The BEST episodes written by Robert Wolterstorff

Out of Service, When I Was Big, The Greedy Investor, Seven Hours of Bad Luck & The Secret of the Coins
41 votes

#1 - Out of Service, When I Was Big, The Greedy Investor, Seven Hours of Bad Luck & The Secret of the Coins

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 3

"Out Of Service" - A boyfriend and girlfriend (businessmen) are spending three nights of camping with each other, until the girlfriend tells the man that there was a man missing and a killer on the loose. Naturally, the man wants to leave the woods but she persuades him to stay. The next day, they wake up and take a walk in the woods trying to not remember about the killer, but then they spot a man near a lake taking the blood off of a knife. They stand there in shock long enough that the killer spots them and chases them into the woods. The man and woman outrun him and try to use there cellphones, but the phones are dead. They then spot a man in a yellow vest that leads them to a street and a police car spots the couple and pulls aside, so the killer vanishes into the woods. They tell the about the killer and the mysterious man that lead them to safety. The couple then see the mysterious man that lead them to safety, and the man points to a spot near them. The police didn't see the man, but they walked over to the spot anyway. A man in a yellow vest was lying on the ground and says "Thank God you found me." It turns out the man's spirit left his body to lead him to safety. "When I Was Big" - A little boy goes to counseling ever since he stopped talking because his sister passed away in a car accident. The boy goes to a book and says he used to be Harry Chaffee and fix books before he died. The counselor was in shock, so later he decided to go to a library and see if they had a similar book there. While walking through an isle, a book falls into his hands. On the inside, it had a note and it was signed from his Father, who wanted to give him the books as gifts. The counselor goes to a library book-fixer, and asked him if he fixed the book. The man replied he didn't, but a coworker of his that passed away fifteen years beforehand did. The counselor asked if by chance his name was Harry Chaffee, and the book-fixer replied "Yeah, how did you know?" "The Greedy Invest

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Second Sight, The Fine Line, The Wrong Turn, Who Was I & You Are Next
40 votes

#2 - Second Sight, The Fine Line, The Wrong Turn, Who Was I & You Are Next

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 4

"Second Sight" - A woman is blind, but when another women is murdered, she gets her sight restored and a second chance to see. While eating at a restaurant in the country, she sees a man that she can't stop looking at. The man approaches her and asks demandingly why she is staring at him, and she just said that he was familiar looking and she was sorry. When she went back to her hotel to pack her bags and leave the town, he came up behind her and handcuffed her and threw her on the bed, and he asked her why she was staring at him. She was upset and said she was sorry. He pulled up a chair next to the bed and said that he would sit there all night until he got the real answer out of her. After a little bit of time passed, and he fell asleep in the chair after drinking liquor, so she opened the door and ran to the owner of the hotel. He called the police, and they came and arrested the man. The policeman told the lady that he was wanted for the murder of a women, only to found out that he murdered the person she got her eyes from, and the eyes witnessed the murder and couldn't stop watching him. "The Fine Line" - Two female twins seemingly have an amazing ability to share each others' feelings, such as one sister getting poked by a knitting needle, while the other also feels the pain. One night, one of them drives out alone and is involved in an off-road car accident. The sister at home feels strange and senses trouble. A male friend who is with her at the moment witnesses radio music somehow coming from the TV set, which is broadcasting a basketball game. The mysterious radio signals, alongside the twins' phenomenal ability leads the sister and her friend to investigate. After pinpointing the exact location of the accident with ease, the other sister is sent to the hospital and saved. "The Wrong Turn" - A man had been living in his hometown for ten years, but couldn't remember where to make his delivery. He was shocked because he couldn't find anything correctly. H

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House of Shadows, One Hand in the Till, Teasdale's Motor Car, The Vision & The Grave
43 votes

#3 - House of Shadows, One Hand in the Till, Teasdale's Motor Car, The Vision & The Grave

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 5

"House Of Shadows" - A young girl (Ali) is house sitting and keeps seeing a man burying something in a basement on the television set. Hearing the sound even when the television was off she investigates which leads her to the basement. After a search of the basement Ali finds a video camera playing the video of the man mixing cement only to discover the wife in the ash catcher. "One Hand In The Till" - A boy attempts to call his father about his car that has broken down. After not talking to his father the boy is walking around and finds a gun. The boy believes the best way to get the money is to rob a store. About the time the boy attempts to rob the store he keeps seeing his father. His father has a dream about the son's car breaking down and going into a convenient store to rob the clerk to pay off the debt. "Teasdale's Motor Car" - A passion for a man's car ends up driving him crazy and the car ends up in a cemetery with it's first owner. "The Vision" - A man has a dream that a bridge will collapse, and if he doesn't stop Bus #29, the bus and the passengers will collapse with the bridge. No one listens to his concerns until he tells the bus driver only to have the bus driver also admit that he had the same dream and the bridge ends up falling. "The Grave" - A man and woman devise a scheme to frame the woman's husband to make him go to prison, but before he died he said "grass won't grow on my grave until the truth comes out" but when they visit the grave they get hit by a tractor and die in the grave and the grass starts to grow.

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Moonstruck Beach, Healing Hands, Aspen Sunny Side, Night Walker & Hot Car
42 votes

#4 - Moonstruck Beach, Healing Hands, Aspen Sunny Side, Night Walker & Hot Car

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 10

Segment 1: ""Moonstruck Beach"" - A struggling writer, ""Valerie Simms,"" rents a cabin in ""Moonstruck Beach"" in the hopes of getting away from it all and writing the great American novel. She meets the village caretaker, Jerry Corbin, who seems to be a friendly man. While strolling along the beach, she sights what appears to be a dead female body, but when she looks again, it's gone. Returning to her cabin, she finds that her printer has printed a page she did not request. The message is backwards, but when she holds it up to the window, she reads the reflection. The name ""DEANNA LINDSAY"" is repeated all over the paper. She asks the caretaker, Jerry, about Deanna Lindsay, who it turned out committed suicide about a year ago. She had been staying in that very same cabin. After another walk, Valerie returns home to find another printer message, which instructs her to get out because ""Jerry killed me!"" She narrowly escapes being killed by Jerry herself, knocking over Jerry with her car. Jerr

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Writer's Agent, Crypt Ghost, The Doll, Hubert's Curse & Shared Vision
45 votes

#5 - Writer's Agent, Crypt Ghost, The Doll, Hubert's Curse & Shared Vision

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 2

"Writer's Agent" - A writing agent promised to give his client, Mary-Jane Layden, a deal to get her book, "Love Tides" published, but he wanted her to give him $2,500.00. She refused, saying she already gave him $12,000.00. They started fighting for a little while, until the writing agent pushed her to the floor and she died. The man hid her body beneath the company's plants, and took off. The agent himself thought the book, "Love Tides" would be a hit, so he decided to create a fake person by the name of Lucille Carns, and pretend that she wrote the book. When the book was released, it soared to the Best-Sellers list. The company wanted the agent to bring in Lucille Carns for a book signing, but he refused and said that Carns was a very private person. The same day, the company called the agent and said Carns was at the book-signing, so he went to investigate, and saw the ghost was signing the books. He left in a hurry, and went to see if the buried body was still there, and it was, but the police got an anonymous tip telling them to follow the agent. The agent was sentenced to jail. "Crypt Ghost" - Three young adults film a documentary of going into a cemetery and looking into the casket of a Vietnam General. When the opened the casket, one of the girls shouted the the hand moved. They shook it off, and one of the boys reached in a took the General's boned hand, and took the sword out of it. Immediately after he did so, the casket slammed on his hand, so the other two people ran to get help. They found a man, and they propped the boy's hand out of the casket. The boy looked at his hand, and it had a big "V" on it, and the sword was back in the General's boned hand. The "V" ended up being the General's signature. "The Doll" - Susan always wanted to be an elementary school teacher, and her dream came true. After the first day of school, a little girl named Ashley asked the teacher to give her doll back, but the teacher was dumbfounded as to why the child thought s

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The Devil's Autograph, Mail Order Degree, The News Stand, The Murder of Roy Hennessey & Mysterious Strangers
55 votes

#6 - The Devil's Autograph, Mail Order Degree, The News Stand, The Murder of Roy Hennessey & Mysterious Strangers

Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 4 - Episode 1

"The Devil's Autograph" - A man lies about not murdering his wife, and was not guilt in the court of law. The man told his lawyer after the case he murdered his wife, and gave him his $1,500.00 pen. The lawyer chased the man into the elevator and told him he didn't want anything of his, and he would get the devil's autograph, but the man just laughed it off. The elevator door shut him in, and he fell to the floor and the pen went through his heart. "Mail Order Degree" - A business man made a lot of money off of cheating people and scams off of his commercials. He had so much money, that he had to hide it behind a hidden door behind his work chair. A few days later, the business man started feeling drastically sick, but one day his secretary found him dead and almost bald in his chair. It ended up that the room he hid his money in was filled with radiation, and died of radiation poisoning. "The News Stand" - One day, a poor fifteen year old teenager found a book of "Mysterious tales" under a garbage can in perfect condition, so he went to a news-stand to trade it in for $20.00 cash, and the news man's sandwich. The man hires him to work at the news-stand, and was really good to the teenager, and he started trusting the teenager so much, that he let him run the stand alone for sometimes days at a time. After not appearing for a week, the teen received his answer by a man in a cloak saying the man was diagnosed with a tumor in his head six months beforehand, and gave the boy a note. The note revealed that the news-stand man was his father that beat him, and he was sorry, so he gave him everything he earned in his life. "The Murder Of Roy Hennessey" - Two girls were doing a project in a cemetery, and see a man run out of the cemetery with a handgun. After his departure, the girls ran to see what he shot, he shot a man and the man was in critical condition - almost to the point of death. The man's last words were "Tell them that Roy Hennessey was killed by Jerry Fle

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The Jefferson Curve
15 votes

#7 - The Jefferson Curve

The Jeffersons - Season 4 - Episode 14

Marcus takes a lesson from George and throws a pretty girl the Jefferson curve, which is to bend the truth to get what you want and Marcus tells the girl that he's Lionel. This eventually leads George and Louise to belive that Lionel is having an affair.

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A Little Miracle
361 votes

#8 - A Little Miracle

Quantum Leap - Season 3 - Episode 10

December 24, 1962: On Christmas Eve, Sam leap into Reginald Pierson, valet to a wealthy contractor, who is in danger of losing his soul in an attempt to demolish a Salvation Army mission, so he can build his "Blake's Plaza." Seeing a similarity to the Dickens's character, Sam and Al decide to "Scrooge" the greed out of the man.

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339 votes

#9 - Jimmy

Quantum Leap - Season 2 - Episode 8

October 14, 1964: Since mainstreaming the mentally retarded is not yet a popular concept, Sam must help Jimmy LaMotta, the "slow" young man he's leaped into, get a job and gain his coworkers' acceptance, to prevent his brother from returning Jimmy to the institution.

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Jenny's Thesis
29 votes

#10 - Jenny's Thesis

The Jeffersons - Season 4 - Episode 26

Jenny needs a topic for a thesis that she's writing. However, her idea could lead her into danger when she decides her topic will be street gangs. This leads her to go to Harlem and meet Marcus', unknown to her Tom and George are following her.

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The Visitor
66 votes

#11 - The Visitor

Good Times - Season 1 - Episode 9

Michael's angry letter about the conditions in the ghetto prompts a visit from the city housing commission.

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Homecoming (2)
41 votes

#12 - Homecoming (2)

The Jeffersons - Season 5 - Episode 3

Alan moves in with the Jeffersons and George continues efforts to get the warehouse for himself. Meanwhile, battles with the landlord prompt Louise and Helen to try to find a better place for the Help Center.

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Louise's Convention
40 votes

#13 - Louise's Convention

The Jeffersons - Season 5 - Episode 23

Helen gives Louise the news that both of them have been invited to California to attend a convention, however, the planned trip coincides with the date of her wedding anniversary. Meanwhile, George mistakenly plans a business meeting on his anniversary and later at home happily allows Louise to go to California but his joy arouses suspicions in her.

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169 votes

#14 - Pilot

Street Hawk - Season 1 - Episode 1

Jesse's best friend is killed by a black truck and Jesse himself is injured in the accident. He can't ride a motorcycle again until a man named Norman Tuttle turns up and offers him a knee operation and a job as a test pilot for a top-secret government project, code named Street Hawk.

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Bye-Bye Bookman
8 votes

#15 - Bye-Bye Bookman

Good Times - Season 5 - Episode 9

Fed up with Bookman's incompetence, Willona, Penny and the Evans kids start a petition that gets him fired.

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The Waterfront Story
26 votes

#16 - The Waterfront Story

The Incredible Hulk - Season 1 - Episode 10

Banner is working in a tavern on the docks in Galveston, Texas, where he befriends the owner, a Union President's widow, whose husband was killed under suspicious circumstances. The woman is being pestered by a shady businessman, running to become the new President, to endorse his election campaign and he is willing to go to any lengths necessary to win the election.

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George Finds a Father
14 votes

#17 - George Finds a Father

The Jeffersons - Season 5 - Episode 12

The Christmas season brings old friends, Buddy and Zeke, to the Jefferson apartment. With them comes along a long buried secret, one that George can't handle. Buddy and George's mother were once lovers.

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The Unsinkable 453
58 votes

#18 - The Unsinkable 453

Street Hawk - Season 1 - Episode 8

The Widow of an overthrown dictator employs an escaped prisoner for a hideous scheme. Jesse investigates after the prisoner leaves a stand-in at the jail.

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Three Faces of Florence
42 votes

#19 - Three Faces of Florence

The Jeffersons - Season 5 - Episode 22

Florence is reading a novel in which a woman pretends to be different people this gives Florence the idea to act like different people to attract men. While down at the Help Center, she tries it out on a man, unknown to her he's a psychiatrist who becomes convinced Florence has multiple personalities.

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Louise's Setback
10 votes

#20 - Louise's Setback

The Jeffersons - Season 6 - Episode 13

Louise is ecstatic when she learns that a television documentary will be done on the suicide helpline available down at the Help Center, and she is going to be interviewed. However, in the midst of all the excitement, Louise inadvertently neglects a teenage girl who later swallows a bottle of pills.

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