The BEST episodes written by Paul Germain

Angelica's In Love
58 votes

#1 - Angelica's In Love

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 9

Angelica falls in love with a biker kid, but dosen't know how to tell him so she gives him hints throughout the whole episode. When they finally have a chance to be together his mom comes and picks him up. After that Angelica decides not to fall in love again, but when a cute foreign kid becomes her new neighbor she falls in love all over again.

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Slumber Party
93 votes

#2 - Slumber Party

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 5

Angelica Sleeps over at Tommy's but her desire for an open window leaves Tommy Feeling Ill. This Results in some very Crazy dreams.

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At The Movies
75 votes

#3 - At The Movies

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 4

Tommy wants to see Reptar, but the parents took him, and the other Rugrats, to the Westside Octoplex to see The Land Without Smiles (starring the Dummi Bears) instead. The Rugrats left Dummi Bears to go look for Reptar (showing at the same theater), leaving a path of destruction behind them.

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Tommy's First Birthday
301 votes

#4 - Tommy's First Birthday

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 1

In this episode we meet Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Angelica, Grandpa, and the rest of the gang for the first time at Tommy's birthday party. After Stu gives tommy a flying saucer for his birthday the babies start there first adventure by flying around the house and causing all sorts of Havok

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The New Kid
117 votes

#5 - The New Kid

Recess - Season 1 - Episode 2

New kid Gus arrives at Third Street Elementary, but has to endure the indignities that a new kid must undergo.

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The Break In
205 votes

#6 - The Break In

Recess - Season 1 - Episode 1

The main kids try to get all the other kids to help rescue T.J. when Miss Finster punishes him by making him have no recess.

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Waiter, There's A Baby In My Soup
71 votes

#7 - Waiter, There's A Baby In My Soup

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 3

Stu takes Tommy on a job enterview, but Tommy get's loose and and destroys the kitchen

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Barbeque Story
117 votes

#8 - Barbeque Story

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 2

Stu and Didi have a 4th of July Party where Tommy loses his favorite ball.

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The Big House
31 votes

#9 - The Big House

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 5

Tommy has to go to an overprotective daycare with junior delinquit babies trying to break out. At first it seems like a challenge but then Tommy comes up with an idea to make them home free.

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Angelica Breaks a Leg
13 votes

#10 - Angelica Breaks a Leg

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 14

Charlotte and Drew go on a power rafting trip. Angelica has to stay with Uncle Stu and Aunt Didi. She gets mad for not giving her attiention, so she fakes breaking a leg. It drives Stu and Didi nuts, but she eventually gets caught and in the end she gets it back double as Charlotte breaks her leg.

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The Santa Experience
18 votes

#11 - The Santa Experience

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 27

After Angelica finds out that Santa Claus is a fake she decides to take away Phil and Lil's presents. Meanwhile Tommy tries to convince Chuckie that Santa Claus isn't a scary man. The adults take them all for a trip in the mountains for Christmas and there is where the Christmas spirit strikes Angelica and she decides to give Phil and Lil back their presents so she won't get coal for Christmas. Chaz decides to dresss up as Santa and when Chuckie sees him he loses his fear of Santa Claus.

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Touch-Down Tommy
14 votes

#12 - Touch-Down Tommy

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 20

While Didi and Betty go shopping, Stu and the guys babysit the Rugrats while watching the Dallas Cowboys and the Houston Oilers (now Tennessee Titans, see note below) duke it out on the gridiron in "Ultra Bowl XXXVII". Later, Grandpa gives Tommy a bottle of chocolate milk; Angelica, who normally thinks she's too old for baby bottles, fights Tommy over it.

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Chuckie's Wonderful Life
9 votes

#13 - Chuckie's Wonderful Life

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 34

When Chuckie accidently gives Angelica his father's Latvian Polka Dances CD (using it as a toy), Chuckie, who wishes he weren't born, has a chance to see what would be of the world if it weren't for Chuckie.

Ice Cream Mountain
26 votes

#14 - Ice Cream Mountain

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 10

Stu and Drew decide to play golf on an impossible course to win. Angelica says that if they win they get ice cream, so in the end the rugrats help them win and they get ice cream after all.

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My Friend Barney
12 votes

#15 - My Friend Barney

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 39

Chuckie introduces his imaginary friend, Barney (who looks just like Chuckie, according to Chuckie), to the other Rugrats, but becomes concerned when Barney "oversteps his authority". Meanwhile, Didi runs with Betty in the "Save The Grunion" 10K marathon, paying a little "price" at its end.

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When Wishes Come True
15 votes

#16 - When Wishes Come True

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 13

Tommy gets really mad at Angelica for ruining his "3 Baby's and a Guitar" statue. So Tommy wishes for the worst thing to happen for Angelica. She turned stone, but the babies don't know it's Drew's annivesry present for Charlotte.

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The Shot
61 votes

#17 - The Shot

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 6

Tommy tells the babies that he's going to get his booster shot, but when Chuckie warns Tommy what it is he becomes scared and tries to avoid from getting it.

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Moving Away
8 votes

#18 - Moving Away

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 50

Angelica and her parents are moving to New York, only to have their plans thwarted by Jonathan at the last minute. Tommy explains to the other Rugrats on how they met for the first time, thanks to Angelica's lies about each other.

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The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia
12 votes

#19 - The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 38

While Stu and Drew are cleaning Drew's boat, Chuckie and Tommy shanghaied Cynthia so she could be captain; however, when she got lost in the sewer system, it broke Angelica's heart. She did get her back, but not without sailing miles and miles in the sewers and taking a bath in toxic waste. Meanwhile, after being chased away by Angelica, Spike hitches a ride in a garbage truck to the city dump, which doubles as a "scenic overlook".

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Cradle Attraction
10 votes

#20 - Cradle Attraction

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 49

Chuckie has a girlfriend, Megan. They like each other in an unorthodox manner -- by teasing each other.

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The Trial
14 votes

#21 - The Trial

Rugrats - Season 1 - Episode 21

Someone broke "Mr. Fluffles" (Angelica calls it "Mr. Fluffle-Luffles"), Tommy's clown lamp, and Angelica wants to find out who. The fingerpointing, however, eventually points back to her.

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Reptar 2010
13 votes

#22 - Reptar 2010

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 17

The Rugrats are having fun watching Reptar 2010 when suddenly the video breaks. So the Rugrats become Reptommy, Chucktar, Replil, Repphil, and Reptelica and create their own endings to the movie.

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Pickles vs. Pickles
8 votes

#23 - Pickles vs. Pickles

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 44

Tired of being hassled all the time by her parents, especially when it comes down to the foods she's required to eat, Angelica doesn't take the law into her own hands -- she takes them to court.

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Visitors From Outer Space
11 votes

#24 - Visitors From Outer Space

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 28

Angelica and the babies were kidnapped by an alien ship and found out about their Parents. They were aliens, including Grandpa! Tommy and The babies search a way to get out and meet a dude that knows the ways out. He takes Angelica and puts her in the middle of a deserted place.

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Party Animals
9 votes

#25 - Party Animals

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 51

Grandpa Lou tells the rugrats about Aladdin and his magic lamp, so Angelica and the other rugrats make a wish on a real lamp. When it dosen't work Angelica falls asleep but the babies stay awake for the grown ups costume party where they think that all their wishes came true. By the time they tell Angelica the party's over and she dosen't believe the babies.

Mommy's Little Assets
9 votes

#26 - Mommy's Little Assets

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 33

Charlotte brings Tommy and Angelica to her office building where, while Charlotte makes a deal with the Famous Ethel cookie factory, Tommy and Angelica wreak havoc in the office by damaging plans for the Cookieland theme park and breking Jonathan's fish aquarium.

New Kid in Town
10 votes

#27 - New Kid in Town

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 43

Tired of Angelica being bad to them all the time; the Rugrats find Josh, another friend to play with. It started out okay, but it turns out, however, that he is more meaner than Angelica, going as far as risking their lives with a game called "Pillow" (he swings high and jumps ON the babies). According to Josh, what's "fair" is what he (and later, his fist) decides to be fair.

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Dummi Bear Dinner Disaster
37 votes

#28 - Dummi Bear Dinner Disaster

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 1

Paul Gatsby, the creator of the Dummi Bears, comes to dinner at the Carmicheals' house. Susie thinks that every time Paul and her father, Randy (who's the head writer for the Dummi Bears) get together, Paul buys the Carmicheals' a new house. Because of this, she and the rest of the Rugrats decide to ruin the dinner so Paul will be mad and not make the Carmicheals' move.

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The Case Of The Missing Rugrat
10 votes

#29 - The Case Of The Missing Rugrat

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 29

Grandpa comes out of the supermarket with Tommy. Grandpa puts Tommy in a car for a moment and when he leaves the car has vanished with Tommy in it. Two Women took Tommy as a son and Grandpa tries to take him back.

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Tooth Or Dare
6 votes

#30 - Tooth Or Dare

Rugrats - Season 2 - Episode 50

When Susie tells Angelica about the tooth fairy giving you money Angelica decides to take Chuckie's teeth and make money at the same time

Twins' Pique
18 votes

#31 - Twins' Pique

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 2

Phil and Lil decide they want to be different from each other.

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0 votes

#32 - Passover

Rugrats - Season 3 - Episode 51

This is the original series finale of Rugrats. Special: After arguing with Minka over his spotted glasses, Boris runs away. Later, after feeling bad, he decides to get Minka's glasses, only to be trapped in the attic by Angelica, Tommy & Chuckie. Each family member finds him, as well as end up being locked in the attic (it locks from the outside). While in the attic, Boris tells the story on how Passover was established. Angelica, imagining the story as it unfolds, picture herself as the Pharaoh, Tommy as Moses, and the babies as Hebrew slaves. A very interesting episode.

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