The BEST episodes written by Takao Yoshioka

There's a Reason for Everything
42 votes

#1 - There's a Reason for Everything

WWW.Working!! - Season 1 - Episode 13

Higashida has been going along with Miyakoshi’s “practice cooking” for a long time now, and it’s for his sake as much as her own that she’s determined to succeed somehow with it. She thinks as hard as she can about what is necessary when cooking. What answer does she arrive at?

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The Love and Reminiscence of Something
52 votes

#2 - The Love and Reminiscence of Something

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 11

Satou wants to confess his feelings to Yachiyo, and he plans to quit the restaurant if he gets his heart broken. Will he be able to be open with her?

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Yamada, Yama-da!
46 votes

#3 - Yamada, Yama-da!

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 6

Souta struggles with the idea that Inami may have feelings for him. Meanwhile, Nazuna offers her assistance with Popura out sick, and Yamada does her best to get on Souma's good side by prying into other people's business.

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Greatest Night
48 votes

#4 - Greatest Night

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 3

Realizing that he and Yachiyo both have the same day off, Jun finally finds the courage to ask her out for drinks. Meanwhile, Yamada devises multiple plans to get Sota to pet her again.

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Dragon of Dragon
217 votes

#5 - Dragon of Dragon

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 9

The sudden death of Asia surprises Issei and makes him trigger Juggernaut Drive. While Rias and her household try to save him, Azazel and Sir Zechs meet the leader of the Chaos Brigade! What is her true intention for creating the organization?

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The Wind of Love!?
51 votes

#6 - The Wind of Love!?

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 2

A fateful phone call brings back a terrible person into the lives of the Takanashis.

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Heart Knocker
48 votes

#7 - Heart Knocker

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 4

After her night out with Jun, Yachiyo begins to question how she really feels about him. Meanwhile, with Inami being surprisingly behaved around him, Sota struggles with his own feelings.

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Working Girl
48 votes

#8 - Working Girl

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 12

Takanashi sorts his feelings for Inami while Yachiyo and talks to Popura about her future. Also, Souma has photos.

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Goodbye Yamada
49 votes

#9 - Goodbye Yamada

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 7

Aoi runs away from home, feeling that she is not loved. Her friends try to convince her to return home which makes her think that they don't love her either! What will Aoi do now?

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Dangerous Situation
48 votes

#10 - Dangerous Situation

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 9

Mr. Otoo brings Haruna to work so she won't get lost again. There is something very peculiar about this stealth couple! Meanwhile, Aoi wants to know why romance between co-workers isn't allowed at the restaurant!

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Super Bag in the Heart
47 votes

#11 - Super Bag in the Heart

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 5

Izumi sets out to find a new lady friend for the broken-hearted Souta. However, will he agree to meet a new girl after all he has been through?

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That Woman Shizuka
50 votes

#12 - That Woman Shizuka

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 10

Kozue's self-esteem hits a new low as she and the rest of her siblings, with the exception of Nazuna, dread the return of their mother. Elsewhere, Kyoko tasks everyone with making the best parfaits.

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Mystic Sugar
47 votes

#13 - Mystic Sugar

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 8

The "Yamada" family still has problems. Aoi still doesn't acknowledge her real brother and Kiryu struggles to change that.

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Any Time, For All Time!
214 votes

#14 - Any Time, For All Time!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 12

Issei must stop Rias by fighting against her. As she pummels him with attacks, Issei recalls various memories that he shared with her. Unable to leave Rias in such a state, he runs forward to bring back the regal and dignified Rias he remembers.

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It Stung
64 votes

#15 - It Stung

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 9

Walking back from school with Ren and Neneko, it is revealed that Takeya's fear of aliens stems from watching science-fiction horror films as a child. That afternoon, Neneko has Ren and Miu model a costume wardrobe she has; politely refusing to model any herself. Takeya's sharp opinion to this offends Neneko who leaves; Takeya unapologetic. The following day, although Neneko seems casual and unhurt, Takeya has a guilty conscience, and by the end of the day, apologizes for his rudeness.

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No Return
471 votes

#16 - No Return

Elfen Lied - Season 1 - Episode 13

Yuka informs Mayu of Kouta's past. Meanwhile, Lucy and Mariko find each other and face off in a fight. Now, Nana and Kurama have to find Mariko because Kurama needs to kill her...

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Zero Louise
228 votes

#17 - Zero Louise

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 1

Despite being from a famous magic family, Louise has never been able to successfully cast a single spell. On the day of her familiar summoning exam, she bungles the summoning and accidentally summons a human from Earth. The poor victim of her mistake is Saito Hiraga, a typical high school boy.

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M, My Ball ......
65 votes

#18 - M, My Ball ......

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 8

In a flashback a man lies on a floor grossly hemorrhaging as Miu desperately tries but fails to stop it. Back in school, Miu, still feeling inferior to and jealous of Ren, challenges her to another contest; a Dears game called Palaga. During the game, Miu and Takeya fall into a water well, and unable to immediately leave, sit and talk about the Dears enslavement and Miu's past; the man from the previous sequence being her ex-master who was gunned down. Overcoming her past, and discovering the well is in the back of her homestay, Miu flies them both out; Takeya met by an overjoyed Ren.

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Wagnaria - No Front Line Incident
52 votes

#19 - Wagnaria - No Front Line Incident

Wagnaria!! - Season 3 - Episode 1

Welcome back to Wagnaria! What will happen in the lives of the employees at the family restaurant?

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3rd Contact: By Chance
70 votes

#20 - 3rd Contact: By Chance

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 3

Miu acquaints with her assigned homestay, an elderly couple she warmheartedly calls her grandparents. Meanwhile, after being scolded by Takeya for her nakedness, Ren decides to clean the apartment by defenestrating his furniture and trash; Neneko empathetically awarding her yesterdays shopping change in return. Xaki instructs Nia to apprehend Ren. The following morning Ren visits the market, and drawn by the scent of melonpan, buys a bag of it; Nia botching her capture and leaving absentmindedly. Ren affectionately visits Takeya at school, causing an uproar that settles when she is believed to be a substitute for Miu. Tired and confused, Takeya and Ren retreat home.

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Furthermore It Was Hot
67 votes

#21 - Furthermore It Was Hot

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 12

In the apartment, Khi explains to Takeya in detail the reason for the recall. Back at the market, Xaki gives chase to Ren but is dissuaded when a mob of storekeepers come to her aid. As Ren returns and settles home, confused and indecisive, Takeya divorces ownership of her; Khi scheduling to pick her up the next day. At school, as Ren gives her farewells, she eludes Khi and is pursued by Xaki once more. Upset at this, the entire school assembles to help; Yoshihime motorcycling Takeya to Ren. Following a scuffle with Xaki, Takeya emphatically changes his mind and makes it his final decision to be Ren's master.

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67 votes

#22 - Disgusting

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 7

Takeya, Natsuki, Neneko and Ren spend time walking around an amusement park, then return home. When Natsuki misunderstands Ren and Takeya's cohabitation, she becomes aggressively jealous toward Ren and tries to drive her off. Both girls eventually makeup, but not before Harumi arrives to ferociously pickup her daughter. At an airport, relations patched, Neneko, Takeya and Ren bid goodbye to Harumi and Natsuki as they depart to catch a flight. Miu summons Khi and tells him she has plans to drop out of school.

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Wipe Your Mouth
69 votes

#23 - Wipe Your Mouth

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 4

Ren begins her first day of school and assimilates quite nicely; she is well respected and admired by everyone. When Miu arrives, only to learn of her replacement, she charges Ren; refusing to coincide with her as the student diplomat. In response, the school holds three duels: a 100 yard dash, a liberal arts test and a cookoff. While Miu effectively wins 3-1, she mournfully forfeits the last challenge. Nevertheless, the principle asks both girls to stay; Miu vowing to watch Ren attentively.

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A Thief's Identity
134 votes

#24 - A Thief's Identity

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 6

Worried that the princess may be blamed for Fouquet's theft, Louise volunteers to go out and catch her. With Kirche, Tabitha, and Saito tagging along, they travel to the last sighting of Fouquet with Longueville. There, they discover the hiding place of the Staff of Destruction only to have Fouquet's golem appear. Wishing to show her worth, Louise tries to take it head on with a spell, nearly being crushed in the process. Only by Saito's quick reflexes is she saved. Her confidence broken, Louise breaks into tears. Saito is moved by this and begins attacking the golem in her name. After discarding Kirche's sword and drawing Derflinger, the runes on his hands glow once again and his ability greatly increases. Louise tries to help by taking out the Staff of Destruction, which turns out to be a "M72 Light Anti-tank Weapon system(LAWs)" rocket launcher from Vietnam War. Immediately recognizing it, Saito grabs it and quickly uses it, blowing up the golem.

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I Am Frustrated
69 votes

#25 - I Am Frustrated

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 6

Takeya stops Ren from sexually advancing, calling it too soon. Slightly awkward from this, he distances himself from her for most of the day. Miu invites herself to reform Ren by showing her to cook and gaily decorating the apartment. As Takeya throws out the flashy new room additions, he is hastily tackled by his stepsister, Natsuki Ikuhara.

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I Wonder If Its Small
74 votes

#26 - I Wonder If Its Small

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 2

After a nightmarish and erratic morning, Neneko mistakenly discovers Ren during an unexpected visit, and examining the situation, assigns Takeya the job of teaching her Japanese. He indifferently teaches her nothing and eventually falls asleep, during which time Ren telepathically learns all the material and gains the ability to speak the language, though in a slightly broken manner. In this more fluent condition, Neneko and Takeya bring Ren to a mall to shop for new clothes. Elsewhere, Miu finishes up her admission to Koharu High with Khi.

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Zero Treasure
122 votes

#27 - Zero Treasure

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 12

The gang has located a rare dragon, which Siesta's family has kept a map. It turns out to be a Mitsubishi Zero-sen, a Japanese aircraft use in World War II. They bring it back to the school. Colbert said someone earlier used another aircraft to fly during the solar eclipse and disappeared. Saito concluded that the person returned home and this is his chance for him to return home also.

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Nurse .....?
69 votes

#28 - Nurse .....?

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 5

Detached and confused about Ren, Takeya grows increasingly rash towards her. Miu helps to explain the situation and supervises her after class. That night, Khi visits Miu to collect information on Ren while, back at the apartment, uncontrollably aroused by her body, and sensing this, Ren straddles a distraught Takeya.

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Louise The Void
153 votes

#29 - Louise The Void

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 13

The enemy is starting attack villages and another solar eclipse is about to happen. The empire has formed an army with Louise and Guiche to avert the attack. Saito finds out and uses the plane to come to their aid, but he has to give up his chance to return home. He was able to use the machine gun to eliminate most of the enemy, but ran out of ammo and couldn't take down Wardes. Louise unlocks her magic, destroying the entire enemy force. After the battle, the solar eclipse is over and the plane is nearly destroyed. Saito ends up staying.

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423 votes

#30 - Quagmire

Elfen Lied - Season 1 - Episode 12

Mariko is torturing and playing with Nana like an insect while Kouta runs to her to protect her. Mariko temporally looses her vectors, thanks to Nana, and has to be sent back. Nyuu follows Kouta, but when the soldiers start to shoot at her she turns into Lucy. Seeing the bloodthirsty Lucy, Kouta recalls everything...

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I Want to See You
133 votes

#31 - I Want to See You

DearS - Season 1 - Episode 1

Crossing over a bridge, an unidentified box truck overturns at the sight of a stray cat in the road, spilling a human capsule from its cargo (which shows Exposition). On his way back from school, Takeya encounters and rescues a mysterious Dears from being run over by a delivery truck. After proclaiming servility to him, and then shortly fainting, he takes her to his apartment where she is washed, clothed, fed melonpan and given the name Ren. Meanwhile back at the bridge, Rubi and Khi discover the lost capsule.

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We Will Save Asia!
212 votes

#32 - We Will Save Asia!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 8

Rias and her household leaves the fighting of the Chaos Brigade to the adults as they rush toward the temple to save Asia. There, Diodora replaces the Rating Game with a little game of his own. They must fight against his forces to get Asia back!

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Tabitha's Secret
128 votes

#33 - Tabitha's Secret

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 8

It's summer vacation and many students are traveling back to their families. Kirche goes along with Tabitha to her home on invitation, leaving Louise and Saito alone for once. However, mischief is still plentiful. Upset at Guiche's continued flirting with other girls, Montmorency creates a love potion and plots to have Guiche take it. Meanwhile, Saito obtains a large pot that was about to be thrown away and converts it into a makeshift hot tub, similar to the hot springs in Japan. While bathing in it at night, Siesta happens to pass by and much to Saito's embarrassment joins him. Seeing this, Louise becomes so frustrated that she interrupts Montmorency's plans by gulping the drink laced with the before mentioned love potion. As can be expected, when Saito returns to her room, Louise falls completely in love, causing many more problems.

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Louise's Change of Heart
151 votes

#34 - Louise's Change of Heart

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 9

The lovey-dovey antics of Louise under the love potion persist to the point of freaking Saito out. In desperation, Saito demands that Montmorency create an antidote. She refuses to do so until Saito learns of the illegality of creating love potions and threatens her with possible arrest. As the antidote requires the tears of a water elemental, Montmorency leads Saito and Louise to Lake Lagdorian. There, they find Kirche, Tabitha, and a whole new problem.

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Louise's Part-Time Job
129 votes

#35 - Louise's Part-Time Job

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 7

Having been concerned for the welfare of the commoners, Henrietta asks Louise and Saito to work undercover and figure out if what nobles are taking advantage of the lesser ranked commoners. Louise ends up wasting all of the money given to her for the mission on gambling in hopes of having enough to afford an expensive hotel. Refusing to ask for more money, Louise ends up working in a bar as a waitress. Unused to the brashness of a commoner's life, she is unable to earn any tips with her temper flaring all over the place. Her moment of salvation comes when a rather arrogant noble decides to enter the bar.

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Beware of the Underground Maze
166 votes

#36 - Beware of the Underground Maze

Demon King Daimao - Season 1 - Episode 5

Akuto, Eiko, Hiroshi and Korone enter the cemetery beneath the charnel house, where they discover proof of past conflicts; Junko, Kena and Fujiko are not far behind, trying to get to Akuto before he learns the true nature of the map's treasure.

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Tristain's Princess
131 votes

#37 - Tristain's Princess

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 5

The yearly familiar exhibition is literally a day away and Louise is feeling rather depressed about it. Not only does Saito have nothing impressive to show off, but this year the Princess is watching as well, making it even more important. As night approaches, desperation sets in as Saito is unable to produce an act worthy of praise. A sudden mystery visitor turns out to be Princess Henrietta herself and her relationship with Louise is explained. The next day, Saito attempts a presentation only to be dragged off early by Louise. Walking away from the stage, they witness a robbery in progress by Fouquet and her earthen golem. Failing to stop her, Fouquet is able to run off with the fabled Staff of Destruction.

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381 votes

#38 - Reminiscence

Elfen Lied - Season 1 - Episode 9

More of Lucy's past is revealed: Her meeting with Kouta, their friendship that will end in tragedy, and the reason why Lucy became the killer she is today.

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Feverish Temptation
138 votes

#39 - Feverish Temptation

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 3

With his recent victory over Guiche, Saito has become semi-popular among the commoners and several nobles. Kirche in particular has chosen him as her next boyfriend. In a devious plan, she attempts to seduce him, although this fails when Louise finds out. Annoyed by Saito's lack of defenses, Louise drags him out to town to pick up a sword after considering his hidden talents. Kirche, unwilling to let go so easily, matches Louise's gift with a more impressive sword. Of course, it simply causes more problems between Saito and Louise.

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Peasant Familiar
138 votes

#40 - Peasant Familiar

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 2

An abrupt departure from the normal life he once lead, Saito must deal with being Louise's familiar. Unhappy with the arrogance of nobles, Saito exposes Guiche's two-timing nature as an act of revenge. This of course, provokes Guiche into challenging him to a a duel. Despite being severely beaten up by Guiche's magic, Saito refuses to bow down. Impressed, Guiche tosses him a sword to even up the playing field. In a completely unexpected turn of events, the runes etched on Saito's hands begin to glow the moment he grasps the sword. Feeling a surge of energy, Saito manages to defeat Guiche. However, he soon collapses after the fight from fatigue.

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The Night Before Battle!
221 votes

#41 - The Night Before Battle!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 7

Diodora continues to pester sweet Asia as the Rating Game approaches. Issei and the others prepare for battle as dark things brew in the background. When the Gremory household jumps to the field, they find themselves in an unexpected battle!

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The Perfect Ending?
130 votes

#42 - The Perfect Ending?

Demon King Daimao - Season 1 - Episode 12

The battle begins in the presence of the gods; Akuto defeats Yamato and learns the truth, but refuses to comply with the original plan; a new semester begins at the academy, where Akuto is again projected to be the demon king.

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A Maid's Crisis
135 votes

#43 - A Maid's Crisis

The Familiar of Zero - Season 1 - Episode 4

Siesta is sold to a royal family from out of town, presumably to be a mistress to the head noble. Disgusted by the lack of regard that nobles have for commoners, Saito tries his best to rescue her, but with no avail. As Saito attempts to take on the noble by fighting, Louise and the others arrive just in time to prevent Saito's death. In an act of kindness, Kirche gives up her family treasure to make up for Saito's actions and win Siesta back. Before leaving the manor, Saito catches a glimpse of the family treasure, and is shocked to find that it is in actuality a rather old porno magazine from Earth.

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Miracle on New Year's Eve
15 votes

#44 - Miracle on New Year's Eve

Konohana Kitan - Season 1 - Episode 12

The Konohanatei gang visit the shrine for New Year’s Eve. Yuzu gets lost again, but she makes some new friends as she tries to find her way home.

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Young Devils Gather!
209 votes

#45 - Young Devils Gather!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 2

Issei and the others begin their training to improve each of their skills. All the while things are happening around them as powerful people gather to fight against the Chaos Brigade. All the young devils gather in one place.

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The Occult Club Disappears?!
213 votes

#46 - The Occult Club Disappears?!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 10

Asia saves Issei by healing the dragon within him after his incomplete transformation. Finally, they all make it back home and enjoy their peaceful days. After Loki fails with Issei, he turns his evil grasp toward Rias.

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The Isolation Cell is Fun?
147 votes

#47 - The Isolation Cell is Fun?

Demon King Daimao - Season 1 - Episode 4

Mitsuko suggests Akuto spend time in the mental discipline chamber; they come away with a mysterious map that Kena believes will show the way to pirate treasure.

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Demi-chans Want to Support
85 votes

#48 - Demi-chans Want to Support

Interviews with Monster Girls - Season 1 - Episode 11

Tetsuo has offered to work with the girls to figure out how Hikari and Yuki, who don't handle heat or sunlight well, can spend summer in comfort. But the school's head teacher suggests that the demi girls' total reliance on Tetsuo might actually be hurting them in the long run. This weighs on Tetsuo's mind...

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The Last Day of Summer Break!
226 votes

#49 - The Last Day of Summer Break!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 5

With Loki defeated, Rias and her household return to the human world to finish up their last days of summer. A pile of homework awaits Issei, but he goes on a date with Akeno instead! Akeno throws herself at Issei, hoping to forget her terrible past.

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Second Trimester has Started!
215 votes

#50 - Second Trimester has Started!

High School D×D - Season 3 - Episode 6

Issei and the others are back to school and their daily lives. Irina and Rossweisse both start to live at Issei's house and the sports festival is fast approaching. During all of this, Diodora Astaroth appears before Asia and proposes to her?!

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