execution as is the whole island. Later that night the Baron and Mr Dorr come to blows when the Baron is rude to Felicity. Prostitutes arrive from France for the Germans. Kathleen Jonus is taken to hospital by the Germans and treated as a prostitute. They try to make her confess who the second spy is but she refuses. Angelique is also mistreated by the Germans as they pretend to think she is a prostitute. Bernhardt rescues her and they later admit their mutual attraction but accept they are still enemies. June goes to work singing at a German party and feels guilty for enjoying herself. Walker is increasing his attentions towards Zelda, little guessing she is Jewish. She refuses to go to a party with him, which angers him. Later at the party he tries to use a local girl for sex but is interrupted by Felicit

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Unusual Successes
37 votes

#7 - Unusual Successes

Island at War - Season 1 - Episode 6

June is singing at the 50/50 club where a German Officer accompanies her on the piano. A local boy accuses her of being a collaborator and throws a glass at her. She is hit in the face. June goes to the photo shop and discovers her sister is in love with Bernhardt. Walker finds the man responsible for hurting June and beats him to death with the butt of a pistol. James Dorr confesses to the La Salles that he was responsible for their sons death. He then gives Philip as much information as possible about the Germans for when he returns to England. Wilf offers his boat for Philip to escape in. Zelda also wishes to escape and is offered a chance to go on the boat. Wilf takes Wimmel fishing in order to leave his boat by the cliffs but the plan goes awry. Wilfs son shoots at Wimmel, using a gun bought from a drunken German officer, believing his father to be in danger. Philip and Zelda try to escape later that night but are intercepted. Zelda manages to escape unnoticed back to Cas

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Unexpected Revelations
38 votes

#8 - Unexpected Revelations

Island at War - Season 1 - Episode 5

Eugene la Salle's parents visit the spot where he died but are moved on by the Baron. The Baron takes a liking to Philip Dorr, little knowing he is an English spy. Angelique is worried that Bernhardt is dead after a big raid. She agrees to accompany Philip as his date when he goes on a mission. She uses it as an opportunity to find Bernhardt. When she does they passionately embrace. The Islanders trick the Germans out of a pig and enjoy a feast. Cassie Mahy has started an affair with Wimmel, her partner in the black market. She is however flouting German decree. Zelda is found out to be a Jew by Walker. He declares that in return for his silence she must sleep with him. Zelda runs away and is hidden by Cassie.

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Episode 1
204 votes

#9 - Episode 1

Garrow's Law - Tales from the Old Bailey - Season 1 - Episode 1

In the late 18th century, young idealistic barrister William Garrow is given his first criminal defence case at the Old Bailey by attorney and mentor John Southouse. He defends Peter Pace, who is accused by renowned thief-taker Edward Forrester of robbing a man at gunpoint. The case is won by Garrow's nemesis Silvester, but Garrow's impressive performance in court catches the eye of Lady Sarah Hill. She instructs him to defend a helpless serving girl, Elizabeth Jarvis, who stands accused of murdering her newborn baby. Garrow learns a harsh lesson from his first case, and vows to defend the life of Elizabeth.

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Manic Munday
36 votes

#10 - Manic Munday

Murphy's Law (2001) - Season 1 - Episode 4

When Mickey Munday, a world-famous Irish snooker player, comes under pressure to rig the outcome of his game in the forthcoming championships, Murphy and Annie go undercover to protect his life and find the culprit when he arrives in London. The stakes are raised for Munday when his long-lost love and daughter reappear in his life.

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Episode 2
198 votes

#11 - Episode 2

Garrow's Law - Tales from the Old Bailey - Season 1 - Episode 2

William Garrow is now a celebrated Old Bailey barrister and, encouraged by Southouse, he defends the case of the infamous Monster, a man who carries out a series of stabbings on young ladies across London. As a result, Garrow's popularity diminishes with the public and the press. However, Renwick Williams, the accused, is described by Garrow as a 'lecherous libertine' and his defence is not easy. Garrow's friendship with Lady Sarah grows closer, a fact which does not go unnoticed by her husband, Sir Arthur.

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Episode 5
694 votes

#12 - Episode 5

Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Season 2 - Episode 5

So it's decided. Today is the day that Belle will finally come clean and tell Alex what she does for a living. She can't face lying to the man she loves any longer. The results are explosive.

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Episode 3
168 votes

#13 - Episode 3

Garrow's Law - Tales from the Old Bailey - Season 1 - Episode 3

After more derision from Silvester, Garrow is spurred on to defend Edgar Cole, a man who is accused of raping a servant girl. Garrow controversially wins and the detestable Edgar Cole is acquitted, much to the disappointment of Lady Sarah. She confronts Garrow but Silvester interrupts and senses the intimacy between them. His insinuation offends Garrow and he challenges Silvester to a duel to defend Lady Sarah's honour. Garrow's next case sees him up against his old nemesis, the violent and unscrupulous thief-taker Edward Forrester. Forrester orders petty criminals Tom and Phebe to steal a box of lace from a shop owned by Katharine Stanton. Garrow seeks help from Southouse, but will his close friendship with Lady Sarah cost him his association with his dear mentor?

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The Garden Competition
221 votes

#14 - The Garden Competition

Shameless - Season 2 - Episode 3

Things liven up on the estate when the council run a Best Kept Garden competition to win a year's free rent. Carol and Veronica both get green-fingered, and light-fingered, trying to win.

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Eve of the War
42 votes

#15 - Eve of the War

Island at War - Season 1 - Episode 1

James Dorr the Deputy Leader of Island Government and his wife Felicity are unhappily married. The imminent threat of German invasion gives Felicity the excuse she needs to leave the Island and return to England. The island policeman Wilf Jonas and his wife Kathleen, realising the Germans may soon invade send their 2 children to England. However their young son Colin manages to stay behind, leaving his sister to go ahead by herself. Cassie Mahy and her husband Urban run a successful grocery shop. They have 2 daughters Angelique (a government worker) and June (a singer). Urban is unable to find a boat to evacuate his daughters and instead organises to run a friends photo shop in his absence. Both Felicity and Urban are at the harbour when the Germans attack. Felicity is left with just a slight bump to the head. Urban is tragically shot and killed. Baron Von Rheingarten arrives and takes control of the island.

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Episode 8
572 votes

#16 - Episode 8

Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Season 2 - Episode 8

In the series finale, Bells is contacted by her old Madame for one last job. The client is adamant to have Belle and is willing to pay a high sum for her services. Meanwhile, Hannah has no luck in finding a job, and Ben tries to convince her to write about her experience.

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Moving Out
3 votes

#17 - Moving Out

Ballykissangel - Season 5 - Episode 4

Niamh has decided that she must move away from BallyK. The decision spurs Brian to sell Fitzgerald's. Two parties are interested. One is a retired civil servant from Dublin, who is looking for an investment. He manages to annoy Brian by talking about getting the pub ""up to scratch"". The second party is Oonagh Dooley, who is more interested in keeping the family atmosphere of the pub. Brian takes a liking to Oonagh, but he doesn't realise that she is the wife of his former enemy, Paul Dooley. When the deal with the civil servant falls through, Brian makes Oonagh and offer to rent the pub, leaving Niamh with some control. Emma and Sean fall out over driving lessons and Sean's and Niamh's relationship. Emma feels that Sean should be doing something. Niamh is grateful that Aidan has given her the freedom to make up her own mind.

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Episode 6
693 votes

#18 - Episode 6

Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Season 2 - Episode 6

Belle is filling her days - and nights - with work as she tries to get over breaking up with Alex. So she's only too ready to accept an invitation to a sex party at a remote country manor house but then things turn nasty.

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Episode 7
746 votes

#19 - Episode 7

Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Season 2 - Episode 7

Belle's night of passion with Ben has only confirmed to her that she needs to make a go of her relationship with Alex. She begs him to try again, ditches all her call girl paraphernalia and gets a job as a temp.

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To Catch a Spy
35 votes

#20 - To Catch a Spy

Island at War - Season 1 - Episode 3

Philip and Eugene are now stuck on the Island. Wilf has hidden the German Landsers body, which was a vital move due to the German threat of 10 dead villagers for every German killed. Kathleen's brother Sheldon is concerned that his sister is harboring fugitives, and due to his newly made German connections is able to acquire a car and transport them to another farm. Baron Von Rheingarten forms and attachment to Felicity and takes to following her to her favourite spot in the garden to chat. Eugene gives himself up as a POW. Philip is unable to do so as the Baron has seen him in his parents garden. It soon becomes clear to the Baron that there is a second spy. Bernhardt offers Angelique a peace offering in the form of eggs, but she sees this as a form of intimidation. He later visits her fathers grave as further proof of his wish for them to be friends. The photo shop assistant, Zelda, is asked to the 50/50 club by German Officer Walker. At the club he proceeds to tell her his vie

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Living with the Enemy
35 votes

#21 - Living with the Enemy

Island at War - Season 1 - Episode 2

After her husbands funeral Felicity Dorr refuses the custom of Germans in her shop. When the Lieutenant Walker finds out he strews her floor with food and makes her lie face down in the mess insisting she serve Germans. Her 2 daughters Angelique and June meanwhile reopen Mr Isaak's photo shop with the help or previous employee Zelda. German Airman Bernhardt wants his films developed and gives them to June but when Angelique sees she accuses June of fraternising. When Felicity Dorr is rude to the German Commander Baron Von Rhiengarten her reacts by taking over a wing of her house to live in. The Dorr's son Philip makes an unexpected return to the island as a spy. He and his friend Eugene spend a couple of nights at Jonus and Kathleen's farm. Philip returns home and acts as a Gardener to acquire information. With their mission accomplished they return to the beach to await a submarine to return to the mainland. However a German Landser interrupts them and is shot by Philip. The Ge

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It's a Family Affair
2 votes

#22 - It's a Family Affair

Ballykissangel - Season 4 - Episode 7

Brian is preparing for the pre-opening tournament at his golf course. Micky Keeler doesn't approve of the tournament list but he eventually agrees - then tries to bribe Liam and Donal to fix the draw. But Brian is one step ahead of him: disgusted with Micky he gives free membership away without asking him. Danny sets off to Dublin with Razor and Sean is angry when he finds out. He and Ambrose go after him while Emma builds a few bridges with Eamonn. Danny takes a tumble, Sean drops the charges and gives Razor back to him. Niamh is worried that Orla might fancy her dad, but Orla reveals that Sean would be her man of choice. Another one of Liam's and Donal's jobs for Brian goes wrong and fills the marquee with smoke. They transfer to Fitzgerald's but Brian is annoyed to discover that Niamh and Orla have locked the pub up and gone for a night out.

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0 votes

#23 - Repossession

The Bill - Season 12 - Episode 106

A petrol can, a lighter and a desperate man threatening to burn down a house. Can Conway talk him round?

Lucky Day
0 votes

#24 - Lucky Day

The Bill - Season 13 - Episode 70

DC Tosh Lines is going stir-crazy as DCI Jack Meadows has them transcribing interviews for the CPS. Asking Meadows if he can follow up a snout's information, Tosh heads for the Beckwith Arms pub, where he spots a dodgy motor. Approaching the owner, Pete Gapper, Tosh tries to ascertain if the car is stolen, and Gapper offers to sell him another car. Returning to the station, Tosh finds a furious D.I. Noble from the Stolen Vehicles Squad, who accuses him of compromising their operation. To make the best of the situation, and since Tosh believes this will be the suspect's last sale, he goes undercover to ensnare Gapper. As the police move in, Gapper pulls out a handgun, but the timely arrival of an SO19 team soon sees him arrested. Back at the station, Tosh is resentful that his younger colleagues get all the breaks and resources, but Meadows tells him that his experience earns him more respect than he thinks.