The BEST episodes written by Sharon Miller

#1 - Topped Off Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 18
Upon challenging Spencer the Streamliner to a bit of a race, Thomas ends up whizzing through Kellsthorpe station so fast he causes a strong gust that blows the Fat Controller’s hat clean away. Thomas takes it in his stride to try and get the top hat back, but on each occasion he nears it, the hat decides to blow away! Thomas will have to try another method of attack.
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#2 - Thomas and the Runaway Car
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 17
Thomas feels proud to take The Fat Controller's new car to a Car Show. However, Gordon challenges Thomas to a race and a loose coupling gives them a whole chase!
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#3 - The Biggest Present of All
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 16
All the engines on the Island of Sodor are very excited. Hiro is returning for a visit, and to help with the summer holiday makers. The Fat Controller is throwing a surprise welcome party at Knapford for Hiro, and tells Thomas to tell all the other engines. But Thomas' mind isn't on the party; he wants to get Hiro a wonderful gift to celebrate his visit. Thomas puffs all around the island, trying to find something special for Hiro. Later, Thomas arrives at Knapford, but no one is there, as Thomas hadn't told anybody about the party. Thomas quickly races around the island, and all soon arrive at Knapford. Thomas apologizes for not finding a gift, but Hiro insists that the best present of all, was having all of his friends together.

#4 - Don't Be Silly, Billy
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 13
A new engine known as Silly Billy arrives and Thomas has to show him around. But Billy finds him to be bossy and decides to find his own way around, with disastorous consequences.

#5 - Tree Trouble
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 19
The steam engines compete against the diesels to find the best Christmas tree in Sodor. Can the trains transport the trees back to town in one piece?

#6 - Thomas Sets Sail
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 12
Thomas is asked to collect the Mayor's new sailboat and bring it to the Harbor. But Thomas doubts the strong winds which give him a wild and disastorous ride around the island!

#7 - James to the Rescue
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 6
James rejects Toby's help and refuses to work as part of a team when Gordon needs rescuing. However, James soon has to swallow his pride and ask Toby to assist him.

#8 - The Magic Lamp
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 14
Peter Sam wouldn’t even think of believing in Skarloey’s story about the magic lamp belonging to the legendary engine, Proteus. But before long, Peter Sam starts thinking otherwise about the lamp, so much so that he loses his way on a night shift…

#9 - Thomas' Day Off
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 18
It’s Thomas’ day off, and new diesel engine, Dennis, is to deliver to the school some new roof tiles for him. But Dennis is as lazy as can be, and tries to trick Thomas into still doing the work by pretending he has broken down. But such a lie comes back to haunt Dennis.

#10 - Thomas' Frosty Friend
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 20
High winds cause a giant balloon of a snowman to attach itself to one of Thomas’ buffers. A great deal of folk attempt to tell Thomas how it has managed to get itself stuck on him, but to no avail. Thomas simply won’t listen, as he is much too concerned about getting his job done of bringing timber to Farmer McColl.

#11 - Thomas and the Birthday Picnic
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 7
It is Sir Topham Hatt's mother’s birthday, and he wants to make it as special a day for her as possible, by taking her on a birthday picnic. But of course, for such a special occasion, an equally special location there should be to compliment – but just where?

#12 - Thomas and the Spaceship
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 7
Percy sees some flashing lights in the sky and is convinced they are a spaceship. Thomas decides to find them for himself and forgets to deliver the mail.

#13 - Double Trouble
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 4

#14 - The Man in the Hills
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 16
Thomas and the narrow gauge engines must collect presents for Mr. Percival's birthday. Sir Handel is to tell Mr. Percival and everyone else his 'Man in the Hills' story. He tells the engines that the man is white and has never been found. Thomas believes that he can find him, but fails when presuming that the 'Man in the Hills' is a Baker, or a Miller. He then takes them back to make Mr. Percival's cake and tells Freddie to find the 'Man in the Hills'. Thomas soon finds that he is carved onto a hill for everyone to see. Everyone arrives for the party, as Sir Handel tells everyone his story about the 'Man in the Hills'

#15 - Creaky Cranky
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 1

#16 - Tuneful Toots
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 9 - Episode 8
A brass concert is being held, which Rusty the Diesel will be playing in, utilizing his rather musical two-toned diesel horn. But on his way to the venue, overexcited Rusty finds himself clean out of oil. Without him, the concert will surely have to be canceled.

#17 - Heave Ho, Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 6
When a big, brash engine called Hank offers to help Thomas with his chores, the little engine shrugs off his assistance.

#18 - Toby's Special Surprise
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 7
Toby wants to make an impression by searching the island for something special. But when Toby is taking workmen to Great Waterton, he spends to much time looking for something special, he eventually runs out of coal. But when he finds a metal piece lying beside the track, Rocky lifts it of the ground and Toby finds the sign of the 'Great Waterton Tram Shed'.

#19 - Big Belle
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 15
A new engine called Belle attempts to befriend Toby when she discovers that they have something in common. However, her bolshy behaviour overwhelms Toby.

#20 - Stop That Bus!
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 13
Thomas feels sorry for Bertie, so he takes him on a tour. Bertie then realizes that he needs to go and collect a group of people and cannot be late.

#21 - Mountain Marvel
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 4
Peter Sam rushes his jobs in order to hear a tale about Proteus from the famous storyteller, Miss Marvel and crashes into a statue of Proteus! He tries to bring the statue to storytelling and redirects his friends, but his carelessness leads to trouble.

#22 - Push Me, Pull You
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 19
The puppet show has arrived on Sodor and Skarloey is determined to pull the special train

#23 - Follow That Flour
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 1
Thomas is not happy that James is collecting the flour for the cakes to be had at a children’s party. Thomas is so cross that he is stuck shunting trucks instead, he bangs James’ flour truck hard, which causes the door to fly open, resulting in all the flour pouring out! Thomas goes to get a replacement flour truck but by the time he reaches the mill, it is shut. But there is one last hope: There is another truck full of flour – behind a whole lot of empty ones.

#24 - Steady Eddie
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 2
Edward is told to take a brass wheel along the express line to the Waterworks, but opts to take the branch line so the people can see him. Although Edward is warned the line ahead is bumpy, he continues onwards as the school is nearby. When the wheel begins to tear the rope, Edward goes up Gordon's Hill, but then the wheel rolls off to the Smelters. Edward saves it just in time and has it chained on so it won't fall off.

#25 - Hiro Helps Out
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 20
Hiro arrives at Knapford station to find the Fat Controller very busy; so busy in fact that the Fat Controller leaves his top-hat inside his office and bumps into the stationmaster and a porter. Edward arrives and, like Hiro, is quite worried about the Fat Controller's unusual behaviour. The Fat Controller has a meeting to attend with the Thin Controller and he doesn't listen to Edward who tries to ask him where to take his visitors from Brendam Docks. Hiro decides to help Edward, so as not to bother the Fat Controller and tells Edward to take his visitors to the hills. Later, Hiro finds Thomas taking tables and chairs, but he doesn't know where to take them; so Hiro tells Thomas to go and visit Farmer Trotter. Finally, Hiro finds Percy taking ducks, who want to go for a swim; so, Hiro tells Percy to take the Fenlan Track so that the ducks can have a swim. Hiro thinks he is doing a good job until he sees the Fat Controller, on his way back from the meeting looking very cross. Edward's visitors are suppose to be at the Town Hall for a concert; Thomas is suppose to be at the Town Hall with the tables and chairs; and Farmer McColl is waiting for his ducks. Hiro feels very bad and rather silly; he's hadn't been the "Master of the Railway" - he'd been the "Master of the Muddle"! Hiro tells the Fat Controller that he didn't want to bother him, and the Fat Controller reminds Hiro that he is in charge of the Railway. Hiro decides to sort out his muddle for the Fat Controller, so he tells Edward and Thomas to go to Knapford station where the Fat Controller will give them his orders. Then, he finds Percy, who can't get the ducks back inside their boxes. Using his whistle to make duck noises, Hiro helps Percy. Once Thomas, Edward and Percy are at Knapford, the Fat Controller tells them where to go, and Hiro promises himself always to be helpful to the Fat Controller - the right way in future.

#26 - The Green Controller
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 5
Lady Hatt assigns Percy to tell the other engines what their jobs are on this day, as the Fat Controller has unfortunately lost his voice. Percy refuses help from Thomas, even though he does have many things to keep in his mind, to tell the engines. Percy soon ends up all befuddled and tells Gordon, James and Toby completely the wrong things! The results prove quite disruptive…

#27 - Toby and Bash
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 2
Dash is rewarded by the Fat Controller for being a Really Useful Engine. His prize is to spend the day with Toby. Dash enjoys himself so much that Toby thinks his friend would like to live on Sodor. Together, the pair set out to find Dash the perfect new home.

#28 - Play Time
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 7

#29 - Gordon and Ferdinand
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 1
The Fat Controller gives Ferdinand the honor of helping Gordon take the Lion of Sodor to the summerhouse. Gordon, however, gets very jealous, which causes a nasty accident on the track.

#30 - Roley’s Rovers
Bob the Builder - Season 17 - Episode 5

#31 - Henry's Happy Coal
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 9
Henry is given the special task of taking a very important visitor around on a tour, but finds himself teased about the special coal he has to use.

#32 - Steamy Sodor
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 14

#33 - Splish, Splash, Splosh!
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 15

#34 - Tram Trouble
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 12 - Episode 13
Toby is the first to lead Great Waterton and Thomas is pleased for his friend. But when he arrives at Great Waterton he is surprised to see a new steam tram, Flora. He feels Toby will be upset so tries to keep her away from Toby. She soon runs out of coal and then Toby reveals he was nervous about leading the parade alone, so Thomas then has to put things right.

#35 - Buzzy Bees
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 13 - Episode 19

#36 - Stuck on You
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 14
Thomas meets Butch, who has a magnet attached to his crane arm. However, he and Butch do not listen to Victor about how to use the magnet.

#37 - Race to the Rescue
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 16 - Episode 1
Flynn is the Sodor Island fire engine and his wheels have been adapted so that he can roll on the road as well as on the train tracks. As he sets out on the road, he is nervous and his wheels wobble. Charlie chuffs by and makes fun of him leaving Flynn feeling silly. Rocky then tells Flynn that Sir Topham Hatt's shed is on fire. Flynn drives off, but instead of using the road which would be faster, he goes on the tracks so he will not be a "big red wobble on wheels".

#38 - Up, Up and Away!
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 8
Thomas and Percy are chosen to deliver a giant balloon. The wind on the coast track whips the balloon into the sky. Thomas and Percy wait for the balloon, but Gordon tells them it will not fly back, so the engines have to find another way of replacing it.

#39 - Thomas' Tricky Tree
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 7
When Thomas arrives at the Wharf and explains to Peter Sam and Duncan that he has been sent to collect a Christmas Tree from Sir Handel, the pair tease him, taking it that Thomas does not know what a Christmas Tree looks like. Thomas is absolutely fuming. He very well knows! So cross, Thomas becomes, he decides to accept help from no-one for the rest of the day. Before long, Thomas eyes a flatbed truck, on which a tarpaulin is covering what appears to be in the shape of a Christmas Tree. Thomas hastily hauls it away, but it’s no Christmas Tree under there, as he finds just down the line…

#40 - Edward the Hero
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 5
Edward is given a special job to do, so he decides that he needs to become a hero like Henry. He soon discovers that heroes come in all shapes and sizes.

#41 - Percy and the Monster of Brendam
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 16 - Episode 4
Percy fears a monster may be near when the fog rolls in while he's waiting at Brendam Docks; Thomas is so intent on appearing in every shot of a "Great Railways of Sodor" book that he's unaware when Percy and James become derailed.

#42 - Ding-a-Ling
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 11 - Episode 24
Mr Percival, The Narrow Gauge Controller, has a new bicycle - but it's missing a bell. Freddie becomes determined to find one, trying out a cow bell and some clowns bells until he eventually finds the perfect bell to use.

#43 - Let It Snow
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 10
Gordon and Thomas collect logs for an animal shelter and sing a song about snow in the hope that they can make snow clouds appear.

#44 - Fiery Flynn
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 20
A new enthusiastic fire truck called Flynn tries to impress the Diesels with his bravado, but his actions have potentially disastrous consequences.

#45 - Emily and Dash
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 3
Emily is given the job of looking after Dash on a trip to the steam fair. Dash shows Emily how to make special tweeting noises with his whistle, but he does it so often, he runs out of fuel and gets stuck. Emily thoughtlessly goes on to the fair without him. Will she remember her job and come back?

#46 - Edward Strikes Out
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 10 - Episode 17
Edward doesn’t think too highly of a new rail crane who has arrived on the Island of Sodor, named Rocky. The crane does not have the ability to drive, due having no engine or the like. When Harvey is later unable to clear some pipes off the line in time that Edward spilled, Gordon ends up running right over them, thus, resulting in a terrible crash. Harvey may be a strong crane engine, but not quite strong enough to lift a big engine such as Gordon. It will now be up to Edward to inform Rocky he is needed.

#47 - Surprise, Surprise
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 11
Thomas' must help his friends be repaired in time for the Christmas party.

#48 - Happy Hiro
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 15 - Episode 7
Thomas tries to cheer Hiro up when he sees that he does not look very happy. Hiro tells Thomas he is sad because he misses his home, so Thomas takes him on a trip to forget his woes.