The BEST episodes written by Toshizo Nemoto

Nothing Ventured, No Dog Gained
84 votes

#1 - Nothing Ventured, No Dog Gained

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 5

Madoka kicks her way through an apartment window in pursuit of Kazuhito. Natsuno's true identity is revealed. For Madoka, she is her brother's killer--Akiyama Shinobu. Natsuno attempts to speak for Kazuhito and convey his thoughts, but Madoka takes Kazuhito in her arms and leaves through the window, escaping into the night.

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A Dog by Chance is Preordained
84 votes

#2 - A Dog by Chance is Preordained

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 11

Various customers come to visit Honda Bookseller's. So many people, so many minds, each with their own color, and each with their own book. There Daimon and his men in black suddenly appear, buying up all of Akiyama Shinobu and Himehagi Momiji's books.

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There is No Smoke Without Dog
84 votes

#3 - There is No Smoke Without Dog

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 9

For some time, Natsuno has suspected she is being watched. One day while she is out, someone breaks into Natsuno's perfectly secure room and removes a single book. It happens to be the book she just purchased at Sakura's recommendation, the winner of the full-length novel special award, Heiando's newest author Fujimaki Hotaru's "Keisei Love Story."

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Time Flies Like a Dog
56 votes

#4 - Time Flies Like a Dog

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 10

In the library's anteroom, they find Natsuno's stalker Fujimaki Hotaru--her classmate Osawa Hami. She and Kazuhito had once exchanged promises--that she would become an author and he would be her first reader. Having become an author, Hami returned to see Kazuhito. "Welcome home, Kazuhito-kun."

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Dogs in Moderation
84 votes

#5 - Dogs in Moderation

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 8

Japanese swords, spears, knives, wakizashi... the sacred land of blades, Blade Hall. At the elegant Shinise Ryokan they are met by the landlady and good friend of their landlord. While Natsuno traveled far to sharpen the dull blade of her favorite scissors Hasajiro, she secretly had another motive.

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The Winter Dog Flies into the Fire
84 votes

#6 - The Winter Dog Flies into the Fire

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 3

After seeing her in a dream, Kazuhito recalls his younger sister Harumi Madoka. His nostalgia is cut short when Akiyama Shinobu's editor Hiiragi Suzuna appears, a massive masochist with huge breasts prone to fantasizing. What's worse, Natsuno is in a slump?! As they discuss how to get over her slump, the subject of a mysterious slasher case arises. However, lurking in the shadows of the incident are glimpses of Akiyama Shinobu's book and Madoka...

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Rain Settles the Dog
84 votes

#7 - Rain Settles the Dog

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 6

Honda Bookseller's is in big trouble?! One of Kazuhito's favorite stores, Honda Bookseller's. The owner is Honda Fumio, terrible at business and good with people. But for him to go bankrupt and escape in the night... wouldn't be inconceivable. A concerned Kazuhito heads to Honda Bookseller's with his favorite bag, but is captured by the runaway Honda Yayoi and gets caught up in her escape from home.

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Dogs and Scissors Require Good Handling
84 votes

#8 - Dogs and Scissors Require Good Handling

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 12

Kazuhito lives his life with the massive sadist Natsuno, the mysterious masked author Akiyama Shinobu. However, believing it to be her chance, Suzuna encourages Natsuno to hold a signing. Telling her to work more publicly, she enters her into a cosplay event. When Madoka and Hami come to visit, they become involved as well... Next, in an attempt to inebriate the stubborn Natsuno, she reaches for strong alcohol...

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Strike While the Dog is Hot
84 votes

#9 - Strike While the Dog is Hot

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 2

Kazuhito ends up living with the massive sadist Natsuno Kirihime. Now spending his days in fear of attacks with scissors, one day, a remark from Natsuno sends Kazuhito back to the apartment he lived in as a human. As Kazuhito experiences nostalgia for his old life, Natsuno begins describing the movements of Nakahara Toji, the man who committed the robbery. "It's only a wild fantasy, but it's the story of you and the man who killed you..."

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Drowning Men Clutch at Dogs
84 votes

#10 - Drowning Men Clutch at Dogs

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 4

Kazuhito is caught in a trap and captured. When he regains consciousness, he finds himself in his room at Sumitani Hall, wrapped in a mat and accompanied by Madoka... who appears to be acting strangely... Could Madoka be the killer behind the slasher incident?! Before long, Natsuno saves Kazuhito before he is forced to taste fear, but...

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The Dog Would Not be Shot but for its Cries
84 votes

#11 - The Dog Would Not be Shot but for its Cries

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 7

Another incident?! Natsuno's bra has disappeared. To think she had been wearing it... They call Suzuna and search her apartment. It's not in her room or in the gym.

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Every Dog Has His Day
112 votes

#12 - Every Dog Has His Day

Dog & Scissors - Season 1 - Episode 1

One day, the young man Harumi Kazuhito is suddenly killed during a robbery. However, through sheer tenacity, the bookworm is resurrected as a dachshund dog. With red eyes and silver scissors in her hand, Natsuno Kirihime, a dark haired sadist clad in completely in black appears before him. Moreover, she understands him as a dog and is his favorite author, Akiyama Shinobu herself...

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I Just Get That Feeling
32 votes

#13 - I Just Get That Feeling

Phi-Brain ~ Puzzle of God - Season 3 - Episode 5

Jin once told Rook that “Puzzles are chains. Puzzles are also mirrors.” Unsure how to interpret those words, Rook jumps on the chance to challenge a Puzzle of Fools that Jin once fought in the hopes of gaining insight into his heart...

Three Vessels: Twilight Hill
34 votes

#14 - Three Vessels: Twilight Hill

Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 23

Fumio Mizuhara is constantly bullied by Tomohide Matsuda whose little sister is inquiring about the whereabouts of their father. Fumio later discovers the Hell brand on Tomohide's chest and deduces that he has sent his abusive father to Hell.

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Three Vessels: Rabbit and Tortoise
34 votes

#15 - Three Vessels: Rabbit and Tortoise

Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 15

Shinohara Usagi, nicknamed 'tortoise', is a schoolgirl who is always being helped by her friends because she is so slow at making any kind of decision. One day, a boy named Endo asks her to date him inspiring glowers of jealously from her friends. However, out of jealousy, her brother Michito forces him to break up with her. The sibling rivalry forces Usagi to contact the Hell Hotline.

39 votes

#16 - Awakening

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 4

Kanate ahas been taken by The Reckoning of Warden Tsutsuga. Arata goes to search for them and finds them facing off before Tsutsuga in a battle to the death. Tsutsuga says the winner will be declared innocent of his crimes. Outraged, Arata draws his Hayagami on Tsutsuga, but ends up in a tight spot when he's unable to call upon its power...

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38 votes

#17 - Orochi

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 8

After learning of Kannagi's past, Arata is even more determined to change the world. He practices swordsmanship with Kanate as the party continues toward the Capital. Meanwhile, in modern Japan, Arata meets the friend who betrayed Arata and now feels immense guilt over what he's done.

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39 votes

#18 - Judgement

Arata The Legend - Season 1 - Episode 3

Arata and Kotoha are taken to Gatoya, "the ultimate hell," where they are immediately attacked by two boys. A certain rumor has been spreading around regarding Arata, the alleged murderer of the princess.

The Day We Came Together
65 votes

#19 - The Day We Came Together

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 12

Kotarou has a conversation with Sorinozuka about his worries on what might happen when his father reincarnates, but then Zange comes out of a bush and suggest making a time capsule so Kotarou can send a message to his father's reincarnation in the future. Zange invites Watanuki and Karuta to join and eventually everyone else joins in too, as well as Ririchiyo, who recounts how she was when she first arrived at Ayakashikan to how she is now. While Kotarou thinks of what to write, he is comforted by his father, who states that the him who has not met Kotarou or his mother is not him at all. As they bury the time capsule. Sorinozuka notices that Ririchiyo accidentally placed a letter written to Miketsukami into the time capsule. Realizing that she accidentally switched a letter to Miketsukami from the one meant for her future self, which stated she will not run away and stay by Miketsukami's side, she runs off to Seijou Park. After talking with Miketsukami over the phone, while he goes to fetch her, Ririchiyo realizes that Miketsukami hates himself like she was before, but she was able to overcome the ordeal because she fell in love with Miketsukami. Knowing she has hurt others to protect herself, she decided to use her courage to save Miketsukami by confessing to him and Miketsukami embraces Ririchiyo stating that he too loves her. The ending credits shows separate clips of certain scenes in the manga and ends with Miketsukami revealing that his only dream is to have a child and a family. Ririchiyo decides not to answer him because it is an important decision and that they have plenty of time to decide.

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62 votes

#20 - Kagerou

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 11

Miketsukami history is exposed. While other families revel when a child with youaki blood is born, it is vastly different in his family. Kagerou tells Ririchiyo that he was not the one who wrote her letters back then and Ririchiyo exclaims that she already knew that. The truth of Miketsukami obsession with Ririchiyo is exposed. Kagerou is bored with the fact that Ririchiyo wasn't upset to an extent, therefore telling her that Mikestukami was the one who was writing her the letters in the past. With the realization concluded, she felt that is why Miketsukami noticed her. However, Mikestukami rushes to hug Ririchiyo and exclaims that it was her that noticed him.

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Three Vessels: Liar
36 votes

#21 - Three Vessels: Liar

Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 7

Inuo’s father left his mother and, ashamed, the two left Tokyo. Inuo lies about the situation at his new school but confides in a friend, Washizu – which incurs his mother’s wrath. Washizu spreads the truth and tries to motivate him to seek help; it only motivates Inuo to contact the Hell Hotline.

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Don't Think
61 votes

#22 - Don't Think

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 6

Roromiya spends a lot of her time in her own world. Watanuki believes people don’t understand to her. And Ririchiyo wants to get closer to her, but doesn’t know how.

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Child of Battle
2 votes

#23 - Child of Battle

Ultraman - Season 23 - Episode 15

Moa learns about Kuruto's past, and why he is trying to conquer Earth, while Zena, Zero, and Riku look for a way to deal with Zegan.

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Storm and Stress
210 votes

#24 - Storm and Stress

Durarara!! - Season 1 - Episode 11

Mikado phones Namie proposing a deal, Namie attends with some followers around. Mikado claims he has Mika and demands the "truth" behind what she has done to Mika, she does (unknown to the viewer) while Kadota brings Mika to Celty at the roof of a building nearby Mikado and Namie. Mikado disguisted by the truth asks Namie to turn herself in, she thinking of Mikado's thoughts as nonsense orders her henchmen to move, however Mikado revealing himself as the leader of the Dollars sends massive-multiple email through his cell phone which is in fact sent towards the large mass of people of Ikebukuro who are in fact members of Dollars, ordered to only stare Namie and her workers. It is revealed that Mikado created the Dollars in hopes to create a rumor which would spread, however his plans were brought down when people calling himself Dollars were doing evil. In desperation Mikado left messages about Dollars being a group to do good, which in fact worked. Just as Namie and her followers are desperate, Celty with a high resolution over her existance caring little if she is seen as a monster, decides to attack the Yagiri workers defeating them, although revealing herself as "headless" causing panic among the people. Just as this happens Seiji in an enranged behaviour decides to attack Mikado knowing he knows where "Celty" is.

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A Lonely Dog
95 votes

#25 - A Lonely Dog

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 2

Ririchiyo is out shopping and Sorinozuka goal is to keep her out the complex until 6. Upon their return, Karuta is missing, as they set out to find her and Ririchiyo is forced to show her youkai side.

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Guided by the Phantom's Ghost
52 votes

#26 - Guided by the Phantom's Ghost

Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 20

Finding out that Victorique has been summoned yet again by her father, Kujo races to catch up with her, only for her to disappear again. The Inspector reveals to Kujo that Victorique might not be able to leave, unless she solves the case of Coco Rose, which revolves around a queen who was found beheaded within her quarters. Kujo decides to gather the Fragments of Chaos that Victorique can not assemble, only to discover that Cordelia was once a showgirl, who mysteriously went missing as did a woman who was a look-alike of Coco Rose. During his investigation, Kujo comes across Brian Roscoe - who lures him into an alleyway to an open window - guides him back into the theatre where Victorique is being held by her father and the guards, and is reunited with her once more. And as Victorique's father grants her the permission to leave and assemble the Fragments of Chaos, she declares that she will start the investigation - prompted by Kujo's findings - by going to the grave of the woman who resembled Coco Rose: Nicole Le Roux.

The Bells of Cristmas Eve Toll at the Heels of Time
52 votes

#27 - The Bells of Cristmas Eve Toll at the Heels of Time

Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 21

Upon investigating the grave of a woman with a striking resemblance to Queen Coco Rose, Victorique manages to put together the truth behind her mysterious demise. The truth of the Coco Rose case and the disappearance of Nicole Lulu is made clear, and Albert frees Victorique when she is unable to conclusively identify the murderer. On the way home to the Academy, Victorique and Kujo encounter a seemingly ordinary couple who are actually the still-living Coco Rose and her son fathered by Leviathan. Cordelia watches over them as they arrive home, and is soon joined by Brian and then a man who seems to be Brian's twin.

Ayakashi Kan Walk Rally
58 votes

#28 - Ayakashi Kan Walk Rally

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 4

A former resident of the complex, Watanuki has returned from training with his SS, Natsume. Watanuki, Natsume, and Souishi have known each other since childhood, and Natsume hints that he knows secrets about Souishi’s past.

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Don't Fan Me!!
90 votes

#29 - Don't Fan Me!!

Ah! My Buddha - Season 2 - Episode 2

Ikkou, Chitose, Sumi and Yuuko are now second-year students. Haruka and Sakura became third-year students, with Sakura being the new school council president. Hinata became a first-year student. Hinata received a charm from each of the other girls for the school entrance ceremony. At the ceremony, Kazuki represents the first-years and makes a speech. During her speech, the spirit of the school council founder creates strong winds to lift up all the female students skirts. He is subdued by five members of the Amaenaideyo gang. However, Kazuki releases him and forces Ikkou to awaken to exorcise him.

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Their Night Alone
60 votes

#30 - Their Night Alone

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 7

A ghost has invaded the mansion and security measures have been activated. Nobara, Sorinozuka, and Chino are locked in the cafeteria, Watanuki and Natsume in the hallway, while Ririchiyo and Miketsukami are locked in her room. This is the perfect time for Ririchiyo to express her feelings, but she still can’t get the words out.

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The Unfaithful Dog
58 votes

#31 - The Unfaithful Dog

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 10

The night in which Miketsukami and Ririchiyo are planned to drink tea together is cancelled by the unexpected return of Kagerou and his welcome party. When Miketsukami and Ririchiyo plan to drink tea together the very next day, this is cancelled by Kagerou when he decides to spend the rest of the day with Ririchiyo out on the town. Later that night Ririchiyo grows anxious by Miketsukami not responding to her apology text, so she decides to visit his room and offer him a melon of apology. When she does apologize, Mietsukami say's strange unusual things, causing her to get flustered and return to her room. It is then that Ririchiyo realizes she wants to be with Miketsukami. The very next morning, Miketsukami begs Kagerou in not telling Ririchiyo his hidden secret. Kagerou denies, leading to an intensive battle between the two. Ririchiyo finds the two fighting and orders them to stop at once, and asks them to explain what the problem is. It is then that Miketsukami admits he is hiding something from Ririchiyo.

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The Day of the Promise
57 votes

#32 - The Day of the Promise

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 9

A series of commands have appeared in the mansion causing quite a stir. But that means nothing to Ririchiyo as she frets over her upcoming tea with Miketsukami. She constantly ask her self on what they will talk about, what kind of tea will they drink, and if she will be able to be true to her feelings.

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Two Monsters See Eye to Eye
56 votes

#33 - Two Monsters See Eye to Eye

Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 15

Kujo inquires Brian Roscoe regarding his connection to Victorique and her mother, but he only warns him to beware of her father instead. Meanwhile, Victorique succeeds to unlock the secrets behind Leviathan, the clock tower and the truth about her own origin.

Don't Be Scared!!
91 votes

#34 - Don't Be Scared!!

Ah! My Buddha - Season 1 - Episode 4

Chitose's love for horror movie is shown when she forces Sumi, Ikkou, Hinata and Yuko to watch them with her. A little girl requests help from the gang and they enter a haunted house. Chitose narrates the scenarios that occurred in the respective rooms and scare the wits out of Sumi, Ikkou and Yuko. It is revealed that the little girl is a spirit and Jotoku punishes them for not realising that sooner.

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Kagerou of the Spring
60 votes

#35 - Kagerou of the Spring

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 5

Ririchiyo has been getting disturbing text messages from a block number. Though she shrugs them off, the messages are becoming more frequent and threating. Ririchiyo, while being used to stalkers, might not be as lucky as this stalker knows her secret.

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Everything Changes
198 votes

#36 - Everything Changes

Durarara!! - Season 1 - Episode 17

Sonohara pokes Niekawa with Saika, and shows her a flashback of how she became its wielder. Sonohara's father was an antiquities dealer, and constantly beat up her and her family. Her mother then got possessed by Saika, killed her father, and committed suicide. Sonohara then grabs the cursed blade, and becomes its wielder. Meanwhile, Shizuo beats up Niekawa's "Saika children," flashing back to his past. Sonohara then assimilates Niekawa's Saika, and as a result takes control of all of the Saikas in Ikebukuro. Sonohara apologizes to Celty for attacking her back in Episode 5. Mikado later visits Sonohara at the hospital, and after realizing she has met the "unusual people," warns her to stay away from the non-normal. As a result of Niekawa's assimilation, Sonohara has gained her and all of the Saika's memories; she suspects that Izaya is up to something. Mikado is later shown contacting members of the Dollars, but it is unknown for what reason. The episode concludes, as Izaya's plot deepens further; he is revealed to be behind several events in the slasher arc. He has caused a split of the city's population into different "factions;" Saika/Sonohara's army, the Yellow Scarves, and the Dollars; and knows that they will fight amongst each other. Kida, not knowing Anri Sonohara's true nature, retakes his place as the leader of the Yellow Scarves. He suspects the Dollars to be responsible for Sonohara's injuries, and vows revenge.

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A Malicious Frill Denounces a Farting Newt
53 votes

#37 - A Malicious Frill Denounces a Farting Newt

Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 14

Victorique is dragged by her teacher to her classroom and is introduced to the rest of her classmates. Avril tries to bring her attention but she gets angry on her instead. Kujo demands Victorique to apologize to her, and when she refuses, he sets with Avril to keep investigating the Leviathan case without her help. Meanwhile Victorique has an encounter with Brian Roscoe, a friend of the victim's, on the top of the clock tower.

Give It Your All, Fight Hard
11 votes

#38 - Give It Your All, Fight Hard

Backflip!! - Season 1 - Episode 11

With the pain in his arm growing worse, Shotaro is sent to the hospital just before the tournament. Meanwhile, the tension builds between the athletes of Ao High and Shiro High...

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A Fool Designates His Own Mouthpiece
52 votes

#39 - A Fool Designates His Own Mouthpiece

Gosick - Season 1 - Episode 13

Kujo and Avril explore one of the school's towers and Avril figures that it is related to the legend of Leviathan, an alchemist who lived there decades before. Victorique stumbles on a pop-up book containing a cryptic message aledgely from Leviathan himself and when a death occurs at the top of the tower, she decides to investigate by herself.

The Real Contract
91 votes

#40 - The Real Contract

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 3

After dealing with the stress of making a good impression at her new school, Ririchiyo notices Soushi turning down an admirer. After questioning him about it, her emotions get the best of her and this time, the contract has been terminated.

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Dog and Me
100 votes

#41 - Dog and Me

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 1

Ririchiyo Shirakiin, a girl from a rich family, moves into the high security Maison de Ayakashi apartment complex, where she finds herself assigned a Secret Service agent named Soushi Miketsukami. Ririchiyo is reluctant to have Soushi as her Secret Service, particularly as she doesn't feel worth protecting as her family household has taken up much of her being. One night, a burglar breaks into the complex to try and rob Ririchiyo, only to learn that Soushi, along with the other Secret Service agents in complex, have the power to channel the spirits of monsters. Having been protected from a gunshot by him, Ririchiyo accepts Soushi as her bodyguard.

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Tea and Distance
59 votes

#42 - Tea and Distance

Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 8

Ririchiyo wants the type of friendship the others share with their SS Agent. But her inability to speak her true feelings and Miketsukami only able to talk in a formal matter doesn’t help. She desperately tires to find ways in breaking the barrier between them as master/servant.

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Be Needy!
9 votes

#43 - Be Needy!

Backflip!! - Season 1 - Episode 9

The coach suggests a new group lift to increase their routine's difficulty for regionals, but Misato can't seem to get the hang of it...

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Shocking Stage Debut
58 votes

#44 - Shocking Stage Debut

Macross Delta - Season 1 - Episode 4

At a concert on the nearby planet Randall, Freyja makes her official debut as the newest member of Walküre. The Aerial Knights of Windermere interrupt the festivities and finally make their true intentions known.

Whirlwind Dogfight
61 votes

#45 - Whirlwind Dogfight

Macross Delta - Season 1 - Episode 3

Mirage is assigned to train Hayate, who has become the newest recruit for Delta Flight. Freyja continues her Walküre training. As Hayate and Freyja both struggle through their respective initiations, they soon discover that they are stronger together than they are apart.

Bad-ass Dude
215 votes

#46 - Bad-ass Dude

Durarara!! - Season 1 - Episode 7

Shizou has been very angry and destroys everything around him. Just as he recalls how he started doing that, his past involving the secret of his limitless strength, his relationship with Shinra as well as his encounter and vendetta over Izaya Orihara is revealed.

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The Maidens of Watermaple
227 votes

#47 - The Maidens of Watermaple

Log Horizon - Season 2 - Episode 7

Akatsuki revives at the Cathedral and asks the others for help to defeated the murderer. She trains with the top members of D.D.D. and the West Wind Brigade in an attempt to learn the Teachings.

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15 votes

#48 - Enjoy!

Backflip!! - Season 1 - Episode 6

It's time for the prefectural tournament! Shotaro is doing his best to prepare for what will be his first official competition, but he nevertheless struggles with fear and nerves about the upcoming event.

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Takes A Sudden Turn
196 votes

#49 - Takes A Sudden Turn

Durarara!! - Season 1 - Episode 13

Six months had passed since the Dollars meeting at Ikebukuro. Since then, the police starts chasing Celty tirelessly through the city, leaded by Kinnosuke Kuzuhara, a reckless police biker specially assigned to aprehend her. After losing their tail, Celty is asked by Shinra to pick his father Shingen who just arrived at Japan. Meanwhile, another urban legend, the mysterious assailant known as "The Slasher" is attracting the media's attention as his/her identity is a mystery, and just when Anri was being bullied by the same girls who harassed her before, The Slasher appears and cuts them down before her.

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Shadows of Shadows
2 votes

#50 - Shadows of Shadows

Ultraman - Season 23 - Episode 14

Moa has a new partner, an Alien Shadow named Kuruto, who might not be all he appears.

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