The BEST episodes written by Jenny Bicks

Nice Day For a Dry Wedding (2)
163 votes

#1 - Nice Day For a Dry Wedding (2)

Men in Trees - Season 2 - Episode 6

In this conclusion of a two-part story, dangerous and unforeseen events threaten Patrick and Annie's wedding. Marin invites Jack to be her date, and Jane flies in for the wedding only to see Sam with another woman.

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Quality of Death
289 votes

#2 - Quality of Death

The Big C - Season 4 - Episode 3

Dr. Sherman pays a visit to Cathy, who has checked herself into a hospice and is experiencing problems with her new roommate. Adam confronts Paul about his lack of parental guidance. Andrea seeks inspiration from Cathy.

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The Finale
325 votes

#3 - The Finale

The Big C - Season 4 - Episode 4

Adam surprises everyone when he fulfills one of Cathy's wishes. Cathy's estranged Dad visits her. Andrea gets the opportunity of a lifetime. Sean has mixed feelings about his impending kidney surgery.

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The Girl Who Cried Wolf (1)
188 votes

#4 - The Girl Who Cried Wolf (1)

Men in Trees - Season 2 - Episode 5

In the first of a two-part story, a heated fight between Marin and Jack is the result of an invasion of wild wolves in Elmo. Annie's mother arrives in town as a series of unfortunate events could ruin Patrick and Annie's wedding. Meanwhile, Ben's new hockey team causes problems and the church elders of Eric's church attempt to stand in the way of his relationship with Sara.

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The Indecent Proposal
191 votes

#5 - The Indecent Proposal

Men in Trees - Season 1 - Episode 17

While Jack and Lynn's relationship gets more complicated, Patrick decides that he wants Annie's father to agree to their marriage. Meanwhile, a new visitor, Cash, moves into Marin's cabin temporarily in exchange for repairing it.

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New York Fiction (1)
216 votes

#6 - New York Fiction (1)

Men in Trees - Season 1 - Episode 10

When Marin goes back to New York during Thanksgiving week to meet with editors regarding publishing her new book, the emotions between her and Jack escalate. Although she is happy to be back in a more familiar environment, she misses her life back in Elmo.Meanwhile, Jack has decided it's time for him to make his move concerning his "friendship" with Marin, but an unexpected event changes his plans. Thanksgiving week is a headache for most of the Elmoians. Patrick must choose between spending Thanksgiving with Annie in New York or with his new family, and Ben is hoping Theresa will help him prepare for their annual Orphan Thanksgiving.

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A Little Death
499 votes

#7 - A Little Death

The Big C - Season 2 - Episode 9

Rebecca deals with the grief over her miscarriage in an unexpected way which leads Cathy to reconnect with old friends; Andrea's relationship with Myk heats up; Adam is taken by surprise when he finally meets the girl he's been chatting with in an online cancer support group.

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The Darkest Day
559 votes

#8 - The Darkest Day

The Big C - Season 2 - Episode 12

As Cathy prepares for her trip to Italy, she receives an amicable call from Lee. Elsewhere, Paul uncovers a secret about Myk while Adam discovers one about Poppy.

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Out of the Frying Pan
717 votes

#9 - Out of the Frying Pan

Sex and the City - Season 6 - Episode 16

Aleksandr prefers strong coffee and stronger realities. In the meantime, Charlotte runs to escape the pain of not having a child and bumps into a small bundle of joy; Miranda puts her own desires aside and emphasizes Steve's; and Samantha audaciously gets a new hairstyle.

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High Risk Behavior
134 votes

#10 - High Risk Behavior

Dawson's Creek - Season 2 - Episode 10

As Dawson's new movie exposes her uncertainty around her relationship with Joey, Pacey and Andie explore the idea of having sex.

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A Woman's Right to Shoes
780 votes

#11 - A Woman's Right to Shoes

Sex and the City - Season 6 - Episode 9

Carrie and Stanford attend a baby shower thrown by their friends Kyra and Chuck. Upon arriving, they discover that Kyra's house rules include the removal of all footwear, regardless if doing so will destroy a carefully crafted outfit. The evening is pleasant enough, but when Carrie plans to leave the party, she discovers that her brand new Manolos have been stolen. Later, Kyra offers to pay for the missing shoes, but balks when she discovers that they cost $485. Carrie winds up leaving the apartment with no compensation, and a sense of shoe-induced shame. She wonders if she has somehow made a mistake by choosing the lifestyle that she did, rather than the more traditional one chosen by Kyra. Miranda finds herself with three separate problems: an open apartment in her building, Brady suffering from the chickenpox and her own growing need for male companionship. Luckily, one person solves all three problems, as Dr. Robert Leeds takes the vacancy and helps Miranda care for her sick child.

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Everything That Rises Must Converge
759 votes

#12 - Everything That Rises Must Converge

The Big C - Season 1 - Episode 12

Dr. Todd and Cathy go to see the Bee Man to seek non-traditional treatment for her cancer. Paul is overly supportive of Cathy around the house. Sean gives Adam relationship advice about Mia.

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Bundle of Joy
343 votes

#13 - Bundle of Joy

The Big C - Season 3 - Episode 3

Cathy visits a joyologist while Sean and Andrea go out for Valentine's Day.

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161 votes

#14 - Wander/Lust

Men in Trees - Season 2 - Episode 15

Jack invites Julia and her husband to dinner with Marin so the two women can meet each other. Meanwhile, Sam gives Jane an engagement that he found in an unlikely place, and Annie catches Patrick in a compromising situation.

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The Freak Show
974 votes

#15 - The Freak Show

Sex and the City - Season 2 - Episode 3

Carrie ruins a new relationship with Ben, a guy she meets in the park. Samantha dates Harrison, but finds he is into something she isn't. Charlotte dates Mitchell Sailor, “Mr. Pussy”. Miranda quits dating after Carrie sets her up with a blind date she doesn't like. Carrie realises she's a freak, too.

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753 votes

#16 - Splat!

Sex and the City - Season 6 - Episode 18

Carrie considers Aleksandr's question; Charlotte uses her maternal instincts and Miranda admits concerns about Aleksandr.

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259 votes

#17 - Pilot

Men in Trees - Season 1 - Episode 1

Relationship coach and best-selling author Marin Frist goes to a small town in Alaska for a conference about real love and the best ways to get married. After her own relationship falls apart, she finds herself stuck in a town full of the one thing she really doesn't really need -- available men.

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Musical Chairs
551 votes

#18 - Musical Chairs

The Big C - Season 2 - Episode 2

Frustrated at not being able to land a spot in the clinical trial of a new treatment by a respected oncologist, Cathy resorts to supernatural aid; Sean becomes assertive around the house; Adam capitalizes on his classmates' sympathy about his mother's illness.

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Power Shift
227 votes

#19 - Power Shift

Men in Trees - Season 1 - Episode 2

Marin is still adopting to her new lifestyle and her new job as relationship adviser on Patrick's radio station. Meanwhile, she has opened the door to a new romance with a handsome stranger.

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Vaya Con Dios
341 votes

#20 - Vaya Con Dios

The Big C - Season 3 - Episode 9

Cathy tries scuba diving in an effort to maximize the fun on her Puerto Rico vacation; Paul, reeling from the news about Joy, tries to keep it together during a speaking engagement. Later, Sean decides to take a respite from dating after undergoing yet another breakup.

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Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
829 votes

#21 - Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

Sex and the City - Season 4 - Episode 11

While Charlotte is frustrated that she's can't get pregnant despite her efforts with Trey, Miranda has the exact opposite problem: her lazy ovary combined with Steve's lonely ball somehow managed to get her pregnant in what Samantha called "a mercy fuck" ("he only had one ball", Miranda justifies). Although she's decided to have an abortion, she isn't sure about whether or not to tell Steve. Carrie thinks she should, despite never having told a waiter from The Saloon that she got an abortion herself after a drunk one night stand over a decade ago. In the waiting room of the abortion clinic, Miranda reconsiders her position as she wonder when she'll ever find time and chances to get pregnant again; so she decides to keep it. Meanwhile, Charlotte discovers her uterus is attacking Trey's sperm and considers in vitro fertilization; Carrie comes clean with Aidan about her past after meeting the waiter that knocked her up and Samantha has a hard time being the rep for Lucy Liu and finding a

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Old Dogs, New Dicks
791 votes

#22 - Old Dogs, New Dicks

Sex and the City - Season 2 - Episode 9

Carrie tries to get Mr. Big out of some of his annoying habits. Samantha chances on an old boyfriend who is now a drag queen, named in her honor, at drag bingo. Charlotte is horrified to find she's dating an uncircumcised man. Miranda is still dating Steve, the bartender, but they have problems with incompatible life-styles and schedules.

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Games People Play
827 votes

#23 - Games People Play

Sex and the City - Season 2 - Episode 13

Carrie meets a new man, Seth Robinson, in her analyst's waiting room. Samantha dates a sports fan whose sex life is in sync with his teams' successes. Charlotte joins a bridge club to try to meet someone. Miranda flirts with a Peeping Tom in the apartment opposite.

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Defining Moments
806 votes

#24 - Defining Moments

Sex and the City - Season 4 - Episode 3

Carrie and Big finally seem to be getting along fine, despite the girls's pressure for her to define what kind of relationship she has established with him. Carrie doesn't know it herself, but it clearly shows as not being a regular friendship when she flirts with a jazz player. Big shows up on their date and acts jealous about Carrie, and she has to set some boundaries. Meanwhile, Miranda lowers her boundaries too when she decides to let her boyfriend pee with the bathroom door open, but changes her mind after he decides to do everything else with the door opened. Charlotte sets her boundaries on Trey, who wanted to have sex on virtually every room they stepped into, and Samantha lowers her boundaries on relationships when she decides to take on a lesbian relationship with a Brazilian artist.

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There's No C in Team
787 votes

#25 - There's No C in Team

The Big C - Season 1 - Episode 3

When Cathy's attempt to connect to the people closest to her fails, she signs up for a well-meaning but overbearing cancer support group. Adam rebuffs Cathy's attempts to connect with him, so she decides to put together a dinner party with Andrea, Sean and Daphne. Meanwhile, Paul tries to win back his wife's love with an elaborately romantic gesture. Marlene discovers Cathy's cancer secret in a most unusual way.

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The Big Time
783 votes

#26 - The Big Time

Sex and the City - Season 3 - Episode 8

Carrie keeps bumping into Mr. Big, causing her to wonder what's going on, which she finds out when he confesses he can't stop thinking about her. Charlotte starts to think that Trey might indeed be her “Mr. Right”. Samantha fears she is becoming menopausal, but when sleeping with Len, an older man from her new apartment building, discovers she's not. Miranda is starting to get fed up with living with Steve, and the last straw comes when he tries to persuade her it's time to start thinking about a baby: they break up.

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The Ecstasy and the Agony
752 votes

#27 - The Ecstasy and the Agony

The Big C - Season 1 - Episode 9

Dr. Todd tells Cathy that she’s been rejected from the clinical trial. Sean sets up Marlene on a date. At a party, Adam gets into a fight with Andrea. Cathy and Lenny take ecstasy together. Paul catches Cathy and Lenny having sex. Paul gets too drunk at the dinner to celebrate his promotion, forcing Adam to drive home. Paul tells Cathy he wants a divorce.

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New York Fiction (2)
187 votes

#28 - New York Fiction (2)

Men in Trees - Season 1 - Episode 11

While Jack is waiting for Marin to return from New York, he receives an unexpected visitor who has arrived in Elmo with a secret. In the meantime, the relationship between Annie and Patrick hasn't gotten better after he neglected her at Thanksgiving dinner. Theresa and Ben ponder their future, Jane and Sam ("Plow Guy") spend a romantic time together in New York.While everyone is busy with their own lives, Buzz faces a medical crisis.

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854 votes

#29 - Frenemies

Sex and the City - Season 3 - Episode 16

Carrie gives a couple of seminars on meeting men to a packed audience of women, who ask some pointed questions that show her up badly. Samantha finds a new friend in Claire Anne, who turns out to be more than her equal. Charlotte succeeds in making herself more sexually attractive to Trey. At the funeral of a would-be boyfriend, Miranda agrees to a date with another man, despite Carrie's warnings to her.

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All or Nothing
781 votes

#30 - All or Nothing

Sex and the City - Season 3 - Episode 10

At last Aidan says that he loves Carrie, which makes her feel even more guilty about her renewed relationship with Mr. Big. Things go well with Charlotte's engagement to Trey, until he proposes a prenuptial agreement that upsets her. When she's feeling down with the flu, Samantha panics that she's going to end up alone, as no-one is prepared to look after her. Miranda finds that phone sex (with her new boyfriend George) can be as fulfilling, but also as painful, as more usual relationships.

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Sex and Another City
767 votes

#31 - Sex and Another City

Sex and the City - Season 3 - Episode 14

Carrie, Samantha & Miranda spend a second week in Los Angeles. Carrie & Samantha go to a movie screening party, but are refused entry at the door. Fortunately another guest, Keith Travers, gets them into the party, and Carrie spends the evening with him, ending up in bed at his fabulous home, until she discovers he isn't all he pretends to be. Miranda meets up with Lew, an old friend from New York, and finds he's mellowed since he's been living in LA. Charlotte despairs of her sexless marriage, and flies to LA to be with the others.

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Three's a Crowd
1000 votes

#32 - Three's a Crowd

Sex and the City - Season 1 - Episode 8

Charlotte is dating Jack, who wants a threesome, but she is unsure. Carrie discovers that Mr. Big has an ex-wife, and feels threatened. Samantha is seeing a married man; when his wife finds out, she proposes a threesome to keep their marriage together. Miranda feels unattractive and looks for affirmation that she isn't.

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Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...
876 votes

#33 - Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl...

Sex and the City - Season 3 - Episode 4

Carrie finds out that Sean, her new young boyfriend, has had relationships with both men and women, and tries not to let it faze her, but it does eventually. Charlotte takes part in a photo shoot by a famous photographer, Baird Johnson, whose latest technique is to photograph women dressed as men. Samantha stands up to Matt, her new male assistant, eventually firing him, and then having sex with him. Miranda begins to feel suffocated by Steve's presence in her apartment, but when he leaves she feels lonely, and ends up inviting him to move in.

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Four Women and a Funeral
1002 votes

#34 - Four Women and a Funeral

Sex and the City - Season 2 - Episode 5

Carrie starts making it up with Mr. Big. Samantha is ostracised from New York's social scene after she commits an indiscreton. Charlotte falls for a recently widowed man she meets at a funeral. Miranda buys her own apartment, and starts suffering panic attacks.

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111 votes

#35 - Pilot

Welcome to Flatch - Season 1 - Episode 1

When a documentary crew sets out to explore the lives of residents in a small American town – their dreams, their concerns – they stumble upon the midwestern town of Flatch, which is made up of many eccentric personalities. It’s a place you want to visit and maybe even stay. If there was a decent motel. Which there is not. The whole town attends the annual Scarecrow Festival, where cousins and best friends Kelly and Shrub compete in the festival events.

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