The BEST episodes written by Michael Jacobs

Girl Meets Goodbye
221 votes

#1 - Girl Meets Goodbye

Girl Meets World - Season 3 - Episode 21

Feeny, Turner, Shawn, Eric, Alan, Amy, Minkus, Harley and both Morgans stop by and help make a decision. Series Finale.

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A Date with Enid
10 votes

#2 - A Date with Enid

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 9

Charles has his hands full. It is pouring rain outside and everyone in the Pembroke household is confined to the house. Stan gave everyone assignments, and he is trying very hard to catch up on all those things that get postponed. There is the fireplace that needs cleaning, the bathroom that has to be re caulked. However, all these projects get interrupted when Douglas thinks he has found the love of his life in Enid, Lila's friend. The two young girls are very busy with Enid's beauty treatment. Enid d thinks she needs a great deal of improvements. But these beauty treatments can become sticky, and Charles must lend a helping hand, It is time for Stan to have a man to men talk with his son about the woes of first love and when Enid triumphantly comes down the stairs, Douglas realizes that the "new" Enid is not the girl he has a crush on. In the end, Jason's wish comes true, the entire family goes to Pizza Play land to conclude an activity filled day.

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Girl Meets the New Teacher
157 votes

#3 - Girl Meets the New Teacher

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 10

A new teacher is hired and uses non-traditional ways of learning to engage the students, and the principal does not agree. Cory defends the teacher, which ultimately gets him in trouble too.

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Girl Meets Texas (2)
163 votes

#4 - Girl Meets Texas (2)

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 21

Riley, Maya, and Lucas try to figure out their feelings while they are in Texas together.

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Girl Meets Texas (1)
161 votes

#5 - Girl Meets Texas (1)

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 20

Riley, Maya, and Farkle head to Texas with Lucas, who has been entered in the bull-riding competition at the rodeo in his hometown.

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Girl Meets Texas (3)
152 votes

#6 - Girl Meets Texas (3)

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 22

Riley, Maya, and Lucas deal with the aftermath of what happened in Texas.

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Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen
201 votes

#7 - Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen

Girl Meets World - Season 3 - Episode 20

With Riley’s 16th birthday approaching, the kids contemplate the future and how rapidly their relationships will change in a few short years.

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Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels
171 votes

#8 - Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 5

When Riley and Maya get into a fight, Cory enlists the help of his brother, Eric, to be a mediator.

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Girl Meets High School (1)
313 votes

#9 - Girl Meets High School (1)

Girl Meets World - Season 3 - Episode 1

Riley, Maya, Lucas and Farkle start their freshmen year and quickly learn their place as smaller fish in a much bigger lake.

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City Slackers
132 votes

#10 - City Slackers

Boy Meets World - Season 3 - Episode 11

When Mr. Feeny gives Amy and Alan the key to his cabin in the Poconos so they can have a romantic getaway, Shawn and Cory steal the key, and use it to have a ski weekend. Meanwhile, Eric, Frankie and Joey play the longest game of pool ever played.

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467 votes

#11 - Pilot

Boy Meets World - Season 1 - Episode 1

Cory Matthews winds up with detention after trying to listen to a Phillies game in class, while his teacher, Mr. Feeny, is trying to teach the class the great value that love has in all of their lives. However, Cory doesn't find love and girls such a good thing when his older brother, Eric, takes a girl to a Phillies game instead of him. This prompts Cory to move into his treehouse.

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The Mighty Megalosaurus
823 votes

#12 - The Mighty Megalosaurus

Dinosaurs - Season 1 - Episode 1

In this first episode of the series, Earl Sinclair talks to his born son about how his life was before he was born. he talks to him about the stress between his family and how his wife Fran Sinclair had been dealing with a lot of troubles and situations over the past. Earl also talks about how he wanted his boss B.P. Richfield to give him a first raise.

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Home for the Holidays
10 votes

#13 - Home for the Holidays

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 11

It is Christmas Eve and the Pembroke household is buzzing with activity. Grandma Irene, Stan's mother, is expected for her yearly three-week-stay with her grandchildren. Jill is cleaning an already immaculate house and wonders why her mother-in law's visit still upsets her in the same manner it did fifteen years ago! Charles is trying to console Jason who is depressed and sad to see him go. Charles plans to go home for the holidays; he will spend his vacation with his parents in Vermont. The phone rings, and Charles' dad informs him that they are completely snowed in. This news makes Jason suddenly feel much better, but Grandma Irene becomes more and more jealous of Charles. She has a long conversation with her son, Stan, and both explain their feelings to each other. Stan succeeds in helping his mother accept that Jill has her career,

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Girl Meets World
430 votes

#14 - Girl Meets World

Girl Meets World - Season 1 - Episode 1

When Maya leads a rebellion in class, Riley joins in to try to be like her - much to her father, Cory's, dismay.

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The Mating Dance
401 votes

#15 - The Mating Dance

Dinosaurs - Season 1 - Episode 2

Fran feels very depressed after staying up all night trying to keep Baby from being awake and trying to go to sleep. That morning Baby went to sleep and Fran was outraged and upset that she did not get enough sleep. Earl and Roy later tries to find out what's wrong with Fran's life and they believe that if she wasen't with the children she would have a perfect life. Later, Farn goes to her mothers to spend some time with her, while Earl tries to make dinner. Fran later comes home to tell Earl that there is defidently something wrong in her life. When Earl watches TV, he thinks that the only way to cheer Fran up again is the mating dance.

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16 votes

#16 - Amityville

Charles in Charge - Season 2 - Episode 1

In the pilot episode of the new "Charles In Charge," Charles returns from a two week camping trip with his friend Buddy, to discover a whole new household waiting for him. The Pembroke's are moving to Seattle, and the Powells are subletting the house. The mother, Jill Pembroke (Lisa Donovan) is sad to leave, but has recommended Charles to Ellen Powell and the Powell family, which includes youngsters Jamie, Sarah and Adam. If he wants, Charles can move right back into his old room and help with the Powell family just like he used to help with the Pembroke's. However, his friend Buddy has other ideas. Buddy's not enthralled with Charles' domesticity and tries to persuade Charles to move into an off campus apartment with him. At first Charles agrees and they go off, but in the end, he decides helping a nice family is preferable to the career bachelor life - at least for now.

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Girl Meets Commonism
158 votes

#17 - Girl Meets Commonism

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 28

Maya and Farkle are caught cheating on a test and have to face the school honor board, which includes Riley and Lucas as members. Meanwhile, Auggie tries to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.

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Charles 'R' Us
6 votes

#18 - Charles 'R' Us

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 18

No matter how hard Charles and Buddy try, between them they do not have enough cash to even think about going out on dates. There has to be a way for them to make some extra spending money. Buddy's idea of finding household helpers and training them, then placing them for a small fee may be the answer to their cash shortage. What if they could offer somebody with the Good Charleskeeping Seal of Approval? Who would be better suited to find other Charles' than Charles himself? Buddy and Charles set up appointments with prospects from their college, and Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke give them permission to hold the interviews at the house. After some exhausting screening of a number of prospects, they decide on Megan Harker. They even give her the 'torture test', which she passes. Charles can honestly recommend her to the Wilson's for the live-in helper's job. After he offers Megan his congratulations, he tells Buddy that Megan will be the only graduate from Charles Us school.

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Girl Meets Fish
140 votes

#19 - Girl Meets Fish

Girl Meets World - Season 2 - Episode 11

It’s Riley’s turn to take the class fish home for the weekend, but it dies as soon as she gets it. Auggie suspects foul play.

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73 votes

#20 - Pilot

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 1

Scott Baio stars as Charles, a nineteen-year-old college student and live-in family helper to three energetic children on the pilot episode of MCA TV International's "CHARLES IN CHARGE." The story was written by series producer Michael Jacobs and directed by Alan Rafkin. Jill and Stan Pembroke are a working couple whose uncertain schedules propel them into hiring a nineteen-year-old college student, Charles, to move in and help them with their three children: Lila 14; Douglas, 12; and Jason, 10. It appears Charles has the perfect arrangement while he attends school and does some growing of his own with the helpful advice of his best friend, Buddy Lembeck. Charles becomes ecstatic when his dream girl, Gwendolyn Pierce, a campus beauty, accepts a date with him. However, Jill and Stan have to go out for the night, leaving Charles in charge. Buddy comes up with the perfect solution -- invite Gwendolyn to spend the evening at home with him and the children. She accepts and sends Charles int

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Extracurricular Activity
53 votes

#21 - Extracurricular Activity

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 2

Charles is put in the awkward position of helping and encouraging Lila, Jason and Douglas to seek out new and exciting extracurricular activities. The end result is that Jason dreams of soccer stardom; Lila sees herself as a cheerleader; and Douglas eyes the school band specifically the triangle instrument. Jason returns home battered and bruised and not on the team, Lila does have the cheerleader personality, while Douglas made the school band and gets to play the triangle. Stan and Jill are upset at the frustration and humiliation Lila and Jason have gone through -- and Charles is asked to straighten out the situation. Meanwhile, Gwendolyn Pierce is trying to get Charles to join the college school play, and Buddy wants him to join the swim team. Charles sets Gwendolyn and Buddy aside and coaches Lila the technique of being an exuberant cheerleader. When she succeeds, she decides to remain with the student council. He learns that a school bully would not allow Jason to try out for

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Another Saturday Night
44 votes

#22 - Another Saturday Night

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 3

Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke are spending the evening out and Charles is baby-sitting. He is busy preparing for Gwendolyn's visit, with whom he plans to study. Buddy shows up unexpectedly and wants to go to The Lamplight with him to look at girls. After all that is what guys should be doing on a Saturday night.. Gwendolyn is enraged when she finds out that Charles occasionally hangs out there with his friends. Buddy and she argue heatedly and it just makes matters worse. Meanwhile the children Lila, Jason, and Douglas are also home on a Saturday night. They are watching special election results, which unfortunately do not turn out as expected, and Michael Jackson's appearance at the victory party is canceled. When Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke come home, they help calm things down a bit. Charles realizes that Gwendolyn is very sensitive and not perfect after all, and Buddy is also a special friend who makes the college years fun!

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Trick or Treat
41 votes

#23 - Trick or Treat

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 8

In Charles estimation, Diana Marks is a classy lady, and she has agreed to go on a Halloween date with Buddy. They had only talked with each other for a few minutes and suddenly Buddy is worried that Diana won't like him when they have to spend the evening together at the annual Halloween party given by a classmate. Buddy doesn't want to disappoint her, and he is worried that she might consider his costume not original enough. Charles is trying to be a good friend and agrees to meet Diana at the student union before the date. Charles approaches Diana, drops a book in front of her, and she picks it up and hands it to Charles with a smile. Gwendolyn witnesses the exchange by chance and is shocked and concerned. At that moment Buddy comes by and tries to explain what is going on. From then on things get a little confusing. At the end though, the evening might still turn out alright for Charles and Buddy. After all, this is Halloween -- Douglas explains -- it is a special night.

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39 votes

#24 - Discipline

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 7

Stan Pembroke comes home expecting Jill to be dressed and ready to go to the Vice Presidents reception but the Pembroke home has suddenly turned into "Little Crisis Central". Lila and Douglas brought home grades from school that they are not very happy about. Even Charles and Buddy are grumbling about too much homework and too much pressure. Jill feels that she cannot just walk out of the house and leave the children without at least talking about their individual problems, but Stan maintains that he has confidence in Charles --Charles has his trust and he will resolve the problems, whatever they are! That is why Charles and Douglas have to go to Doug's school and Charles has to face the boy's teacher. A stunned Charles meets an absolutely gorgeous and fashionably dressed young woman - Ms. Susan McCoy. It turns out that she is also very knowledgeable. And during their meeting the other Pembroke children drop in, they are able to benefit from the valuable lesson.