The BEST episodes written by Nicholas Wootton

You Da Bomb
71 votes

#1 - You Da Bomb

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 10

John and the good doctor have renewed their intimate relationship, but something is wrong; her medication isn't letting her feel anything. She decides that for his benefit they need to end their relationship. The detectives are on the scene of a homicide that looks like a mob hit. The building superintendent (a poet) has a lot of detail for the detectives, including the license plate number of the vehicle driven by Russians. Following up, Sipowicz and Clark go to the address where the car was registered. They find a man, Ilya Antropov, knocking on a nearby door and determine that the door they were at was the door he was really intending on knocking on. They bring him in for questioning and decide to hold him in a cell until they can check out his story about being a busboy. McDowell is planning to go to the doctor for her first ultra-sound. Sipowicz and Clark go to talk the woman, a renowned photographer that their victim worked for. The photographer recently had taken photos

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What's Your Poison?
73 votes

#2 - What's Your Poison?

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 21

Clark comes into the squad and tells Sipowicz he's been trying to find Jennifer Devlin, who walked out of the psych facility last night. Sipowicz tells him about a man who is coming in for an interview, one of Cindy Clifton's teachers, who wrote an unusual note "special, special pal" in her yearbook. The teacher, David Lewis tells them that he did have a support group relationship with Cindy Clifton, which was nothing like the relationship Cindy told him that she had with her half-brother Sam Jeffers. The detectives let him go, but having found him a little strange, Sipowicz gets Lewis' used piece of gum and sends it off for a DNA test. The detectives try to run down information on David Lewis, but they can't seem to find anybody that will say anything bad about him. Jones is leaving for court as today is the day when Michael is supposed to testify against his father. Brockhurst comes in with information on the sex-offenders that lived around Cindy Clifton, but it is Medavoy who c

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Old Yeller
72 votes

#3 - Old Yeller

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 15

Sipowicz is in early and sees that his little ploy has worked; Gibson's parrot now only has a one word vocabulary: "douche bag." Sipowicz meets Hatcher and Clark at the scene of an apparent suicide where he finds that Hatcher has already let one of the witnesses go. The victim's suicide note makes reference to man who had kidnapped her last year. The note indicates a partial license plate number and a description of the kidnapper's vehicle. However, other than the victim missing her rent last year for two months, no one can find any other indication that the victim ever told anyone about her kidnapping. An elderly woman comes into the squad to report that something dear to her has been stolen and she thinks she knows who stole it. She thinks her nephew may have stolen her diamond ring; the nephew at one time had some trouble with drugs. Medavoy suggests an approach they can take to begin questioning her nephew. Sipowicz and Clark talk with Paul Grady, the man who owns the van wi

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Fish Out of Water
74 votes

#4 - Fish Out of Water

NYPD Blue - Season 12 - Episode 2

Sipowicz arrives at the scene of the homicide of a pregnant 18-year-old. According to a uniform, Clark is already on the scene but asleep in his car waiting for the others to arrive. Ortiz and Murphy arrive, followed by Bale who wants all of the detectives to confer before they begin their canvas. Sipowicz covers for Clark, but then goes to give him a rude awakening. Back at the squad, Sipowicz notices that his fish are listing at the bottom of their tank. Sipowicz and Clark are going off to follow up on lead and Bale reiterates to the detectives that he wants to know everything going on with their cases, "up to the minute." Sipowicz informs him about his fish. Jones and Medavoy go to the scene of a robbery, where the thief stole her grandmother's diamond ring. When asked who else knew about the ring, the victim, Lorraine Stuval, says she was the only one. Her husband, Leon Belkin, an ex-con released six months ago, couldn't have had anything to do with it. The detectives deci

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Ho Down
72 votes

#5 - Ho Down

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 1

It's a hot morning in NYC as the detectives go to a tenement building to retrieve Lyle Dennison, a suspect in a shooting case they are working. On their suspect's floor Sipowicz gets into a verbal encounter with a woman that winds up with her spitting on him and him helping her to the floor. They find their suspect is one the hallway's onlookers of the incident. They take him out of there and back to the precinct where they start their questioning, but all their suspect can do is wonder what is going to happen to Sipowicz. He tells them that Sipowicz knocked to the floor, the main woman of a big player in the neighborhood named "Money T." Moments later Det. Winslow stops by and tells Clark Jr. that his name was in a dead prostitute's call book. While he doesn't recognize her immediately, Clark Jr. identifies her as one of his CIs (Confidential Informant), although she is unregistered with the department. The detective promises to try and keep him out of the report. Jones and Me

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Below the Belt
72 votes

#6 - Below the Belt

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 8

Angela comes into Tony's office and tells she does want something after all; she wants him to take a look a spot on her inner thigh where she thinks she was injured on the subway this morning. As his office isn't the right place for that sort of activity, he takes her into the observation room for a look and then some. At the scene of a homicide where the detectives have all gathered, one of the uniforms recognizes the victim as one of the precinct's auxiliary cops, her name is Heather Peterson, who is 17-years-old. At the squad they report in on what they know so far and start to go through Heather's affects. McDowell and Ortiz are sent out to a firebombing of car. The owner of the car and his sister isn't very forthcoming with useful information. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. interview their victim's last known boyfriend, who she had an order of protection against. He consents to search of things, which turns up nothing for the detectives. Haywood talks with Jones about her grandmot

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Healthy McDowell Movement
71 votes

#7 - Healthy McDowell Movement

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 10

The Sipowicz's have moved out of their apartment and Andy has sublet it to John Irvin, which will allow him to keep his same address with the department and avoid any "jackpots" with him and Connie living together. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. are at the scene of a vandalized apartment, where the victim is the father of the perpetrator, a schizophrenic. He doesn't want to press charges, but he'd like them to find his son Michael. McDowell and Ortiz get diverted to help out Jones and Medavoy, but before she leaves McDowell talks with Sipowicz about the layout of their apartment. Sipowicz is not giving up his fish and when he looks for some sympathy from Clark Jr., who's been strangely quiet this morning, he doesn't get any. Back at the squad, Rodriguez is trying to get hold of his ex-wife, who missed her breakfast appointment with him. Sipowicz confronts Clark Jr. about his lack of support and Clark Jr. tells him about his father and IAB. Sipowicz tells him they'll talk to Martens to s

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Off the Wall
73 votes

#8 - Off the Wall

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 17

The detectives are on the scene of a homicide, when Clark arrives. He was going stir crazy taking time off following his father's death. Ortiz comments to McDowell that she hadn't spoken or heard from him for the past three days. The detectives get a line on a possible suspect, named Todd Grady. Jones and Medavoy go to suspect's apartment to attempt to speak with him. When no one answers they decide to check with the neighbors. Suddenly someone they assume is their possible suspect rounds the corner and doubles back when he realizes they are there to talk with him. He then comes back around the corner with a gun drawn. Jones and Medavoy fire their weapons and after waiting a moment proceed to go around the corner. There they find a boy has been shot by a bullet that went through the wall, from one of their guns. Sipowicz and Clark arrive on the scene as an ambulance is being called. The detectives and Rodriguez are at the hospital, when they find that the 13-year-old boy doe

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Humpty Dumped
76 votes

#9 - Humpty Dumped

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 11

Ortiz gets word from a man that his wife and her husband are having an affair. The man has a copy of an e-mail that his wife and her husband may be rendezvousing later that afternoon. The detectives catch a homicide from the night watch. When Ortiz and McDowell begin question a potential witness, her mother comes along, tells them that her daughter knows nothing and takes her away. The detectives discuss strategy for their case. Sipowicz asks Clark Jr. and McDowell to continue working the case without him; he is going to spend some time working on "nailing this Beacham asshole". Jones and Medavoy are assigned to another homicide, while looking into the case, Jones tells Medavoy about Haywood's condition. Medavoy is a little put out; when he finds out that he wasn't the first to know. Sipowicz tells Beacham about his investigation into Beacham's dealing with Mrs. Hornby's money. McDowell, Clark Jr. and Ortiz have a witness that refuses to give anything up, fearing the recrimina

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Gypsy Woe's Me
74 votes

#10 - Gypsy Woe's Me

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 17

Andy and Theo discuss their upcoming trip to Disney World, but Theo tells him that if Connie's not coming, then he's not going. At the scene of the day's case, the detectives follow up on a report that a cab was seen leaving the scene. When the cab's plates are run, it is revealed to be Ryan Lipe, the cab driver that helped them out on the baby shooting case a few weeks earlier. Also at the scene, Officer Laughlin asks Clark Jr. about Ortiz's dating status, to which he is reminded that Ortiz just buried her husband a week earlier and that he might want to remove his wedding ring before he starts hitting on her. Ryan Lipe is brought in and Sipowicz and Clark Jr. question him; Lipe claims that the shooting was in self defense. After the interview, Sipowicz asks John Irvin about whether he had made any attempt to talk with his father, to which John tells him about his attempt to talk with his father. An old friend of Rodriguez's stops by to ask him for a favor, looking into a situati

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Everyone Into the Poole
76 votes

#11 - Everyone Into the Poole

NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 16

A Chinese man is murdered after making a delivery, which Jones, McDowell, Medavoy and Russell investigate. Sipowicz and Sorenson interview Victor Poole, a man who was brought in claiming that he had been kidnapped for the past three days. Given Poole's job with the IRS, the FBI has also been called in on the case. Diane receives a large bouquet of flowers from Dr. Carreras; later Andy asks Danny if he is okay with that situation and Danny tells him that he is. Medavoy and Jones investigate a lead involving the cell phone used to place the last order to the Chinese restaurant. A young girl is brought in, who eventually lets it out that a friend of hers used her phone. Sipowicz and Sorenson interview a transvestite prostitute that is caught using Poole's cell phone and they discover the location where Poole claims to have been held. The place is raided and the operators are brought in, one creating his own story about Poole and the other coming clean on the story, when Sipowicz and Sore

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A Tushful of Dollars
89 votes

#12 - A Tushful of Dollars

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 13

Diane worries about her mother's pending grand jury trial. Andy and Bobby search for the killer of a mobster's son, which reveals a family affair. The lawyer of a suspect in a murder impedes Greg and Diane's investigation. The erratic son of the victim doesn't help much either and he has a thing for Diane. James and Adrianne get another shooting case that involves Andy and Bobby's suspect. The bullets are flying in NYC during sweeps' month.

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Who's Your Daddy?
74 votes

#13 - Who's Your Daddy?

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 22

John meets Jennifer for breakfast, she appears to be on the road to recovery and he continues to offer her his support. At a crime scene Sipowicz arrives a little out of sorts, earlier that morning Connie gave birth to their son, Matthew Nicholas, 7 lbs. 3 oz. Jones and Medavoy also arrive at the scene, where a woman has been robbed and beaten to death in her apartment. Irma Pacheco, one of Ronson's old contacts from narcotics comes to the squad and tells Ronson and Ortiz some information about a guy she's seeing, Pete Murphy, who is going to be receiving a shipment of arms. Irma wants to know from Ronson what kind of reward she might receive and whether or not it would be enough money for her and Ronson to run off together, a comment which leaves Ortiz speechless. Sipowicz and Clark talk with the dead woman's husband, Andrew Moss. He mentions his wife's ex-husband, Ed Pisarchik, as someone they need to look at. Jones leaves to go to the court; the jury has come back in Craig Woo

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Hammer Time
83 votes

#14 - Hammer Time

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 20

Sipowicz returns to active duty, but perhaps a bit too soon as his system hasn't quite adjusted and he has an accident when later interrogating a suspect. He begins to work a case with Russell and Simone, investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband. Before the investigation gets going, Simone is called upon by Det. Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had run-ins in the past with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he is suspected and the other tenants support that theory. Interrogation of the ex-husband reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Despite an agreement keeping her immune from prosecution, the detectives' work to find another means to prove the crack addict mother and her dead boyfriend were responsible for the girl's disappearance. Meanwhile, former PAA Naomi Reynolds stops by hoping to see Bobby and tell him tha

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Dance with Me
36 votes

#15 - Dance with Me

Blind Justice - Season 1 - Episode 11

After a recommendation from Dr. Galloway to temporarily put aside the problems in their marriage before going to couple's counseling, Christie and Jim set out on a quest to search for a fun and comforting activity to do that will bring them closer together. Artie Steckle, the man who found Hank asks Jim to talk to his nephew, Pete who has given up on living his life to the fullest after gradually becoming blind due to a disease. Jim attempts to show Pete who wants no help and only to be left alone that there are options out there where he can learn to cope and live a normal life with his blindness. Meanwhile, an elderly woman is found dead in her bedroom after it was consumed by an arson set fire. The main suspect is the landlord who is also a firefighter, which creates friction as it stirs up old feelings in a conflict of cops vs. firefighters when he accuses Marty of being bias towards him in this investigation due to his profession.

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Mom's Away
79 votes

#16 - Mom's Away

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 7

Connie still watching her daughter catches her and a friend with a joint. She brings them to the precinct with the intention of getting to know her daughter and her adoptive parents. Sipowicz, Gibson and Clark Jr. investigate a drug related murder, while McDowell begins to help Medavoy and Jones with their homicide at a construction site, but is anxious to return to the squad. Mrs. Murray joins the detectives in the interviewing of her son Michael, who eventually gives them the name of someone they should be looking at for the murder. Upon McDowell's return she begins to interview her daughter, probing to find out information about her parents and how they've raised her. When Sipowicz returns to the house, he recognizes Connie's collar as her daughter. He re-advises her to let it go, but Connie claims that she only wants to talk with the mother, and then she can go. Sipowicz, Gibson and Clark Jr. interview Carter Freeman, but it doesn't lead anywhere. They advise him that they

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A Remington Original
91 votes

#17 - A Remington Original

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 14

Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found naked in the trunk of a car in a junkyard. Gina returns to work. A man's body is found with a severe blow to his head. James and Greg eventually discover that the murder weapon was a typewriter. But how and who delivered the blow? Bobby hires Henry to take care of a painting job in the tenement building; Henry comes in complaining about the difficult tenant. Diane is working through her issues with her family and a counselor. Bobby and Henry talk with the difficult tenant.

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A.D.A. Sipowicz
128 votes

#18 - A.D.A. Sipowicz

NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 22

Two years ago he called her a "pissy little bitch," tomorrow he will call her "Mrs. Sipowicz," pre-wedding jitters put Andy in rare form. Russell's problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and Bobby isn't happy about it; later she admits to having a problem. Fancy's brother, still having trouble with his sergeant and he is being investigated by the IAB, Bobby and the squad work to help clear his name. James goes out with Adrianne. Greg brings his wife to the wedding. Andy Jr. makes it to the ceremony.

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Hearts and Souls
145 votes

#19 - Hearts and Souls

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 5

It is ten days after Bobbie's surgery and the detectives wait with anticipation as Bobby is set to be released from the hospital. A minor complication arises with a possible infection. Andy's ex-wife shows up at the squad, she's getting ready to defend herself against a DWI. She slips out while Andy is trying to reach out to help her. Bobby takes a turn for the worse and the entire squad is put on edge. Diane insists on seeing Dr. Carreras. He lays the hard news on Diane; it would be better overall for Bobby is he was kept from suffering any further. Dr. Carreras and Dr. Swan have differing opinions on the prognosis for Bobby's future. Carreras feels that Swan wants Bobby's inevitable condition to be on another department's record. Andy gets Katie to agree to begin attending meetings, as a way meet the terms of her. Diane calls the squad to advise them that after the shift is over, it might be a good idea to stop by the hospital to see Bobby. Bobby receives last rites. Au revoir Robert

Lost Israel (2)
32 votes

#20 - Lost Israel (2)

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 9

Andy begins to make sense of the Bible passage that Israel pointed out to him; only to discover that Israel has hung himself. The detectives aren't sure how to proceed with the parents now that Israel is dead; Fancy is out of the office because his daughter Jennifer has had an appendicitis. The detectives decide to let the parents know about Israel's death, but lead the parents to believe they have a witness that saw the father plant the shirt in Israel's "home." Diane begins to reach the mother. Bobby senses the father is jealous of all the attention. The detectives decide to lie low and wait for the father to make a move. It doesn't take long and the father contacts Bobby, who tries to connect with him like Diane is doing with the mother. Emotions run high until a confession is finally delivered. Meanwhile, the other detectives find a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps them collect.

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Next Question
160 votes

#21 - Next Question

Golden Boy (2013) - Season 1 - Episode 13

When Clark is relegated to desk duty, he delves into Owen’s cold case in which the murder investigation of a construction worker was compromised by the events of 9/11. Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor Holbrook pulls a gun on Clark and Margot, Agnes drives away with her father, and Owen gets his long deserved promotion.

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43 votes

#22 - Pilot

Blind Justice - Season 1 - Episode 1

After Jim Dunbar loses his eyesight during a gunfight, the rehabilitated homicide Detective attempts to return to active duty at a new precinct. Facing opposition and doubt from his coworkers and Lieutenant, he is relegated to handling a car theft case with Detective Karen Bettencourt. Dunbar soon discovers that the recovered missing car might be connected to a larger ongoing serial homicide investigation.

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Dirty Laundry
124 votes

#23 - Dirty Laundry

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 5

Fancy is less than enthused when a detective under surveillance by IAB is assigned to the squad. Bobby is asked to keep an eye on him. They pull a case where an elderly man has been accused of exposing himself. Later the man is found hanging out in his apartment on the door. The murder of a pimp in a Laundromat is witnessed by a young woman who helped the detectives out on a previous case. Andy debates about whether to let John cut his hair, when he does John asks him about whether he should approach Lesniak. When he does, she finds out that gay people don't listen either. The IAB plans to apprehend Drucker in the squad room.

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Killing Your Number
1311 votes

#24 - Killing Your Number

Prison Break - Season 4 - Episode 22

Michael tries to bring down the Company once and for all.

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Killing Your Number
1333 votes

#25 - Killing Your Number

Prison Break - Season 4 - Episode 22

Michael makes one final attempt to get Scylla and destroy the Company.

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Andy Appleseed
73 votes

#26 - Andy Appleseed

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 6

Andy and Connie wake to the call of another possible "Time Bar" homicide. They decide they have nothing further to discuss on the situation with Diane. Besides, Connie has not been feeling good in the morning. The detectives arrive at the scene of the homicide and find a match book that indicates the victim was at another bar that is owned by the Time Bar owner. McDowell accompanies Sipowicz to the Time Bar where they are going to meet Russell. As before, the owner offers them nothing but he does make a comment about what he heard about Russell's behavior the previous evening. After Russell leaves, McDowell comments that if it was only about Russell drinking again, why couldn't he tell her about that? He tells her to drop it. When he enters the squad room, Clark is handed a mysterious message that John Irvin tells him was left for him downstairs. The message smells of Dr. Devlin's perfume. Medavoy and Jones get a call for a homicide at the home of the Ackermans, their recent a

Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger
3913 votes

#27 - Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger

Chuck - Season 4 - Episode 24

Before he can kiss the bride, Chuck must enlist his wedding party to take down Vivian Volkoff and stop her from destroying the big day. When he turns to Alexei Volkoff for help, the CIA sends its toughest agent, Clyde Decker, to stop them.

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Auntie Maimed
115 votes

#28 - Auntie Maimed

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 19

Sylvia is close to giving birth and Andy is on edge. When isn't he? Donna contemplates a California job offer. The nephew of the victim of a robbery-homicide is found holding the stolen goods. Andy and Bobby (with observations from Andy Jr.) work that case. Greg, James, Adrianne and Diane all work the robbery-homicide of a bouncer. James and Adrianne have another talk. Sylvia gives birth with only a little trouble. It is a boy and they name him Theo.

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Scorp Family Robinson
2331 votes

#29 - Scorp Family Robinson

Scorpion - Season 3 - Episode 25

Three weeks after they crash land on a deserted island, tensions run high for Team Scorpion when they must battle to overcome their relationship obstacles in order to be rescued.

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Arrivals and Departures
1977 votes

#30 - Arrivals and Departures

Scorpion - Season 2 - Episode 10

When Team Scorpion and Walter's parents visit Megan in the hospital as her health deteriorates, they are quarantined after a deadly fungus outbreak threatens to infect everyone.

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Johnny Got His Gold (2)
79 votes

#31 - Johnny Got His Gold (2)

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 2

The wearing of the wire goes bad, Clark gets shot on the street and Sipowicz kills the perp. Clark's father, a detective that Sipowicz has a history with (Sipowicz calls him "Dutch Boy"), arrives on the scene wanting to know what went wrong. McDowell, Medavoy and Jones begin investigating a shooting at a restaurant and see the news, which shows a picture of Sipowicz and mention his involvement in the morning's shootout. Sipowicz thanks McDowell for her intervention at the bar last night. After hearing about the TV coverage Andy, worried about Theo, decides to go home early; only Rodriguez gets a call from the 83rd, that his mother's apartment was invaded. Sipowicz and McDowell begin interviewing a woman who was having an affair with the restaurant victim, a faculty member at NYU. Det. Olivera tells Rodriguez that most probable suspect in his mother's break-in is a guy out on parole, whom Rodriguez had put in jail 8 years earlier. Rodriguez and Olivera go to where he suspects that

Postcards From the Edge
1872 votes

#32 - Postcards From the Edge

Scorpion - Season 1 - Episode 22

Scorpion, torn apart and uncertain about their future as a team, must come together for their most important mission yet – to save Walter’s life as his car teeters on the side of a cliff.

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Peeping Tommy
82 votes

#33 - Peeping Tommy

NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 11

Sipowicz spots something going down. He saves the victim and then pursues the suspects. Seeing one of the perps holding a gun he fires on their car shooting out the rear window, but the car gets away. When he returns to his own car, the victim (now his witness to the shooting) has disappeared. Russell and Sorenson begin an investigation into this shooting, as Sipowicz is required to stay back in the house when doubts are raised as to whether he shot at the right car. Meanwhile, Jones and Medavoy work a robbery and rape case and are joined by McDowell; Medavoy suspects that McDowell might be from IAB, since she only seems to show up when one of them is in a jam. Speaking of IAB, Martens stops by to see Fancy about the Sipowicz story, pressure from 1PP mounts and Sipowicz is asked to see the department shrink. Haywood and Jones discuss their date and the Sipowicz case, Haywood with some doubts and Jones in Sipowicz's corner. A wallet is found that leads to the witness in the shooting

Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore
89 votes

#34 - Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 11

Diane gives her final report to Wallace and Bobby makes dinner plans with Jill. A diamond dealer and his partner report that one of the dealer's sister is missing with a bag of diamonds worth over a million dollars. The broker suspects that his sister's boyfriend is responsible. Andy and Bobby investigate and discover that it is true and then some. Gina is attacked, nearly raped and her face is slashed on her way to work. James, Greg and Diane begin an investigation. James is anxious to find the perp. Greg and Diane wisely advise James to go and stay with Gina, because if he stays it is a "recipe for disaster." They find the perp, who lawyers up right away. Fancy suggests that Andy conduct a re-interview of the skel so that Gina won't have to see him again. That decision makes Greg doubt his career choice. Andy worries about Diane's current state of mind. Bobby and Jill go to dinner as Diane goes back undercover to resolve some personal issues; when that doesn't seem to work, she calls

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Don't Burst My Bubble
2431 votes

#35 - Don't Burst My Bubble

Scorpion - Season 3 - Episode 18

Following a severe storm, Happy’s friend Ada, who lives in a sterile bubble to protect her compromised immune system, is left with dangerous debris on the verge of puncturing the structure. Now, Team Scorpion works to safely move Ada to a more secure location without risking her life.

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1264 votes

#36 - Rumble

The Tomorrow People (US) - Season 1 - Episode 11

Stephen and his fellow Ultra trainees are given a test by Jedikiah to see who is worthy of becoming an Ultra agent, but not everyone is happy to work as a team. Cara is faced with a mysterious visitor from her past. Russell is sent on a dangerous recon mission that could force a clash between Tomorrow People groups. Meanwhile, John works with a new break-out.

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Guns & Hoses
76 votes

#37 - Guns & Hoses

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 15

The detectives begin looking into the fire-bombing of an abortion clinic that killed a security guard. While waiting to talk with the woman in charge of the clinic, Clark Jr. asks Sipowicz if Theo has an interest in blondes, intimating that he is aware that Sipowicz and McDowell appear to spending time together. When they ask the woman in charge of the clinic to open her record books to help them get a lead on who may have committed the crime. Citing the need for patient confidentiality she denies their request. McDowell & Ortiz catch their own case and go off to investigate the homicide; meanwhile Sipowicz and Clark Jr. question the leader of an anti-abortion group that leads them nowhere. Medavoy and Jones look into gun that a guy found in a car he obtained from his late uncle. Ortiz recognizes their homicide victim as the woman her husband Don was having an affair with. This makes them interested in looking into the whereabouts of the victim's husband and Ortiz's husband. The

1050 votes

#38 - Endgame

The Tomorrow People (US) - Season 1 - Episode 17

Stephen stumbles upon a clue that the Tomorrow People have been desperately searching for. John and Russell learn of a dangerous plan that Jedikiah has in the works, but no one could have predicted the ultimate outcome. Meanwhile, Cara gets a lead on a new break-out, but is shocked to discover that it’s someone from her past.

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Kill or Be Killed
1640 votes

#39 - Kill or Be Killed

The Tomorrow People (US) - Season 1 - Episode 4

When Ultra's most wanted, Killian McCrane, resurfaces after years of being in hiding, Stephen enlists John's help in tracking him down. John reluctantly agrees to help, but changes his mind when he learns that Killian isn't after Jedikiah as everyone suspects. Stephen, wants to help, but Cara explains that John's history with Killian, which brings back a flood of memories from John's past, making him do something he never thought he would do again. Meanwhile, Stephen's mom is suspicious of his whereabouts, putting him in an awkward position.

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Better Laid Than Never (2)
22 votes

#40 - Better Laid Than Never (2)

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 23

McDowell and Ortiz arrive at the scene of their homicide. The victim is an elderly woman who was the victim of a assault. One of the tenants in her building, Larry Tyner, is a self-declared former perpetrator of rape-assaults; he mentions that the victim had a junkie grandson who was always looking for a handout. Ortiz questions the building supervisor and he mentions that Larry Tyner is liked by everyone in the building, including the murder victim. Jones and Medavoy re-question Catherine Lowe about her son's murder. She doesn't like the implication some of their questions and she is put out when the Crime Scene unit has to process her apartment. Back at the squad, McDowell and Ortiz question Tyner, and again he mentions the victim's grandson, a real heartache for the victim. Sipowicz meets with the borough trustee, to make sure that his paperwork is in order, just in case something happens to him. Theo should be taken care of, only Sipowicz needs to identify a guardian. The

Toby Or Not Toby
2138 votes

#41 - Toby Or Not Toby

Scorpion - Season 2 - Episode 24

Team Scorpion must outthink their unstable ex-Scorpion member, Mark Collins, after he kidnaps Toby and threatens to kill him unless his cunning demands are met.

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Better Laid Than Never (1)
75 votes

#42 - Better Laid Than Never (1)

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 22

The morning after his return from Florida with McDowell and his son, Sipowicz picks up a case with a missing child and gets a "thumbs up" from one of the uniforms. He arrives at the scene of the missing child's home, only to meet the mother, Catherine Lowe, gathers a few details of the case and gets a "your my hero" from one of the other uniforms. Back at the squad the father of a friend of the missing boy (Tommy Dwyer, a guy retired off the job) stops by to tell the detectives what he knows. He doesn't believe the boys are together anywhere, since he knows his son was at school. He also mentions the missing boy wasn't thrilled with his homelife; preferring to live with his father over his mother. A man, Ted Munns, who believes he has information about their missing child case. He tells them about his suspicions about a man who's online and lives near where the missing boy lived. Jones and Medavoy talk with him and then they lay out a plan to capture this predator, which they su

I Have a Dream
110 votes

#43 - I Have a Dream

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 15

Sipowicz is having a recurring dream involving his father and Sgt. Dornan. In the dream Sipowicz's father claims that Dornan was responsible for putting his eye out. One of Sorenson's informants helps the detectives with their investigation into the shooting death of a drug dealer by a police officer. The officer might just not be cut out for police work, but the shooting is proved right. Vince Gotelli comes to the squad looking for help with one of his insurance company's chronic complainants, a man with mob connections. The complainant alleges that his downstairs neighbor is constantly vandalizing his car; Vince wants the detectives (Sorenson and Kirkendall) to tell him his options. None of their advice is heeded as the complainant is beaten to death by his neighbor. Sipowicz meets with Dornan to tell him what he thinks his dream meant. Dornan, who's been drinking during the time before Sipowicz arrived, doesn't offer him any support, which sends Sipowicz running from the bar, intent

Safari, So Good
75 votes

#44 - Safari, So Good

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 13

The detectives begin investigating the death of a doctor and at the crime scene Sipowicz tries to avoid having any discussion with McDowell about the kiss from the previous night. Back at the squad, John Irvin introduces the temporary who will be filling in for him during his African safari. The temp PAA is a struggling screenwriter which piques Medavoy's interest. When another case comes up, Sipowicz declines any immediate assistance from McDowell and Ortiz who are going to help out with both investigations. At the crime scene of the second case, Sipowicz and Clark Jr. run into a well meaning rookie cop, who may have made their case harder to solve. One of the deceased doctor's colleagues comes in for some questioning and mentions his colleagues' free charity work. The deceased doctor had a prescription for a patient named Angela Stokes in his pocket; not recognizing that name his colleague suspects that Angela was a patient of the doctor's charity work. The doctor's colleague

Four Feet Under
9 votes

#45 - Four Feet Under

Blind Justice - Season 1 - Episode 2

The mounting frustration and pressure for Jim to prove himself and make things work as a detective and a person creates more tension with his colleagues and Karen as they collectively investigate the murder of a young boy. Jim's insecurities also begin to seep into his personal life at a dinner party with Christie's coworkers when out of jealousy; he threatens his wife's boss whom he believes was trying to flirt with her. His behavior puts additional strain on the marriage as it brings up unresolved issues for Christie about his past infidelity.

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1996 votes

#46 - Robots

Scorpion - Season 2 - Episode 4

Walter, Cabe and Happy are trapped with the crew in a top secret submarine when an explosion sends it to the bottom of the ocean with limited oxygen and a self-destruct function that will soon activate.

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Chuck Versus the Bullet Train
3027 votes

#47 - Chuck Versus the Bullet Train

Chuck - Season 5 - Episode 11

When a mission in Japan becomes a hostage situation, Sarah and Chuck must face the merciless Nicholas Quinn (recurring guest star ANGUS MACFADYEN) aboard a speeding Japanese bullet train. Meanwhile, the mission leaves Casey with an impossible decision.

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1436 votes

#48 - Limbo

The Tomorrow People (US) - Season 1 - Episode 7

When Stephen decides to have some fun with his newfound powers, Jedikiah takes extreme measures to make sure it doesn’t happen again. After John and Russell return from their trip, John feels a strange tension between himself and Cara. Stephen tries to handle a new and dangerous breakout on his own, but finds himself in over his head and needing help from his fellow Tomorrow People.

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Low Blow
74 votes

#49 - Low Blow

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 19

Since the Captain has found out about the grudge match, the fight between Laughlin and Clark Jr. is off the card for tonight's fight. McDowell wants to discuss flights to Orlando with Sipowicz, but he doesn't want the whole world (at least the squad) to know about their trip together with Theo. He'll talk to her later; meanwhile Clark Jr. catches a rape case, so they are off to the hospital to begin their investigation. One of the cops at the hospital makes a clucking noise as Clark Jr. is walking away. Back at the squad, Clark Jr. puts a call in that he wants to talk with Laughlin. McDowell decides that she needs to talk to Sipowicz now about her perception of his embarrassment at being on a vacation with her. She tells him she's not going to go. Clark Jr. and Sipowicz interview a registered sex-offender who lived in the area of the rape their investigating. Jones and Medavoy start investigating the shooting of a man who has an ID that indicates he is a doctor; but later it is

Tech, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll
2045 votes

#50 - Tech, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll

Scorpion - Season 2 - Episode 6

Walter’s attempt to “normalize” goes horribly wrong when a nefarious virus is uploaded to his computer, turning Team Scorpion’s new “smart” building project into a burning death trap with people locked inside.

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