The BEST episodes written by Matt Olmstead

22 Skidoo
74 votes

#1 - 22 Skidoo

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 22

It's the morning after for John and Jennifer and they'll both be late for work if John doesn't put the honey bottle away. The detectives respond to the scene of a homicide in grocery, where no money was taken. Ortiz spots Clark getting out of Dr. Devlin's car and is short with him when he says hello. Back at the squad, canvas hasn't turned up anything, but crime scene did get a fingerprint from a similar crime that occurred the night before. That fingerprint belongs to Terry Parkhurst. Medavoy tells the others that he is anticipating receipt of the list that might announce his promotion to detective 2nd grade. McDowell makes plans for a small wedding ceremony that might be able to take place later that evening. Rodriguez calls Sipowicz into his office and tells him that the commissioner will not allow two detectives in the same squad to be married. Sipowicz asks Rodriguez if it will be a problem with him if they go ahead and get married anyway. He tells them it won't, as long a

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On the Fence
71 votes

#2 - On the Fence

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 16

Sipowicz and Clark arrive at an early morning scene (so early it's still dark), where Hatcher has been wounded in a shoot out with a man in a window. Hatcher says he was chasing a black male suspect and was looking for him over a fence when a light came on behind him. He turned around and was shot by a guy in the window with a gun. Hatcher returned fire and struck the shooter. Sipowicz and Clark go up to interview the man that Hatcher shot and wounded. He tells them a different story; he says that he saw Hatcher draw his gun, whereas Hatcher says he already had his gun drawn. Sipowicz wants Hatcher to get his story straight, because a shooting involving a civilian is going to get the bosses involved. Sipowicz and Clark tell Gibson what they know about the morning's shooting. Gibson wants to know if they are standing by their fellow detective. Sipowicz responds that they are doing their job and investigating the shooting. Gibson wants to know what he's supposed to tell Hatcher'

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You Da Bomb
71 votes

#3 - You Da Bomb

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 10

John and the good doctor have renewed their intimate relationship, but something is wrong; her medication isn't letting her feel anything. She decides that for his benefit they need to end their relationship. The detectives are on the scene of a homicide that looks like a mob hit. The building superintendent (a poet) has a lot of detail for the detectives, including the license plate number of the vehicle driven by Russians. Following up, Sipowicz and Clark go to the address where the car was registered. They find a man, Ilya Antropov, knocking on a nearby door and determine that the door they were at was the door he was really intending on knocking on. They bring him in for questioning and decide to hold him in a cell until they can check out his story about being a busboy. McDowell is planning to go to the doctor for her first ultra-sound. Sipowicz and Clark go to talk the woman, a renowned photographer that their victim worked for. The photographer recently had taken photos

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Traylor Trash
75 votes

#4 - Traylor Trash

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 20

Jones and Medavoy arrive on the scene of a shooting; meanwhile back at the squad Sipowicz and Clark are getting ready to leave and interview Cindy Clifton's mother, despite the fact that Cindy's father "lawyered up" the entire family. Clark's departure is delayed by the arrival of Jennifer Devlin, someone he hasn't seen in quite some time and now is sporting a wild streak of color in her hair. She wants to Clark to accompany her to on a trip to Miami. He declines her invitation, offering dinner instead, but more importantly he asks her if she's taken her medication and she responds that she doesn't want to be treated like a child. Clark is confused by her behavior. At the library Sipowicz and Clark try talking with Sharon Clifton. They get her to give them a list of everyone who stayed at her home the Thanksgiving weekend that Cindy Clifton was killed. She relents and gives a list to work with. Medavoy and Jones run down what they know about their shooting victim, Kevin Traylor,

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Oedipus Wrecked
76 votes

#5 - Oedipus Wrecked

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 20

It's the morning after and John and Rita scramble to get ready to leave for work as their pagers go off. Rita must have been gentle, because John isn't showing any signs of suffering from a groin injury. They both join the other detectives at the scene of a double homicide, with an additional victim at the hospital. Medavoy announces that his daughter is going to be getting married, he's going to meet the future bride and groom for dinner tomorrow evening. McDowell and Ortiz respond to a call about a middle-aged woman who's discovered carrying narcotics. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. interview a suspect who was in one of the victim's appointment books. He comes on strong, until he hears about the murder. Ortiz and McDowell interview their middle-aged drug courier, but she denies knowledge about where the drugs came from. Then she has a realization and confesses to being the courier; but her story doesn't sit right with them but they give up pursuing it further. Katie Medavoy stops by

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Nude Awakening
73 votes

#6 - Nude Awakening

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 16

Theo walks into bathroom on Connie, who's naked and getting ready to take a shower. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. arrive at crime scene, with Clark Jr. commenting to Sipowicz that he hasn't been able to get in contact with his father. At the crime scene, the detectives encounter Julian Pisano, the snitch who led them to finding Sorenson's body. Julian was shot in the arm, but heard his shooter also cry out in pain. Sipowicz asks him to go alphabetically through the list of people who would want to see him killed. He tells them about "The Dentist" a man he may have recently screwed over in a deal. They tell him to go to the hospital and stay there. Back at the squad, McDowell tells Ortiz about her encounter with Theo, which John Irvin overhears. McDowell asks Sipowicz how Theo was when he dropped him off at school. Sipowicz tells her that Theo insisted that he be dropped off at Hooters. Jones and Medavoy interview "The Dentist" who tells them about the bad deal he had with Julian, bu

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71 votes

#7 - Half-Ashed

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 9

Sipowicz and Clark Jr. are on the scene of the death of a caseworker in child services, it's not clear whether she committed suicide or was the victim of foul play. The uniforms on the scene and back at the house have copped an attitude towards the detectives; it seems that those officers who had admitted to their relations with the auxiliary cop are going to be questioned by IAB. Both Sipowicz and Clark Jr. deny to them that they contacted IAB. With murder a possibility, the detectives receive the dead caseworker's files to begin sorting through. An old member of the squad's widow, Ruth Dwyer comes in to talk with Sipowicz about her husband's last wish, which was to have half of his ashes buried or spread somewhere at the 15th squad. He agrees to try and help her out after he runs it by the boss. Rodriquez isn't comfortable with the notion and plans to run it by building services and in the meantime, Sipowicz is going to talk to Eddie Gibson, who might better remember Dwyer beca

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Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
74 votes

#8 - Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn

NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 3

Andy is bonding with Theo (who mentions he wants to be a cop) at the park, when he hears on his radio that all the emergency vehicles rushing by are going to the scene of a cop shooting. The cop's partner is worried that he is going to be jammed up as his wounded partner's husband is a captain in the NYPD and he was pursuing another suspect at the time (and not backing his partner up). When the 15th Squad is ready to break into the apartment of a possible suspect, Danny gives Diane something else to do, thus keeping her out of harm's way. She later calls him on it, when he tries to do the same thing when they are set to take another suspect. When they return to the house, Danny stops off to break off his relationship with Mary. The Captain stops by to see how the investigation is proceeding into his (now dead) wife's shooting. Knowing they have a suspect in custody, he watches some of the interview and then breaks into to assault the suspect, jeopardizing the investigation. The s

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Hand Job
75 votes

#9 - Hand Job

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 14

A safe is stolen and two people are crucified and Ortiz and McDowell catch the case, one victim is alive, but still nailed down, but his stripper girlfriend didn't survive. He tells them that two Russian men committed this crime. Sipowicz, Clark Jr., Medavoy and Jones investigate the shooting of a rap star that was shot (and later dies from his injuries) at his record release party. One of the guys who worked security for the party is named Marcus Hodges and is a cop that Clark Jr. knows from his days back at the police academy. Clark Jr. and Sipowicz talk with Hodges about the shooting, but he didn't see the crime go down. The rap star's brother is questioned and he says that a rival rap star named "Fury" but that they call "Furry" probably did it, since he was seen at the club that night. McDowell and Ortiz run the details of their case by Rodriguez, while the temp PAA listens with great screenwriting interest. Clark Jr. vouches for the conduct of his former classmate to Rodri

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Healthy McDowell Movement
71 votes

#10 - Healthy McDowell Movement

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 10

The Sipowicz's have moved out of their apartment and Andy has sublet it to John Irvin, which will allow him to keep his same address with the department and avoid any "jackpots" with him and Connie living together. Sipowicz and Clark Jr. are at the scene of a vandalized apartment, where the victim is the father of the perpetrator, a schizophrenic. He doesn't want to press charges, but he'd like them to find his son Michael. McDowell and Ortiz get diverted to help out Jones and Medavoy, but before she leaves McDowell talks with Sipowicz about the layout of their apartment. Sipowicz is not giving up his fish and when he looks for some sympathy from Clark Jr., who's been strangely quiet this morning, he doesn't get any. Back at the squad, Rodriguez is trying to get hold of his ex-wife, who missed her breakfast appointment with him. Sipowicz confronts Clark Jr. about his lack of support and Clark Jr. tells him about his father and IAB. Sipowicz tells him they'll talk to Martens to s

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Humpty Dumped
76 votes

#11 - Humpty Dumped

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 11

Ortiz gets word from a man that his wife and her husband are having an affair. The man has a copy of an e-mail that his wife and her husband may be rendezvousing later that afternoon. The detectives catch a homicide from the night watch. When Ortiz and McDowell begin question a potential witness, her mother comes along, tells them that her daughter knows nothing and takes her away. The detectives discuss strategy for their case. Sipowicz asks Clark Jr. and McDowell to continue working the case without him; he is going to spend some time working on "nailing this Beacham asshole". Jones and Medavoy are assigned to another homicide, while looking into the case, Jones tells Medavoy about Haywood's condition. Medavoy is a little put out; when he finds out that he wasn't the first to know. Sipowicz tells Beacham about his investigation into Beacham's dealing with Mrs. Hornby's money. McDowell, Clark Jr. and Ortiz have a witness that refuses to give anything up, fearing the recrimina

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You've Got Mail
78 votes

#12 - You've Got Mail

NYPD Blue - Season 10 - Episode 2

John Irvin is showing off a picture the new car he plans on buying with his inheritance. Clark Jr. tells Rodriguez that he is fit to catch cases. Rodriguez agrees, but doesn't care or want to know the details of Clark Jr.'s relationship with the dead prostitute. Sipowicz gets a call from the FBI that a bomb may have been forwarded in the mail to the Family Court building. The detectives go to the scene and after dealing with a minor bureaucrat start an evacuation of the building. McDowell and Ortiz respond to the scream of a woman who's opened an envelope that has covered her with white powder. Hazmat sets up do some field testing for anthrax; McDowell and Ortiz need to be checked out. Laughlin takes some time to try breaking Clark Jr.'s balls, he breaks them back. Clark Jr. needs to meet with IAB about his situation. The anthrax test comes back negative, but Sipowicz receives a call that another letter has exploded in white powder. The victim has gone into cardiac arrest. Si

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Daveless in New York
80 votes

#13 - Daveless in New York

NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 1

It's 5 days until Theo's final blood test and Andy feels the need for this health situation to just be over. So he tries to get Theo's final test pulled up. Diane asks Danny about his relationship with Mary; but he expresses that he still has an interest in her. Leo Cohen has become a defense attorney and is he preparing to represent members of the 15th Squad in IAB's investigation of the Kirkendall situation. Don Kirkendall is trying to make a deal for himself that may jam up the members of the 15th squad. The investigation of a multiple homicide at a fast-food restaurant takes a twist when an accomplice in the crime is worried about his daughter, who he used as collateral to his drug dealer. The squad goes after the dealer. Meanwhile, when Medavoy gives his statement to IAB, Martens informs him that "the good cops" need to find someone who will back up their story. They realize to do this they will need to find Denby who might be their only connection to the woman who was "holding" F

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Who's Your Daddy?
74 votes

#14 - Who's Your Daddy?

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 22

John meets Jennifer for breakfast, she appears to be on the road to recovery and he continues to offer her his support. At a crime scene Sipowicz arrives a little out of sorts, earlier that morning Connie gave birth to their son, Matthew Nicholas, 7 lbs. 3 oz. Jones and Medavoy also arrive at the scene, where a woman has been robbed and beaten to death in her apartment. Irma Pacheco, one of Ronson's old contacts from narcotics comes to the squad and tells Ronson and Ortiz some information about a guy she's seeing, Pete Murphy, who is going to be receiving a shipment of arms. Irma wants to know from Ronson what kind of reward she might receive and whether or not it would be enough money for her and Ronson to run off together, a comment which leaves Ortiz speechless. Sipowicz and Clark talk with the dead woman's husband, Andrew Moss. He mentions his wife's ex-husband, Ed Pisarchik, as someone they need to look at. Jones leaves to go to the court; the jury has come back in Craig Woo

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Dying to Testify
74 votes

#15 - Dying to Testify

NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 17

Sipowicz, Sorenson, Medavoy and Jones begin investigating the death of the man shot in the robbery at a clothing store. They eventually get a lead on their suspected perp and wait for him to return from Atlantic City. Haywood comes into the squad looking for help in tracking down a witness named Tisha who is needed to testify in a retrial case. Tisha's sister (who is on the job) is reluctant to help Russell and McDowell in locating her sister. They eventually track Tisha down and agree to stay with her for the night, ensuring that she can testify the following morning. Tisha's comment about Diane still having Bobby's picture up and living in the same apartment gets Diane thinking. Meanwhile, Danny tells Andy that he hasn't got Diane out of his system, he plans on putting in for a transfer and he admits to having been outside her apartment the previous evening. The following morning, Tisha is turned over to Haywood and the murder suspect fresh from Atlantic City. Danny talks to R

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Dance with Me
36 votes

#16 - Dance with Me

Blind Justice - Season 1 - Episode 11

After a recommendation from Dr. Galloway to temporarily put aside the problems in their marriage before going to couple's counseling, Christie and Jim set out on a quest to search for a fun and comforting activity to do that will bring them closer together. Artie Steckle, the man who found Hank asks Jim to talk to his nephew, Pete who has given up on living his life to the fullest after gradually becoming blind due to a disease. Jim attempts to show Pete who wants no help and only to be left alone that there are options out there where he can learn to cope and live a normal life with his blindness. Meanwhile, an elderly woman is found dead in her bedroom after it was consumed by an arson set fire. The main suspect is the landlord who is also a firefighter, which creates friction as it stirs up old feelings in a conflict of cops vs. firefighters when he accuses Marty of being bias towards him in this investigation due to his profession.

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Cop in a Bottle
115 votes

#17 - Cop in a Bottle

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 2

The detectives arrive on the scene of a shooting, where the shooter is Det. Walsh, from the 27, who was having a late night out with a few drinks and hooker. Simone arrives on the scene, but his difficulty breathing causes his so much discomfort, he is taken to the hospital. It appears as though Bobby has some heart trouble, its enlarged, cause unknown. Later, back at the squad room, Sipowicz begins questioning alcoholic Det. Walsh. Walsh's lieutenant arrives, ready to crucify him, Fancy steps in and ask him wait until their investigation is over. The investigation concludes and the detective's actions are vindicated, although Andy offers him some advice about his drinking. Bobby's condition may be caused by an infection; however, more tests are needed to know for sure.

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Oh Golly Goth
84 votes

#18 - Oh Golly Goth

NYPD Blue - Season 8 - Episode 9

Sorenson is given modified duty which lets him sit as his desk and catch up on paperwork, he has a chance to be reinstated if the DA's office decides they have enough information to press charges against Sid Thompson. Det. Connie McDowell reports to the precinct for temporary duty and is partnered with Diane. They begin to investigate the stabbing of man in hotel room who claims he was attacked in his room. It is revealed that he was in the company of a trio of Goths. The one Goth left in the hotel room is brought in, but cites one of the others as the probable stabber as he was passed out at the time. The other two are eventually found, one a runaway teenager from Minnesota, the other her mentor and eventually proven to be the stabber. Meanwhile, the father of one of the victim's of Sid Thompson's attack, the case that Sorenson blew, comes in asking about the investigation and the whereabouts of the son's crucifix. So Sipowicz takes a "vacation day" and follows up on the necklace, hop

Loogie Nights
118 votes

#19 - Loogie Nights

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 1

The 15th precinct "reopens for business" a little later than anticipated this season, but Sipowicz took advantage of the extra time to grieve Sylvia, raise Theo and lose some weight. Yes, Andy has shed a few pounds. Sipowicz and Sorenson begin an investigation into the death of man who was beaten to death by a pair of cops. One of the cops, Sorenson had helped out in last season's case involving the shooting of a black police officer. Medavoy gets a dirty uniform working a parade detail. Jill seeks Diane's opinion about restarting a relationship (for the sixth time) with her ex-husband Don, who's been real helpful lately, as their son Kyle gets ready for his first communion. Sipowicz, Sorenson and Franco with some reluctant help from Laughlin uncover the truth about the beating. Which officer performed the beating death, will be left for the jury to decide. Sipowicz goes home to Theo and later that night at the bar, Sorenson wants to discuss the outcome of their investigation with Laug

Brothers Under Arms
112 votes

#20 - Brothers Under Arms

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 6

Martinez arrives at the squad for his last day. Diane tells Jill the results of her conversation with Denby. Sorenson and Sipowicz look into a murder, where the gun used was involved in a shooting 2 years earlier. With help from the gun owner's mother, they get the gun and the name of the party who last had the gun. That party points to the gun owner's brother as the one who really wanted the gun to accompany him on a visit to his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend. Denby tells Russell that Don Kirkendall escaped from his supervision last night (after his night of drinking with Russell) and if Don contacts Jill, Russell should let him know, so he can save his own ass. Jill gives into Don's continual calls and asks Diane for the use of her apartment, knowing that her own apartment is probably under surveillance by Denby. Jill gives Don some money and tells him to leave, but before he goes he swipes Bobby's wedding ring from the mantel. The squad gathers to celebrate the promotion of James Martin

1569 votes

#21 - Go

Prison Break - Season 1 - Episode 21

The team start the escape from the hole in Scofield's cell.

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1473 votes

#22 - Go

Prison Break - Season 1 - Episode 21

Everyone's ready to make their escapes across the high wire. Veronica and Nick realize they may be in over their heads. And Agent Kellerman helps Vice President Reynolds calm down before her debate.

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43 votes

#23 - Pilot

Blind Justice - Season 1 - Episode 1

After Jim Dunbar loses his eyesight during a gunfight, the rehabilitated homicide Detective attempts to return to active duty at a new precinct. Facing opposition and doubt from his coworkers and Lieutenant, he is relegated to handling a car theft case with Detective Karen Bettencourt. Dunbar soon discovers that the recovered missing car might be connected to a larger ongoing serial homicide investigation.

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Killing Your Number
1311 votes

#24 - Killing Your Number

Prison Break - Season 4 - Episode 22

Michael tries to bring down the Company once and for all.

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Killing Your Number
1333 votes

#25 - Killing Your Number

Prison Break - Season 4 - Episode 22

Michael makes one final attempt to get Scylla and destroy the Company.

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A Dark Day (1)
1487 votes

#26 - A Dark Day (1)

Chicago Fire - Season 2 - Episode 20

Lt. Casey and Dawson volunteer to help at a charity run at Chicago Medical when a massive explosion sends Chicago into chaos. With one of their own missing in the blast, the firehouse is tested like never before. (8:30 PM (2) aired on Chicago P.D., season 1, episode 12.)

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The Rat
1520 votes

#27 - The Rat

Prison Break - Season 1 - Episode 14

Veronica and Nick request a judge to postpone Lincoln's execution. A C.O. becomes suspicious about a broken door.

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The Last One for Mom
1620 votes

#28 - The Last One for Mom

Chicago Fire - Season 4 - Episode 20

Firehouse 51 unites to help a young boy in tragic circumstances. A high-powered political consultant helps Casey navigate a potential scandal. Cruz makes a mistake that nearly costs him his life.

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The Number of Rats (2)
1216 votes

#29 - The Number of Rats (2)

Chicago P.D. - Season 2 - Episode 20

After arriving in Chicago to assist Voight and the team with a rape/murder case that has distinct similarities to a decade-old case from New York, Sgt. Benson asks Fin and Amaro to help; the prime suspect asks for a meeting with Lindsay. (We Called Her Jellybean (1) Chicago Fire S03E21) (Daydream Believer (3) Law & Order: SVU S16E20)

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The Rat
1615 votes

#30 - The Rat

Prison Break - Season 1 - Episode 14

With the pipe to the infirmary replaced and Lincoln's life hanging in the balance, Michael must rethink his plan to escape and save his brother's life. A fellow inmate may hold the key to preventing Lincoln's execution.

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A Shot Heard Round the World
957 votes

#31 - A Shot Heard Round the World

Chicago P.D. - Season 4 - Episode 8

When a young officer is shot dead in the lobby of an apartment building, Intelligence looks to the latest known offenders who have threatened the police. But when a second officer is killed, the team finds that they are dealing with someone who is highly trained and knowledgeable. Voight works to keep the case contained as they deal with Chicago's ever-present war against the police. Meanwhile, Lindsay confronts Antonio about his new job with the State's Attorney.

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They'll Have to Go Through Me (3)
1317 votes

#32 - They'll Have to Go Through Me (3)

Chicago P.D. - Season 2 - Episode 7

The intelligence unit joins forces with detectives Rollins, Amaro and Benson to bring down a child pornography ring once and for all. (Nobody Touches Anything (1) Chicago Fire S03E07) (Chicago Crossover (2) Law & Order: SVU S16E07)

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A Nuisance Call
1646 votes

#33 - A Nuisance Call

Chicago Fire - Season 2 - Episode 4

Lieutenant Severide is anxious to implicate the serial arsonist, while Dawson and Shay get a shock on a routine call. Meanwhile, suspicions continue to point to Clarke as the mole inside the firehouse and Molly's falls deeper into the red. Elsewhere, Mouch campaigns for union president, with the aid of Isabella, and Boden butts heads with Gail McLeod.

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The Cases That Need to Be Solved
1275 votes

#34 - The Cases That Need to Be Solved

Chicago P.D. - Season 3 - Episode 16

When a young boy is executed, Intelligence turn to the boy's parents for information and upon further investigation, discover the father has a criminal background and was a part of a local gang.

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107 votes

#35 - Jackass

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 9

An old friend of Andy's stops by to ask Andy if he would take his niece out on a date. Andy asks for a couple of hours to make a decision, seek advice and find a babysitter if one is needed. Meanwhile the detectives are sent out to investigate a homicide where the victim is a little ripe. Fancy asks Jones to call his old boss at the Bias unit, when the crime looks as though it might have been gang related. Andy asks Danny if he thinks it would be all right if he went out on a date. Danny encourages him to give it a try. Abner and Fancy have words and Jones isn't sure what to make of the situation. The investigation concludes when the mother gives up her son as their suspect and Jones conducts the interview (with Abner watching). Andy goes on his date as Katie watches Theo. The date goes well, but when Andy returns Katie lets her feelings be known; that is that she wished he had dated her.

Tain't Misbehavin
79 votes

#36 - Tain't Misbehavin

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 16

Sorenson's girlfriend Nadine comes by to give him some news about the lateness of her period, but she feels that he doesn't seem to be ready for this, when he can't remember her last name. The situation puts Sorenson out of sorts for the shift and the squad's curiosity raised as they try to figure out what is going on, keeping them all from focusing on their case of a body found in dumpster. The victim is ID'd and a dim-witted man, Ted, who the detectives pick up, used his credit card. After interrogation, Ted points to the man who gave him the card as the one who had him move the dumpster. Later that evening Danny lets Nadine know that he will take care of his responsibility. The detectives try wiring Ted, to get a confession out of his boss. When the wire doesn't work the first time, Sipowicz poses as his brother. Nadine stops by to tell Danny about the results of her doctor's test, negative.

Keeping Abreast
72 votes

#37 - Keeping Abreast

NYPD Blue - Season 11 - Episode 5

John is surprised by an early morning visit from Jennifer. Sometime later that morning he and the other detectives are on the scene of a homicide when Russell joins them on the scene. The homicide they caught matches a case she had three weeks earlier. When a piece of evidence is found that helps to link their cases, she decides to stay and participate in their investigation. Jones meets with Michael Woodruff and Michael tells him that he has told his father about their get togethers, but he hasn't told him where he is currently living. Back at the squad Russell runs down her case, which matches their homicide almost exactly. The detectives talk with a bartender and the owner of the bar where the victim was last seen. Word had begun leaking out about the similarity of the cases; the press and 1PP are taking an interest, increasing the pressure for the squad to close the case. Russell leaves to take an important call. Jones and Medavoy respond to the scene of a possible arson, t

Call It Macaroni
1471 votes

#38 - Call It Macaroni

Chicago P.D. - Season 2 - Episode 1

As the Sheldon Jin murder investigation moves forward, Voight is under close watch by Internal Affairs but he’s still in complete command of the intelligence unit. A routine undercover job becomes anything but when Voight’s SUV is T-boned while trailing an armored car carrying Ruzek. Burgess meets her new partner, Sean Roman and tension is high from the start, and she soon realizes there’s more to his story. After a long day, Lindsay pays a visit to someone she hasn’t seen in a very long time.

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The Silos
1748 votes

#39 - The Silos

Chicago P.D. - Season 4 - Episode 1

After Voight is suspected of the murder of his son's killer, Lindsay becomes the target for intense questioning; Burgess gets a new partner with an intriguing history.

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Show and Tell
112 votes

#40 - Show and Tell

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 10

Diane contacts Jill for help. Greg gets an offer of free Chinese food from a shop owner who he and James helped out on a previous case. Sylvia, Andy and Sgt. Dornan meet with someone who will help them nail the man who had Suarez framed and killed. IAB and the FBI are interested in the burglary case that Sorenson and Sipowicz are working. When the Feds leave the room, IAB reveals the information they have about two retired cops who pulled the job. When the retired cops are collared, the FBI reveals their information which points to the nephews of the retired cops. Greg panics when he gets the impression that IAB is there about the free Chinese food. Sorenson talks with one his informants who he recognized from one of the robbery's surveillance tapes. With this evidence they are able to put down the case, at least as far as the FBI will let them. Sylvia, Andy and Dornan interview try to make a deal with the Suarez killer, but he won't deal, with the leukemia he has, he has nothing to lo

Sleep Over
112 votes

#41 - Sleep Over

NYPD Blue - Season 7 - Episode 14

Sipowicz and Sorenson investigate a robbery that's turned into a murder. A former traffic cop, who is now working as a security guard for the daughter of the victims, makes their investigation. Sorenson's street informant J.B. has info about the case and Sorenson is still disappointed by J.B.'s continued drug use. A wealthy woman, Kathleen Gallagher, comes to the squad to report to Medavoy and Jones that her former housekeeper has been evasive about the circumstances regarding her baby's death. With Russell and Kirkendall they interview the housekeeper who claims that she and her husband don't know where the baby is buried. The husband says that he doesn't know where the baby is and it didn't matter to him as the baby wasn't his, but rather the baby was the son of his wife's boss. J.B.'s information is good and the case is easily put down. Later, Danny takes J.B. to stay in his apartment in an attempt to help him get clean again; however, Mary, who was waiting in Danny's apartment for

8:30 PM (2)
1542 votes

#42 - 8:30 PM (2)

Chicago P.D. - Season 1 - Episode 12

As Voight and his team search for the bombers, they realize there might be more bombs set to detonate; Burgess' niece fights for her life. (A Dark Day (1) Chicago Fire S02E20)

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1521 votes

#43 - Justice

Chicago P.D. - Season 3 - Episode 21

Burgess gives chase after Roman is wounded by a hooded perp who opened fire on their patrol car and shoots who she thinks is the suspect, but no gun is found at the scene—and the person she shot is a 17-year-old honor student.

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Professional Courtesy
1795 votes

#44 - Professional Courtesy

Chicago Fire - Season 1 - Episode 3

Casey faces pressure to cover for a cop's son, who was responsible for a drunken-driving accident that left a teenager paralyzed. Meanwhile, Severide ignores his doctor's warnings that his neck injury may never heal if he doesn't seek treatment; and Mills must choose between working at the fire department full-time or helping his mom with her restaurant.

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Czech Bouncer
111 votes

#45 - Czech Bouncer

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 7

An elderly couple that Sorenson is familiar with is brutally attacked and the woman dies. Dolores hasn't shown up for work, so John Irvin fills in as the PAA. There is a homicide at a strip club and Russell and Kirkendall catch the case. When trying to round up their witnesses for interviews, they discover a familiar face, Dolores, who isn't implicated in the case. Their other interviews lead to the identification and capture of a suspect (a client) who readily confesses to the female detectives. Meanwhile, Sorenson and Sipowicz begin their investigation, which leads to the interview of a suspect, where Sorenson shows Sipowicz some of what he's got in the interview room. Sorenson regrets his action. Later in the day, Sgt. Dornan returns to the squad to talk with Sipowicz about the Suarez case. He now believes the case should be reopened. When Andy gets home to tell Sylvia, she tells him it has become a moot point, Suarez was just murdered in the laundry room at Rikers. Danny and his gi

John Doe
1315 votes

#46 - John Doe

Prison Break - Season 2 - Episode 14

Michael and Lincoln escape with Kellerman, who crosses a road block using his badge, and they fly to Blackfoot, Montana, to meet Terrence Steadman. In Fox River, Bellick is having a hard time especially with Banks and his gang. In Ness City, Kansas, T-Bag meets Susan and her children; when she tries to kill him, he ties the whole family to chairs. In Mound City, Nebraska, Dede is missing her mother and C-Note is trying to contact her. Mahone is alive in a hospital in Albuquerque; when Mahone tells that he is out, Bill Kim hits his son with a car to intimidate him. Mahone leaves the hospital and calls him telling that he is back. Kellerman, Michael and Lincoln abduct Steadman and Kellerman kills the two bodyguards. However, they realize that Steadman is actually a John Doe, since his existence has been erased by the Company. Michael decides to call the press to turn himself in with tragic consequences.

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The Art of the Deal
1206 votes

#47 - The Art of the Deal

Prison Break - Season 3 - Episode 13

LJ and Whistler are exchanged, but more surprises abound. Meanwhile, T-Bag's scheming finally pays off.

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A Little Taste
1487 votes

#48 - A Little Taste

Chicago Fire - Season 1 - Episode 14

Severide finds that he shares a familiar past with Eric Whaley, the Lieutenant who was brought into the firehouse to help out. Dawson lets Shay in on her secret, while Casey deals with family issues. Meanwhile, a bad batch of heroin on the streets has Boden and the team scrambling, while Clarice and Shay find they have a new problem to overcome.

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Queen of Hearts
1286 votes

#49 - Queen of Hearts

Breakout Kings - Season 1 - Episode 5

The team tries to catch a ruthless woman convicted of murdering her husband by stabbing him 48 times, who escaped from prison on a school bus. It turns out the woman was tricking men into thinking she really cared for them so they would do what she wanted and help her escape. Charlie and Ray's special task force must catch her before she hurts more people -- and also make sure her 14-year-old son stays safe. Meanwhile, Lloyd's gambling debt increases and a scary Born Again inmate threatens his life if he doesn't come up with the money right away.

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Lie Like a Rug (1)
81 votes

#50 - Lie Like a Rug (1)

NYPD Blue - Season 9 - Episode 1

The detectives begin investigating the deaths of 4 girls, but stress levels are running high around the precinct, with the recent events of September 11th and the fact that nothing has been found regarding Sorenson in the past 5 months. Sipowicz and McDowell are joined by narcotics officer John Clark Jr. (a second generation cop) to investigate a lead when a woman brought in for questioning points them to a possible suspect. Medavoy and Jones interview a shooting victim, who is later revealed to have been at the scene of the robbery/homicide and was caught in the crossfire. Interviewing the dealer reveals nothing for Sipowicz and McDowell, but when Medavoy and Jones another suspect, he offers them information on where a body is buried, but only when he gets a deal. With the information he gives them, they believe the body might be Danny Sorenson's. Sipowicz takes over the interrogation and gets a location for the body, where he and Rodriguez go to see what they will find; meanwhile