The BEST episodes written by Gary David Goldberg

Mel's in Love
3 votes

#1 - Mel's in Love

Alice - Season 1 - Episode 15

Mel falls in love with a young nature hiker from New Jersey.

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“A”, My Name is Alex (2)
13 votes

#2 - “A”, My Name is Alex (2)

Family Ties - Season 5 - Episode 24

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“A”, My Name is Alex (1)
14 votes

#3 - “A”, My Name is Alex (1)

Family Ties - Season 5 - Episode 23

When Alex's friend Greg dies in a car accident, Alex is thrown into a state of shock and begins to seriously question the meaning and purpose of his own life. Having been asked to accompany his friend on the fatal trip and refusing because it wasn't convenient, he is overcome by guilt. He tries to fathom why he was spared in the face of such selfishness, and begins to have encounters with Greg's ghost. His family urges him to get help. Alex seeks the counsel of a monk, Father Timothy, about changing his life, but ultimately decides against joining the order because of the chastity vow, Still hallucinating and tortured, Alex agrees to see a psychiatrist. In trying to come to terms with Greg's death, he talks about his life-long love of money and experiences flashbacks which reveal periods of his "selfish" past. During these flashbacks, Alex asks the various members of his family how they feel about their lives and about death, and comes to a new appreciation of them as individuals.

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The Way We Were
9 votes

#4 - The Way We Were

Family Ties - Season 6 - Episode 9

The Keatons are surprised, but delighted, when Elyse's Aunt Rosemary shows up for a visit. Although Rosemary claims to have sent a letter and spoken with Mallory about her arrival, the mix-up is quickly forgotten as the family warmly welcomes their loving and favorite aunt. Rosemary charms the Keatons with her wit, humor and wonderful family stories. But soon, she begins to act strangely to simple questions, and Elyse starts to worry when Rosemary begins repeating things that have just been discussed. Finally, Rosemary admits that she has been having trouble with her memory and has no idea how she even got to the Keaton home. A trip to the doctor confirms beyond any doubt that Rosemary has Alzheimer's disease, which will get progressively worse and ultimately, render her helpless. Stunned by this tragic news, Rosemary nevertheless refuses to despair, determined to make the most of the time she has left. Both she and the Keatons rise to the challenge courageously, as she passes the f

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661 votes

#5 - Pilot

Spin City - Season 1 - Episode 1

Michael Flaherty and his team grapple with a garbage strike and a political gaffe by the Mayor who accidentally insults gays. In addition, Ashley questions Mike's commitment to their relationship when is nervous about moving in together.

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Baby, it's Cold Outside
449 votes

#6 - Baby, it's Cold Outside

M*A*S*H - Season 7 - Episode 9

While everyone is complaining about the record cold snap, Charles becomes the most unpopular man in camp, when his parents send him a winter-ized polar suit that he insists on flaunting in front of everyone.

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158 votes

#7 - Pilot

Family Ties - Season 1 - Episode 1

The smitten Alex is thrilled at the thought of escorting pretty, budding socialite Kimberly Blanton to her country club's dance, but Steven and Elyse are appalled that their son would set foot in a restricted club and agonize over whether to impose their values on him. Kimberly's status-conscience, snobbish ways were immediately apparent when she had dinner with the Keatons. Alex is intent on impressing her with fabricated tales of his family's heritage and wealth. Alex's "I'm not out to change the world" attitude clashed with that of his parents, who retain the ideals of the Woodstock generation. On the night of the dance, Steven shows up at the Carleton Country Club in an effort to persuade the horrified Alex to come home. Later, when father and son air their feelings at home, each is able to understand, if not accept, the other's point of view.

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Give Uncle Arthur a Kiss
41 votes

#8 - Give Uncle Arthur a Kiss

Family Ties - Season 1 - Episode 6

Mallory is horrified and confused when a close family friend and older business associate of her father, Steven, makes a pass at her. Arthur Cantrell has been a good friend of the Keaton's since the kids were toddlers. Steven has even written an on-air tribute to his admired colleague, who is about to change jobs. However, Cantrell's mid-life transitional period goes beyond his career, and there's no mistaking his moves toward Mallory at the station's fund-raiser. When the embarrassed teenager reveals the situation, her parents must confront their friend and urge him to seek professional help.

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Love is the Blindest
12 votes

#9 - Love is the Blindest

The Bob Newhart Show - Season 5 - Episode 14

Bob watches in amazement as one of his patients supports a blossoming romance with a tissue of lies.

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4 votes

#10 - Murder

Lou Grant - Season 2 - Episode 5

Billie is upset because her story, about a courageous black woman who is slain in her own apartment, is relegated to the back pages while Rossi's story, about an elderly white woman who fights off burglars, makes the front page.

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Et Tu, Carol?
13 votes

#11 - Et Tu, Carol?

The Bob Newhart Show - Season 5 - Episode 6

Both Bob's receptionist and a Buddha figure with a clock in its navel give the psychologist a hard time.

4 votes

#12 - Schools

Lou Grant - Season 2 - Episode 7

Lou, Charlie, and Donovan interview students from an inner city school for the purpose of awarding a college scholarship to a journalism major. While Charlie and Donovan recommend a straight-A student, Lou pushes for a student who kicked a drug habit and got tutoring to improve his grades. Rossi and Billie uncover disturbing trends of violence at the same inner city school.

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I Know Jennifer's Boyfriend
54 votes

#13 - I Know Jennifer's Boyfriend

Family Ties - Season 1 - Episode 3

Peer pressure to shun the opposite sex causes 9-year-old Jennifer to give up her friendship with Justin Perkins, but thanks to her mother Elyse, the kids come together at a jitterbugging "Nifty Fifties" birthday party. Jennifer is upset by threats from little girls who say they won't be her friend as long as she associates with Justin. Finally she capitulates. In a mother-daughter talk with Jennifer, Elyse explains the importance of developing good friendships with boys. Jennifer's "Nifty Fifties" birthday party begins with the boys on one side of the room and the girls on the other, but with a little encouragement from Steven and Elyse and a ladies' choice dance, the kids get into the swing of things.

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2 votes

#14 - Scam

Lou Grant - Season 2 - Episode 15

Looking for a place to invest a $5,000 windfall, Lou gets a shocking look at white collar crime when he uncovers a clever financial scheme run by a sharp con man. He learns there are shady characters only too willing to put his money in their pockets, but has trouble convincing at least one victim ? Charlie Hume ? of what's going on.

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2 votes

#15 - Home

Lou Grant - Season 2 - Episode 19

A helpless old lady in a wheelchair is dumped in a county office because of a bureaucratic wrangle, and this sets the staff onto a searing Tribune expose of shoddy nursing home practices. Billie gets a job at a nursing home for a shocking insider's report on care for the elderly, while Lou learns from a retired hat maker that, in too many cases, this country's old people are regarded as non-persons.

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2 votes

#16 - Witness

Lou Grant - Season 3 - Episode 8

The unwilling Billie finds herself in the protective custody of a male chauvinist policeman because of what she knows in a grand jury case involving a popular game show host. Lou also learns about the irony of the law when he tries to be a Good Samaritan and painfully ends up as a target in a damage suit.

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The Mentor
10 votes

#17 - The Mentor

The Bob Newhart Show - Season 5 - Episode 22

A despondent friend accepts Bob's suggestion and turns the psychologist's reception area into a mini-Polynesian village.