The BEST episodes written by Glenn Leopold
#1 - Once Upon a Time on Mars (3)
Biker Mice from Mars - Season 3 - Episode 13
The Biker Mice retell the stories of how Modo got his arm, Vinnie his mask, Throttle his eyes, and a betrayal that resulted in the disappearance of a friend.
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#2 - The Backwards Snork
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 20
All-Star and the gang meet a supposedly faceless snork who is just lonely and needs companionship. He is a backwards snork who was exiled for being different. They try to help him save his home from being town down by Governor Wetworth.
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#3 - I Squid You Not
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 19
All-Star has invented a bubble gun to show Galeo, but Occy breaks it by mistake and All-Star gets on him. Occy thinks that All-Star doesn't love him anymore, and he runs away. On the run, Occy meets a squid whose family doesn't want anything to do with him. The smaller squid makes friends with Occy. Later on, the squid gets caught by a claim jumper, who in turn in captured by Slugworth, the salt master. The little squid escapes and goes to find All-Star to help them out. Occy uses All-Star's bubble gun to capture Slugworth and his guards. The claim jumper adopts the gun and the squid as a pet.
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#5 - It's Just a Matter of Slime
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 9
All-Star meets a kelp helper who is facing a lot of trouble because of what he is. All-Star then makes friends with the kelp helper, but the grandfather is uncertain about all this. This friendship is ruined when Junior insults them. The Kelp helpers all pack up and leave. Because of all the kelp helpers leaving, Snorkland is all full of algae. Everyone has to clean up and it's all the Governor's fault. All-Star goes to the kelp helpers and apologizes to them, but they expect an apology from the governor himself. It takes a giant snorkeater terrorizing Snorkland to set the governor straight. The Kelp helpers really did make a great contribution to Snorkland after all.
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#6 - The Whole Toot and Nothing But...
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 2
Junior writes a speech for class and gets a C in it for using a lot of words and saying nothing. Tooter gets an F in speech and his parents decide to get him professional help. It is then discovered that Tooter picked up his toot from a day at work with his dad. Tooter then joins a band and gets very famous until Junior spoils it by ridiculing his speech impediment. Of course, Tooter ends up saving Junior from a Snorkeater by imitating a Snorkeater-eater. All-Star then tells Tooter's parents that everyone likes Tooter just for who he is.
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#7 - Dr. Strangesnork
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 8
Galeo displays his new invention called the Minaturizer, which shrinks things. All-Star watchs the invention, but Dr. Strangesnork steals it without All-Star looking. Occy then follows him and his cat to his laboratory. They are caught by the scientist, which turns out to be Galeo's brother. He uses the minaturizer to shrink his mind swapper to take over Snorkland, but he uses it to swap Occy's and All-Star's minds. All-Star (as Occy) tries to warn governor Wetworth about Dr. Strangesnork's plan, but he dismisses him. Occy (as All-Star) then guides Casey to Strangesnork's lab. Meanwhile, the Snorks find out that All-Star is really Occy. Dr. Strangesnork then goes to the auditorium where the Governor is giving his speech. The Snorks catch up to him, but he gets away. But not before Galeo swaps All-Stra and Occy back to their original selves.
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Biker Mice from Mars - Season 3 - Episode 8
Asphalt Jack returns to Chicago to visit Charley and friends with his fiancé, but the visit turns sour when Jack and his new cyber bike are captured and the guys must rescue him while Limburger and Brie deal with a quadruple, triple, double agent who has deals with more then just the two Plutarkians.
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#9 - Casey and the Doubleheader
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 13
Casye and Dimmy meet a Doubleheader named Red and Ed. They introduce them to All-Star and Tooter. They might by two, but they are so different in every way. Red is an avid eater and ends up eating everything in sight, even Casey's mother's flowers. Then Red makes trouble while no one is looking. In the morning, Red goes around acting like an innocent bystander. Then Galeo finds out that Red and Ed caused all the trouble. Actually, Red caused all the touble, but he sees the error of his ways when they save Casey from a waterfall.
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#11 - Allstar's Freshwater Adventure
Snorks - Season 2 - Episode 7
While having lunch, a storm blows a creature named Lucky into Snorkland. All-Star shows him around and he loses his breath. Galeo finds out that Lucky comes from a fresh water land and has to get back immediately. Lucky and All-Star go back to the current and Lucky goes back, but All-Star gets sucked in with him. All-Star meets Riverland and Lucky's parents. All-Star finds out that he cannot stand fresh water. All-Star decides to help them with their problem for things falling from above. All-Star has to go back because of the frshwater environment and he goes through the current. Back home, All-Star makes it back for Casey's aunt's show and Casey doesn't believe a word of his adventure.
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#12 - Oh Brother!
Snorks - Season 4 - Episode 29
Dr. Strangesnork is up to no good again. This time, he has invented a freezerator. Galeo invents a big telescope with a powerful range. Strangesnork and Galeo have it out about how they have always never got along. Strangesnork reveals that Galeo has always stolen his ideas and all that. Galeo tells another story, about how he wanted to be like Strangesnork for a science fair. Galeo invents glue and his brother scoffs at him, But not the science teacher. Galeo's glue is a hit and Strangesnork's invention is a miss. In the present, Galeo uses his time machine to show what really happened. It seems that Galeo was right all along, but Strangesnork tries to change the outcome in his favor. Galeo talks to his younger counterpart about his invention. Dr. Strangesnork talks to his younger counterpart about the fair. At the science fair, Strangesnork sabotages others' projects and accidentally makes Galeo's life even better.
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#13 - The Deadly Pyramid
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 7
An archaeological expedition led by Dr. Abby Sinian in search of the Lost Pyramid of Katchu Pitchu instead encounters the Pastmaster, who unearths the pyramid by himself using the equally long-lost Jeweled Headdress of Katchu Pitchu in order to reanimate the dead monarch's army of giant mummy warriors. He sends them to destroy Megakat City and kill Mayor Manx, but when one of them knocks off Callie Briggs' glasses, he notices her resemblance to to his beloved Queen Callista. He soon abducts her and tries to force her to marry him, and only the Swat Kats can stop him, aided by a friendly robot named Cybertron given to them by Professor Hackle.
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#14 - Mutation City
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 1
Dr. Viper floods Megakat City with Katalyst X-63, a ""hideous mutating ooze"" that turns normal animals into giant monsters. With the city submerged in slime and infested by huge, repulsive mutants, the Swat Kats must undertake a perilous mission to Megakat Biochemical Labs, where they must retrieve the antimutagens needed to restore everything to normal. T-Bone, who can't swim, nearly drowns in the slime, and later becomes a mutant himself when one of the creatures bites him. Worse, Dr. Viper eventually uses the katalyst on himself, turning into a skyscraper-sized monstrosity.
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#15 - Sister of the Sword
The Pirates of Dark Water - Season 2 - Episode 6
The crew is forced to go to port to buy supplies after Konk destroys what they had gathered. There, Ren bumps into Solia, Ioz's sister, who is a pickpocket with an eye to go hunt a treasure located on Arakna Island, the most dangerous island in Mer. When Ren and Ioz refuse, she steals the crew's gold and the compass and gets Konk to help her while Ren chases after her to retrieve the stolen compass.
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#16 - The Dark Disciples
The Pirates of Dark Water - Season 2 - Episode 1
The Wraith is damaged during yet another escape from Bloth and the only nearby port is Octopon, but it's in ruins and overrun by the servants of the Dark Dweller.
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#17 - The Game Players of Undaar
The Pirates of Dark Water - Season 2 - Episode 4
Two strange creatures in control of a moving island interrupt Bloth just as he is about to capture Ren. They then blackmail Ren and Bloth, chaining the two together and making them play their deadly game while competing with their best warriors while betting on the contest.
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#18 - The Origin of Dr. Viper
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 10
Dr. N. Zyme and Dr. Elrod Purvis engineer Viper Mutagen 368, a regenerative growth formula. Zyme imagines the benefits of the mutagen to mankind and tells Purvis he could not have done it without him. Purvis is uncaring, and only wants to sell the mutagen to the highest bidder and become rich. Zyme leaves the lab and Purvis steals the mutagen and its research for himself, only to be discovered by Zyme and pursued into the building's stairwell. Purvis trips down the stairs and becomes covered in the growth formula. He then collapses, supposedly dead and is taken to the morgue. Dr. Zyme discovers that the mutagen is ineffective and mutates its host into an evil monstrosity. Purvis is mutated by the formula and becomes Dr. Viper, taking his name from the mutagen itself. He then proceeds to apply the mutagen to mosquitos and honey bees to attack those responsible for his mutation.
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#19 - Katastrophe
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 1 - Episode 13
After being beaten by the Swat Kats because they were too busy fighting each other, Dark Kat and Dr. Viper decide to team up and unite against their common enemies. They recruit the Metallikats to their cause, forming the Invincible Alliance of Evil, whose only purpose is to kill the Swat Kats once and for all. Kidnapping Mayor Manx and Callie, the villains give the Swat Kats an ultimateum - surrender by sunrise or risk the deaths of the hostages. Can the Swat Kats find a way to rescue Manx and Callie without giving themselves up? And will Commander Feral lend a helping hand?
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Doug - Season 7 - Episode 14
Judy auditions for an acting admission to Vole University, and she accidentally hands in Doug's doodle to the Dean. Judy ends up accepted to Vole, but only because of Doug's doodle. Judy is okay with it until the Dean asks her to draw examples for a class. Meanwhile, Doug tags along with Judy and finds out what he really wants to do with the rest of his life as he waits for the results from a drawing talent contest.
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#21 - The Living Treasure
The Pirates of Dark Water - Season 2 - Episode 8
After a long period of no luck with locating the Eighth Treasure, the crew's luck changes, and they find it--in the shape of a living being, a little blue furry creature--on an island of vicious, man-hating Amazon-like warrior women that take Ren and Ioz captive but allow Tula to join their ranks.
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Biker Mice from Mars - Season 3 - Episode 11
Limburger is ready to use a new device, a Tug Transformer, to bring Earth into orbit of Plutark.
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#23 - Caverns of Horror
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 8
The Megakat Metallurgical Company has some problems: several of their miners have gone missing deep in the company's agracite mines. The Enforcers are called in to investigate by Taylor, the company's mining foreman, with Ann Gora tagging along incognito as a miner. When she too disappears, it's up to the Swat Kats, with help from Lt. Felina Feral, to enter the mines and find her. They soon discover the root of the problem, too - a horde of giant scorpions mutated by toxic waste that was illegally dumped by Megakat Metallurgical's president, Tiger Conklin.
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Biker Mice from Mars - Season 3 - Episode 12
Limburger is about to make Earth one of the newest moons of Plutark as the Biker Mice reveal to Charley about the time they dealt with the same problem back on Mars.
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#25 - Twenty Thousand Screams Under the Sea
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 1 - Episode 9
In Acapulco, the Sea Beast of the Aztecs rises and scares away all the divers. Of course the gang have to investigate.
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#26 - Swat Kats Unplugged
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 6
A hyena-like villain named Chopshop (voiced by Nick Chinlund) is being pursued by the SWAT Kats in his highly advanced helicopter. After a brief but intense aerial dogfight, the SWAT Kats manage to subdue Chopshop and hand him over to the Enforcers. Ann Gora interviews them and Razor comments on having the help of their high-tech gadgetry. Meanwhile, Hard Drive has somehow escaped and steals a recently invented anti-weapons scrambler from Pumadyne scientist Dr. Ohm. With this, Hard Drive prepares to steal the gold being transferred from the Megakat Mint to the City's banks on the newly constructed Megakat Railway. The SWAT Kats come to stop him, but all of their weapons are disabled by the weapons scramber. It is up to T-Bone and Razor to outwit rather than outgun their opponent and retrieve the gold.
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Doug - Season 7 - Episode 1
One of Doug's New Years resolution is to tell Patti how he feels about her. But when Doug realizes he hasn't done that yet, he decides that giving her a kiss at Beebe's New Years Eve party will do it. So Doug rents movies and uses balloons for practice. At the party, midnight is approaching and Doug finds out that Patti left Beebe's party to go to other parties with Guy. It looks like Guy had the same plans for Patti as Doug did. Meanwhile, Roger tries to break his own record of how many girls to kiss at midnight and Judy hates all the New Years celebration.
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#28 - Bride of the Pastmaster
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 1 - Episode 6
While in the middle of a battle against sea monsters who are attacking KatCo oil tankers, the Swat Kats become caught in of the Pastmaster's time portals, which appears out of nowhere and pulls them back into medieval times. There they find the evil wizard in the midst of laying siege to Megalith City, Megakat City's Dark Ages counterpart, with an army of mythological monsters (dragons, cyclopes, etc.) in an effort to force its ruler, Queen Callista, Callie Briggs' lookalike ancestor, to marry him. And that's not the only romantic complication! When Callista sees Razor pull a certain sword from a certain stone, she falls in love with him, causing T-Bone to become jealous.
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#29 - The Ci-Kat-A
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 1 - Episode 11
Hitching a ride aboard the deep space probe Kat Sat 1, cicada-like aliens with pointed, cat-like ears take over the M.A.S.A. Space Center, biting the Kat Sat 1's creator, astronomer Dr. Harley Street, and others, turning them into literally bug-eyed slaves as part of their plan for world conquest. Ann Gora, seeking an interview with Dr. Street regarding the success of the Kat Sat 1, stumbles onto their plans and is quick to alert the authorities. It's up to the SWAT Kats (who else?) to thwart the invasion, with poor T-Bone fighting his fear of bugs every step of the way.
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#30 - Volcanus Erupts!
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 9
Mayor Manx and Mr. Young plan to build an industrial park on tropical Anakata Island, but a bulldozer accidentally plows into and breaks breaks the sacred Talisman Stone, which is said to keep the demon Volcanus asleep within the island's central volcano. Naturally, the beast is soon set free and heads towards the mainland with the intent of smashing everything in sight. Only the Swat Kats can stop him, but Volcanus is impervious to almost everything! Can he be stopped before he destroys the Megakat Nuclear Plant?
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#31 - The Ransom of Scooby Chief
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 1 - Episode 16
Scooby visits his old neighbourhood where Scrappy hangs out with his old pals, Duke and Annie. As Scrappy reunites with his friends, Scooby and Shaggy are kidnapped and it's up to Scappy and his pals to rescue them.
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#32 - A Bright and Shiny Future
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 2 - Episode 2
The Pastmaster returns and sends the Swat Kats through one of his time portals and into Megakat City's future, where Mac and Molly Mange rule a nightmare world of killer robots (called ""Metallitack Units""), confining ""non-metallic creatures"" to slave labor camps, and the vigilantes' friends are rebel freedom-fighters. But the worst part is that the Swat Kats' future selves are dead, killed by the Metallikats when they took over. Now, it's up to the pilots from the past to set things right. But when the older Callie and Mayor Manx are kidnapped by the Metallitack Units, the Swat Kats form an uneasy alliance with the Pastmaster, who wants revenge against Mac and Molly for doublecrossing him. Together with Commander Feral and Felina, they storm Metallikat Headquarters.
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#33 - The Soul Stealer
The Pirates of Dark Water - Season 2 - Episode 7
Bloth comes up with a new plan after talking to a soothsaying creature who says that Ren is the only one destined to collect the treasures. He decides to become Ren by swapping bodies with him using a potion made by Morpho. He manages to catch Ren, but not without Niddler who he makes Konk swap bodies with to avoid suspicion. The potion has a drawback that any mirror will show their true identities.
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#34 - The Giant Bacteria
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 1 - Episode 2
The swamp-dwelling Dr. Viper mutates his fellow evildoer Morbulus into a hulking bacteria blob following Morbulus' humiliating defeat by the Swat Kats. The bacteria monster then goes on a rampage through Megakat City, inconveniently dividing into two anytime it's hit. Viper's plan is for the monsters to break into the supposedly impenetrable Megakat Biochemical Labs and steal Katalyst 99, a rare biochemical compound he wants. With normal weapons ineffective against the giant bacteria, the Swat Kats quickly discover that the creatures have one weakness: electricity.
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#35 - The Pastmaster Always Rings Twice
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 1 - Episode 1
Two grave robbers accidentally release the Pastmaster from his 800-year imprisonment within the Casket of the Ages. Disgusted with the modern era, he steals his spellbook, the Tome of Time, from the Megakat City Museum of History and attempts to magically transform the metropolis back to the medieval state he prefers. He summons dinosaurs through a magical time vortex to act as his bodyguards, one of whom knocks the Swat Kats through the portal and into the prehistoric era. Low on time and fuel, the Swat Kats must figure out a way to get back to the present-day Megakat City to stop the Pastmaster.
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#36 - Enter the Madkat
Swat Kats: The Radical Squadron - Season 1 - Episode 12
Comedian Lenny Ringtail, whose mind snapped after he lost the title of ""King of Late Night"" to his rival David Litterbin, allows himself to be possessed by the ghost of Madkat, a jester who suffered a similar rejection hundreds of years ago. The result is a wisecracking, shapeshifting harlequin who uses his magical powers to kidnap the ""King,"" ""Queen,"" ""Knight"" and ""Jester,"" or Mayor Manx, Callie Briggs, Commander Feral and Litterbin, respectively, imprisoning all but Callie within a magic puzzle box and vanishing into thin air before the Swat Kats can stop him. Can they find his weakness in time to save Callie?
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Small Wonder - Season 2 - Episode 15
To make his dad's ""button-pusher"" job seem important to his friends, Jamie hints that Ted is head of a top-secret project -- which even Ted's jealous boss, Brandon, believes.
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#38 - Smurfs That Time Forgot (Act 1 + 2)
The Smurfs - Season 9 - Episode 1
A baby dinosaur is brought into the present time and the Smurfs try to get him back by a magic key. This the first part of the story arc which also includes "Cave Smurfs". This episode was originally featured as a three-part episode and was later broken into two separately titled episodes when it was aired in syndication. Parts 1 and 2 were combined into a single episode, retaining the original title, while Part 3 became "Lost In The Ages".

#39 - Scooby's Desert Dilemma
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 2 - Episode 4
The gang are in Arabia where they meet an evil magician who wants to practice his black magic on the three tourists.
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#40 - The Mummies of Malenque
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest - Season 2 - Episode 1
The Quests find a devastating plague that destroyed an ancient tribe.
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#41 - Rage's Burning Wheel
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest - Season 1 - Episode 4
When Ezekiel Rage hijacks a space shuttle commanded by Dr. Quest and Hadji, Jonny and Jessie must stop Rage's minions who have taken over Mission Control.
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#42 - The Night Ghoul of Wonderworld
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 1 - Episode 2
The gang buys Velma her fantasy, which is to be "Watson for a day" to a robotic Sherlock Holmes in a futuristic Londonworld at the Wonderworld amusement park. Although it's all supposed to be a game, there really is a crime to be solved.
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#43 - Cyberswitch
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest - Season 2 - Episode 6
The insane Surd finds a way to switch bodies with Race and is ready to go on a rampage using his new identity. And now it is easier for him to kill Benton Quest (who can reverse the process).
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#44 - Ezekiel Rage
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest - Season 1 - Episode 9
A man named Ezekiel Rage seeks vengeance because of the tragic loss of his family in a covert operation when he was a government agent. And the Quest Team gets in his way...
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#45 - The Dark Mountain
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest - Season 2 - Episode 5
The Quest team believes that the Canadian legend - Bigfoot is roaming in the Quest compound stealing electronic devices. They try to find out what is going on as hunters bag themselves an exotic trophy.
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#46 - Muscle Trouble
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 4 - Episode 17
Against Shaggy's will, the gang is involved in a dangerous sailboat race with Muscles Malone.
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#47 - Bloodlines
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest - Season 2 - Episode 3
Hadja goes to Calcutta to find his adoptive father and stumbles across the truth about his past.
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#48 - Sir Scooby and the Black Knight
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 2 - Episode 18
On a Scotland trip, Scooby encounters a Black Knight.
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#49 - Long John Scrappy
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 2 - Episode 12
A pirate kidnaps Scrappy, and Scooby and Shaggy try their best to rescue him.
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#50 - The Incredible Cat Lady Caper
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo - Season 4 - Episode 31
The gang tries to stop a lady Cat Burglar.
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