The BEST episodes written by Kazuki Nakashima

#1 - The Lights in the Sky Are Stars
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 27
The members of the Great Gurren Brigade were able to escape the Anti-Spiral's "Alternate Space Labyrinth", and Simon and Nia are reunited at last. By combining the power of the members, the Great Gurren Brigade creates the "Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann", a Gunmen of galactic proportions. Be prepared for the most epic battle in the universe. The battle to end all battles begins!
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#2 - Let's Go, Buddy
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 26
With the sacrifice of one of their important comrades, the Super Galactic Great Gurren is finally able to transform into the "Super Galactic Great Gurren Lagann". Now they stand a fighting chance against the Anti-Spirals. However the enemy then creates an "Alternate Space Labyrinth", to use their own memories and desires against them but an old friend appears to help.
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#3 - I Accept Your Last Wish
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 25
Having just lost so many comrades to protect the "Super Galactic Great Gurren", they now find themselves trapped in an ocean of despair. The Great Gurren Brigade struggles to escape from the Death Spiral Field created by the Anti-Spirals, without success. Leeron and the Lord Genome system work together to come up with a way out but who will volunteer for this recklessly suicidal plan?
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#4 - This Is My Final Duty
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 22
The reunited Great Gurren Brigade have broken through the heavens in order to protect humankind from the Anti-Spiral, however they still have the moon to worry about. When the situation becomes dire the Gurren-Lagann and the Arc-Gurren join together to form the massive Arc-Gurren-Lagann.
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#5 - Junketsu
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 3
Having kept her end of the bargain, Ryuko demands answers from her homeroom teacher, Aikuro Mikisugi, and learns the secret behind the power of Senketsu and the Goku Uniforms. Meanwhile, Satsuki Kiryuin returns home to claim a power of her own.
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#6 - Later, Buddy
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 8
Kamina, Simon and the rest of the Great Gurren Brigade plan to take down Thymilph, one of the Four Divine Generals of the Spiral King, and his massive mobile Gunmen fortress, the Dai-Ganzan. Their plan involves having Simon using Lagann to take over the Dai-Ganzan the same way he fuses with the Gurren, but an something unexpected causes a great tragedy in the following battle.
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#7 - If Only I Had Thorns Like a Thistle
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 1
Ryuko Matoi transfers into Honnouji Academy, a high school dominated by its fearsome student council, who wear powerful Goku Uniforms that grant them superhuman abilities. Searching for clues to her father's murder, Ryuko confronts the student council president, Satsuki Kiryuin, saying she is looking for the owner of the other half of a giant scissor blade she wields.
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#8 - A Loser I Can't Hate
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 7
Hearing about how many students have been starting their own clubs in order to become eligible to get better uniforms, and thus better living rights, Ryuko decides to start her own Fight Club, assigning Mako as the club president to handle all the paperwork and meetings. As Ryuko increases the club's reputation by defeating other club presidents, Mako manages to earn a One-Star Goku Uniform, upgrading the Mankanshoku family to a better apartment. Mako's determination to preserve her family's newfound happiness moves the family up to an even more luxurious lifestyle. However, as Mako becomes more serious about her duties as club president and the other family members indulge in their wealth, Ryuko starts to feel lonely as the family finds less time to spend together. Just as Ryuko decides to resign from the Fight Club, Satsuki gives Mako a Two-Star Goku Uniform, telling her to defeat Ryuko if she wants to keep her life of luxury. Ryuko decides to take the brunt of Mako's attacks, which leads to Mako eventually realizing the error of her ways, deciding to disband the Fight Club and return to her life in the slums. Meanwhile, Satuski reveals that by using Ryuko to purge the weaker clubs, she will restructure the student council by holding a reprisal general election.
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#9 - Let's Go, This Is the Final Battle
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 23
One week after preventing the moon's collision the Great Gurren Brigade have a conference to discuss what actions they must take, to ensure humanity's survival. Meanwhile, the depressed Rossiu returns to his old underground village, to think things through. That is when he ends up meeting the old village chief.
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#10 - Dawn of a Miserable Morning
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 4
While Senketsu is laundered, Ryuko is faced with "No-Late Day", a school event where students must navigate a trap-filled obstacle course and reach school on time, or else they will be expelled. She and Mako make their way across the perilous course, along with an injured girl named Maiko Ogure, while Mako's family attempt to deliver Senketsu to Ryuko. After hijacking an armored bus, the girls manage to make it to the school grounds with 15 minutes left. However, Maiko is revealed to be a member of the disciplinary committee, who steals Senketsu and puts it on herself in a bid to overthrow Satsuki. However, she is immobilized by the freshly washed Senketsu's starchiness, allowing Ryuko to retrieve him. With five minutes remaining, Maiko sets off one more trap to send Ryuko and Mako back to the start of the course. They two fortunately reach class on time using an express cable car, while Maiko is expelled for her treachery.
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#11 - You Are Someone Who Ought to Survive
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 21
The Arc-Gurren escape the Anti-Spiral attack, with only half the number of people they wanted however what awaits them in space is an even greater threat. Meanwhile Yoko has returned from her long absence, to rescue Simon and reunite the Great Gurren Brigade. The peaceful life that she previously led is revealed.
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#12 - Don't Toy With Me on a Whim
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 6
After learning of his connection with Tsumugu, Ryuko tries to press Aikuro for more information, but does not get much outside of his organization's name, Nudist Beach. Meanwhile, another of the Elite Four, Uzu Sanageyama, gets permission from Satsuki to fight against Ryuko himself. The next day, Uzu challenges Ryuko, facing against her in his Three-Star Goku Uniform, Blade Regalia. He has the advantage due to his fast eyesight reading all of Ryuko's moves, but Ryuko overcomes this by using a part of her uniform to block Uzu's vision, allowing her to defeat him and destroy his uniform. Not wanting to give up, Uzu undergoes a drastic operation to sew his eyes shut, and challenges Ryuko again, this time using his other senses to predict her moves and completely overwhelm her. However, before Uzu can deliver the final blow, his Goku Uniform overheats due to him being more powerful than it can handle, giving Ryuko the opportunity to escape.
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#13 - So Sexy She Might Pass Out
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 2
Weakened by her battle, Ryuko flees Honnouji Academy before collapsing in the street. Rescued, she's given food and shelter for night, and upon returning to the Academy faces off against Omiko Hakodate, the Girls' Tennis Club Captain, to repay the favor.
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#14 - I'll Wipe My Own Tears
Kill la Kill - Season 1 - Episode 8
Satsuki announces her new election system in which students must survive a seven-day battle against each other in order to stand out on top and earn Goku Uniforms, sending the entire school into a state of emergency. Meanwhile, Ryuko takes Mako to the ruins of her old house, where she tells her about the circumstances surrounding her father's death. Finding no further clues in the basement where she found Senketsu, Ryuko and Mako head home, only for their scooter to run out of gas. They end up encountering the disciplinary committee chair and one of the Elite Four, Ira Gamagoori, who, having just attained his driving license and is taking the week off, offers to take them to a gas station. During their drive, they are attacked by the automotive and airsoft clubs, who are targeting Ira's Three-Star Goku Uniform, Shackle Regalia. Recalling how he first met Satsuki, Ira unleashes his uniform, which uses the power of masochism to evolve into Scourge Regalia and lay waste to his opponents. After a week passes, Honnouji's strongest assemble for the Sudden Death Runoff Election, with only Ryuko and the Elite Four making their way to the top. There, Satsuki challenges Ryuko to defeat each of the Elite Four in exchange for details concerning her father's death, her first opponent being Ira.
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#15 - How Far Will God Test Us?
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 20
Simon now being branded as a war criminal has been sentenced and what awaits him in prison is none other than Viral, his new cellmate. There's only a little over a week until the moon will crush the Earth and the evacuation to the Arc-Gurren is progressing slowly. However Leeron's shocking simulation, to what will happen when the moon falls, only spells more bad news for humankind.
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#16 - I Said I'm Gonna Pilot That Thing!!
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 2
Now above ground Kamina, Simon and Yoko find themselves faced with 2 more gunmen. They dispatch these 1 of them with the help of people from Yoko's home of Ritona town. Ritona is soon under attack by 3 more Gunmen, but some quick (and insane) thinking by Kamina saves them...
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#17 - We Will Survive by Any Means Necessary
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 19
With news that the moon will fall in 3 weeks known across the city, riots have broken out. So to soothe the public opinion, Rossiu puts Simon him under arrest. Meanwhile Leeron is trying figure out a way to defeat the Mugan without causing so much destruction. Later on Simon is taken to trial but during this the Anti-Spirals launch a large scale attack on Rittona.
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#18 - The Ascension of Sagittarius
Kamen Rider - Season 22 - Episode 46
Ran refuses to hand over her Pisces Zodiarts Switch that will finalize Gamou’s plans, so he sends Tatsugami to take her Switch. Elsewhere, Kengo discovers a secret from the USB drive he found in the late Emoto’s office.

#19 - Duty and Noble Intentions
Kamen Rider - Season 22 - Episode 12
The Pyxis Zodiarts decides the only way to get revenge is to use his power to kill all the girls who rejected him, including Miu, by driving a bus with them all inside off of a bridge. Meanwhile, Kengo is still trapped in the Rabbit Hutch.

#20 - Volume Earth
Re: Cutie Honey - Season 1 - Episode 2
A mysterious woman dressed in leather named Cobalt Claw pursues and attacks Cutie Honey, destroying everything in its path, fooling the world into believing that Cutie Honey is a public enemy. Meanwhile, Scarlet Claw destroys the city, leaving a message: "We Want Cutie Honey."
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#21 - Tell Me the Secrets of This World
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 18
Following the shocking declaration by Nia, everyone is in disarray, especially Simon who can't seem to find her. Rossiu has finally completed his secret project, to awaken Lord Genome in the form of data and learn some of the mysteries of the world.
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#22 - You Don't Know Anything
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 17
Seven years have past, since the capture of Teppelin and under Simon's leadership, a new capital city has been built from the remnants of the royal capital. As the humans being to prosper and including the lives of those who helped make it all happen. However, these peaceful times come to end when the threat mentioned in Lord Genome's last words starts to reveal itself.
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#23 - Bust Through the Heavens with Your Drill!
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 1
Kamina is jailed for trying to escape to the surface. Suddenly, a mysterious woman named Yoko comes from aboves to the underground village while fighting a giant robot. Simon helps fend off the robot with the help of his new "Gunmen", which he found while drilling around.
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#24 - Who Do You Think You Are, Having Two Faces!!
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 3
Simon, Kamina, and Yoko encounter a beastman by the name of Viral while they are hunting. They get into a fight and learn that his Gunman has 2 faces, the normal Gunman head and another head on top. He dispatches them at the field, but Viral says he will destroy them at the village tomorrow. Kamina and Simon have to find a way to beat a person who is a far superior pilot...
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#25 - What, Exactly, Is a Human?
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 9
The death of Thymilph has brought about the concern of the Spiral King (Lord Genome), meanwhile the Great Gurren Brigade managed to take control of the enemy fortress, but are still mourning other the death of one of their own. Simon is greatly affected by it and falls into a deep depression. After falling off a cliff and into a deep valley, he later notices a Gunman throw a capsule into the murky valley. He manages to open it only to discover a young human girl named Nia.
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#26 - You're Gonna Do It!
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 7
Following their ordeal at the hot springs, Viral appears before the Gurren Brigade to challenge Kamina and in the midst of their fight more details of the Beastman Empire are revealed. Just when things couldn't get more out of hand, one of the Four Divine Generals named Thymilph, arrives to support in a massive mobile Gunmen fortress, the Dai-Ganzan. Even the Gurren-Lagann may not stand a chance against this.
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#27 - Is Today Yesterday's Tomorrow?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 5
An old promise between friends is put to the test as their loyalties and ambitions change. But against Rekka's invincible general, Granedger may not stand a chance.
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#28 - Volume Human
Re: Cutie Honey - Season 1 - Episode 3
Honey must face Sister Jill, who has been incredibly strengthened by the energy of the young women who have been kidnapped.
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#29 - Is Having Dreams a Burden?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 2
The strange happenings at Edger Village are starting to be heard across the world. Though Arrow leaves to head for the wall, trouble is coming to find him.
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#30 - What is the Bloodstained Knight Hiding?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 8
Arrow stays behind to fight the wall while the rest of the village heads to Lutoh. Though at first it seems like paradise, this nation full of love hides dark secrets, too.
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#31 - Sit in the Hot Tub 'Til You're Sick!!
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 6
After leaving the underground with their new brigade members, Rossiu, Gimmy and Darry, they get back on track to find the return point programmed into the Gurren. They soon find that the enemy return point is mobile. They find themselves in a weird fog and wind up at a hotspring, but there is something fishy about this particular hot spring... This is also a recap episode.
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#32 - Why Do Lips that Profess Love Hide Fangs?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 9
Prax will stop at nothing to kill anyone who knows Princess Fine's secret. In Rekka, Emperor Zetsu puts on a show and makes a surprising declaration.
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#33 - Does Genius Come When Least Expected?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 4
Shu Bi has been scheming his rise to the top ever since he was little. In order to prove where his loyalties lie, he challenges Arrow with some hired help.
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#34 - Does People's Anger Reach God?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 20
As the Granedger's loss shatters Elsha's confidence, the world strikes back at the pawns of god who orchestrated all the chaos and destruction.
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#35 - Can Have-Nots Have Backbone?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 10
As Lutoh prepares for war, the princess turns her eyes to the Granedger and Elsha who steers it. To survive, Elsha must take a stand for herself and her people.
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#36 - Does a Huge Ship Bring Hope?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 3
Though Elsha discovers a hidden power, the village is ruined for good. To protect everyone and find a new home, a sacrifice must be made.
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#37 - Do We Head for the Stars?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 24
Arrow and friends face their strongest opponent yet in God's realm. Once the Guardian reveals the ultimate truth of their world, a peaceful resolution seems unlikely.
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#38 - Is This the World's Truth?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 18
Though the Granedger's crew is shocked to learn the truth of their world, some players knew all along. With the help of his friends, Arrow fights his own destiny.
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#39 - Does Destruction Rain From the Heavens?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 23
The crew leaves Lingalind behind and heads towards Epitaph Mountain. However, their way is thwarted by new and old threats which endanger the whole world.
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#40 - Is the Wall Really That Solid?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 7
All eyes are on the Granedger as it closes in on the wall to destroy it. While Rekka waits for the right chance to strike, Shu Bi pulls out the big guns.
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#41 - Is This How They Rise Up?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 17
As if a flying dreadnought wasn't surprise enough, a mysterious robed figure from the Lind Faith invites Arrow beyond the wall to reveal the world's truth, once and for all.
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#42 - Volume Heaven
Re: Cutie Honey - Season 1 - Episode 1
A mysterious terrorist organization creates chaos and destruction. While the Japanese police, led by Inspector Aki Natsuko, is in pursuit, a single woman on a motorcycle stops and defeats them. Gold Claw, and the terrorist organization Panther Claw, battle the mysterious woman: Cutie Honey, the warrior of love.
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#43 - Can You Sort This Out?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 19
While their dreadnought is trapped within the walls, Shu formulates a strategy to stop Arrow's rampage before he destroys the world.
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#44 - Is This a Head-to-Head Fight?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 11
With war on the horizon, Lutoh and Granedger prepare to fight Rekka. As battle erupts, Ren Sin and Kai rush to kill the traitor, but Arrow and friends stand in their way.
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#45 - Are Pretty Boy Farms a Thing?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 6
While Ren Sin vows to unravel Shu Bi's trickery back in the capital, the crew takes a shortcut to reach the wall quicker and discovers a peculiar farm with a dark past.
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#46 - A Transformation That's Denied
Kamen Rider - Season 22 - Episode 27
During Spring Break the gang decide to try and make the most of what should be a Zodiarts free time, however, Kijima tries to recruit Ryusei to his side whilst playing a deadly game with students, and those who don’t win are placed into permanent comas…

#47 - Reign of the Archer
Kamen Rider - Season 22 - Episode 42
With most of the Kamen Rider Club taken out of commission the Virgo Zodiarts, Gentarou and Kengo are on their own in their fight against Virgo after Meteor is sent to the Dark Nebula and the others distance themselves from the Club. And things get worse when the new powerful member of the Horoscopes, Sagittarius, appears…

#48 - Who Will Stop Me?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 21
Bit joins the fight and unleashes Shu's secret weapon. But when Rudolph gets serious, do the forces of Lingalind have what it takes to overthrow God's helping hand?
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#49 - Is There Love on the Battlefield?
Back Arrow - Season 1 - Episode 14
Emperor Zetsu goes head-to-head against the berserk side of Princess Fine. As she loses touch with love, the princess doesn't discern between friend and foe.
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#50 - The Queen Festival Competition
Kamen Rider - Season 22 - Episode 3
When the annual Queen Festival comes around, Gentarou decides if he wants to befriend Kazashiro Miu, he must convince Yuki to enter a talent contest that Miu wins every year and beat her.