The BEST episodes directed by Alan Wareing
#1 - Enemies
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 19
A group of asian youths cause a diversion which one raids the till when Peters tries to stop them. His father is important in the community. The boy wanted to show off to his mates. A Supt. from Area (community liason officer) visits Sunhill to try to nip any racial problems in the bud. Norika brings in a man who has hit his daughter. Norika has nearly calmed the girl down but the Supt. gets her back up again. After further talking by Norika it ends happily. June is having problems getting crime victims answering a survey about stress.
#2 - Free Wheel
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 34
CID are keeping an eye on a man who is suspected of illegal shipment of arms to 3rd world countries. No one has been able to make a case against him in 8 years. A package gets delivered that could be for the suspect. A car is parked in the carpark overnight and it turns out to be the missing car Yorkie is dealing with. As the couple turn the key it explodes. Yorkie tries to explain to a couple 12 days after their car was nicked, that the chances of getting it back are low but he has no objection to them looking for it.
#3 - Communications
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 36
Conway visits the CAD room and others to try and encourage people to talk about their problems. June asks Conway what he thinks her chances are of becoming a Sgt. After being wound up by Sgt Penny, Taffy talks to Conway about getting a transfer out of Sunhill as his wife is not liking the city. Claire and Taffy visit the parents of a missing girl before they start on a door-to-door in the neighbourhood. Claire thinks she has found a witness until her son says she was in a home when the girl was last seen. While door knocking, a car alarm causes frayed tempers. When the owner refuses to turn off the alarm, the car is vandalised. Girl is later found in the market.
#4 - Back On The Streets
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 46
Tosh and Carver are in a car waiting for a suspect who gets away after pinching a mailman's bike. Suspect's wife has been rumoured as doing modeling work. Suspect hangs off the balcony of a 5th floor flat and swings to the floor below. Taffy is sent to investigate an old lady who isn't answering her door. she died unexpectedly. Reg has been talking to Conway and then tries talking to Frazer. He wants to resign as collator. Reg has lovebites on his neck. He snaps at Taffy after Ramsey and Stamp have been having a go at him first. All for nothing as the lady he had been seeing didn't want to see him again. June is being encouraged to go for her sergeant's exams by all the sergeants on the relief.

#5 - Ghost Light (2)
Doctor Who - Season 26 - Episode 6
The Doctor manages to rescue Ace from the husks and then tries to uncover the truth about the goings on in Josiah's house.
#6 - One Of The Boys
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 25
Viv is typing a report while Tosh and Carver are reading the paper. She seems to be considered office girl. Tosh asks her to pick up a prostitute for an alibi check who takes off when she sees Viv. Viv gives chase and tears her skirt. A car driver who gives her a lift thinks she is being a tease and makes her walk back to the station. After a lot of aggravation Viv brings the prostitute back to the station only to find CID doesn't need the alibi after all.

#7 - Ghost Light (3)
Doctor Who - Season 26 - Episode 7
Only Redvers, still searching for the elusive Saxe-Coburg, seems able to withstand Light and communicate with Control. Ace realises her past actions need to be dealt with.

#8 - Ghost Light (1)
Doctor Who - Season 26 - Episode 5
The Doctor and Ace explore Victorian house Gabriel Chase and realise it hides just as many dark secrets in its drawing room as it does in its dark cellar.

#9 - Survival (1)
Doctor Who - Season 26 - Episode 12
Perivale, England, the late 1980s. People are vanishing into thin air under the baleful stare of a very strange cat. The Doctor and Ace learn that, in the battle for survival, success can carry a terrible price...
#10 - The Visit
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 30
Viv is visiting a remand prisoner in prison and ends up being held hostage. After being released she is told all his grievances are false. Melvin watches from a balcony in a shopping precinct as a man is approached by two black men and shot at point blank range. He was going to collect a sniper's rifle at Paddington station.

#11 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (4)
Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 14
Mags goes to find Ace and Kingpin, pursued by the Chief Clown, while the Doctor confronts the power behind the Psychic Circus.

#12 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (1)
Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 11
The Doctor and Ace visit the Psychic Circus on the planet Segonax, where they find the standard of judging at the talent contest distressingly astringent.

#13 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (3)
Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 13
Mags helps the Doctor escape and Deadbeat leads him to Ace, where Bellboy tells them what happened to the Psychic Circus.

#14 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (2)
Doctor Who - Season 25 - Episode 12
The Doctor and Ace reach the Psychic Circus, where the Doctor is imprisoned with the other contestants while Ace draws the attention of the Chief Clown.

#15 - Survival (2)
Doctor Who - Season 26 - Episode 13
The Doctor and Paterson manage to escape from the Master and join up with Ace and her friends, where the Doctor tries to find a way to get them all off the planet before it explodes.

#16 - Survival (3)
Doctor Who - Season 26 - Episode 14
Ace manages to transport the Doctor and the others back to Perivale but the Master is also there, preparing for a final showdown with the Doctor.
#17 - Wed 2 Jun, 2004
Coronation Street - Season 45 - Episode 112
Gail is having a hard time understanding why Sarah won't go to see Billy. Todd sneaks into Sarah's room to try and get her to let him see his son Billy, but she cries out for help. Martin comes rushing in and pulls Todd away. When Sarah finally goes to see her son Billy, she is overwhelmed with happiness. On her way out of the incubator room, alarm bells start ringing from Billy's incubator. Todd returns home after not being allowed to see his son. The phone rings, it's Audrey telling Todd to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Todd puts the phone down before Audrey can finish. Todd rushes to the hospital to see his son, when Audrey has the task of telling him that Billy's dead.
#18 - Sun 1 Jan, 2006
Coronation Street - Season 47 - Episode 1
Sally and Kevin are distraught that their little girl has had sex. Blanche heads of to Lena's as they've arranged to go to a funeral together. Carol's jealous of Frankie's good looks and makes bitchy comments insinuating Frankie's a tart. Jamie's uncomfortable in Frankie's company and Frankie can tell. Carol accuses Jamie of fancying Frankie but Jamie tells her she's sick in the head. Danny and Leanne go for lunch at Les and Cilla's. Danny thinks it's hysterical while Leanne is embarrassed when Les shows him her child's nurse's uniform. Kevin and Sally drag Rosie round to No. 6 where they have a showdown with Keith, Audrey and Craig. When Kevin and Sally discover Keith already knew Craig and Rosie had a sexual relationship they're incensed. Sally has a go at Audrey citing Sarah's teenage pregnancy. Craig and Rosie declare they've done nothing wrong as they're in love but no one will listen. Jack and Vera bicker while Hilary snaps away with her camera. Blanche's friend Lena has died, causing Blanche to mull over her own mortality. Keith tries to bar Craig from leaving the house but Craig ignores him. Jamie gets a taxi to the airport and refuses to tell Carol where he's going. Sally banishes Rosie upstairs. Rosie cries her eyes out for Craig.
#19 - Mon 9 Oct, 2006 [Episode 1]
Coronation Street - Season 47 - Episode 197
It is the day of Fred and Bev’s wedding and Bev can’t wait to become Mrs Elliott. Ashley meanwhile is concerned for his dad – is he marrying the right woman?Across town Audrey is feeling as desolate as Fred and decides that she can’t face coming to the wedding. She calls the Rovers and asks Ashley to pass a message on to Fred telling him she is poorly. Ashley is relieved when Fred gets ready and seems committed to marrying Bev. But how will he react when he discovers that Audrey is not coming? Meanwhile, the rest of the residents are oblivious to what is going on and are excitedly heading for the church.
#20 - Mon 9 Oct, 2006 [Episode 2]
Coronation Street - Season 47 - Episode 198
Tragedy strikes in Weatherfield as Fred dies on his wedding day. Will Bev get Fred down the aisle before he dies or will he choose Audrey and spend his last moments in her arms? Either way Fred’s death will leave the community, his family and both women devastated.
#21 - Wed 11 Oct, 2006
Coronation Street - Season 47 - Episode 199
Fred’s death and the events surrounding it are the talk of the street. A devastated Bev is back in the Rovers still in her wedding dress, while Audrey is looking for support at the Platts’. The two women are mourning the loss of a loved one but how will they react when they come face to face? Meanwhile, Ashley struggles to hold it together as his family is torn apart again. Elsewhere, Danny makes a new play for Frankie saying he’s booked a romantic meal at an expensive restaurant for that evening. Frankie turns him down but it’s clear his playful optimism is starting to wear her down. And as Rosie and Sally share a laugh as they pack for their trip to Paris, for Rosie it’s tinged with sadness for what she and Craig are about to do.
#22 - Fri 13 Oct, 2006
Coronation Street - Season 47 - Episode 200
Danny’s pursuit of Frankie continues and when he presents her with flowers she agrees to go for a drink with him. After what Frankie confesses has been a lovely evening Danny offers to walk her home. As they reach her doorstep Danny moves in for a kiss. Will Frankie give in to passion? As those close to Fred struggle to cope with his shocking death there are funeral arrangements to discuss. Ashley wants Fred to be cremated but when Bev tells Archie she wants a family burial plot tensions rise. It seems Fred will not be resting in peace just yet. As Craig and Rosie finish their last day at school the young lovers burn their ties in preparation for their flit. This time tomorrow it will be Auf Wiedersehen Weatherfield. And Maria feels let down by Charlie again when he tells her he has to take a rain-check on their plans for the weekend.
#23 - Sun 15 Oct, 2006
Coronation Street - Season 47 - Episode 201
As Frankie wakes up next to Danny she’s full of doubts about the previous night. But before she can do anything, Jamie arrives home to find his dad back in the house. He launches himself at Danny, throwing him into the street where a fight ensues. Back in the house things are far from calm as Jamie then demands to know how drunk Frankie was last night. She slaps him across the face and demands to know what’s going on. Will Jamie open his heart to Frankie and tell her he’s in love with her? The Websters are in high spirits as they set off for Paris but as they say au revoir to the street the goodbyes are a bit more poignant for Rosie and Craig. However, as the young lovers arrive in the city they’re caught up in its romance as they plan their escape. Kevin, meanwhile, is thrilled to meet up with dad Bill again. Back on the street, Liam makes a play for Maria in the Rovers. She’s flattered by his attention and when he offers to walk her home she accepts. Unbeknownst to Maria, Charlie is watching the pair as they arrive outside her flat. Is he about to witness his mistress falling for another man? And the gossip about the events surrounding Fred’s death is starting to get to those who were closest to him.
#24 - Episode 3626 (Sun 4th Jan 2004)
Emmerdale - Season 33 - Episode 3
Louise is discharged from hospital and thrilled when Ashley allows her to stay with him. Meanwhile, Laurel tries to get over her crush before her friendship with Ashley is ruined. Also, Marlon ignores the doctor's opinion, convinced Tricia will come back to him.
#25 - Episode 3627 (Mon 5th Jan 2004)
Emmerdale - Season 33 - Episode 4
Alan and Steph come to terms with the reality that Tricia's gone - something Marlon refuses to accept. Meanwhile, Zoe upsets Jack and Scott which leaves her without a workforce. Also, Louise and Ashley realise their romantic relationship may be coming to an end.
#26 - Episode 3628 (Tue 6th Jan 2004)
Emmerdale - Season 33 - Episode 5
Scott is still furious towards Zoe and teaches her a lesson by taking Jean without Zoe's knowledge. Meanwhile, Marlon keeps up the fight to bring Tricia back, and Andy feels stifled by Jack's presence on the farm.
#27 - Close to Home
Casualty - Season 5 - Episode 3
Megan is woken by a crying child and when she investigates, she sees the mother leaving, alone, so she gets ready for work. As she goes to catch the bus, she passes Tony Walker, the Social Worker but he fails to get her attention. Jimmy, the porter, wakes up in a strange place after a night out on the tiles and has to rush off to work. He doesn't impress Julian Chapman by arriving unshaven but Charlie steps in and gives him his electric shaver, to spruce himself up. Debbie, a young mother of two children, has to leave the hostel because of the no eating policy but she has very little money to buy anything. She returns later and borrows a portable stove to heat some soup up for her son, Richie. As she attends to her baby daughter, Richie grabs the saucepan handle and he's badly scolded. When they arrive at Casualty, Charlie puts in a report to the Social Services because he thinks the child might be at risk. When Tony Walker arrives and talks to Debbie, he can't offer her any other